Xu Yi: "Well, let me think about it, and I will give you a variety show plan."

Huang Huafeng: "Okay, Mr. Xu's plan must be good."

Xu Yi: "Well, Lao Huang, don't flatter me, it's disgusting."

"My idea is like this, each issue tells a story of an ordinary person...you can intersperse it with some ordinary people."

Huang Huafeng: "Mr. Xu, your idea is good, it's very good, and the ratings will definitely not be low."

Xu Yi: "Well, then you go down and prepare, the name of the program is "Xiangjiang People"."

Huang Huafeng: "Yes, Mr. Xu."

After Xu Yi explained the matter, Xu Yi came to the artist training class and found the person in charge of the training class.

"Mr. Li, how is Doudou doing recently? How is the training progress? Are you obedient?"

"Mr. Xu, Ms. Doudou's training is progressing very quickly, and she is very obedient. It can be seen that she is really serious about being an actress and endures hardships."

"Yes, yes, teacher, you should care more about her, and don't let her suffer too much."

"Mr. Xu, I know what to do. Miss Doudou, I will definitely take special care of her."

"Okay, I don't worry about you, the main thing I came to see you today is not for this matter"

"Later, Miss Shao Yali will join the class. She looks pure, so you should pay more attention to it." Seven.

Chapter 453 Mineral vein development!

Xu Yi: "Also, I want to reform the admissions system. We can't just wait for others to sign up, but we have to open up."

"Go out and find potential students and invite them to the training class."

Xu Yi: "I will ask Manager Huang to increase the allocation for your training class. You will have all the staff, and the number of people in the training class will increase a little bit, and an elimination system will be adopted."

"There will be an internal competition every month, and the last place will be eliminated, which will put some pressure on the students."

Mr. Li: "Mr. Xu is a "[-]" student, your suggestion is very good, but it costs a lot of money."

Xu Yi waved his hand and said, "Money is not a problem, what I want is effect."

In the afternoon, Shao Yali arrived, and Xu Yi went to pick her up immediately.

Xu Yi: "Yali, you are here, I will take you to meet some mentors."

Shao Yali: "Okay, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yi took Shao Yali to the studio on the third floor.

When he arrived at the studio, Xu Yi called the director who was standing aside,

"Director Huang, this is Shao Yali, please take care of her."

"When everyone's level is about the same, keep her."

"Mr. Xu, I see, she does look like a star."

"Well, I'll take her to meet other mentors, you should do your work first."

Soon, those teachers came.

Shao Yali: "Hello teachers, I am Shao Yali, please give me your advice in the future.

Teacher Li: "Well, she is a beautiful girl, and her timbre is also very good. Let's sing a part."

Teacher Li Min was a little happy to see Shao Yali, this is a good seedling!

Shao Yali sang a section to the four teachers and Xu Yi.

"Not bad, it's suitable for singing sweet love songs." A mentor commented first.

"Well, from now on, please take care of her, the four of you, and we will train her as a pillar in the future.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, this is a good seedling, we will definitely look after her."

"Okay, four teachers, you are busy, I will leave first."

"Yali, then you stay here and wait for the filming."

"Okay, Mr. Xu, thank you."

Xu Yi left the studio.

At this moment, Xu Yi received a call from Qiu Di from Country M.

Qiudi: "Mr. Xu, the island you mentioned has already been bought, with an area of ​​33 square kilometers."

Xu Yi: "How much money did you spend so fast?"

Qiu Di: "500 million US dollars, this price can buy land near residential areas. 0"

That place is poor and remote, and the local government department is eager for someone to invest.

Fortunately, Qiudi took the exploration rights and mining rights there together.

If there is no high-value mineral reserves, our investment will be a big loss

If you rely on hunting, you may not be able to pay back for 1000 years. "

Xu Yi: "Qiudi, it's okay, there is enough to buy for hundreds of years, you have to take advantage of the freezing period, and quickly transport the large machinery in.

Qiudi: "Yes, Mr. Xu, I will hurry up on this matter, but I will choose high-quality ones first..."

Xu Yi smiled, and then said: "It's ok, high-quality ones can't be released."

"From then on, I'll pick 0.7 first."

"Don't worry, it's up to you to choose, but you have to go to the kangaroo country as soon as possible."

"There is still an exploration and mining right for a piece of land over there, and you need to discuss it."

Qiu Ti: "Brother Yi, don't worry, I will do it as soon as possible."

Xu Yi: "Okay, that's it!"

In the next few days, Xu Yi worked at Tianyi TV Station, one for stabilizing people's hearts, and two for the business of the TV station.

Chapter 454 Take down Jiang Yun!

After Xu Yi saw that everything was stable on the TV station, he ate casually.

At the invitation of Li Jiaji, he went to the bar to have a sit.

After arriving at the bar, Xu Yi asked the bartender for a beer.

"What do you want from me?" Xu Yi asked Li Jiaji.

Li Jiaji: "It's nothing, but last time you beat up Li Weizhao, you also ruined the party..."

Xu Yi: "I don't think this kind of partying is going to happen in the future, it will cause trouble for myself."

Li Jiaji thought for a while, then spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you"

"Brother Yi, did that Li Weizhao bother you?"

Xu Yi: "He went to my TV station and set it on fire."

Li Jiaji: "Brother Yi, the Li family is not easy to deal with."

Xu Yi waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't worry, I have plenty of solutions."

After speaking, Xu Yi also looked around the audience.

Suddenly found a very familiar figure.

It turned out to be Li Weizhao.

At the same time, Xu Yi also saw that there was a very beautiful girl beside him.

She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, it was Jiang Yun.

Xu Yi recalled that now Jiang Yun had brought Xiangjiang from Wanwan.

Over there, I saw Li Weizhao talking to Jiang Yun endlessly.

It can be seen that Jiang Yun's eyes are becoming more and more impatient.

"Stop talking!" Jiang Yun suddenly picked up the wine glass and splashed Li Weizhao's face with the wine.

"Let you show some respect, is it you who called Ah Yun?"

Li Weizhao was dumbfounded immediately, and immediately became furious: "Smelly Biaozi, pour wine on me!"

Jiang Yun just wanted to make things worse.

Hearing Li Weizhao's swear words, he slapped Li Weizhao backhanded.

Red palm prints appeared on Li Weizhao's face, he raised his foot and kicked over the table in front of him

Immediately!Wine bottles and glasses were smashed to pieces.

There was quite a commotion this time, and the eyes of the entire bar were attracted.

Li Weizhao grabbed Jiang Yun's hair, and then punched Jiang Yun in the stomach...

"Aji, Tianyi, you go and get rid of him", Xu Yi couldn't stand it anymore.

A Ji nodded, and grabbed Li Weizhao's hand.

Li Weizhao couldn't bear the pain in his hands, and he let go of Jiang Yun as he cried out that it hurts.

Tianyi sent Jiang Yun back to help each other, and A Ji gave Li Weizhao a black tiger heart


Li Weizhao lay down again and fainted...

Xu Yi: "Miss Jiang, how do you feel?"

Jiang Yun: "I...my stomach hurts so much"

Xu Yi: "Go to the hospital, let's go."

"Jiaji, next time we talk, I'll go first." Xu Yi greeted Li Jiaji.

"Hey, hey, don't go... haven't talked about anything yet!".

Looking at Xu Yi who was walking fast, Li Jiaji shouted.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xu Yi quickly found a doctor to show Jiang Yun.

Seeing that the doctor had finished the examination, Xu Yi hurriedly asked:

"Doctor, how is the situation?"

"This young lady is fine, but she suffered a little shock in her stomach, and she will be fine in a while.

"Okay, doctor, thank you."

Xu Yi stepped forward to support Jiang Yun.

"Miss Jiang, how do you feel?"

823 "Much better, thank you", Jiang Yun frowned.

Xu Yi held a cup of hot water in his hand and said to Jiang Yun, "Come on, drink some warm water..."

Jiang Yun drank a little, and then thanked Xu Yi.

After Jiang Yun had a short rest, Xu Yi asked, "Where do you live, I'll take you back."

"The place where I live now was arranged by Li Weizhao. I don't want to go there anymore. Please send me to a hotel."

Xu Yi: "You join TVB, do you have a contract?"

Jiang Yun: "No" I haven't signed a contract with TVB yet.

Xu Yi was happy in his heart, and said: "Miss Jiang, it doesn't matter if you don't go to TVB, I am Tianyi's boss, and you are very welcome to join Tianyi.

Chapter 455

"Really, I am willing, otherwise I have to go back to Bay Island in a mess, I..."

"Ayun, you can rest assured that you will get the greatest development in Tianyi."

Then Xu Yi sent Jiang Yun to the Cointreau Hotel.

After Xu Yi sent Jiang Yun into the room, he left.

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