In this way, Li Ming can then make some plans purposefully.

Listening to Li Ming's words, Tony's originally excited expression dimmed and quickly stabilized: "I will solve this problem, you don't have to worry, but I also hope that you two can help me keep it a secret, and don't let others know!"

Both Li Ming and Peter nodded: "Of course."

After thinking about it, Li Ming tentatively said, "Maybe I have a way to relieve your physical condition, do you want to try it?"

"What way?" Tony became interested.

"The solution is in your hands!"

Li Ming pointed to the two cards [William A. Zebelin] and [Jonathan Joestar], "These two cards are the power carrier lent to me by another powerful man in the universe. It is the power of 'breathing ripples', which has special functions such as healing, killing dark creatures, prolonging life, forming a magnetic field to attract other objects, etc."

"Wait! Dark creatures?"

Tony Stark raised his hand to interrupt Li Ming, with an expression on his face that you kid is kidding me.

"That's right! Dark creatures, such as vampires, ghosts and other messy things."

Li Ming guessed that he must not believe it, explained a sentence, and continued: "Oh, yes, I was awakened because I almost died at the hands of a vampire, and I formed a connection with this belt... and in the end , that vampire was directly burned to ashes in the aftermath of my transformation!"

Tony shook his head: "It's really hard for me to believe what you said. You won't tell me that there is magic in the world, right?"

"I have learned to answer quickly, magic really exists!"

Li Ming didn't bother to explain much, just said: "Oh, this world is far more magical than you imagined, you can even accept my card that borrows power, so why can't you accept these mysterious things... In short, in the future If you run into it, I’ll take you to see it with your own eyes and you’ll know!”

"Okay! Let's get back to the point!" Li Ming clapped his hands: "With your physical condition, you definitely can't practice the ripple breathing method, but I can try to use 'ripple' to help you relieve the deterioration of your body, so as to give you more More time to find a solution.”

After all, Li Ming said sincerely, "How about it? Do you want to try?"

"Then try it!"

It was a matter of life, and Tony didn't dare to be vague.

"Then I will touch your body next, and then drive the ripples into your body. In short, just don't overreact!"

While explaining, Li Ming stood up and slapped Tony on the shoulder.

The golden ripples were transmitted to his body in an instant, and ripples appeared in his body, stirring up vitality, and Tony's face turned rosy all of a sudden.

"OMG! What the hell is this?! I've never felt better!"

Tony took a big breath, feeling the vitality glowing in his body, his face was full of disbelief: "I even started to believe what you said before!"

Li Ming clapped his hands and took a few steps back, observing Tony's changes by the way: "Okay, these ripples will stay in your body to help you adjust your body functions, as long as you supplement every once in a while, you will be supported under the erosion of palladium element." The time will be longer... And this should be regarded as a bonus of the transaction between us!"

"If there is nothing else, let's go back and tell Dr. Otto the good news. I wish you good luck!"

Seeing that Tony was still a little flustered, Li Ming simply left.

Tony nodded: "Jarvis, see off my guests."

"Yes, sir!"

The door of the villa opened by itself, Li Ming and Peter packed up the documents and said goodbye politely, and drove straight to the laboratory.

"In this way, Tony's state should be enough to support the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau to return his father's relics to him, and discover the cosmic Rubik's Cube isotope hidden in it... I just don't know if he can get it from the drive and power. Something has been researched in the card..."

Looking at the rushing traffic ahead, recalling what happened in the seaside villa just now, Li Ming was thinking silently, his eyes flickering with anticipation.

Chapter 30 Otto Joins, Peter Tangled

"I have introduced all the relevant issues, doctor, would you like to cooperate with me?"

Looking at Dr. Otto with a pensive expression, Li Ming said expectantly.

He got a reply from Tony Stark so quickly, and got better conditions. When Li Ming and Peter called Dr. Otto in the car, he hadn't even left the laboratory.

So the two rushed to the laboratory, and Li Ming and Peter cut down the previous transaction with Tony Stark and told Dr. Otto.

Seeing the doctor's uncertain appearance, Li Ming continued:

"As long as we cooperate to form a company, you, as the company's chief scientist, will be able to have a laboratory that is completely your own, without worrying about censorship, let alone funding, and your research will be completely free!"

"In addition to my family's investment, the company's initial capital will also receive capital injection from Tony Stark himself. With him as the company's backstage, we don't have to worry about Norman Osborn's black hand!"

"As for [nerve-connected extremity technology], you can use it to become one of the initial shareholders of the company, or you can keep this technology yourself and authorize it to our company, and the profits will be paid to you in proportion to market rules. I won't let you suffer!"

After a pause, Li Ming didn't want Dr. Otto to misunderstand that he was plotting his technology, and said sincerely: "Of course, if you don't want to grant us the technology and cooperate with us, I will still help you complete this technology." Well, just pretend that I never said anything about starting a company, Tony Stark still has..."

Before Li Ming could finish speaking, Dr. Otto suddenly raised his head: "No! I promise you!"

"...Xiao, what? You promised!"

Li Ming was stunned, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Dr. Otto stood up, his expression no longer hazy.

He patted Li Ming on the shoulder with a gentle and sincere smile: "You are my only life-saving straw now, of course I have to grasp it! This technology is the result of our joint efforts, so use it as the foundation of our new company." Pioneering product! I’ve had enough of the loss of a personal researcher, maybe it’s time to change my identity.”

"Great doctor, with your joining, the future of our company is guaranteed!"

As soon as Li Ming grabbed the doctor's hand, he said immediately: "The funds will be poured into the laboratory's account immediately, and we must save the technology patent before the Osborne Group!"

Dr. Otto is also in a good mood: "Okay! Let's take a day off today, and we will continue to catch up with the progress starting tomorrow!"

Li Ming and Peter looked at each other, seeing the joy in each other's eyes, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Then doctor, rest well, we will go back first, see you tomorrow!"


Walking out of the laboratory and looking at the blue sky outside, Peter was in a good mood.

This short day has been full of twists and turns.

It was thought that the laboratory would be overthrown by Norman Osborn's black hands, and [Nerve Connection Extremity Technology] would also be captured by him.

But he never thought that his little partner would find a way to break the situation so quickly. Not only did he get Tony Stark as the backstage, but he even got the other party's capital injection and promise of related resources in the form of a transaction.

It can be said that Peter did not really know Li Ming until today, at least he couldn't act decisively and judge accurately in front of this kind of thing.

Of course, that's because he doesn't have anything that Tony Stark is interested in, otherwise he might not be able to achieve Li Ming's level under balance.

But assuming it is meaningless, whether to say it or not, at this moment Peter really envied Li Ming a little bit.

Seeing the unstoppable smiles on the faces of his friends around him, Peter said, "I really didn't expect Dr. Otto to agree so easily. I thought you would have to spend a little more time talking!"

Li Ming replied with a smile: "I didn't expect that either, but if the doctor refuses to agree, we will persuade them together. Anyway, we will have a chance before the research is completed!"

"What do you mean we all have a chance! Isn't this your own business!"

Peter rolled his eyes, indicating that your boy La Zhuangding really has a hand.

Li Ming glanced at him strangely: "Of course it's our business, you have a share in the new company, if you can't bring Dr. Are you going to research a new technology?"

"Then when will the company have a product that can be sold!"

Although Li Ming said a lot, Peter only had the first sentence in his mind at this moment. He stammered, his expression full of disbelief: "What does it mean to have a share of me?"

Now Li Ming realized why this guy reacted like this, and immediately patted his forehead, looking at Peter like a fool: "I said, why didn't you make a sound when I was talking about the company, so you Do you think I forgot about you?"

"Don't worry, although I paid the money, I got the investment from Tony Stark, and the technology was provided by Dr. Otto, but your role in it is not small, although not much, But I will still share some of your shares... In other words, you are also one of the founding shareholders of the new company!"

Upon hearing this, Peter flushed embarrassingly: "How can I do that, I didn't contribute anything..."

"Needless to say, I've already decided on this matter!" Li Ming waved his hand: "You Peter Parker is a genius, I'll take it as a way to win over you to invest in advance, I believe that with your ingenuity, you will be able to give me thousands of feedbacks in the future." The return will be multiplied ten thousand times!"

What Li Ming said was the truth.

Although there are friendship factors in giving Peter some shares, it is more because Li Ming clearly knows the genius level of this son of Marvel, and he can be tied to his chariot with only this little share. Let's earn blood!

Peter's face was full of confusion: "But..."

Seeing that Peter still wanted to refuse, Li Ming had no choice but to resort to his trump card: "Peter! Although it is not difficult to get a scholarship in college with your talent, you still have another identity to take care of, and you can't devote yourself to your studies. It’s hard to say that scholarships are guaranteed.”

"In this way, using your family's financial conditions to support you to go to college... Sigh, do you want Aunt Mei to work harder than now?"

"And all of this can be solved as long as you accept the shares I gave you. If the company runs well, even the dividends you get can be fed back to the family, so that Aunt Mei can relax. Don't you want to see this? Is it?"

Having said that, Peter was stabbed to death by Li Ming.

His expression froze, and he nodded after a moment of contemplation: "Okay, Sunlight, you are right! Thank you for what you have done for me, and I will definitely show good enough technology to repay you in the future!"

Li Ming smiled, and immediately patted Peter on the shoulder: "This is exactly what I want to see, okay, don't be so serious, go to my house for dinner to celebrate this event!"

Peter's eyes lit up immediately: "Really? That's great! Those dishes that Mr. Li made before are so delicious, I've been thinking about them all the time, let's go!"

As they spoke, the two hooked their shoulders and walked out cheerfully.

In contrast, in the laboratory, Dr. Otto was lost in thought as he looked at the pieces of equipment that had been prepared for a long time:

"Since you agreed to that child, let's hand them over to the film. I believe he can make good use of those guys to fulfill our wish...and drag Norman into hell!"

Chapter 31 Heart-to-heart talk

After finishing dinner and sending Peter away, Li Ming chatted with his grandpa while cleaning up:

"Didn't I say before that I would invest money in Dr. Otto and help him make the technology..."

Li Jian picked up his teacup and responded casually: "Well, what then?"

"Now I have a new idea. Today our mayor, Norman Osborn, copied the laboratory. It just so happened that I accidentally caught up with Tony Stark and went to chat with him. He decided to invest money to help me start the company..."


Speaking of which, Li Jian, who was drinking tea leisurely, spouted out a sip of tea, pouring Li Ming into a drowned chicken.

"Oh! It's a lot of age, drink tea slowly, why are you still choking!"

Li Ming wiped the tea leaves on his face, and hurried up to help his grandfather pat his back, not forgetting to make some complaints.

"Cough cough cough..." Li Jian coughed until his face turned red, and he gave his grandson a hard look: "What did you just say... Tony Stark wants to invest money to help you start a company?!"

"I haven't woken up yet, or am I just dreaming!? You're the only one who can get along with Tony Stark?!"

Hearing what grandpa said, Li Ming was unhappy on the spot: "Hey! How can you say that your grandson is also a genius, okay? Geniuses always cherish each other. Isn't it normal to know Tony Stark!"

"How is this normal... Forget it, say what you want!" Li Jian shook his head, straightened his face, and asked seriously: "Are you reliable in this matter? With that Iron Man, our family has a lot of money. I can't stand the consumption!"

No wonder Mr. Li Jian was worried.

He, Li Jian, came to the United States in his early years and started from scratch as an outsider. He made his fortune as an accounting firm, and later became involved in the retail of Chinese specialty products. Up to now, his net worth is tens of millions. impossible.

But this is nothing compared to the old arms dealer Stark Group!

In terms of life, there are only him and Li Ming left in their family, and the money they earn now is simply not enough to spend, but if you want to talk about scientific research and the like, it can only be said that unless the car does not overturn, if it overturns, it will cause injury. Musculoskeletal.

Previously, it was Dr. Otto's project that Li Ming followed almost the whole process, and now it has reached the point where he can see the final success. Otherwise, Li Jian would have to struggle a few more times whether to agree to Li Ming's request for investment. .

Now that he is going directly with Tony Stark and wants to start a technology company, how can he not worry about it!

Faced with Li Jian's question, Li Ming also nodded seriously: "Don't worry, Grandpa, I have a technology he is interested in, and I made a deal with him. He invested money and provided various resources for me to start a company. Part of the shares belong to me, he only takes a symbolic share, the price is only that I have to share that technology with him... nothing else will be involved!"

"As expected of my grandson, he actually came up with a technology that even Tony Stark is interested in!" Li Jian smiled proudly: "That's all right, if you can grasp it yourself, go ahead and do it. Grandpa will support you!"

"I see!"

Li Ming smiled firmly.


After talking with his grandfather, Li Ming went back to the room and locked the door.

"let me see……"

Feel free to spread out on the chair, Li Ming stretched out his hand and waved in mid-air, a transparent light curtain appeared automatically.


[Strength Perfection]: 11.1%

[World Influence]: 3633 (↑)


"Hmm... only increased by a few hundred? It seems that whether I reached an agreement with Tony Stark or helped him relieve his physical condition, it will not have a great impact on this world!"

"Is it because no matter what, Tony Stark can finally find the isotope of the Rubik's Cube from his father's relics to upgrade his Ark reactor?"

Li Ming shook his head, and turned off the recording panel with a wave of his hand.

After he obtained the [Steel Shock Armament], his power perfection directly soared by several percentage points, and his physical fitness was also significantly improved because of this.

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