In this way, there is no problem for her to put the apprenticeship first in the target.

Of course, this is just considering the issue from the standpoint of Busu Situyun.

Now that Xu Yi is here, everything is completely different.

"The bald gang?"

Xu Yi thought about these three words, and smiled faintly.

"Tianhong, take me directly to the casino," Xu Yi said slowly.

"Okay, Brother Xu Yi!"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Luo Wuhong said respectfully.

Before, Luo Tianhong actually had a little worry about the situation he was facing now.Of course, he wasn't worried about his own safety.

It was because he came here with Xu Yi's orders on his back.

It doesn't matter what he does himself, but he can't fulfill Brother Xu Yi's orders.

This is something Luo Tianhong cannot accept anyway.

This slight worry disappeared with Xu Yi's arrival. The Mercedes-Benz soon drove to a magnificent building.Luo Wuhong whispered to Xu Yi:

"Brother Xu Yi, the owner of the casino here is a rich man from the Middle East"

Hearing Luo Tianhong's words, "Xu Yi nodded slightly, this is indeed the style of local tyrants in the Middle East.

Afterwards, Xu Yi stepped into the casino.

"Sir, sorry, our casino is closed today."

Just as Xu Yi was about to step into the gate of the casino, Xu Yi, a security guard from the casino, stopped him.

Obviously, today's conversation between Situ Yun and the bald gang made the casino temporarily closed.


Before Xu Yi could speak, Luo Hong said loudly.

'sorrys Mr. Xu, please come in! "When the security guard heard Jian Tianhong's training, he hurriedly said to Xu Yi respectfully.

But at this time Xu Yi had already walked into the casino.

Luo Wuhong hurriedly walked to Xu Yi's side, and said to Xu Yi:

"Brother Xu Yi, this casino is our territory, and the people below don't know you..."

Before Luo Wuhong finished speaking, Xu Yi laughed and said:

"Tianhong, in m!(R), it is impossible for everyone to know me."

Luo Wuhong smiled when he heard Xu Yi's words.

Then, in order to prevent anyone who was blind, he followed Xu Yi closely and took him to the most luxurious box on the casino floor.

This box was the place where Situ Yun negotiated with the leader of the bald gang.

There was a slight sound of the door opening, which attracted the eyes of Situ Yun and Hanks, the deputy head of the bald gang, to the door of the box.

Then, the face of a handsome oriental man appeared in the eyes of the westerners.

"Boy, get out." A member of the bald gang said to Xu Yi. (Qian Zhao)

As soon as his words fell, a crisp sound of "pop" sounded in this box.

The bald gang member who spoke just now was knocked unconscious by Situ Yun's slap.

Then, Situ Yun bowed to Xu Yi and said, "Master Xu, you are here."

When Xu Yi heard Situ Yun addressing himself ", a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This Miss Situ seems to have identified himself as one of her masters.

At this moment, Hanks, the deputy head of the bald gang, looked at Xu Yi and said loudly to Situ Yun:

"Situ Yun, who is he?"

Then, he went on to say: "Also, the person you hurt me in front of me, isn't it a big shame for me?"

Situ Yun said lightly: "This is my master, insulting my master is a crime, he is lucky if he didn't kill him." "Okay, Miss Situ, I don't think you have the sincerity to negotiate with our bald gang! " Hanks said angrily.

Chapter 415 All-out war!

At this moment, Xu Yi said slowly: "I will give you two choices, quit the casino, or die!"


After listening to Xu Yi's words, Steven burst out laughing.

"Miss Situ, your master was just discharged from the Jingxiu Cancer Hospital, right?"

"It can be seen that he is not well. It seems that you have to continue to send him back to take medicine."

Hanks looked at Situ Yun and laughed.

Situ Yun scoffed at Si's words, she knew that if Xu Yi wasn't there, then she could make the decision.

But Xu Yi is here, she just needs to follow his orders.

Xu Yi looked at Hanks, the deputy head of the bald gang, with a burly figure and a red rosacea "This is a standard red neck.

"It seems that your life has come to an end!" Xu Yi said slowly.

When Hanks reacted, he felt his eyes go dark, and then he fell unconscious.

Before the other members of the Bald Gang could react, they saw two figures drifting past.

Then he fell to the ground with Hanks.

Xu Yi smiled lightly, it was Situ Yun and Luo Tianhong who joined forces to take care of these bald gang members just now.

"Miss Situ, I am very satisfied, there is no need to negotiate with the Bald Gang now."

"Since they choose to fight, then we will fight for them!"

Xu Yi looked at Situ Yun and said slowly.

"Mr. Xu, I know about 807," Situ Yun replied.

"In three days, we will start a full-scale war!"

"Also, I hope to see detailed information on the distribution of the Baldhead Gang and Hongmen's forces in m

"Miss Situ, can you do it?"

Xu Yi looked at Situ Yun and said.

Situ Yun replied: "Mr. Xu, I can do it."

Xu Yi nodded slowly.

Then he pointed to a few bald-headed people who fell on the ground and said:

"Very well, let's take them to sacrifice flags!

Then, Xu Yi left the box.

On the other side, in the northern mountains of Xiangjiang, there is a very secret base.

Wang Jianjun said to the fifty youths in front of him:

"This is the first time we have gone overseas to perform a mission. No matter what the reason, this time the mission is only allowed to succeed, not to fail!"

"You all remember to me, if you fail, there is no need for you to come back!"

This time, Xu Yi's actions in M ​​round mobilized Zhantang, and this was Zhantang's first large-scale operation.

Xu Yi has invested countless dollars in the battle hall in the past few years, and Wang Jianjun never wants to live up to Xu Yi's expectations.

Therefore, this time he sent more than 50 of Xu Yisha's most elite elites out.

And (baah) the death order was issued, even if he died, he had to complete Xu Yi's mission!

This time, Xu Yi's most elite forces were dispatched.

On the day that the deputy head of the bald gang died, the news that he was killed in the gambling city was spread all over the underground circle of m caps.

In Las Vegas, there was a ruthless man named Situ Yun who actually killed the deputy head of the bald gang!

At this time, Tang Xiangshan and Situ Zhenxiong laughed and said after hearing the news:

"Xiaoyun, you dare to kill the deputy capital of the bald gang"

"I don't even know whether to admire your courage or laugh at your stupidity!"

Originally, Situ Zhenxiong was still a little worried about the success of the negotiations between Situ Yun and the Bald Gang.Both sides cease fighting!

In this way, dealing with Situ Yun will become a matter of his own efforts.

In fact, the six families in the Hongmen did not agree to move against Situ Yun, because everyone knew that Situ Yun was just taking the blame for Situ Zhenxiong.

No matter what happened between Situ Yun and Situ Zhenxiong, it was the family affair of the Tu family.

There is no need for them to waste their strength to play tricks with Situ Zhenxiong to clean up the house.

Therefore, Situ Zhenxiong could only use the power of the Situ family to deal with Situ Yun.

The current Situ Yun's power in the gambling city cannot be small.

And it wasn't the home of Situ Ding and the Situ family.

If you want to deal with Situ Yun there, Situ Zhenxiong will have to pay a certain price.

This is what Situ Zhenxiong doesn't want to see, and it weakens the strength of the Situ family.

It weakened his right to speak in Hongmen, which Situ Zhenxiong could not accept-!

However, now Situ Yun actually killed Hanks of the bald gang in Las Vegas.

This represented the breakdown of the negotiation between the bald gang and Situ Yun.

The bald gang will definitely deal with Situ Yun with all their strength.

In this way, Situ Zhenxiong can wait for Situ Yun to be wiped out by the bald gang.

In fact, the skinhead gang is more like an alliance of veterans.

The elites in this faction are all retired old pangs, and there are once elite forces in them, known as the 'Heavenly Fiend Column'.

The number of people is about 800, and the members are all elites who have actually been on the battlefield.

Relying on these veterans, the Bald Gang became one of the four top ten clubs of M Scorpion.

If the bald gang fights Situ Yun with all their strength, Situ Zhenxiong doesn't think his daughter has the possibility of winning.

As for Xu Yi, Situ Zhenxiong didn't take it seriously.

Xu Yi may be considered a figure in East Asia and in Southeast Asia.

But in mil, he's not worth mentioning.

Situ Zhenxiong thought of this and "dialed a phone call.

"Ahui, stop taking action against Situ Yun first, and wait for the bald gang to take action!"

Situ Zhenxiong said calmly to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Situ, I see."

Wang Hui, the chief instructor of the Situ Family Guard.

He is also a master who can fight Situ Yun with more than a dozen moves.

But now Situ Yun can instantly kill Wang Hui with one move.

It's just that Wang Hui and Situ Zhenxiong didn't know about it!

This time, Situ Zhenxiong sent him to lead a team to deal with Situ Yun.

Who is going to ask him to hold Situ Yun, and then let other people shoot Situ Yun with an anesthesia gun?

For this reason, Situ Li bought a batch of special anesthetic bullets from special channels.

Situ Zhenxiong has only one purpose, to capture his daughter Situ Yun alive.

the other side!

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