The banquet hall is very spacious and luxurious, with bright lights.

On the west side of the hall, there are dining tables with various snacks, fruits and dishes.

Xu Yi saw that the people who came were not celebrities, but high-level police officers and stars from the film and television industry. "Mr. Xu, you're here." Seeing Zhao Lin standing in the crowd, he called out to him. "Mr. Zhao, you came so early?" Xu Yi said.

"Yeah, you're not too late. Come and let me introduce you."

"My son Zhao Jiaji, Aji, this is Mr. Xu Yi."

Xu Yi smiled slightly.

Zhao Lin: "Mr. Xu, I'll be in constant contact with Jiaji from now on."

Xu Yi nodded: "Yes, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Lin smiled and said, "Come on, Mr. Xu, let's go see Director Hanks."

At this moment, Hanks, the chief of the police department, had already greeted Xu Yi with a smile on his face

"Hello Mr. Xu, welcome to our reception."

"Director Hanks, you are welcome."

At this time, the master of ceremonies of the banquet had already started to speak, and the donation activity was also going on at the same time.

Hanks just apologized, and then walked to the podium.

In less than half an hour, the donation box had returned to the podium for public counting.

In a short time, the list of donations was released, announced by ten hostesses.

"This year's Miss Manners is in good shape."

Zhao Jiaji, who was standing beside Xu Yi, said.

"It's okay," Xu Yi said casually.

At this moment, the master of ceremonies invited Xu Yi to the stage.

Xu Yi donated 2000 million Hong Kong papers to the public housing project, which is the largest donation.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your generosity. Let Mr. Xu speak next."

"The police are the protection of the citizens of Xiangjiang. We can't let the heroes of the city bleed and live in slums.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

In an instant, the following guests gave Xu Yi warm applause.0

The next day, it was reported in the news that Xu Yi donated 2000 million.

Beside the newsstand, a few young and Dangerous boys chatted after reading the newspaper.

"Fuck, this Xu Yi is generous enough."

"Not only that, Xu Yi also has many women."

At this time, there was a man wearing a hat and covering up.

Hearing what the young and Dangerous boys were talking about, there was a gleam in their eyes.

The man put a stack of newspapers and hurried away.

"Brother Wen, you're back." The man returned to a red house and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The man walked into the room, took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Tomorrow's plan, we will quit. We will not rob those gold stores. We will play kidnapping. If we want to do it, we will do it with a ticket of 0.7."

"Well, brother Wen, who is kidnapping?"

Wei Wen took out the newspaper, poked the cigarette butt on Xu Yi's photo, "Xu Yi".

"Brother Wen, it's not easy to tie him up. He has bodyguards when he goes in and out, and there is only one person in his house. We tied him up. Who wants money?"

"Who said that Xu Yi was kidnapped, we want to kidnap his woman."

"Then who shall we kidnap?"

"You're stupid, of course it's Chu Li.

"Tomorrow's plan, we will quit. We will not rob those gold stores. We will play kidnapping. If we want to do it, we will do it with a ticket of 0.7."

"Well, brother Wen, who is kidnapping?"

Wei Wen took out the newspaper, poked the cigarette butt on Xu Yi's photo, "Xu Yi".

"Brother Wen, it's not easy to tie him up. He has bodyguards when he goes in and out, and there is only one person in his house. We tied him up. Who wants money?"

"Who said that Xu Yi was kidnapped, we want to kidnap his woman."

"Then who shall we kidnap?"

"You're stupid, of course it's Chu Li.

Chapter 448 Must Die! ! !

"Brother Wen, that girl is so pretty, why don't we...?"


Wei Wen gave him a slap in the face.

"What are you thinking? If you dare to touch her, I'll kill you. If you move, it's worthless. You're not afraid of Xu Yi chasing and killing you."

"Look at me well, I'll go out and make a call."

After Wei Wen walked out, the little brother touched Chu Li's face, and there was a lewd smile on his face.

Brother Wen said he couldn't move, so let's not move, money is more important.

"Mr. Xu...Mr. Xu...your phone, the person on the phone said that Chu Li is in his hands."

Li Shizi walked into Xu Yi's office in a hurry.

"Azi, what's the matter?"

"Brother Yi, just now a person called and said that Chu Li is in their hands, call again later

Hearing this, Xu Yi frowned!

Originally, Xu Yi planned for Tian Yanghong to follow Chu Li.

But she said she wanted others to follow.

After a while, the kidnappers called.

"Mr. Xu, hello, I want to borrow some money from you?"

"Well, how much do you want?"

Wei Wen: "[-] million Hong Kong papers"

Xu Yi: "Yes, how can I give it to you?"

Wei Wen: "Wait for my call, the cash doesn't have serial numbers, if you want old banknotes, you know the consequences of calling the police

As soon as the voice fell, the other party hung up the phone.

"A Ji, take someone to find Chu Li."

"Azi, call Zhan Mi and ask him to prepare [-] million in cash, old banknotes, without consecutive numbers.

Then, Xu Yi called Situ Haonan and Wang Bao respectively.

Let them all send someone out to find someone.

At noon the next day, they received a call from A Ji, and they found Chu Hong.

In a dilapidated mountain house in the New Territories.

"A Ji, go save people, don't kill anyone, and hand it over to the police."

"Yes, Brother Yi"

Four hours later, A Ji came back with Chu Li.

Xu Yi pulled Chu Li into his arms.

"Ah Hong, it's all right now."

"Mr. Xu, I'm so scared, woo woo woo..."

"Okay, Hong, have they molested you?"

"That's not true, but a man named Vulture touched my face."

"Okay, I'll take you back first, take a hot bath and sleep well."

Xu Yi sent Chu Hong home, and after taking a bath, Chu Hong lay down on the bed.

"Mr. Xu, don't go, I want you to accompany me."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you, don't go."

Xu Yi lay on the bed with his arms around Chu Hong...

"Lawyer Liang, help me keep an eye on those kidnappers, sue them to death, and let them squat in Stanley until they die."

"Azi, ask Situ Haonan and Wang Bao, Michelin restaurant at eight o'clock in the evening."

Eight o'clock in the evening, Michelin restaurant!

Xu Yi said to Situ Haonan and Wang Bao: "A'nan, Wang Bao, I hope you will send them a message so that they can greet the kidnappers well.

"Don't let them commit suicide, in short, clean up, but don't let them die, let them reform and start a new life."

"There's a vulture in there, and he must die!"

After hearing this, Situ Haonan and Wang Bao nodded at the same time.

"Ah Hong, 823, if you want to go out in the future, let Tian Yanghong follow you."

In Chu Hong's room, Xu Yi was watching TV with Chu Hong.

"Mr. Xu, there's no need for that."

"It's very necessary." Xu Yi looked at Chu Hong and said.

"Then, well then..." Chu Hongqi Ai Ai said.

Xu Yi hugged her tightly: "Tomorrow, I will make room for you to see the villa in the middle of the mountain.

Chu Hong: "Brother Yi, isn't it good that I live here?"

Xu Yi: "I have to provide you with servants and bodyguards, I can't live here."

Chu Hong: "Thank you Brother Yi..."

Xu Yi lit a cigarette, took a puff and said, "Let's go to the horse club tomorrow for a ride." "Okay, brother Yi..

Chapter 449 Ma Zhen

The next day, Happy Valley.

Xu Yi and Chu Hong were saddling the horses, while the jockey reminded them.

In order to establish a connection with the horse, it is necessary to have more contact points with the horse, and some things need to be personally experienced.

"Chu Hong, what name are you going to name your horse?"

"I'm going to call it Little Red"

"Is it appropriate? You name a white horse Xiaohong."

"You don't mind me, I'm happy, what about you, what are you going to name yours?"

Xu Yi: "Watermelon!"

Chu Hong: "Watermelon? Brother Yi, what does it represent?"

Xu Yi: "There is no meaning, it's just that the word watermelon popped up in my mind

Chu Hong smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Then, under the guidance of the jockey, the two mastered the essentials little by little.

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