"Of course, if you can't accept it," Ai Hayasaka hesitated a little, and then said cautiously——

"It's okay to be a little rough. I can actually accept titles like 'bad mother [beep——]'."

Who would call someone that?

This Hayasaka Ai-san, please stop panting suspiciously, please?

Chapter 78 Sister, can you dress up as me at the cultural festival? (4k)

A great man in Huaguo once said——

'The temperament of Chinese people always likes to make compromises. For example, if you say that this room is too dark, you must open a window here, and everyone will definitely not allow it.But if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to mediate and are willing to open the windows. '

Although in the original text, it specifically pointed out that this is a character trait of the Hua people.However, as the source of civilization in East Asia, such character traits actually exist in other countries in East Asia.

What Ai Hayasaka used was a similar tactic.

If you directly said to Yuan Jing, please call yourself and Shinomiya Kaguya by their names, given Yuan Jing's temperament, the possibility of agreeing is actually not very high.

But if he was told to call him something like 'poor mother [beep——]', Yuan Jing would probably be surprised by the boldness of this address, and feel that calling each other's names is a very common thing.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

As long as Yuan Jing used this behavior of calling each other names once, it would be a natural and logical thing for him to accept the transition from 'Hayasaka-san' to 'Ai'.

This is Ai Hayasaka's strategy.

Don't underestimate this change in appellation.

The essence of the so-called male-female communication is the process of continuously narrowing the distance between two hearts and eliminating the sense of distance between the two, and calling each other by name is the process of gradually disappearing the sense of distance between the two. An important performance.

Especially in the face of a "strategic fortress" that is extremely difficult to attack like Yuanjing, any slightest progress is precious.

Then, please, please speak my name quickly!

Ai Hayasaka thought so eagerly in her heart.

Although she is bending her body respectfully and gently at this moment, she has already pricked up her ears, ready to receive the address full of 'love' from Yuanjing.


"'Dirty mother [beep——]' is okay," Yuan Jing showed a thoughtful expression, "except in some bad anime or text, this is the first time someone asks for it in real life That's what I call each other."

Huh?Why does Yuanjing look eager to try?

It's like being asked to shout out the classic lines of Kamen Rider, it's the kind of eagerness to try with a little embarrassment.

he won't really want to...

Ai Hayasaka panicked a little.

In fact, she doesn't reject Yuanjing calling her this way, rather, if there are only her and Yuanjing here, she actually welcomes it.

But now there is Shinomiya Kaguya watching.

If he called himself like that in front of her, he would lose his majesty in front of her!

Well, that's the second thing.

The most important thing is that Ai Hayasaka is a little afraid that she will be developed some extremely bad habits because of this.

If Minomiya Kaguya was so 'resulted' by Yuan Jing, not only did he not feel ashamed, but his cheeks were flushed and his breathing was heavy...

It was hard for her to imagine what kind of unbelievable expression her eldest lady would show, and how weirdly she would look at herself afterwards.

Ai Hayasaka found a huge loophole in her plan, that is, she didn't think about it, if Yuanjing really agreed to 'tear down the roof', how would she react?

She raised her head pitifully, and gave Yuan Jing a begging look, but found that the other party blinked at her slightly.

Ah, so he saw through it.

Does such a cleverness really work?

Just when Ai Hayasaka was a little downcast, she heard Yuan Jing say——

"However, no matter how you say it, this title is a bit too much. I still can't say it, it's too shameful." He shook his head, "Even if it's a request of love, I'm sorry I can't accept it."

Sure enough, with Yuanjing's temperament, this kind of title is still unacceptable.

Ai Hayasaka breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart, a sense of peace of mind and some subtle regrets surfaced in her heart at the same time.

......Wait a moment!What did Yuanjing call me just now? !

Ai Hayasaka suddenly raised her head, her blue eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

"Love." After overlapping his legs, Yuan Jing leaned his body back, entrusting the weight of his body to the soft back of the chair.This kind of action reveals a kind of chic and unrestrained handsomeness.

"Didn't you tell me before that please spare me some time so that you can teach the new maid?" He said very naturally, "My time is actually very precious, why don't we start now .”

"Yes!" Hayasaka Ai replied quite energetically.

By the way, as a person who has been watching with cold eyes, Shinomiya Kaguya's expression is——


The maid was hopeless.

Kaguya Shinomiya has heard the rumor that love can affect IQ, but now, she finally 'seeing is believing' about it.

As the former owner of Hayasaka Ai, Shinomiya Kaguya is naturally very familiar with her appearance before contacting Yuanjing.

Shrewd, capable, intelligent, and agile... Although there are weaknesses in her heart, Ai Hayasaka is completely worthy of the title of "all-round maid". Love the maid who fits that title better.

The result is now...

Looking at someone who was willingly being 'played' by someone in the palm of his hand, Kaguya Shinomiya sighed long and shook his head in his heart.

However, before she finished feeling in her heart, she felt a pulling force from her wrist, and when she looked up, Hayasaka Ai's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile was right in front of her eyes.

"Kaguya, since it's rare for the master to spare time, we naturally can't disappoint his good intentions." Holding Shinomiya Kaguya's wrist, Hayasaka Ai dragged her to Yuanjing.

"As a senior maid, let me teach you the first lesson," Ai Hayasaka said with a wicked smile, "This is also the lesson that the master needs most at present."

After arriving at Yuan Jing's seat, Hayasaka Ai placed Shinomiya Kaguya on one side of the chair, and she came to the other side. After squatting down, she manipulated something while saying to Yuan Jing:

"Master, please relax your body and don't move." With her operation, the back of the chair slowly lowered, "Leave the next thing to us."

When she stood up again, the chair Yuan Jing was sitting on had turned into a small bed, and she and Shinomiya Kaguya stood on both sides.

After putting down the handrail that got in the way, Hayasaka Ai said to Shinomiya Kaguya who was still at a loss on the other side——

"The name of the lesson, I call it 'Using the Hands to Make the Master Comfortable'."

"By hand?" Shinomiya Kaguya raised her white hands, looked at this pair of beautiful catkins, and she blinked her eyes with some doubts.

"That's right, this is a skill that every competent maid must master, and I think it's extremely appropriate to take it as the first lesson on your journey as a maid." Ai Hayasaka said solemnly.

"Don't underestimate this skill," Hayasaka Ai taught Shinomiya Kaguya earnestly, as if a senior was admonishing his back, "Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this skill is not only difficult to be elegant, but also extremely Simple, just kneading, holding and pressing."

"But just like the most difficult dish in cooking is the simplest egg fried rice, there are also extremely profound skills hidden in these simple actions."

"This is the janitorial skill that countless maids rely on for a living. It is precisely because of this skill that they can firmly occupy a place next to their master." Ai Hayasaka's tone was deeply seductive.

"As long as you are proficient in this way, even if you are clumsy and careless in other tasks, your master will not be cruel enough to drive you away. What I want to teach you is such a skill that can be called a devil."

'No, although you seem to have forgotten it now, I didn't really come to be a maid. This is just a special training to change my eldest lady's temper. '

Shinomiya Kaguya said so in her heart.

'However, if there is such a miracle, then it is naturally necessary to learn it. '

Shinomiya Kaguya was also interested in the skill that Ai Hayasaka was talking about.Judging from Hayasaka Ai's tone, this seems to be a skill that is easy to learn but difficult to master.

Hands-on, comfortable, and easy to learn but hard to master...

Oh, Shinomiya Kaguya somewhat guessed what technique Ai Hayasaka was referring to.

This is indeed a must-have skill for a maid, and I probably will use it in the future.

From this point of view, Hayasaka Ai is indeed well-intentioned.That being the case, she can't live up to her painstaking efforts.

As an all-round genius, although she is not as good as Yuan Jing, Shinomiya Kaguya believes that there are not many things in this world that can stump her.

"I don't expect you to be able to master it in one class, but if your progress satisfies me, I will demonstrate the advanced techniques of this skill in front of you." Ai Hayasaka smiled slightly, "I call it 'Use the feet to make the owner comfortable'."

"With feet?" Shinomiya Kaguya looked down subconsciously, under the long maid dress of the Shinomiya family, the little feet wrapped in small black leather shoes also curled up slightly at the same time.

She was a little confused.

Compared with the flexible hands, the feet are undoubtedly much more clumsy.

If this is the case, why are feet a so-called advanced technique?

Compared with hands, is there any advantage to it?

Since she was confused in her heart, Kaguya Shinomiya naturally expressed this confusion to her mouth——

"Is it more comfortable to use your feet than your hands for a massage?"

She asked Hayasaka Ai with some doubts.

"It's not a question of comfort... Wait a minute, Kaguya, do you know what I mean by massage?" Ai Hayasaka asked in surprise.

"???" Shinomiya Kaguya had a question mark on his face.

"One of the maid's jobs is to use both hands and feet. The purpose is to make the master feel comfortable, plus the current state of the two of us..." She pointed to herself and Ai Hayasaka, and then He pointed to Yuan Jing, who was lying on the narrow bed transformed from a chair, holding back a smile.

"Isn't there only [massage]?" Kaguya Shinomiya tilted her head curiously, and looked at Ai Hayasaka, "What else could it be?"

Seeing the extremely pure expression on Shinomiya Kaguya's face, Ai Hayasaka was a little dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

In fact, she never thought that her young lady would be so pure.

Although she is Shinomiya Kaguya's personal maid, but because of her age and she is also a big girl, the Shinomiya family did not entrust her with the task of teaching Shinomiya Kaguya [gender] knowledge, but entrusted others.

Because Shinomiya Kaguya's mother, Shinomiya Mingyazhu, was born in Yaba, the Shinomiya family was actually extremely cautious when teaching Shinomiya Kaguya related knowledge.This is the meaning of Shinomiya Yanan.

The few lessons were basically telling her not to do this, or not to do that. As for the reason, these 'teachers' didn't explain it to Shinomiya Kaguya.

This caused Shinomiya Kaguya to be too simple in that aspect.

Unlike a certain maid, even now, Shinomiya Kaguya still doesn't quite know what the so-called sex between men and women is, and she doesn't know much about the birth process of children.

...From a certain point of view, this is really in line with her status as a boudoir who is ignorant of the world.

Facing the pure light cast by Shinomiya Kaguya, she never thought that this would be the case, Ai Hayasaka obviously looked a little embarrassed.

"That's right, it's [Massage], Kaguya, you are very intelligent." She said with a laugh.

While talking, she slightly coquettishly twisted Yuan Jing, whose body was slightly trembling because of suppressing a smile, to signal him to restrain himself.

"Next, I'll make a demonstration first, so you watch carefully." Ai Hayasaka said to Shinomiya Kaguya sternly with a light cough to cover up her embarrassment.

The latter nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

'Well, I always thought that the Shinomiya family educated the young lady very well, but I didn't expect that Kaguya's knowledge in that area would be so lacking. ' Ai Hayasaka put her hand on Yuan Jing's arm, and she was going to start the massage from this place.

'Before, because of the protection of the Sigong family, these shortcomings are actually harmless.But since Kaguya is going to leave the Shinomiya family and become a laborer running up and down for Yuanjing, it is unacceptable to lack knowledge in this area, and maybe he will suffer because of it. '

'We need to find an opportunity to teach the eldest lady about this knowledge. '

Hayasaka Ai made up her mind.


At the same time, Yukinoshita Yoshino's rented house.

Like Yukinoshita Yukino, Yukinoshita Yono did not rent the dormitory of the school, but found a house outside to live in.

As a local prominent family, Yukinoshita's family will naturally not lack this little money.

At this time, she was looking at her younger sister with some playfulness.

This child who has been avoiding him has come to the door on his own initiative today, and made a request to himself——

"You want me to pretend to be you at your school's cultural festival?" Yukinoshita Haruno asked a little puzzled, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Chapter 79 Onano's 'Advice' (4k)

Playing the role of her sister Yukinoshita Yukino, she went into St. Eden Academy to find out about her sister's current situation.

This was something that Yukinoshita Yono had done on his own initiative before.

During that day, Yukino Yukino's companion, Yukino Yukino, and the members of the Lamb Club took over a self-directed and self-acted "swimming pool strange case", and her true identity was finally revealed.

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