"I believe it." Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Yuan Jing, but there was no trace of doubt in her tone.

"...In "Gulliver's Travels", isn't there a description of 'Hui Yiguo'?" Yukinoshita Yukino gave such a candid answer, which made Yuanjing a little surprised.

After a short pause, he began to tell the reason.

The protagonist of "Gulliver's Travels" has actually visited four countries, namely "Little Man Country", "Big Man Country", "Flying Island" and finally "Hui Yi Country".

The so-called Hui Hui actually means 'a wise horse'.

In this country, the horse is the rational and intelligent ruler, and possesses all kinds of good qualities that humans do not have.This is not a unique quality of a certain horse, but a commonality among the Hui Hou.

Its author, Jonathan Swift, seems like an old 'Hermes'.

Hui Yiguo is a fiction, of course, but Yuanjing is curious about horses because of this.

At that time, he was living in the source family's main house.

As the source of the Wu family, naturally there is no shortage of tall horses.

Although Minamoto Raimitsu restricted him from associating with the opposite sex, he did not forbid him from contacting this vigorous creature.

Not only that, but in the cheat books of Yuanjia Honjia, there are actually related content on horse training, and there are some interesting tips.

However, these are trails after all, and Yuan Jing didn't put too much energy into them. If it wasn't for Yukinoshita Yukino's proposal to ride a horse today, he probably wouldn't turn it up again.

"So that's it, "Gulliver's Travels"?" Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, but said silently in her heart, "It's the same as me." '

Before coming to Tokyo, that is, when she was in Chiba Prefecture, Yukinoshita Yukino's life was actually quite lonely.

However, it was not because of being squeezed out and bullied, but because the girl was so outstanding that people of her age subconsciously began to isolate her.

With Yukinoshita Yukino's temperament, it is naturally impossible to take the initiative to find these people to be friends, so she is addicted to books, taking reading as her main interest.

And the reason why she rides a horse is not because of some boring reasons like 'horse riding is a noble hobby', but also because of "Gulliver's Travels", which made her quite fond of horses. Only go to the racecourse to get close to them.

In this respect, she is actually the same as Yuan Jing.

In a sense, this is a kind of 'Hermes will attract each other', right?


"Ding Ding." With a slight vibration, such a voice came from the jacket pocket of a 'Black Long Straight' who was looking up at the big screen in St. Eden Academy.

Originally, she was frowning tightly, looking at the purple-haired purple-eyed woman on the screen, the girl's expression moved. After taking out the mobile phone from her pocket, she found that the person she labeled as the 'pink-haired devil', Another video was sent to her.

There was a little smile on the corner of her mouth, and she hurriedly clicked it away.

After a very short download time, the screen is loaded all at once.

A tall and handsome horse with a tall head is having fun on the racecourse.And on its back, the boy is holding the rein in his forehand, and a girl is nestling in his arms.

The two were very intimate together, and the girl's face was still blushing shyly.

Under the clear and bright blue jewel-like sky, this scene is as beautiful as a famous painting created by a master painter.

No matter who saw such a picture, they should not doubt the relationship between these two people.

Seeing such a scene, Yukinoshita Yono's mood involuntarily became a little more comfortable, and an unconcealable smile permeated the corners of his mouth and eyebrows.

Regardless of whether she is a beautiful girl of high quality, although she is now disguised as a younger sister, this does not detract from her beauty in the slightest.

A smile is the best makeup.

Just looking at the screen of the mobile phone, the smiling Yukinoshita Yono, whose amazing charm can't help but make the passers-by who come and go in the cultural festival slightly stunned.

Yukinoshita Haruno didn't care about this group of people.

Different from her "cold-faced and warm-hearted" younger sister, Yukinoshita Yoshino's heart is actually quite small, and can only accommodate so few people. As for other people, to her, they are just some people who can be used. It's just a tool to use.

'Even if it is ruthless, it is touching', from this aspect, this is also a very suitable sentence to describe Yukinoshita Yono.

After appreciating such a scene, Yukinoshita Yono patted his cheeks, using this action to cheer himself up.

According to her previous discussion with Xue Nai, attract Minamoto's attention, and expose these pictures of "Genjing and the girls, you and me" to Minamoto, so that she will feel pressure in her heart and delay her completion of the test. The process of refining, and letting her break through the defense psychologically, was actually shared by the two of them.

The reason why she pretended to be her own sister was also to confuse the public and provide an extra layer of insurance for this plan.

Just like Chika Fujiwara would not cheat on her father Fujiwara Daichi, although Yukinoshita Yukino did not say it publicly, she would not push all the risks to her sister, and she would watch jokes in a safe place .

It's clearly out of character for her.

Now that her date has come to an end, it means she's about to act.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Yukinoshita Yono glanced at the big screen, and then took out the map that was issued by the gate guard when he entered St. Eden Academy.

Her next destination is Minamoto Raimitsu's next goal——

basketball department.


"So, is it finally my turn to do whatever I want?" The voice revealed a very relaxed and happy voice, and the blond-haired blue-eyed maid appeared in front of Yuan Jing.

"Unfortunately, it's not possible." Yuan Jing had already realized clearly what terrible things would happen if he handed over the dominance to the other party.

Because Touma Kazusa showed restraint, coupled with his trust in Yukinoshita Yukino's usual words and deeds, he showed full cooperation, and the result...

Unlike Yukinoshita Yukino, who is still a vegetarian, Hayasaka Ai is a full-fledged carnivore. If she is still the same as Touma Kazusa and Yukinoshita Yukino, if her behavior is not restricted, the ghost knows that this crumb maid will do What a terrible thing happened.

"That's it," Hayasaka Ai blinked, but there was not much regret on her face.

"If that's the case, at least meet one of my requirements." She leaned forward like this, and at a place that only Yuanjing could see, she pulled off the collar with her hands, and covered her slender neck that was tightly wrapped. Exposed in front of Yuanjing.

"Can you fasten it for me?"

Pushing something into Yuan Jing's hand, Ai Hayasaka whispered softly.

Yuan Jing took a look at the thing she handed to him——

That thing looks like a belt, but it's much smaller than that.

This is a black collar.

Chapter 95 Good Dog, Bad Dog (4k)

As for the place where they handed over to each other, the girls obviously passed each other for a long time.

Just like Touma Kazusa brought Yuanjing to the love study club, Yukinoshita Yukino also brought Yuanjing to the place she and Hayasaka Ai agreed upon after fulfilling her wish.

However, compared to the ignorant Lianyanhui, the place chosen by Ai Hayasaka is indeed a place that all three of them are very familiar with——

This is before the house of the Lamb Club.

And the somewhat appalling conversation before took place in front of the door of the Lamb Society.

As for the time, it was after Yukinoshita Yukino's figure disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

"..." Yuan Jing looked at the black collar that Hayasaka Ai handed to him in his hand, and then looked at the girl who showed her neck and looked at her expectantly. I don't know what to say at this time.

"It's just a collar, so there's no need to be so surprised, right?" Ai Hayasaka winked at Yuan Jing a little slyly, "As a man, you may not know it well, but in fact, a collar is a very common item for women. Jewelry."

In a way, Ai Hayasaka's statement is not wrong at all.

The collar is called choker in English, and it is also translated as a neck necklace. This is indeed one of the oldest jewelry.

This kind of neck jewelry can be found in ancient Mesoamerican civilization, ancient China, ancient India, and ancient Egypt.

During the French Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century, women even wore red ribbons around their necks to commemorate those who gave their lives on the guillotine.


Although the styles of collars are ever-changing and their materials are constantly changing, one thing is for sure.

From the black collar that Hayasaka Ai gave him, Yuan Jing straightened a piece that was originally a ball.

This is a thin and long ribbon, under the sunlight at noon, it emits a faint cold light.

Just this long appendage smashed all the previous sophistry of Hayasaka Ai.

A normal collar that can be worn in public would never make such a suspicious rope.

This is not an accessory made for human use.

It is a tool specially used to restrain pets and control their freedom.

This is a -

dog collar.

"Ah, bad, have you been discovered?" Facing Yuan Jing's silent gaze, Ai Hayasaka showed no sign of embarrassment after a lie was exposed.

But even so, she still stubbornly maintained the previous action to show that her appeal remained unchanged.

"Didn't you say it before, I can't let me do whatever I want." Hayasaka Ai's voice revealed a bit of grievance, as if she was protesting Yuan Jing's unfair treatment.

Since Yuanjing can fully cooperate with Touma Kazusa and Yukinoshita Yukino, why can't she?

This is discrimination!She wants to complain about the unfair treatment she has received!

"Then, I'll just leave it all to you." Ai Hayasaka said angrily, "I've already given you the collar, as long as you tie it around my neck, as the master, of course you can do whatever you want. Do."

Why do I treat you differently? Don't you have any points in your heart, Ms. Hayasaka Ai?

Yuanjing complained in his heart.

The usual maid's offensive is quite fierce, it can be said that she is the most courageous and most mobile among the girls.

If Yuanjing still treats Hayasaka Ai with the same attitude as he treated Touma Kazusa and Yukinoshita Yukino before, it is hard to imagine what kind of things this crumb maid will do.

However, unfair treatment is also a fact, and it is reasonable for Hayasaka Ai to be dissatisfied because of this.

"...Anyway, this is not something that can be said at the door," Yuan Jing stretched out an index finger and pressed it against Hayasaka Ai's smooth forehead, preventing the girl from approaching. Let's talk in the house."

The Lamb Society was already in the corner of the club building, and because the "Hundred Trials" attracted a lot of people, there was actually no one around the two of them.

However, even so, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will happen to pass by and take this scene into their eyes.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, let's talk about this kind of slightly private matter after entering the room.

Without waiting for Ai Hayasaka to respond, Yuan Jing opened the door of Lamb Club's room and walked in first.

Hayasaka Ai was not annoyed, she stared at Yuanjing's back, her blue eyes turned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

Afterwards, she followed behind Yuan Jing and walked into the room of the Lamb Club.

after that--


Ai Hayasaka closed the door.


During the week that Yuanjing was away, the other members of the Lamb Society were obviously not idle either.

In addition to solving the door-to-door entrustment as usual, Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Shinomiya Kaguya are also preparing for the cultural festival of the Lamb Society, which is the confession room that Yuanjing mentioned before.

At this time, the original tables and chairs in the room have been packed up, and replaced by a small wooden 'building'.

This is the 'confessional room'.

As early as the previous preparation stage, Yuanjing had collected relevant information and shared it with other members of the Lamb Club during the lunch break.

As a result, before he started to make it, the school punished him.

However, although Yuan Jing was absent, the other three obviously did a good job in the preparation.

And just when Yuanjing was attracted by this 'building'——

A slight click came into Yuanjing's ears.

This is the sound of the door lock being locked.

Before he could turn around, he felt a gust of wind behind him.

Although the opponent's skills are also extremely agile, but Yuan Jing possesses Lv.3 level [hands-to-hand combat] skills, it is obviously impossible for such a clumsy sneak attack to succeed.

As if there were eyes growing on the back of the head, Yuan Jing's body swayed slightly, and he easily dodged Hayasaka Ai who was rushing towards him.

But after seeing the other party's appearance, the expression of "what are you doing?" appeared on his face again.

Hayasaka Ai looked at Yuanjing with a rebellious look in her eyes; instead of standing upright with her feet on the ground like a human, she bent down and put her feet and hands on the floor of the room.

"Now I'm a bad dog."

She also slightly arched that slender and luxurious body quite threateningly, making a very classic pre-predation posture.

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