Yukinoshita Yukino is her classmate and also her new friend recently, Shinomiya Kaguya admires her character very much;

As for Touma Kazusa, although Shinomiya Kaguya doesn't have much contact with her, but according to her understanding, the other party has a typical character who only cares about Yuanjing and doesn't care about other things. If she is in the position, Your working environment should be very relaxed.

After vacillating for a while, Shinomiya Kaguya finally came to his senses, scolding himself for not worrying about eating salty radishes.

No matter who Yuanjing chooses in the end, one person or several, it has nothing to do with me.

As I said before, I will be a 'useful tool' in Yuanjing's hands, so it's fine to do so.

She will be the most staunch neutral, no matter what Yuanjing's final choice is, she will firmly support his decision.

At least until the debt of 200 billion yen is repaid and Yuanjing's kindness is repaid, she will be the most useful and loyal 'tool' in his hands.

As for after that...

Things that are so far away, of course, we will talk about it later!

Shinomiya Kaguya thought so in a somewhat evasive way.

Chapter 85 The last piece of the puzzle that the girls are planning? (4k)

"Neutral, right?" After hearing Kaguya Shinomiya's refusal answer, Chika Fujiwara didn't seem too surprised. After taking a deep look at Kaguya Shinomiya, she put the key of the rooftop back into the into the pocket of the school uniform, and then put his hands under the box again.

She didn't respond affirmatively or negatively to Shinomiya Kaguya's words and deeds, nor did she feel lost because of the failure of this solicitation, as if she never thought that she would succeed.

She just nodded, expressing her understanding of Shinomiya Kaguya's answer, and then motioned for Shinomiya Kaguya to lift the box to the roof on the top floor of the teaching building with her.

She didn't even try again, but just accepted the result.

Such a flat and considerate reaction made Shinomiya Kaguya a little relieved.

Fujiwara Chika neither asked Shinomiya Kaguya to explain why she chose to be a neutral faction, nor did she use words to force her to make things like 'maintain a neutral attitude and never waver', 'never be tempted by Yuanjing' and the like Words, but only to express 'understand', and then lightly reveal it...

It would be best if you could come to help me; if you don't help me, then I won't force you either.

This is the attitude shown by Fujiwara Chika.

It has to be said that this attitude already has a touch of someone's demeanor.

Does this count as 'near vermilion and red', or should we say 'near ink and black'?

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know.

She and Fujiwara Chika have actually had a long-term friendship, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is his best friend.

Because of this, Shinomiya Kaguya actually has a certain understanding of Fujiwara Chika's character.

Don't look at her superficial carelessness and optimist silly, white and sweet appearance, but this friend of mine is actually very delicate, and she is a cunning and intelligent person.

If you think that the other party is a foolish and deceitful Bai Fumei, you will suffer a lot.

"Qianhua, what is this?" After uncovering the page just now, Shinomiya Kaguya began to ask about the contents of the box that the two were carrying. , What exactly is installed.

"Well," Chika Fujiwara was silent for a moment, as if she was considering whether to tell Kaguya Shinomiya the truth, and after a while, she made a decision——

"Kaguya, what will you do if I say this is a bomb?" She asked Kaguya with a smile.

Bomb? ? ! !

If it is deduced according to the general logic and the expression of the other party, this is 100% a joke.

But if it's Chika Fujiwara...

Although it was very absurd, Shinomiya Kaguya even felt that there was no such possibility.

So, here comes the question, if it is really a bomb, what is she trying to do?

"Oh, just kidding, just kidding, how could it be a bomb? In your eyes, what kind of image am I like!" After seeing Shinomiya Kaguya frowned, it seemed that he was seriously considering what to do in the box. When the thing was the possibility of a bomb, Chika Fujiwara hurriedly waved her hands dumbfoundingly.

After the two of them moved the boxes to the corner of the roof, Shinomiya Kaguya found that the place was already full of boxes, and their styles were very similar to those in their hands, or it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were exactly the same.

After stacking the boxes in the hands of the two, Chika Fujiwara opened the box without hesitation in front of Kaguya Shinomiya, and even took out one thing from it as a sample and handed it to Kaguya Shinomiya.

Looking at the long, round thing in his hand, Shinomiya Kaguya blinked—"This is, fireworks?"

She looked at the explanatory text on it and said with some uncertainty.

"That's right, it's fireworks." Chika Fujiwara puffed out her chest a little proudly, highlighting the plump curves that made Kaguya Shinomiya a little jealous, "After all, my time is at night, and I'm talking about the cultural festival." At night, then, besides the bonfire, there are fireworks!"

Her time is evening, what does that mean?Shinomiya Kaguya reacted to Fujiwara Chika's words.

She knows that Ai Hayasaka, Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Chika Fujiwara in front of her have been plotting something all along, as if they want to defeat Minamoto Raimitsu and save Minamoto from this 'evil mother-in-law'. The appearance of being rescued from the clutches of '.

But what the plan was, she didn't know.

Before that, her identity had always been an outsider, so she was not involved in this plan.

When thinking of this, looking at the long tube-shaped fireworks in his hand, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly regretted for some reason.

If you say yourself...

Seemingly not aware of her friend's somewhat complicated psychology, Fujiwara Chika silently counted the number of boxes containing fireworks in the corner of the roof, and then nodded with some satisfaction.

In Sakurajima, there are dedicated pyrotechnic masters, whose job content is to make and set off fireworks.

This firework has a very important special meaning for Chika Fujiwara, the production process is natural, but it is impossible for Chika Fujiwara to hand over the firing process to others. For this reason, the Fujiwara family also invited a special pyrotechnic master to teach Chika Fujiwara how to do it. Course to ensure a 'foolproof' night.

"By the way, Kaguya, you know that I actually have a certain information channel with the faculty and staff." After counting the number of fireworks, Chika Fujiwara silently stared at the fireworks in her hand Kaguya Shinomiya, who didn't know what he was thinking, said.

"Well, of course I know." Regarding this matter, Shinomiya Kaguya naturally knew about it.

She was also a participant in the 'swimming pool incident', so she naturally knew about Chika Fujiwara and Mr. Sawai.

Teacher Sawai is just the beginning. With this 'internal response' as a breakthrough, Chika Fujiwara has already established a good relationship with many teachers in St. Eden Academy. Before, she was able to serve as a lubricant between the staff and the student union, facilitating The passage of the issue of 'postponing the closing time' is a clear proof.

Chika Fujiwara is the daughter of the Fujiwara family, an evergreen tree in the political circle. Such an identity has originally narrowed the gap between students and teachers.

In addition, she has a very strong affinity, and her social skills are almost full, so Shinomiya Kaguya is not surprised at all that she can get along with the teachers.

Just, why are you saying this here suddenly?

"Since this week, some teachers of St. Eden Academy have received some strange questions from the school's staff system," said Chika Fujiwara, "like [If your salary and benefits are doubled] Would you like to leave Tokyo to work in Osaka?] and [if St. Eden Academy moves to Kansai, would you still be willing to teach in the school after the relocation] and other questions.”

"...Is this, Aunt Mina's handwriting?" Because the meaning contained in these questions was too obvious, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately realized it.

"Well, that's right, there should be no one else but her." Chika Fujiwara nodded in agreement.

"Yuanjing's mother didn't just stand by his side blankly, doing nothing. On the contrary, she turned out to be surprisingly generous." The pink-haired girl said with some emotion.

Shinomiya Kaguya was silent, and then sorted out the logic chain of Minamoto Yorimitsu in his mind:

She lost the bet with Yuan Jing, which not only allowed Yuan Jing to successfully escape from Yuan’s family and came to Tokyo, but also made her do [not actively contacting Yuan Jing], [not taking the initiative to come to Yuan Jing] Such an oath is obviously unacceptable to that son-in-law. She must also be thinking about a solution to the problem, which is——

Moving St. Eden Academy from Tokyo to Osaka?

Minamoto's family is located in Kansai, that is, in the area of ​​Osaka, and the influence in Tokyo is actually quite weak, so even if Minamoto Yorimitsu wants to do something, it is not easy to operate.

But the Osaka area is different.The Minamoto family has been cultivating there for thousands of years, and it can almost be said that it is there to cover the sky with one hand. Compared with the Shinomiya family's status in Tokyo, it is completely surpassed, and it can even be said to be the "Emperor of the Earth" in the Kansai area.

If she really succeeded in moving St. Eden Academy to Osaka, then it can be said that it has become the palm of Minamoto Raimitsu.

Even with the so-called shackles of the oath, she can easily bypass it, just like the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy this time.

Not only that, as long as one has completely mastered St. Eden Academy, then one has almost mastered Yuanjing's interpersonal relationship.

It is predictable that if Minamoto Raimitsu is able to move him to Osaka, the first thing he will do is to get rid of the "pests" around her precious son, such as Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai.

Even if they wanted to, it is estimated that Minamoto Raimitsu would mercilessly find a reason to refuse them to go to school in Osaka.

How unreliable a long-distance relationship is, even a loveless fish like Kaguya Shinomiya knows it quite clearly, not to mention that the girls have not developed a 'love' with Yuanjing at all.

In this case, the cooling of the relationship between each other can be said to be a completely foreseeable future...

Apart from being astonished, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't help showing a touch of admiration for Minamoto Yorimitsu in her heart.

There is an old saying that goes well - if the mountain does not come to see me, I will go to see the mountain.

Minamoto Raimitsu's approach is - if the mountain does not come to see me, I will move the mountain here.

This approach is a bit outrageous, and even Kaguya Shinomiya couldn't help being a little stunned by her stubbornness.

But the question is, can Minamoto’s approach succeed?

St. Eden Academy is no ordinary middle school.It is a prestigious school with a history of more than 200 years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best middle school in Sakurajima.

This consistent middle school located in Minato-ku, Tokyo can be said to be the pride of the entire Tokyo people. If they want to relocate it to Osaka, the resistance it will encounter can be said to be unimaginable, even if it is Minato, it should be the same Absolutely impossible to do such a thing, right?

"I thought so too," Fujiwara Chika sighed, "After noticing such signs, I revealed it to Sister Yoko. As one of the most famous graduates of St. Eden Academy, she promised If there is such a sign, she will contact other graduates to carry out a joint protest."

"Besides, my father has a very bad impression of Minamoto Raimitsu. If someone really made such a suggestion, he, who has a very thorough view of Ms. Minamoto's purpose, will definitely unite with the local family in Tokyo to object. of."

"Looking at it this way, Aunt Yuan's intentions should not be realized, right?" Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can't take this lightly," Fujiwara Chika shook her head, "Minato Raimitsu has terrible persistence and patience when it comes to issues related to Ajing."

"The Minamoto family is the most orthodox samurai family in Sakurajima. As the head of the family, Minamoto Yorimitsu must be well versed in the art of war, and it is impossible to prepare for a war that must be defeated."

"Since she has already started to make related plans, in her opinion, there must be a chance of success."

"For example?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked with great interest.

"Well," Fujiwara Chika rubbed her clean chin, lost in thought.

Yuan Jing also likes to use this kind of action when thinking about things, so Chika Fujiwara also follows suit.

"For example, a huge earthquake in the Tokyo area destroyed all the buildings of St. Eden Academy, or a sudden volcanic eruption of Mount Fuji, or a sudden meteorite?" She replied tentatively.

"...Be serious." Shinomiya Kaguya patted Fujiwara Chika's bright forehead in a somewhat dumbfounded manner, and she was still joking with her at what time.

"It hurts." Fujiwara Chika pretended to be in pain, and then she said plausibly, "Am I wrong? If such a situation really happens, then as long as the Genjia promises to fully fund the rebuilding of St. Eden School Garden, so don’t you build it wherever you want?”

After seeing Kaguya Shinomiya continue to bend her index finger a little threateningly, she quickly covered her forehead—"I'm not joking, except for natural disasters, the most likely chance is Saint Eden There has been a huge scandal in the academy, the kind that can shake the foundation of the entire academy."

"If that kind of situation really happens, the Yuan family will have an excuse to intervene, so naturally there will be room for manipulation."

"A big scandal that is enough to shake the foundation of the academy..." Kaguya Shinomiya heard this, something suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he asked tentatively——

"If some students are kidnapped at the cultural festival, is it enough to go to this level?"

Fujiwara Chika was taken aback for a moment, and her delicate face immediately changed into an extremely serious expression——

"What is the kidnapping? Please explain in detail."


"I see." After listening to Shinomiya Kaguya's narration, Fujiwara Chika not only did not panic, but a bright smile appeared on her face.

Hayasaka Ai was under surveillance in the Shinomiya villa, so although she knew about it, she had to wait until later on Friday before the girls agreed to meet and tell her about it. .

Shinomiya Kaguya moved this time forward.

"Minamiya Yorimitsu is not familiar with the place of life in Tokyo, and she doesn't know the inside story of the Shinomiya family, so she probably didn't expect Shinomiya Koko to do such a thing. She expected that such a good opportunity is in front of her eyes?" Chika Fujiwara said The blue eyes couldn't help but shine a little.

What she didn't expect was that the last piece of the puzzle planned by the girls came to them as if it had fallen from the sky.

Chapter 86 Mother and the 'Evil King' (4k)

Finally came Saturday.

Naturally, the level of world attention cannot be achieved, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it has attracted the attention of the city. The 198th Cultural Festival of St. Eden Academy has just kicked off.

At the same time, this is also the day when Yuanjing's own confinement time has expired and he can return to St. Eden Academy.

In the final analysis, the fundamental reason why he was punished by St. Eden Academy and found out that he used the storage room of the club building without permission when he just started school was because the Shinomiya family, one of the school managers, He wanted to please his mother, Minamoto Raimitsu, so he made such a [weird] punishment.

Minamoto Yorimitsu came to Tokyo because he received an invitation to the cultural festival from St. Eden College to the parents of the students as usual.In other words, she actually went down the mountain to participate in the cultural festival with her own children.

At least that's the reason she gave herself to choose.

If this is the case, Sigong Huang Guang, the temporary patriarch of the Sigong family, naturally chose the punishment of Yuanjing's "reflection at home" from Monday to Friday, and during the cultural festival time on Saturday and Sunday, the foot ban Naturally, it was canceled so that the mother and son of the Yuan family could enjoy the special annual festival of St. Eden Academy.

It was seven o'clock in the morning at this time, Minamoto had finished breakfast with Minamoto Raimitsu's mother, and was sitting on the sofa in the living room of the Shinomiya Villa with some boredom, resting his cheeks with his hands.

He was waiting for his mother to finish her makeup before going to St. Eden Academy to attend the cultural festival with her.

If there were no accidents, during these two days, he would be firmly tied around his mother.

My own mother, who is extremely possessive, should not let herself out of her sight.Although the restraining order given to him by the school has been cancelled, his 'freedom' is increasingly restricted compared to the school day...

Well, of course, this is 'if nothing happens'.

But obviously, this is unlikely to happen.

For now, the 'enemies' of Yuan Jing and the girls are mainly composed of two parts, namely the Sigong Group temporarily led by Shinomiya Huangguang, and Minamoto Raimitsu.

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