For this characteristic of Yuanjing, Yuanjing is also unable to explain its principle to others, so people from Yuanjing's family use the awe-inspiring title of 'one born to know'.

It means - a sage who knows everything from birth.

It is precisely because Yuanjing has such characteristics that the Yuanjia, who has always had a deep connection with religion, thinks that he is a child bestowed by the gods and Buddhas, and has no objection to his succession to the position of Patriarch in the future.

Facing the other party's declaration that he wanted to take his own body, Yuan Jing didn't take it seriously at all.

For him who has already seen the real identity of the other party, she absolutely cannot do such a thing.

"Don't be fooled by her, Qianhua." Yuan Jing said comfortingly as he shook the girl's trembling hand because of fear, "In this world, there are no ghosts or heroic spirits, and resurrection of the dead is even more impossible. things."

"Didn't you already know that what has been troubling the Yuan family is actually a special kind of 'schizophrenia'." He looked at the 'Men Laiguang' whose face suddenly darkened, and pouted at her, saying : "This is the so-called 'cause'."

"The original Minamoto Raimitsu, fearing the coming of death, asked the eight hundred bhikkhunis [Immortality and Immortality] about the secret method of longevity," Yuanjing repeated the secret that Chika Fujiwara had told him, "and this is the ultimate secret of that secret method." product."

"It's just a second personality who thinks he's the original 'Menamitsu'."

The so-called trial of Wanjianlou is nothing more than using a special environment and means to allow oneself to form a second personality based on the memory of the original Minamoto Yorimitsu.

This second personality will lurk under the main personality, subtly affect the main personality, and eventually replace it.

This is also the reason why all the Patriarchs of the Yuan Family, after passing this trial, shared the name 'Men Lai Guang'.

Yuan Jing is not a philosopher, and he has no intention of distinguishing whether the "immortality" obtained through this method is really "immortality".

He didn't need to think about it either.

Now, since the boss has shown his blood bar, as the 'protagonist', he has only one thing to do.

After taking off the black gown on his body and putting it on Chika Fujiwara, Yuan Jing began to move his body joints.

He wants to expel this 'demon' that has haunted the Yuan family for thousands of years from his mother's body.

This is his gratitude.

Chapter 1 Is the past better than the present?Pure nonsense! (2/[-])

"As expected of a 'born to know', he was able to see through my essence at once." After Yuan Jing called out his identity, 'Muen Laiguang' did not show anger, but instead revealed that 'it should be like this' expression', "[I] is really lucky enough to be able to pick up such an existence as you."

'Men Laimitsu' seems to blame Yuan Jing's ability to judge his own nature so quickly on some 'born person'.

In one respect, this statement is not wrong.

This world is the realization of the game played by Yuanjing, and Minamoto Raimitsu, as a mod character, has a prototype.

That is the great hero Minamoto Raimitsu in the Xingyue world who has truly accomplished such great feats as killing demons and beating ghosts.

But unlike the Xingyue world, which is extremely mysterious, this world does not support the existence of such things as "heroic spirits".

Because of this, her background became Minamoto's descendants, and the non-existent Minamoto's family that guarded Minamoto's tomb was created in this way.

However, these changes are all compromises made to conform to the worldview, and those parts that do not need to be changed will naturally remain the same.

For example, the exquisite martial arts, the physical fitness that is almost at the peak of human beings, and the most important person he regards as his own child and the almost pathological desire to possess and control them.

These have all been preserved almost exactly.

And this naturally includes the second personality.

Minamoto Larimitsu in Xingyue World has a second personality named 'Ugly Gozen'.

And the same is true of Minamoto Larimitsu, who is a copy of this world.

So when he heard Chika Fujiwara say 'the Minamoto family has been suffering from a very special [split personality disorder]', he didn't show much surprise.

Because he actually had a similar speculation a long time ago, and what Fujiwara Chika told him only made him more certain about it.

This knowledge originated from his previous life, so it is naturally considered 'inborn knowledge'.

"According to the records of the Fujiwara family, in order to grant Minamoto Yorimitsu the secret of immortality, the Yabaichuni built a building for him, which is the 'Wanjian Building' standing in the main family."



While talking, Yuan Jing is also slowly adjusting his breathing rhythm to get himself into the best state.

The enemy he will face next is not the group of rotten fish and shrimps from the Shinomiya family.

Although it is only a degraded version, he can basically be sure that the great hero from a thousand years ago has definitely stepped into the realm called [Lv. MAX] by the system.

"The branch left behind by Minamoto Raimiko of the first generation is said to be guarding the tomb for him, but it is actually guarding the Wanjian Building, right?"

"And the so-called trial of Wanjian Tower is actually to cultivate a second personality called 'Men Laiguang' in my heart by living in the special environment of Wanjian Tower."

"Although I have never entered the so-called Wanjian Building, I can actually roughly guess the method used by the Eight Hundred Bhikkhuni." ' technique.

"Hypnosis, cognitive dislocation, memory transplantation... Anyway, these are almost the tricks used."

As Minamoto's descendants, the Minamoto family's perception of this ancestor can only be described as 'fanatic'.

Just like the ancient Hua Kingdom's "invoke God's upper body", this kind of fanatic has a huge loophole in the spiritual aspect.

Coupled with the special environment and means, as well as Minamoto Yorimitsu's legendary and infectious feats, this has created this miracle that cannot be replicated at all.

"That is to say, as long as I don't take half a step into that Wanjian Building, the things that live in that building can't take away my body." The look on his face finally lost his calmness before, and became menacing.

The confrontation between the two actually started long ago.

"Not only that, but now that the truth is known, there is no need for the 'Wanjian Building' to continue to exist." Yuan Jing sprayed the poison recklessly, "Being burned or flattened by rocks, I don't know which one you prefer How to die?"

Wanjian Building is the source of this personality, just like the soul box where the Lich keeps his soul, this is the most important place for him.

As long as this place is destroyed, this deformed 'immortality' will no longer exist.

This is what Yuanjing found, the seven inches of 'Yuan Laiguang'.

"...It's up to you." Standing at the door, Minamoto Raimitsu stretched his hand to his waist, holding the handle of her long knife that never left her body.

"You shouldn't say such things to anger me." After drawing out the pool of autumn water, she looked at Yuanjing, her eyes were full of coldness.

"Did you know? Fanatical belief is not a necessary condition. If you want to create a spiritual loophole, hunger and pain can also do it." She raised her sword and pointed the tip of the sword at Yuanjing, "As someone who disobeyed me For the price, I will break your limbs, starve you for three days and three nights, and then throw you into that place."

"At that time, I hope your mouth can still be so hard."

In a hurry, she is in a hurry.

Gently pushed Fujiwara Chika's shoulder, and the latter understood immediately.

After looking at Yuan Jing worriedly, Chika Fujiwara bit her lower lip, and ran towards the place behind Yuan Jing without saying a word.

She is not the kind of princess who can't see the situation clearly and likes to die according to her own temperament or act like a baby.

She knew exactly what to do and when.

Now is not the time to be greedy for the warmth of Yuanjing's body. As an existence whose force value is close to 0, she cannot accept being a burden and burden on Yuanjing.

If Yuan Jing loses due to her own reasons, she will never forgive herself for the rest of her life!

"I know what you mean by what you said just now." Looking at the back of the pink-haired girl, Minamoto Raimiko's words were full of sarcasm. atmosphere?"

Her current body belongs to Yuan Jing's mother.

This is the so-called 'hostage'.

And if she escapes with this 'hostage', Yuan Jing will go and destroy Wanjian Building.

This is what is implied in his words.

"I just don't understand a little bit," 'Minaraikou' narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why do you think that I will definitely lose to you?"

"That goes without saying," Yuan Jing grinned, his face full of confidence——

"Because you are far worse than your mother, Old Antique!"


Compared with Minamoto Raimitsu, which one is stronger or weaker?

In games and animations, this way of changing personality is generally called "transition stage" or "two-stage transformation".

The new form obtained in this way is generally an upgrade of the previous stage, that is to say, the boss will become stronger in this way.

However, Minamoto Raimitsu's change of stage was undoubtedly weakened.

If you want to measure the strength of a warrior, you can actually compare it from three aspects, namely [heart], [skill] and [body].

The former Minamoto Raimitsu, in addition to being lacking in [heart], his [skill] and [body] are impeccable.

As long as she can overcome her spiritual defects, she can definitely step into the world of [Lv.MAX] just like the first generation.

If Yuan Jing's opponent is still Minamoto Laiguang, he can say that he has no chance of winning.

But if it's 'Minami Raimitsu', it's quite different.

As a ghost residing on the Wanjian Building, "it" has been frozen at the moment it was built.

On the one hand, the technology of the eight hundred bhikkhunis has been lost, and the Yuan family can only maintain the Wanjian Building, but cannot make changes to it.

On the other hand, what 'it' carries is the ambition of the original Minamoto Raimitsu, and it is a replica of his personality and memory.Any slight tampering is a magazine, an 'impurity' that will shake the meaning of its existence.

Only after boarding in another person's body every time can the relevant knowledge be updated through the frozen personality.

Minamoto Raimitsu thousands of years ago has undoubtedly stepped into that state, and his [mind], [skill], and [body] have all been perfected.

However, that was, after all, a thousand years ago.

In the real world, there is no such thing as 'the older something is, the stronger it is'.

Martial arts, like science and technology, will continue to evolve with the development of the times.If you let the Martial Saint from thousands of years ago cross time and space, and fight with the modern Martial Saint, then there is almost no suspense for the latter's victory.

After staying in Minamoto's body, this second personality has been suppressed by its master personality and has been in a deep sleep. There are very few opportunities to wake up, and there is no chance to let go of the old and learn the new.

What it uses is still the old formula that was outdated thousands of years ago.

In addition, that is the current Minamoto Raimitsu, who is completely unfamiliar with this body.

When waking up, 'it' once subconsciously glanced at it, showing a dissatisfied expression.

What is 'it' dissatisfied with?

Obviously, it was Minamoto's plump curves.

Minamoto Raimitsu's figure is undoubtedly No.1 among all the women that Minamoto has come into contact with!

Such a figure is naturally as attractive as poppies to men, but overly plump breasts and buttocks are a complete hindrance to warriors.

Amazon female warriors even cut off one side of their organs for the convenience of bending their bows and setting arrows.This shows how cumbersome an organ capable of feeding a baby really is.

Minamoto Larimitsu can overcome this shortcoming by relying on years of experience and habits in martial arts, but 'it' can't.

'It' has absolutely no experience in this area!

That is to say, the current 'Men Raimitsu', only the [heart] is qualified, its [skill] has already fallen behind the times, and the aspect of [body] cannot be compared with Minamoto Raimitsu.

If the two match up, Minamoto Raimitsu will definitely kill the guy who is currently occupying her body.

For Yuan Jing, although he has been stuck because of more than ten years of practice, his mind, skill and body are already at the peak of Lv.3.

This is also the capital for him to dare to challenge 'Men Laiguang' and confidently win the battle.


The face of 'Minaraikou' became more and more deserted, and the sound of 'Old Antique' from Yuan Jing was poking at his heart, and his mood became worse again.

At this time, the fireworks all over the sky have been set off, and the splendid trajectory has already disappeared, leaving only the stars and the bright moon in the sky, watching the two people on the rooftop.

Not interested in arguing with this sharp-tongued young man anymore, 'Yuan Laiguang' kicked his feet hard on the ground, and through the dim environment, she appeared in front of Yuan Jing like a ghost.

Her sword pointed straight at Yuanjing's throat.

A shot is a killer move to take people's lives!

As a person who came from the Heian era when human lives were worthless, she didn't hesitate at all about taking other people's lives.

If Yuan Jing can't take it, it means that he is only 'this level', and she won't even have the slightest regret.

This is a sword as fast as lightning!

The whole body of 'Minaraikou' seemed to be as light as a feather, completely attached to the sword, as if the sword was pulling her to move, not she was using the sword.

In the rules of handling the sword, there has always been the saying "use the sword like a dragon", which means that using a sword is like controlling a dragon, and people have to ride on the dragon and fly all over the sky.It is dragons that fly, not people.

The sword of 'Yuan Laiguang' is the true portrayal of this sentence.

But Yuan Jing is not afraid of Kuaijian.

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