People need a bottom line.

This is especially true for Yuanjing, which has a proficiency system.

Although he was highly regarded by others, the young man was not dazzled by this, and thus indulged the beast in his heart and became reckless.

In this world, he can do too much, but he can't do too little.As the beloved "protagonist" of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, if he, as the son of the world, really wants to do something, then it can be said that almost nothing can stump him.

But because of this, he needs self-control even more.

This bottle of sweet poisonous wine is extremely addictive, as long as you take a sip after opening it, it will be hard to forget the sweet taste.

Then there will be a second mouth, a third mouth, a fourth mouth, and countless mouths after that.

The person who drank heavily with the wine of corruption would eventually turn into a pathetic and abominable appearance that was despised by his previous self, which he himself could not have predicted at all.

Yuan Jing has never regarded himself as a saint, and he has never had any inexplicable confidence in his own self-control.

He didn't know if he would be able to return the prodigal son in time and rein in the precipice after having tasted the taste of depravity.

He didn't want to have this chance to know either.

Therefore, even though he fully possessed this ability, Yuan Jing didn't take any life.

Because this group of people is not worthy of him breaking his bottom line.

Yuan Jing, who was wearing a black gown, was standing by the window outside the Lamb Club House, watching the big screen in the distance through the transparent window.

The [Archery] skill that has reached Lv.3 has given him the powerful eyesight of a falcon, so although the distance from the electronic screen is not close at all, Yuan Jing can still see the pictures displayed on the screen. Clearly.

Now the 'Hundred Trials' has entered the second half, and what is displayed on the screen is a picture of a baseball field.

Minamoto Raimitsu's next challenge is the baseball club.

She seems to be single-handedly crushing the baseball club.

Minamoto Raimitsu had never played baseball, and he knew nothing about its rules.

For this point, Yuan Jing, who is his adopted son, is naturally quite clear.

And, unlike kendo, sumo, javelin, running, etc., baseball is a team sport.

It has extremely high requirements for the close cooperation between members.

Baseball is a very popular sport in Sakurajima, which can be seen from the exorbitant salary of professional baseball players.

Sakurajima's most profitable sports are baseball and football, which are tied for first place, followed by horse racing and basketball.

And the baseball club of St. Eden Academy is naturally not mediocre, they are regular visitors to Koshien, and they are the favorites to win the championship almost every year.

There is almost no suspense in such a professional match against a layman, and it is still a one-to-one contest.

But Yuanjing didn't feel any doubt about his mother's victory.

The picture on the screen switched, and the image of Minamoto Raimitsu replaced the previous bird's-eye view of the baseball field.

She didn't even change her attire, she was still wearing that purple kimono, which was extremely luxurious but not suitable for sports at first glance.

With a bat in one hand, she was listening absent-mindedly to Lilicia Todo explaining the rules of baseball to her.

A pair of purple eyes like autumn water are looking around, as if looking for something in the auditorium next to the baseball field.

Suddenly, Yuan Laiguang's eyes stopped moving for a moment, as if she had finally locked on to the target, she looked in one direction, and suddenly exuded an extremely fierce aura from all over her body.

Minamoto Raimitsu was born extremely beautiful, and now she is at the most beautiful time of a woman, even if she is described as "overwhelming country and city", it is not an exaggeration.

However, if you see Minamoto Raimitsu's expression at this time, you won't be able to feel any reverie or whimsy at all, instead you can only feel a fear emanating from the depths of your heart.

This is the most fundamental human fear of something that is utterly invincible, inscribed in our DNA.

Minamoto Raimitsu did not make any extremely exaggerated expressions.

She doesn't need something like 'Yan Yi' to show her terror.

The face that was so indifferent that there was no expression, and the eyes that were as cold as ice, seemed to be staring at a dead person.

"Crunch, crunch."

Even in such a noisy cultural festival, such a penetrating voice was still transmitted to everyone's ears through the microphone next to her and the effect of the loudspeaker.

Such a teeth-stinging voice seemed to lower the temperature of the entire St. Eden Academy by a few degrees.

That was the overwhelmed sound of the baseball bat in Minamoto Raimiko's hand.

The baseball bats used in baseball have been divided into wooden bats and aluminum bats before.However, with the development of technology, the baseball club of St. Eden Academy now uses composite bats called [compression bats], [synthetic bats] or [bamboo bats].

This kind of bat made of poplar wood, maple wood and bamboo chips is polymerized and compressed, which combines the advantages of wood bats and aluminum bats - like a wooden bat, it has better elasticity and is not easy to break, and the strength of the swing will not be lost to aluminum rod.

Therefore it is gradually becoming a mainstream tool in baseball called Sakurajima.

But at this moment, this composite bat, which can theoretically withstand high-intensity sports for several years or even ten years, is crying out in pain.

In Minamoto's slender hand, it was being bent into an extremely bad angle, and then——

'Boom! '

Its body and head were separated, and it was broken in two extremely tragically.

Minamoto Raimitsu squeezed this almost brand-new baseball bat into two pieces only by subconsciously clenching with one hand. Is this really a human being, not some monster or ghost?

After the 'crack' sounded, the entire bustling baseball stadium was silent for a moment.

Everyone swallowed involuntarily.

In this more than half a day, they have seen too many things that completely exceeded their imagination.

They originally thought that they would not be surprised anymore no matter what this person who looks like a peerless beauty who is all over the world, but inside is a god or a ghost does something.

But such a scene still somewhat broke their psychological threshold.

Moreover, unlike the relaxed freehand brushwork in the morning, Minamoto Yorimitsu's mood in the afternoon can be said to be deteriorating.

Every time she appeared like she was looking for something everywhere, and then suddenly stood still, her mood would immediately turn bad.

It's not that no one has ever wondered what she noticed, but the "Hundred Trials" has progressed to this point, and has become the most dazzling star on the first day of the St. Eden Academy Cultural Festival.

There are more and more people following her steps, and it is impossible to accurately locate the person or thing she is looking at.

Everyone only knows that Minamoto Raimitsu is becoming more and more calm.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see what kind of turbulent waves are gathering under this calm.

For this point, no one knows better than Todou Lilicia, who has always been by Minamoto's side.

As a descendant of a famous family, Fujido Lilicia certainly has heard about the identity of the woman in front of her.Although relying on the kindness of Fujiwara Chika and her pride as the head of the Information Department, she took the job with a pat on the chest, but as the project progressed, she couldn't help but feel a little trembling.

"Ms. Yuan, Ms. Yuan," she stopped explaining, and carefully reminded this peerless beauty who was staring at something, "The baseball bat in your hand——"

She couldn't go on.

After hearing her words, Minamoto Raimiko's eyes turned around and met her eyes for a moment.

'To, to be killed! ! ! '

This was Fujido Lilicia's first feeling.

As a reporter and writer, she naturally used words such as 'killing eyes' in her articles, but just today, she finally had a very deep understanding of it.

Fortunately, Minamoto Raimitsu was still trying to restrain the sense of darkness surging in his heart, although he was extremely upset.

Those purple eyes, although they are no longer as crystal clear as in the morning, but at least they still maintain a certain clarity.

After noticing the baseball bat in his hand that had been broken into two pieces, Minamoto Raimitsu blinked a few times, then let go of his hand, and threw it aside as if throwing garbage.

"Is the introduction of the rules over? Then let's start." Pulling out a new baseball bat from the side, there was no trace of emotion in Minamoto's words.

"I'm in a hurry."

Fujido Lilicia didn't ask Minamoto Raimiko what he was in a hurry to do.

She doesn't have that courage.

However, thinking of the other party's absent-minded appearance before, Fujidou Lilicia couldn't help feeling a little worried——

"Do you really understand what I mean by the rules of baseball?"

Out of a sense of responsibility, she still asked.

"Well, of course." After weighing the baseball bat in his hand a little, Minamoto Raimitsu waved it in the air a few times, as if he was trying the feel of this new bat.

But unlike a baseball batter, she doesn't use a 'swing' to use the stick, which is about as long as an arm.

On the contrary, it is more like 'cutting'.

"That is to say, I want to be a hitter first, and hit back the thing called [baseball] thrown by the pitcher to make it incapacitated."

"Then turn it around and be a pitcher and use a baseball to knock a batter unconscious, right?"

Absolutely wrong!

Why aim to make others incapacitated or unconscious?What kind of killer baseball is this!

Todou Lilicia shouted in her heart.


The equipment of St. Eden Academy is quite good, and Yuanjing's eyesight is far beyond that of ordinary people, so he can see the state of Minamoto Raimitsu very clearly from the screen.

'not enough. 'After inspecting it for a while, Yuanjing sighed softly in his heart.

Right at this moment-


The door of the Lamb Society was opened.

Shinomiya Kaguya stepped out of it, attracting the attention of outsiders.

After smiling at Concubine Shijo and Ai Hayasaka who showed concern, Kaguya Shinomiya looked at Genkei who turned her head to look at her.

"There is no Kaguya Shinomiya anymore." She said as if she had unloaded some heavy burden.

"From today on, please call me Shimizu Kaguya."

Qingshui is the surname of her mother Qingshui Mingyezhu.

The meaning of changing the surname is naturally self-evident.

She finally got Yuanjing's status as a "worker" as a helper, so she naturally wouldn't throw it away all at once.

For the current Shinomiya Kaguya, the surname of Shinomiya is just a resistance between her and Yuanjing, so she sealed it up without hesitation.

And when the identity of 'beating a worker' changes from a helper to a resistance...

What happened at that time, of course we will talk about it at that time.

Chapter 5 The warmest place in the world is... ([-]k)




Accompanied by clear and powerful footsteps, Yuan Jing, who was still wearing a priest's gown, was climbing the stairs of the teaching building alone.

At this moment, the hour hand on the clock is already pointing to the number 7, and the school festival on the first day of St. Eden Academy is coming to an end, and there is only one hour left before the 'closing time'.

During the daytime, the teaching building was bustling with people. At this time, with most of the class 'shops' closed, the staff also became sparse.

And the people who still remain in St. Eden's Academy are basically because of one reason——

That is the 'Hundred Trial' that is about to be completed.

Unfamiliarity with some sports rules, coupled with the interference of some people, very obviously slowed down Minamoto's progress.

But even so, this ghostly woman still relies on her body that doesn't seem to have the word 'tired' at all, her inhuman motor nerves, and of course her astonishing mental will, to drive this 'hundred' The Trials' advanced to the final point.

She is only one breath away from her final victory.

In other words.

Yuan Jing raised his head and looked towards the roof of the teaching building.

There, there was the last girl quietly waiting for his arrival.

And after Minamoto Larimitsu completed the so-called 'Hundred Trials', he should also rush here non-stop to discuss his reward with that person, right?

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