Marvel's Debt King, Favorite to Make Friends Author: Zhong Shugong

[William A. Zeppelin] + [Jonathan Joestar] = [Courage Ripple Arms] [Spider-Man] + [Dr. Octopus] = [Rapid Spider Lance Arms] [Killer 47] + [Assassin's Creed Artest] Er] = [Stealth Assassination Armed] [Hulk Hulk] + [Abomination] = [Rage Giant Armed] ... Li Ming, who DIYed the Orb Ring and the Emperor Rider Driver into a ring belt, came to the Marvel Universe and inherited it from then on. Special photo of the power of the two debt kings. "As long as you get approval, you can borrow the power of others?" "Isn't that as long as..." Li Ming thought about it, and since then embarked on the road of making friends. ...... A group of superheroes and villains were all sad and indignant: "You don't want to be my friend at all, you just want my power! You are despicable!"

Chapter 1 Orange Cat, Demon Gang and Escape


In the deep alleyway, a panic-stricken Chinese teenager is running wildly, trying to escape, avoiding the pursuit of the two devil gangs behind him.

His name is Sunlight Li, and his parents gave him a Chinese name, Li Ming.

"I shouldn't have been tempted by that damned cat, and had been led all the way to such a remote place unknowingly...and even stumbled into a covert operation of the Devil Gang..."

"Don't let me catch that damn orange cat again! I just want you to live comfortably, but you want my life. I will remember this grudge!"

While Li Ming was running wildly, messy thoughts kept popping up, alleviating his panic and nervous emotions.

boom! boom! boom!

Disorderly gunshots sounded one after another behind him.

At night, the light is dim, the road conditions of the roadway are complex, and there are many corners, obstacles, and blind spots in the field of vision.

In addition, the heart demon's marksmanship was so superb that he couldn't hit Li Ming with several shots.

The bullets hit the ground and the wall, sparks splashed, and stone chips flew around, which made Li Ming tremble with fright, but none of them actually landed on him.

Instead, he frightened him and ran faster and faster, racing all the way, leaving the two inner demons who were already one section behind far behind.

When the distance was widened, Li Ming calmed down a little, thinking in his heart that if he could maintain this state, he might have a chance to escape.

Although he made good calculations, good luck did not always favor him.

No matter how you pick your feet with the marksmanship, facing a target as big as him, as long as you are willing to give up the bullets, there will always be times when a blind cat will run into a dead mouse.


Amidst the chaotic gunfire, a bullet suddenly grazed Li Ming's waving arm while running, tore through his clothes, brought up a small piece of flesh, and made a small hole in the side wall.

Even if it was just a scrape and was not actually hit by a bullet, nor did it cut an artery, but after a very short period of paralysis, severe pain and bleeding still surged.


Li Ming staggered, screamed, his breathing became chaotic, and he broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, almost falling to the ground.

This bullet bruise was the most painful in Li Ming's life. The blood on his right arm was continuously flowing out. No matter how he covered it, he couldn't stop it, and soon his sleeve was dyed bright red.

This situation made him panic.

But as a high school student who is about to graduate, Li Ming still has basic common sense. He naturally knew that although this injury looked scary, it would not kill him in the short term.

But if he gave up running because of the pain and was caught up by the two demons behind him, then his life would really be lost!

Therefore, even though his right arm was in severe pain, he did not dare to stop and rest.

Although he didn't give up, the pain and bleeding inevitably affected his running speed, and his physical exertion seemed to be much faster, making him run harder and harder.

This directly led to the heart demon who was chasing behind Li Ming to catch up again.

The original distance between the two sides was quickly shortened.

"I can't run now! Run again if you have the guts, you bastard!"

"F××K! Go to hell!"

Seeing Li Ming slowing down, the two demons who were chasing up smiled grinningly and raised their guns to finish him off.

But fortunately, Li Ming was only a few steps away from a corner at this time. Frightened and frightened, he rushed into the corner dangerously, dodging several bullets that followed.

And at this time, the two demons who were chasing after him all the way finally emptied the bullets in their guns.


After a few shots were fired, the demons pulled the trigger a few times out of habit, but only the embarrassing sound of the machine amplifier sounded, and Li Ming's figure almost disappeared into the shadow of the corner alley.

"Damn it! This kid found out about our... Boss ordered this kid to shut up forever! Otherwise, it will be the two of us who are unlucky!"

"We must not let him escape! Hurry up!"

The two cursed a few words, and hurriedly chased after them.


Seizing the opportunity to open the distance again, Li Ming ran desperately, ignoring the blood on his right arm all the way, but calmly estimated his position.

When he was first discovered by the Devil Gang, he took a lot of detours in a panic, and instead got farther and farther away from the crowded street.

Now after forcing myself to calm down, I found the right direction and soon found a relatively fast escape route.

"As long as you pass the corner in front, you should be able to escape from the alley by running a little further, and flee to the street to seek help from the police or Spider-Man..."

While thinking, Li Ming secretly cheered up when he saw a glimmer of hope.


However, blessings and misfortunes never come singly.

Just as Li Ming ran away at full speed according to his vague memory, he saw a man and a woman ecstatically entangled under the streetlight ahead just as he ran around the corner.

The two huddled together, occupying the originally narrow alleyway, blocking most of his way.

The corner of his eye twitched, almost scolding his mother.

When is this, how the hell can you encounter such a thing in such a place? !

Although his stomach was full of nausea, he immediately yelled out a reminder when he saw that there were other people.

"People from the Demon Gang are chasing me, you run away..."

Even if it's hard to protect himself, Li Ming still doesn't want to hurt the innocent, and...they won't make way for him, so he can't get around it!

The consideration of escape was one of them, and it was his kindness that pushed Li Ming to issue the warning at the first time.

It is a pity that many times the world does not reward your kindness accordingly.


As an ordinary person, after Li Ming turned that corner, it doesn't matter whether he is good or evil...

After all, the only prey that break into the hunting grounds are hunted by the hunters at will.

As for the idea of ​​prey itself?

hehe!Who cares?


Before Li Ming finished his reminder.

After running a few steps and getting closer, he suddenly saw the real situation of the man and woman under the streetlight in front of him.

"Your uncle's!"

He hurriedly stopped, Li Ming's eyes widened, and he blurted out a classic Chinese curse.

At a glance, Li Ming saw a tall and thin figure in the dim light holding a young woman with revealing clothes and a beautiful spring in her arms.

His movements were gentle, and his head was buried deeply, as if he was kissing the beauty in his arms affectionately.

But Li Ming could clearly see that the young woman in his arms had already died!

A beautiful head fell back weakly, and the woman's delicately made-up face was full of pain and disbelief. Her wide-eyed eyes looked at Li Ming while her movements were shaking, as if expressing resentment for a tragic death.


Before he could get rid of the demon's pursuit in the future, he bumped into a scene comparable to the scene of a horror movie when he turned a corner.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, what a miserable word!

After being rushed by the blood, Li Ming's face turned pale, and his stomach churned, so he didn't spit it out on the spot.

At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​turning around and going back the same way!

Although the two demon gang members who were chasing him were wearing demon masks, they looked like ferocious villains.

But at any rate, I can be sure that the person under the mask is a human being!

But this one in front of me... that's not necessarily true!

And the pistols of those two demons are out of bullets. If the guy in front of him is really a vampire, they can only become prey.

In this case, if you bring the two of them together, you may have a greater chance of surviving!


Li Ming's thinking may be correct, but unfortunately his movements are still a step slow.

After hearing his shout, accompanied by his scolding, the thin man who lowered his head to "eat" suddenly raised his head and looked at him at the corner of the alley, bewildered.

Seen by this sight, Li Ming was so lucky that he didn't lose his leg on the spot and fell to the ground!

It wasn't until this moment that he really saw the thin man's appearance clearly.

Pale, morbid and even gray skin under the blood stains, blood-stained fangs, dark pupils with barely visible whites...


Isn't this horse riding a vampire? !

At this point, the last bit of luck in Li Ming's heart was also suppressed.

I just saw a little hope of escaping, but after turning the corner, I rushed straight into the scene of the horror movie.

The crisis is escalating!

Nine deaths become ten deaths on the spot!

At this moment, Li Ming felt the deep malice of fate.

Chapter 2 Broken Strings

Shocked by the terrifying scene in front of him, his energy and will fell to the bottom under intense exhaustion. Li Ming was already physically and mentally exhausted, but he felt dizzy for a while, and his brain suddenly went blank.

The nerves that have been tense since breaking through the secret base of the Devil Gang and being forced to flee for their lives have finally reached their limit.


It seemed that a certain string in the mind was finally broken under tension, and it seemed that a certain membrane hidden in the soul was severely punctured.

There are no signs.

A huge amount of information that was difficult to sort out suddenly appeared in Li Ming's mind out of thin air!

Countless strange scenes emerged one after another before his eyes.

Accompanied by the change of the scene, overlapping and chaotic, indistinguishable voices also rang in his ears.

They gathered together to form a deafening roar that echoed repeatedly in Li Ming's mind, causing great pain.

Huge and messy, it seemed that the memories of another person's life poured out at this moment, churning endlessly in his mind.

It seemed that his head brace was about to explode!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Ming's youthful yet handsome face was instantly congested with blood, the veins on his forehead throbbed rapidly, his eyes were bloodshot, densely packed, blood poured out from his nasal cavity, and his face was bloody and embarrassing.

If it weren't for the fact that he was now facing the scene of breaking into the vampire eating scene, there would be a dilemma of gang members chasing and killing him behind him.

The will to survive under the pressure of the situation is still supporting Li Ming, and I am afraid that he will faint from the pain!

But even so, he still held his head and screamed uncontrollably, fell to the ground, curled up into a ball, and temporarily lost his ability to move.

He screamed shrillly, crossed the night sky, echoed in the deep alley, and spread far away, causing some echoes, as frightening as the neighing of a night owl.

Even the vampire was taken aback by Li Ming's sudden scream, and then he showed an evil smile as if he saw something interesting.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Let me see, is a poor bug who disturbed my eating actually driven mad by fright?"

Throwing the woman who had sucked a lot of blood from her arms to the side, the bloody vampire wiped her mouth and walked slowly towards Li Ming.

At the same time, the heart demon who was chasing after Li Ming also caught up.

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