And this is something that will threaten the entire universe.

Just thinking about this kind of thing makes Li Ming feel a chill...

He probably understood why he had encountered such a fatal situation because of a cat.

If it was the will of the universe, he would encounter such a disaster.

Not to mention that it took 18 years of patience to guide fate to the black hand, I am afraid that a thunderbolt will be sent directly to the ground as soon as it lands, and it will be completely defeated, okay!

Cough... so I don't feel so good!

Before he knew it, it was getting late at night. Li Ming who was lying on the bed suddenly sat up, looked at the sky full of stars outside the window, and made a decision in his heart.

Since he brought an invasion that shouldn't exist to this world, let's hurry up and build up strength to deal with the threats that may appear at any time!

If you create problems by yourself, then try to solve them yourself, and make enough contributions anyway...

Otherwise, he is really afraid that one day the will of the Marvel universe will end in person, mobilizing the world to kill him!

His thoughts were scattered in a mess, and Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way... If those guys come to the Marvel universe, if I ask them to borrow my strength, will I not have to pay [World Influence]?"

"I'm going to make a lot of money right away!"

Under such circumstances, this guy can still think of this kind of thing, it can only be said that he has won the true biography of Xiao Ming and Ruoke Kai!


Day two.

Although Li Ming didn't sleep very well because of the experience of the first day, he still got up early and insisted on exercising according to the plan.

However, his grandfather Li Jian had no time to take care of the meal due to company affairs, so he let Li Ming handle it by himself.

Li Ming simply drove to pick up Peter. After the two of them found a cafe to deal with, they drove to the Trident building of S.H.I.E.L.D. located in Washington DC, a small island in the middle of the Potomac River, according to the scheduled time.

It seems that the relevant permissions were entered in advance, and all the checkpoints they encountered on the way were able to pass smoothly without anyone blocking them.

But when Li Ming parked the car and approached the building, he realized that all the spies in uniforms were hurrying around.

Li Ming and Peter, two guys in casual clothes, appear here, no matter how you look at it, they are out of place.

Fortunately, Coulson was already waiting at the door, and when he saw the two, he immediately went forward to greet them: "Welcome to the two of you, the lounge is ready, please follow me!"

Li Ming nodded and followed the other party, but he felt a little strange in his heart. is this process so similar to when I met Mr. Gu yesterday!

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Chapter 71 Modifying the contract and the truth about 【World Influence】

Facing the familiar steps, Li Ming can only say that the arrangement of important people is always similar.

If you do everything yourself, how can you still be a boss!

Coulson naturally didn't know what Li Ming was thinking, and Peter, who was walking beside Li Ming, looked a little nervous and cramped.

The three of them remained silent all the way to the outside of a certain room.

Coulson stopped in his tracks, took out his work ID card, swiped the card at the door verification area to open the door, turned slightly sideways, and waved his hand: "Please!"

Without hesitation, Li Ming and Peter stepped in, and found a well-lit, well-furnished lounge with many comforts.

Coulson then entered and explained to them: "The director is holding an important meeting, please wait in the lounge for a while."

As he said that, he picked up the two stacks of materials that had been prepared on the coffee table and handed them to Li Ming and Peter: "The contract on the special consultant has also been prepared for you. During the waiting period, you can read it. .”

After the introduction, he went to the small refrigerator and opened the cabinet door and asked, "What do you two drink?"

"Water is fine."

Li Ming sat on the sofa, looked carefully at the contract in his hand and said casually.

Peter quickly followed and said, "Me too!"

This kind of occasion is indeed a bit too solemn for him. Although they have experienced many big scenes, this is the first time for this kind of thing.

Therefore, he was still somewhat nervous.

Li Ming, on the other hand, met Mr. Gu yesterday, and the content of the conversation involved the fate of the entire universe and changes in the timeline. Now that these matters are equally important, it is difficult to make him nervous.

Coulson nodded, and took out two bottles of the most common mineral water on the market from the refrigerator and put them on the table: "If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time, and I will try my best to answer them for you."

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the sofa beside him and stopped talking, as if he was ready to answer their questions at any time.

The content of the contract is very simple, which is to explain the most basic responsibilities and obligations as well as the corresponding authority, remuneration and benefits, etc., and finally some confidential matters.

Among them, the remuneration and benefits can be said to be quite generous, even to the extent that Li Ming was a little surprised.

He even doubted that this contract was re-established after the Martin Lee snaring incident and the escape of the five super villains after realizing their combat power, right?

Although those rewards were not that attractive to Li Ming, they were exciting enough for Peter.

As long as everything goes well, even if the new company to be opened is not counted, this income alone can greatly improve his family's living standards.

Li Ming read each word carefully, thinking about the possible problems Li Ming might have.

After all, he was also an experienced social animal in his previous life, and he still knew a little bit about the contract.

However, after reading the whole article, apart from two comments, he really didn't find any major problems in it in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Li Ming looked up at Coulson who was standing by: " don't mind if I call you that?"

"Of course I don't mind. Please tell me if you have any questions." Coulson said with a smile.

"In general, the contract is quite complete, and the remuneration is generous... However, there are two small problems, I want to make a modification and addition."

Coulson nodded and explained in a business-like manner: "I don't have the authority to modify the contract, but I will record your opinion and convey it to the director."

"After the approval of the bureau chief, we can decide whether to modify or add contract terms."

"Is that so, then write it down first."

Li Ming expressed his understanding, and continued: "It's not a big problem, it's just some minor details!"

As he spoke, he pushed the contract in front of Coulson, pointing to one of the lines, "Look, here are the relevant confidentiality regulations. Since we need to keep the relevant content of S.H.I.E.L.D. secret, I think S.H.I.E.L.D. Obligation of confidentiality!"

"If there is an accidental exposure of identity in the process of dealing with the crisis, S.H.I.E.L.D. should use resources to help us minimize the impact of exposure of identity as much as possible...or even cover up the exposure of our identity before the matter further escalates. matter."

Li Ming thought very clearly that unless he had no choice but to take care of his family, keeping his identity a secret was an inevitable thing to do.

He did not underestimate the consequences of the exposure of many superhero identities, most of which were disadvantages, and few of them benefited.

Not to mention anything else, just the Mr. Spider-Man beside him...

In the comics, Iron Man tricked him into self-exploding his identity, which resulted in the death of Aunt Mei, and he couldn't solve the problem of identity exposure by asking all parties.

In the end, Mephisto can only pay Mephisto at the cost of his love with MJ and his unborn daughter, in exchange for the resurrection of Aunt May and the world forgetting that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

This is a miserable!

Lessons learned from the past, and lessons learned from the past, in short, Li Ming, who is far from wealthy, does not have the confidence to engage in Tony Stark's tricks.

Moreover, even if it is the world influence that [Light Knight Drive] thinks, after talking with Gu Yi, Li Ming realized that what he needs is not just a simple reputation!

More importantly, what the identity of the Light Knight has done has a great impact on the timeline of the entire world!

The greater the timeline deflection he causes, the greater the influence feedback he will get!

From a certain point of view, [World Influence] is actually a kind of power, but Li Ming has not yet found a way to use it.

Since reputation is useless, it is very important to keep identity confidential based on various factors!

"It's a reasonable request."

Coulson listened and nodded, took out a small notebook from his pocket and wrote it carefully, and then asked, "What about the second question?"

"The second one is even easier!"

Li Ming smiled, and turned a few pages to an item in the obligation section: "I agree to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. to handle some high-risk matters when needed."

"But there is one thing, we must cooperate on an equal footing and do not accept any form of superior scheduling. That is to say, I hope to have the right to make independent decisions when dealing with some issues, and I don't want anyone to dictate to us..."

Speaking of this, Li Ming looked at Coulson and said seriously: "It doesn't matter whether it is a bureaucrat who may not be able to accurately judge the danger of the enemy, or a senior agent who thinks he is experienced!"

"Moreover, we must have the right to refuse to execute! If you want us to deal with certain high-risk matters, you must first give us the relevant information, and we will judge whether to execute the commission."

Li Ming put forward this point mainly to guard against the black hands of his teammate Pig and Hydra, otherwise he would do everything, so don't be the knife in the opponent's hand without knowing it!

Hearing this, Coulson's smile remained the same, and he still recorded it carefully, but he reminded: "This request may be difficult according to the regulations of our bureau, but I think the director should be able to give you a satisfactory result." reply."

"Any questions?"

After finishing writing, he looked up at Li Ming, and then at Peter who was studying the contract with his head down.

"No, just these two points for the time being."

Li Ming shook his head, Peter thought about it seriously, and said it was fine.


On the other side, Nick Fury watched the conversation between the three on the screen and smiled: "It really has character...but it's still expected."

Observing that it was almost here, he reached out and pressed the button on the table and said, "Bring them here!"

Chapter 72 Yuan Devourer-Cuckoo

Boom boom boom!

"Please come in!"

Nick Fury turned off the content on the computer, glanced at the orange cat licking its fur not far away, and looked up at the door.

As long as there is this cute creature, he will not be afraid of any attack!

The office door was pushed open by Agent Hill, followed by Li Ming, Peter and Coulson.

"Nice to meet you, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury took the initiative to walk out of the desk, reached out to Li Ming and Peter, and shook hands with each other.

Looking at this Mazefak man, Li Ming couldn't help but feel a little smile and a question...

Why are the bosses he met these two days all bald?

Is there something wrong?

Without waiting for Li Ming to think, Nick Fury, who shook hands with Peter, suddenly said: "Mr. Your parents will be very pleased to know!"

"What?! My parents?!"

Peter's expression became agitated at once.

Li Ming also raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise on his face.

To be honest, his knowledge of Marvel related content is all based on his hobby, and he has limited knowledge, and he doesn't know much about particularly deep things.

As for Peter's parents, I only vaguely remember that they seem to work for a certain organization, but I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that it happened to be SHIELD!

"Yeah, it's really a coincidence of fate, isn't it?"

Nick Fury nodded with emotion, seemingly enthusiastically gesturing towards the sofa area by the window.

"Let's sit down and chat. In fact, Coulson should have already handled the official business for the two of you. I just want to meet the two superheroes who guard New York and chat with you by the way..."

"Mr. Parker, about your parents, let's talk about it slowly. Some non-confidential information can also be retrieved for you to check."

After that, he looked at Coulson and Hill: "You can go out first, I want to chat with the two gentlemen."

Hearing Nick Fury's order, Hill kept his eyes fixed, nodded and prepared to leave the office.

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