Then, he looked at Xu Yi and said:

Han Bin said loudly.

"Brother Yi, you are the eternal leader of our Hongxing Club!"

Xu Yi smiled and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, and then went straight to the meeting room of the Hongshe headquarters building.

On the other side, Japan.

A Chinese super faction named Dongbang began to rise rapidly.

And what is surprising is that this Chinese Dupai actually got the support of the four big chaebols in Japan.

These four chaebols can be said to be the actual rulers of the island, with their support.

The Dongbang successfully annexed the three-member group and became the largest club in the island scorpion.

The reason why the four chaebols support Dong is entirely because the economic crisis in the island makes their economic lifeline controlled by Xu Yi.

They had no choice but to negotiate with Xu Yi, and finally they gave up Daoying's underground world.

In exchange for Xu Yi's promise not to do anything with Daoxie's economy.

As for the stick scorpion, Xu Yi's approach was rougher and simpler.

At this time, Xu Yili controlled a huge amount of dollars, and he joined forces with Soros to directly short the sticks.

Then he supported a member of Huaxin in the largest club in Bangxie, and Lu Huacheng became Xu Yi's spokesperson in Bangxie.

Under Xu Yi's coercion, Lu Huacheng successfully became the president of the Golden Gate Group, involving the world of Bangziyan.

In Europa, through the infiltration of the Rakshasa society, Xu Yi gradually began to control the rivers and lakes of Europa.

Whether it's the Sicilian mafia...

These community members are no opponents at all in front of the Rakshasa veterans.

In addition, these veterans are also equipped with weapons that are no less than those of active soldiers, which makes them retreat even more.

The Rakshasa Society quickly covered the entire Europa with its sphere of influence.

At this time, Xu Yi can bring him countless incomes every year with the help of the money emperor.

The huge amount of cash Xu Yi allowed Xu Yi to control the entire banking industry of Europa, and further control all walks of life in Europa.

This is also the biggest reason why the Ross Society can cross Europa. 823

Next month, Rakshasa Scorpion also had a profound historical impact on this world.

This is the year that Ross will hold a new presidential election.

In fact, the Luo people are very dissatisfied with the changes that have taken place in Ross during the first term of the current President Boris.

Because of the "physical restraint therapy" he implemented, the Rakshasa's economy did not advance but retreated, and the people's living standards dropped sharply.

The economic lifeline of the entire family is also controlled by the Yan boss headed by Che Lixue.

In this election, Giugano, the elder brother of the Rakshasa Socialist Party, received even more support from Rakshasa.

According to data from polling agencies, [-]% of Raksha smokers are willing to vote for Giugano.

The result of this poll made Boris panic.

Chapter 429 Agent! !

It wasn't just Boris who was flustered, but also the oligarchs headed by Chelisheny.

The predecessor of the Rakshasa Socialist Party was Su Qi.

These oligarchs know exactly where their wealth comes from.

Although the leader of the Socialist Party has stated many times that he will not forcibly privatize the factory and expressed respect for private capital


The oligarchs didn't seem to believe this, and they trusted Boris, his old partner, even more.

Therefore, they decided to unite and support Boris together.

But when Che Lixue reported the news to Xu Yi, Xu Yi refused.

Xu Yi said to Che Lixue:

"I hope Raksha Scorpion has a younger and more responsible leader."

As soon as Che Lixue heard Xu Yi's words, she knew what Xu Yi meant. Her boss had another candidate in mind.

That is Xu Yi's friend and mistress, Karenina who is currently the mayor of Rakshasa Pidburg.

"Mr. Xu Yi and Karenina are only 21 years old. It's too early to run for president, isn't it, Mr. Xu?" Che Lixue said.

"No! I think the Raksha people are tired of seeing those old faces. Karenina's youth is his advantage."

"Also, we have been planning for so long in Rakshafly, and now is the time to harvest'" Xu Yi said lightly.

"Then how do we deal with President Boris?" Che Lixue replied.

"You tell him directly, that's what I, Xu Yi, meant." Xu Yi said slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I understand." After Che Lixue finished speaking, he hung up the phone slowly.

He then ordered the driver to take him to Klober.

After a long period of planning and planning, Che Lixue has already placed his troops in various departments of Raksha Scorpion.

There are people in every department.

In one poll, Boris' approval rating was just three percent.

After the five major oligarchs got the survey, Che Lixue quickly came to the Shangrao Club, where the Luosha slapping oligarchs often meet.

Here, he met with the five oligarchs in Luosha Round, and he said straight to the point:

"Everyone, Mr. Xu supports the Mayor of Peterburg, Karenina, in this general election. Which one of you supports it and which one opposes it?" Hearing Che Lixueni's words, he first frowned.

Obviously, like Xueni in the car before, they think that Karenina's elder is indeed a bit young.

However, since this is the person Chelixeny's boss is looking for, they can also choose to support him.

The five of them knew very well in their hearts that they controlled the economic golden veins of Rakshasa.

Che Lixue Nitang held their lifeline, and finally, Chelixue Nitang's lifeline was controlled by his boss.

So, they have no choice.

"Mr. Chelisheny, even if we support Karenina to be elected president, he must be willing."

“As of now, he has not run, so how can we support him?” asked one oligarch.

"Whether or not Karenina can run for election is not something you should consider. Now our question is Ruboris." Che Lixue said flatly.

"It's very simple, Paul Reese doesn't have our support, he doesn't have to think about being re-elected as president"

'So with his own future as a bargaining chip, he will agree to my conditions. said another oligarch with a smile.

Che Lixue nodded and said, "That's right, then let's visit our Mr. President now!"

Then the five oligarchs went to the guest palace to meet Boris.

On the other side, Karenina got a call.

"Karenina, it's me, Xu Yi."

As soon as he heard that it was Xu Yi and Karenina, he immediately regained his spirits and asked:

"Mr. Xu, do you have anything to do on the phone?"

"Are you okay?" Xu Yi asked.

Karenina replied right away (the money was paid): "Mr. Xu, I'm fine."

"Well, now there is an opportunity to make your wish come true, are you willing to try it?" Xu Yi smiled.

"You mean the upcoming presidential election?" Karenina asked uncertainly.

"Yes, if you are willing to try, then you declare your candidacy, and I will fully support you." Xu Yi said lightly.

After thinking for a while, Karenina said: "I understand what to do, thank you, Mr. Xu."

"you are welcome!"

Three days later, Karenina announced her candidacy for the presidential election.

Chapter 430 Big Acquisition!

On the other side, Xiangjiang.

Xu Yi is integrating the film industry and vigorously acquiring high-quality companies in Xiangjiang.

In terms of movies, he is interested in the acquisition of Jiahe, and he is also interested in the head of Huadan Chuhong.

He owns a wealth that can rival a country, Xu Yi is not worried at all that Chu Hong will not be tempted.

"Young Master Xu, since you value me so much, if you don't agree, I will lose my understanding. I'll wait for news."

"Okay, Miss Chu, I offer you a toast."

After eating, Xu Yi personally sent Chu Hong home, and asked her to have dinner with her next time.

The next day, Xu Yi received a 823 call from Liu Luanxiong.

"Mr. Xu, I'll go to your office to have a talk, can I do you a favor?"

"Yes!" Xu Yi said.

Half an hour later, Xu Yi's office.

Liu Luanxiong came in with an old man.

"Mr. Bao, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Xu Yi."

Liu Luanxiong turned to Xu Yi again: "Mr. Xu, this is Mr. Bao, the ship king."

After exchanging pleasantries, Liu Luanxiong brought the topic to the main topic,

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Bao is interested in the shares of Nine Dragons in your hand. You can negotiate the price yourself.

Xu Yi continued: "Mr. Bao, I wonder what price you are willing to pay?"

Bao Yugang weighed it in his mind and quoted a price:

"Mr. Xu, I'll give you a price of one hundred, cash purchase."

"Mr. Bao, someone else's bid is higher than yours, and the price you gave did not meet my psychological expectations."

After Bao Yugang heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, wondering if what Xu Yi said was true or not.

However, his acquisition of Nine Dragons Warehouse has reached a critical moment, he can't afford to gamble, and he can accept the acquisition price by a few dollars more.

"120", Bao Yugang thought about it, and gave another quotation.

"Mr. Bao, then 115, I don't like bargaining, what do you think?"

"Okay, then 115!" Bao Yugang decided with one word.

Liu Luanxiong, who drove Lafite for 82, poured it on all three of them.

"OK, let's celebrate"

(baah) A big deal was completed under his witness, of course Liu Luanxiong was happy.

Although he can't make any money himself, he can receive gratitude from Bao Yugang and Xu Yi.

After drinking, Bao Yugang and Xu Yi notified their lawyers to sign the agreement.

After the agreement is signed, the two parties will carry out the delivery, and soon 21 billion will be transferred to Xu Yi's account.

It has been less than a month since he purchased the Nine Dragons Warehouse, and he has earned [-] million yuan.

This speed is not bad, but such an opportunity does not come every day.

"Mr. Xu, Zheng Jimin said it's done."

Xu Yi doesn't plan to be stuck in this stock for a long time, and after this operation, he won't pay attention to this stock anymore.In fact, this company didn't have much time before it went bankrupt, and this time Xu Yi wanted to expose their problems in advance... By the time Xu Yi's stock was delivered, Xu Yi had made another HK$[-] million.

Xu Yi was constantly busy with high pressure, so he planned to take a good vacation for himself.

Han Xiaomei's contract has already been linked to Xu Yi's film company.

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