Shi Shaoyun was holding the word slip in his hand, he only heard the sound of 'beep' and 'beep' coming from the microphone.

But no one answered all the time, and finally it turned into a busy tone of beep beep beep.

Shi Shaoyun put down the microphone, then picked it up again.

He dialed Chen Zhongxin again, but the result was still the same as the first time.

After a while, Shi Shaoyun dialed the number for the third time, but the result was still the same.

By this time, Shi Shaoyun already understood that Chen Zhongxin was definitely a long-planned conspiracy.

He even counted that he would forcibly order him to release John Xun Gao, the police commissioner.

He didn't answer his phone directly, or maybe he didn't even have his phone with him at all. Thinking of this, Shi Shaoyun immediately dialed Harrow, the head of the Executive Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Integrity.

"Director Harrow, please come to my office, I have something very important to discuss with you."

After Shi Shaoyun finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Three minutes later, Harrow, the Deputy Commissioner of Integrity and the Chief of the Executive Office, came to Shi Shaoyun's office.

He said, "Commissioner Shi, what can I tell you?"

Shi Shaoyun pointed to the sofa in front of him and said, "Director Hello, calm down and listen to me first."

Next, Shi Shaoyun will tell what happened just now.

Including what William said to him, as well as the matter of Chen Zhongxin losing contact, he said it in detail.

Finally, Shi Shaoyun said: "Director Hello, what do you think should be done about this matter now?"

After hearing Shi Shaoyun's question, Haro thought for a while and then said:

"Mr. Shi Mai, so there is a governor's order, so it is logical for us to release Director John Xun!"

"Relax! I will support your opinion and implement the governor's instructions..

Chapter 386 of the Metro

Harrow paused for a moment, then went on:

"Director John Xun, Chen Zhongxin, since we have decided to carry out the governor's order, we must carry it out to the letter and cut the mess quickly."

"I suggest you immediately use technical means to lock his position as soon as possible!"

The ICAC, like the police force, also has a technical investigation department.

Even their technical detection equipment is slightly ahead of the police department.

After all, the ICAC was set up to deal with the police force.

If their equipment is not as good as that of the police department, then in the end they will not know who will be caught and who will be investigated.

This has also become the default unspoken rule between the ICAC and the Police Force.

After listening to Haro's words, Shi Shaoyun nodded slightly.

Then he picked up the phone and dialed a number, and said to the person on the phone:

"Technical service department? I'm Shi Shaoyun, let your Minister Liu come to my office for a description."

Shi Shaoyun just hung up the phone, Haro frowned slightly, and then said in a deep voice:

"Commissioner Shi, our executive director, Chen Zhongxin, betrayed us"

"Although it is not certain that he is on Hong Xing Xu Yi's side, one thing is certain, that is, he is definitely not on our side."

Harrow then said in a deep voice:

"Commissioner Shi, the question now is how can we be sure that there are so many people in the ICAC, and only one Chen Zhongxin is on our side?"

"What if Liu Bobing from the technical service department you called later is also standing in front of us?"

"Will we never find Chen Zhongxin by then?"

Chen Zhongxin is the director of the government department in charge of execution and punishment, and the third person in the ICAC.

If even such a person is not on the side of the Government of Hong Kong.

That made Haro suspicious of all Xiangjiang people in the ICAC, and this kind of thing had to be guarded against.

After hearing Haro's words, Shi Shaoyun frowned, and quickly used this idea out of his mind.

At this time, doubts at this time are mostly prone to bad things.

However, after what Harrow said, Shi Shaoyun also became a little worried.

So, looking at Harrow, he asked:

"Director Harrow, what do you think we should do now?"

Haro said slowly:

"Now I can only go to the technical service department in person and directly order Liu Bobing, the director of Jin's technical service department."

"In this way, nothing will be lost.

Hearing this, Shi Shaoyun nodded, and then he said:

"Director Harrow, Xinruo, you have to make another trip."

Harrow nodded, did not speak, and opened Shi Shaoyun's office.

Shi Shaoyun watched Harrow's back leaving his office, and sighed softly.

For some reason, Shi Shaoyun always had a hint of ominous premonition in his heart.

There is also an ominous premonition, not only the Commissioner of the ICAC Shi Shaoyun, but also the Commissioner of Xiangjiang Police Department John Xun.

As the BMW drove, John found that the scenery on both sides became more and more desolate.

He didn't know where Chen Zhongxin was taken to Xiangjiang.

As soon as the shock settled down, John asked loudly:

"Director Chen, what do you mean? Don't you know that officials of the ICAC can only interrogate in the ICAC if they are investigated?"

Chen Zhongxin nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Director John Xun, the place I'm taking you to is the designated inquiry point of our Independent Commission Against Corruption"

"Everything I do is legal, you don't need to worry at all."


After listening to Chen Zhongxin's words, John Xun let out a cold snort, and now he has thought clearly.

This Chen Zhongxin should be on Xu Yi's side.

His timely appearance in the Hongxing headquarters building meant that Xu Yicheng had already set a trap.

And I thought I was smart, but I didn't expect it to be a trap for myself.

Thinking of this, John couldn't help but sigh for Xu Yi's calculation.

Really a generation of big owls.

However, John Xun didn't think Xu Yi would win.

Because this is Xiangjiang, and Xiangjiang is still under the rule of the Government of Hong Kong.

Xu Yi may be very sharp and capable, and he can win many times, but it doesn't matter to the Ying people.

Because as long as Xu Yi loses once, what awaits him will be eternal.

In John's view, this was not a fair competition, and Xu Yi was the one who took the initiative to lose.

the other side!

In the car where Chen Zhongxin was, John Xun figured everything out.

o0 asks for flowers 0....

The expression on his face gradually became more relaxed.

A relaxed John Xun looked at Chen Zhongxin and said:

"Director Chen, you are the Director of the Executive Division of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the third person in the Independent Commission Against Corruption"

"You are very likely to be the future ICAC Commissioner. You have a bright future. Why do you want to be Xu Yi's dog?"

No matter how John Xun thought about it, he couldn't figure out why Chen Zhongxin took orders from Xu Yi.

Chen Zhongxin is known as the iron judge in the ICAC. He is the first batch of Chinese to join the ICAC.

Once a senior police officer was willing to give him 1000 million Hong Kong dollars to let him go, but Chen Zhongxin flatly refused.

After joining the ICAC for more than 20 years, I don't know how many high-level officials have been laid off by him.

0 ....

For a person like Chen Zhongxin, who has a bright future, it is impossible for John News to cooperate with Xu Yi.

But he just did that, so John Xun had huge doubts, which he couldn't understand.

Chen Zhongxin took a puff of cigarette and said, "Director John Xun, I wonder if you have misunderstood something."

"Don't you have to stand by Xu Yi's side if you don't share your lives with the people of Ying Country?"

John was stunned and said, "What do you mean... you are not on Xu Yi's side?"

Chen Zhongxin said slowly: "Director John Xun, we are different"

"You are from the Eagle Country. Xiangjiang is just a place where you work to you, and you have no feelings for it."

"But I am different. I am from Xiangjiang. Xiangjiang is not only a place where I work. It is also my hometown"

"So, I will do my best to stop all actions that destroy Xiangjiang!"

"Director Chen, if you say that, I don't understand. According to your statement, you should support me!"

"Xu Yi is Hong Xing's boss. You should be very clear about Hong Xing's club, right?"

"Hong Xing is the largest society in Xiangjiang, they are the leaders who destroy the governance of Xiangjiang and hinder the development of Xiangjiang"

"We are attacking Xu Yi, you should support me unconditionally!" John Xun looked at Chen Zhongxin and said slowly.

"Director John, we are all adults now"

"Stop fooling the other party with such nonsense, right? Do you think this is interesting?" Seven.

Chapter 387 Full Contest!

"What's going on with Hong Xing, I have my own judgment, so you don't have to think about it."

"I know very well what happened to Director John."

After Chen Zhongxin finished speaking, he stopped talking and just smoked quietly.

After listening to Chen Zhongxin's words, John was also silent.

He knew in his heart that Chen Zhongxin was not an ordinary person, and he would definitely not be able to fool him.

So he stopped talking, and the car suddenly fell into silence again.

What John Xun didn't know was that it was precisely because he was going to deal with him, the police chief.

Chen Zhongxin will go out in person.

The Chief of Police is the main official of the Xiangjiang government, even more powerful than the general director general.

If ordinary people from the Independent Commission Against Corruption came to investigate John News, John News would not ignore them at all.

Chen Zhongxin took John Xun away when he came out of the "[-]" himself.

As soon as John was brought under control, Governor William lost a capable assistant.

Because the other Deputy Commissioner of the Police Department, Robert, is really not capable.

This is why William issued a governor's order requesting the ICAC to release John.

Once John Xun leaves, part of the power of the police force will fall into the hands of Li Wenbin.

For Xu Yi, this not only weakened the opponent's strength, but also increased his own strength.

After driving for a hundred minutes, the car finally stopped in front of a dilapidated hut.

After Chen Zhongxin took John Xun out of the car, he walked up to a man at the door of this small building and asked:

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