She turned to Todou Lilicia who was following behind—

"With a handkerchief?"

Although the kimono worn by Minamoto Yorimitsu is very beautiful, this traditional costume of Sakurajima is actually not suitable for sports at all.

Not only that, but it also has no pockets in the traditional sense. Although it can stuff some small things between the first and second belts, or put some small things in a small cloth bag and hang it on the wrist, Minamoto Raimitsu Obviously not going to spend that stuff on a sumo club.

No, she prepared these things for Yuan Jing, and she had no intention of using them elsewhere.

"Oh, there are." Fujido Lilicia was taken aback. Although she didn't quite understand what Minamoto Raimitsu was going to do with the handkerchief, satisfying her request was obviously more in line with her need to increase the attention of the project, so she didn't Without hesitation, he took out his handkerchief from the pocket of his school uniform.

She even turned around and asked other women in the student union very intimately, and handed their handkerchiefs to Minamoto Raimitsu.

After nodding slightly to them, Minamoto began to tie the handkerchiefs on his palms under the camera.

The meaning it expresses is quite obvious——

She didn't want her skin to come into contact with the other person.

This kind of behavior obviously made Guo Tang Yan furious.Apparently, this disdain for treating him as something dirty touched some scars in his psyche and reminded him of some bad memories.

I wanted to show off my gentlemanly demeanor, but this woman is too rude!

Immediately, amidst the exclamation of everyone, he drummed his muscles!

Accompanied by some harsh ripping sounds, the school uniform on his body was broken, revealing his fat body.

He has been notified a long time ago, so it is naturally impossible for him to be unprepared for everything——

The school uniform he was wearing had already undergone special treatment in order to achieve such a shocking effect.

And when he glanced at Minamoto Raimiko to see if his actions had deterred him to a certain extent.

Instead, he saw a pair of calm eyes like stagnant water.

'boring. 'This pair of indifferent eyes seems to be telling such words.

After tying the handkerchief on the palm of his hand to ensure that his hands were tightly wrapped so that he would not touch the fat skin of the other party at all, Minamoto Raimiko walked forward silently.

In the center of the sumo club, there is a ring for sumo wrestling.

Compared with the boxing ring, the ring used for sumo wrestling has a circle drawn on it, which is the 'boundary'.

She walked into the 'boundary' without even saying a word, but stretched out a right hand wrapped tightly in a handkerchief towards Tang Yan, then slightly bent four fingers towards him, and made a " Here you go' action.

The anger of the classmate Guo had obviously been completely ignited, and he also walked onto the ring with a cold face.

After taking a deep breath, he landed on the soles of his feet, stretched his knees out to stabilize his waist, relaxed his shoulders, put his elbows on his knees, lifted his chin slightly, and looked at his opponent with his eyes.

This is a traditional sumo move known as 'shikiri' and is generally used to show that one is ready and ready to start.

After that, before he could react, a palm landed on his abdomen as if lightly floating.

Sumo wrestling is not allowed to use fists and joints, not to mention swords, so the most common way of fighting is to wrestle with palms.

But even so, generally speaking, it will aim at the opponent's shoulder blades and other positions, and there is no technique of hitting the abdomen as soon as it comes up.

The reason is very simple, this is the most fat-rich part of a fat sumo wrestler, and with this natural buffer layer, this place can be said to be the place with the highest defense.

Attacking this part as soon as you come up, you really are a layman!

Just when Guo Tang Yanyi was secretly laughing in his heart, he suddenly felt a little strange.

On the palm of Minamoto Raimiko's abdomen, there was a very special force.Under the action of this strength, the fat in his abdomen was easily passed through as if it was in vain.

Then, a heart-wrenching pain emanated from his abdomen, as if a flexible snake had penetrated into his stomach and bit his stomach and intestines fiercely...

Guotang Yanyi's eyeballs protruded, and bloodshot eyes appeared in the whites of his eyes due to the pain, and his appearance even looked a little scary.

After Minamoto Yorimitsu stretched his right hand back, the body of the head of the hall slowly fell down, and when it hit the ground of the ring, the whole sumo club seemed to tremble a little.

With just one move, Minamoto Raimitsu successfully defeated Kudo Hikoichi, who had won the national championship!

The purple eyes bored away from the other party's lying figure, and turned to the other members of the sumo club who seemed to be stunned by such an unexpected result——

'Who else? '

She was sending a challenge letter to this group of people with her eyes.

But no one dared to take this look.

This group of burly and fat members had been terrified by this unreasonable scene, and they didn't even dare to lift the minister who was suffering from the ground...

Qiongbi let out a soft snort of disdain, and Minamoto Raimitsu waved his hands, threw the handkerchief to Todou Lilicia and the others, and then left without looking back.

She had to complete the 'Hundred Trials' in the shortest possible time, so even for an opponent like Kudo Yanichi, she had to resort to thunderous means to deter her.


'Too Jin. Staring at the picture on the screen, Yuanjing said in his heart.

As a person who has been educated by Minamoto's family and has reached Lv.3 in all three martial arts, he can naturally see the techniques used by Minamoto Raimitsu.

In fighting, there are always terms of tension and penetration.

Stretching means that I punch you with a fist. The strength of the punch is only limited to the contact surface between the fist and the body. In this case, you will be stretched out by my punch and fall to the ground, but it will not cause any harm to your body. .

Toujin is just the opposite. Although the fist hits the stomach, the strength can reach the internal organs and even the back. This kind of punch will not eject people, but cause damage to the inside of the body.

He's capable of similar techniques himself, so it's no surprise.

What he was concerned about was actually another thing——

Because of the extremely advanced shooting equipment used by the St. Eden Academy Student Union, he was able to observe his mother's expression in detail.

Minamoto Larimitsu may not have noticed that her eyes, which were originally crystal clear, have become a little cloudy at this moment.

'Not enough, if [cure] her...'

Just as he was lost in thought, he felt a grip on his right hand.

The next thing that came into view was Touma Kazusa's slightly swollen face.

She looked a little unhappy.

"Now is my time, if you don't pay attention to me, I will, I will..."

She said "I'm" for a long time, but she didn't say anything.

Touma Kazusa is the kind of woman who, as long as she likes someone, she will treat the other person wholeheartedly and regard it as her whole world.

It's the kind of outright loser who will turn against each other in the war of 'love'.

There is no way, she is just so 'useless'.

It would be a bit too embarrassing for her to think of a way to punish Yuan Jing and put it into action.

However, it is precisely because of such obsessive and pure love that Yuan Jing was a little at a loss when he showed such obvious kindness.

As long as there is a little impurity in it, it is impossible for Yuan Jing to be so tolerant to her.

From this perspective, Touma Kazusa is the one who 'made the first gap'.

Chapter 89 Saliva is the best disinfectant (4k)

"Sister Touma, Junior Gen, do you know? Christmas, at the very beginning, doesn't just refer to December 12th." Sakura, who was wearing a red Christmas costume for some reason, Mai Shimai-senpai stretched out a finger, as if teaching these two juniors who had a relationship with her once and said.

Yuanjing and Dongma Hesha looked at each other, and then said in unison, "Of course I know."

"I remember that when Bach was there, the so-called Christmas refers to the twelve days from December 12th (Advent) to January 25th (Epiphany)." Fingers counted lips, so recalled.

The reason why she knows such uncommon knowledge is because of Bach in her words.

Among the works of Bach, there is a series of works called "Christmas Oratorio", which, as the title says, is dedicated to Christmas.This work consists of six parts, with a total performance time of nearly three hours.Such a long novel is written to be played in six days.

Wouldn't it be strange to create an oratorio that would be played over six days if Christmas was just December 12th?

It is precisely because of practicing and playing this piece that Touma Kazusa knows a little about the changes of Christmas.

December 12th is the day when the Lamb of God was born. In the following 25 days, he appeared three times to symbolize his extraordinaryness.

For the first time, when he was born, the big star led the magi to worship, showing that he was Christ; when he was baptized for the second time, when he started preaching, the "Holy Spirit" descended on his head like a dove, showing that he was the son of God ; for the third time, he showed his glory by turning water into wine when he participated in the wedding feast in the city of Cana.

So for a long time in the past, Christmas was actually a 12-day carnival.

"Later, because Protestants advocated abstinence, the concept of 'twelve consecutive days of festivals is too noisy' was accepted by most people, and Christmas became only December 12th." Yuanjing continued. added.

Immediately, he took a look at his surroundings, and it was also an activity prepared by Mai-senpai's sophomore grass class for the cultural festival.

His eyes wandered for a while on the large Christmas tree covered with colorful decorations in his classroom, especially the golden star on the top of the tree that was about to rub against the top of the classroom——

"However, it's only at the end of November that we start preparing for Christmas. This is the first time I've seen such a custom."

"...Come on, if you want to say that we're taking advantage of the Christmas heat, just say it straight, you don't need to beat around the bush." ​​After glancing at the two people who were sitting opposite her, Mai Sakurajima sighed Tone, "I can't help it. When I think of winter festivals, Christmas is the first thing to bear the brunt."

"Even if it's a bit far-fetched, if you can get a little fame for Christmas, then go for it without hesitation. This is the original words of our class executive committee." Mai Sakurajima shrugged, she has been in the entertainment industry for many years , Naturally, he is quite familiar with such things as 'getting hot'.

She doesn't show enthusiasm for this kind of thing, but she doesn't express objection either.

Although she has been a popular star since her debut, she has not reached the point where she can be 'noble' to the point where she can't eat fireworks. Rather, if there is such a character, why would she come to the entertainment industry? Woolen cloth?

"Actually, it's still far away from Christmas, but it's only less than a month away," said Mai Sakurajima, who was recommended by her classmates as the store's kanban lady and popular attractor, apparently not forgetting her own responsibilities duty.

After skillfully placing a few things on the table in front of the three of them, the senior dressed as Santa gave them a meaningful look:

"If you want to give each other some commemorative gifts on Christmas Day, it's better to prepare in advance."

In the past, she once went to Dongma House as the singer of "Denglin", and wanted to get involved in the promotion according to her mother's wishes. It was Touma Kazusa who had any resentment.

She was not the kind of narrow-minded person.

On the contrary, she has a great sense of the talented source landscape.

Although she is still in school, the label of 'artist' on her is more important than her status as a student.

If an artist wants to be more successful and make his reputation more famous, the most important thing is to have high-quality works to speak for him.

For her who left the big company she originally worked in and worked hard in the office opened by her mother, good works can be said to be the top priority for her to be truly independent.

"Arrival" is such a good work, so Mai Sakurajima's mother and daughter are very concerned about it, otherwise they would not be able to do things like visiting without prior notice.

As a result, although I didn't get involved in the pre-publicity of "Denglin", I met the author of this song.

Then a little failure is not a failure at all, but it should be called a 'big success'.

It is also because of this that Mai Sakurajima gave up so simply after noticing Yuanjing's protection of Touma Kazusa and her rejection of her meddling, and successfully persuaded her mother after returning home.

Yuan Jing only entered high school this year, and he has written such works as "Descent". Given time, there will definitely be more works of his.There is no need to give up the "whole forest" because of this "one tree". Instead, we should take a long-term view and make friends with him, so that we can get good works from him.

However, according to what Mai Sakurajima heard, Yuan Jing is a rather low-key person who likes to go alone. In fact, she had been vaguely aware of this in the first contact.

If you directly show your kindness to him, the other party may not appreciate it, and it may arouse his resentment, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, Mai Sakurajima adopted a roundabout strategy—that is, to establish a good relationship with Touma and Sasa, so as to facilitate the "curve to save the country".

From today's point of view, the results of this method are quite good.

Looking at the two people who were observing the things they put on the table with great interest, Mai Sakurajima said so in her heart.

"This is a music box made of paper tape?" Touma Kazusa said uncertainly as he picked up a long paper tape and looked at the painted grid pattern and the holes that had been punched.

She had obviously heard of this kind of thing, but she usually spent almost all of her spare time just practicing the piano, so although she had heard of it, she had never used it.

"That's right." Mai Sakurajima inserted the paper tape very skillfully, and then turned the wrench next to the music box of the paper tape. The notes began to dance.

And after the paper tape has gone through once, the notes will stop automatically.

The whole process is a bit like a movie played on a tape in the last century.

And just like the former, the so-called paper music box is actually a technology that has long been eliminated.

However, as the saying goes, "retro is also a popular type", compared to electric or wind-up music boxes, this kind of backward music box with paper tape has become popular recently, and the reason is very simple——

This is more romantic.

Compared with clockwork or electric music boxes, paper music boxes can play different melodies as long as they are replaced with new paper tapes.

More importantly, as long as they know how to use a hole punch and master the principles, even a layman can make such a paper tape.Moreover, according to one's own will, by editing the paper tape, the sound from the music box can be changed to achieve an effect similar to that of 'arrangement'.

Because of this, this backward paper music box still has a place in the market.Become a tool for friends, especially male and female friends, to tactfully express their feelings to each other.

"Both of you are experts in music, so I won't make a fool of myself when it comes to making these paper tapes." Sakurajima Mai turned out a roll of blank paper tapes and handed it along with the hole punch to the eager Winter horse and yarn.

Blinking at the latter a little bit playfully, Mai Sakurajima continued, "Of course, my personal suggestion is to pretend that you don't understand anything, so that you can pester the instructor next to you who came to [Hand in Hand] You." She emphasized the word "hand in hand" in a very meaningful way.

"Sister Sakurajima!" Touma Kazusa blushed a little, and after a coquettish cry, she took the note and hole punch handed over by Mai Sakurajima.

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