'Mr. Xu! " Lei Yingdong said enthusiastically.

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Mr. Lei, it seems that you are in a very good mood today!"

Lei Yingdong said: "Tonight's auction went very well, and a total of [-] million Hong Kong paper donations were raised!"

"I am very happy to thank you for your support, and let you spend money."

"Small idea!"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "I'm just doing my best. Within three months, the Xu Yi Foundation will be established."

"In the future, I will invest 5000 million Hong Kong paper every year and do charity work full-time!"

Lei Yingdong asked in surprise: "Really? Mr. Xu, are you not joking?"

Xu Yi said: "Mr. Lei, why are you joking about doing charity?"

Lei Yingdong looked at Xu Yi, and said loudly: "Mr. Xu, you really surprised and opened my eyes!"

"But I believe you are sincere, that's great!"

Lei Yingdong stepped forward and clasped his hands.

Xu Yi said: "Mr. Lei, I am far behind what you have done.

"Mr. Xu, it's very, very rare for a young big fisherman like you to think like this!"

Lei Yingdong said: "Especially when you (Zhao Hao) are working hard in your career, every penny is very important!"

"If you don't do it, I understand very well."

"Today you found another surprise, well, let's not talk about these, let's talk about something else."

"It's nothing to call you here today, I just want to remind you.

Xu Yi said, "Mr. Lei, please tell me."

Lei Yingdong said: "What I want to tell you is that you have to be on guard against people like He Sheng, Lei Juekun, and Ma Shounan.

"For example, that... Huo Jingliang!"

"His water is very deep, don't take him as a friend easily!"

"There are many people like Huo Jingliang!"

Xu Yi nodded, and then said: "Thank you, Mr. Lei, don't worry, I know it well."

Lei Yingdong smiled and said: "Good job, I believe you can deal with them."

In addition to them, you have to guard against other people, people's hearts are separated from the belly!

Xu Yi nodded, and then said: "Mr. Lei, I have to leave first, there are other things to deal with!

"Okay, okay." Lei Ying said.

Afterwards, Xu Yi left.

Chapter 315: The Power of the Owl! ! !

More than ten minutes later, Xu Yi, Liang Wei, and Fang Ting sat in a Ferrari commercial vehicle and drove towards the Guantang Public Housing Estate.

In the car.

Xu Yi and Liang Wei sat together.

Fang Ting sat opposite.

Xu Yi asked directly: "Tingting, let me just say it directly, you like Ding Xiaoxie, right?"

Fang Ting blushed pretty, bit her lip silently.

She inherited her father's falcon!

Xu Yi said: "If I tell you that Ding Xiaoxie will abscond and come back in a few days, what do you think?"

La! !

Fang Ting's face changed drastically, she looked at Xu Yi and said, "No, it's impossible..."

"Nothing is Impossible."

Xu Yi said: "You don't know much about Ding Xiaoxie. In fact, he murders, sells drugs, and kidnaps. What do you think?"


Fang Ting's eyes were full of pain and she was speechless.

Xu Yi said: "I am the leader of Hong Xing, but I will never do such things as kidnapping, blackmailing, or selling No. [-]."

"Tingting, you now have the ability to think independently."

"Don't bring disaster to your family because of your choice, it's useless for you to regret it by then!"

"Think about what I said."

Fang Ting nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, "Brother Yi, I will consider what you said."

Xu Yi nodded and said no more.

Three minutes later, the car stopped at a street in Kwun Tong.


Fang Ting recovered a bit, and said, "Brother Yi, Lawyer Liang, may I treat you to brown sugar water?

"Okay ooo743..."

Neither Xu Yi nor Liang Wei refused.

The three got out of the car immediately.

Luo Tianhong also got out of the car, carrying gifts in large and small bags.

Fang Ting happily ran to a booth and said, "Aunt Yun, here are three bowls of brown sugar water, I'll invite friends!"

"Okay, okay"

The woman who set up the stall responded with a smile, and it was ready soon.

Xu Yi and Liang Wei sat down at the table, and Fang Ting brought the brown sugar water over.

Apologetically, he said, "Brother Yi, Lawyer Liang, sorry, I too..."


Xu Yi interrupted Fang Ting and said, "Two years ago, I was no better than you are now."

She smiled, but her smile soon froze!

Her eyes widened, and she looked behind Xu Yi and Liang Wei.

Behind Xu Yi and Liang Wei, Ding Xiaoxie suddenly appeared!

He looked at Fang Ting in disbelief and disbelief, and walked towards them with a dazed expression.

In the next second, young and Dangerous boys gather!

On both sides of the street, there are more than a hundred young and Dangerous boys with murderous faces.

In their hands, each of them held various knives and sticks.

Ding Xiaoxi shouldn't have come to Kwun Tong today!

His territory is far away in Wanchai, and because of his No. [-] Aberdeen business, he has feuds with several associations in Kwun Tong.

Today he came to Kwun Tong and risked his life.

The same is true in the original plot (baah) of the Hong Kong drama "Big Times".

Ding Xiaoxie just wanted to play romance, so he came to Guantang to pick up Fang Ting from get off work, but was hunted down by hundreds of young and Dangerous boys

When it comes to romance, this guy has a hand too!


"Hack and kill this one that hits the street!"



The young and Dangerous boys on both sides of the street roared angrily, and rushed towards Ding Xiaoxie with gleaming blades. Ding Xiaoxie ignored him, his eyes fixed on Fang Ting, and he stepped forward step by step.

At this time, he had come behind Xu Yi.

When the distance was three meters, Ding Xiaoxie automatically stood still and did not dare to move forward.

Because Luo Tianhong had already put down the gift, and together with A Ji, was rushing here quickly.

As long as he dared to take half a step forward, Luo Tianhong and A Ji would kill him cleanly.

When he stood still, more than 100 young and Dangerous boys with murderous looks had already chased him.

Swinging the knife, he chopped at Ding Xiaoxie.

Ding Xiao crab turned sideways and kicked away.

The other young and Dangerous boys cursed at the vendors and Xu Yi and others:

"Are you deaf or blind? If you don't want to die, get out!"

"Hehetu, Fuyi, Fuxing, Hequn do things, nothing to do with others, get out of the way!"

"You're paralyzed, you don't leave when you're on your horse, be careful that you're new together, hurry up and show me!

"Have you heard, you guys are rushing to the street!"

There is a reason for Ding Xiaoxie to lose his mind, because he saw Xu Yi and Fang Ting together.

Reminiscent of the fact that the police deliberately found trouble before, it might be Xu Yi who instigated it.

However, they didn't know each other at all.

But under the current circumstances, he felt that Xu Yi was here to grab a woman from him.

What broke his heart even more was that Fang Ting seemed to have some interest in Xu Yi.

After Fang Ting got out of the car, she went to the stall to buy brown sugar water, and she was very attentive to Xu Yi

The happiness on his face is beyond words.

Today, there are four small clubs who chop Dingxiao crabs!

They are Hehetu, Fuyi, Fuxing, and Hequn.

Ding Xiaoxie looks gentle, but he can actually fight.

Five or six young and Dangerous boys swung their knives forward, but they were all easily dealt with by him.

Fang Ting couldn't help lowering her head slightly, not daring to look directly at Ding Xiaoxie.

Seeing this gang of people approaching menacingly, the other diners fled long ago.

But Xu Yi and Liang Wei remained motionless.

Didn't pay attention to them at all.

The young and Dangerous boys exploded in an instant, shouting and cursing one after another!

At this moment, Luo Tianhong and A Ji arrived!

It's like a tiger coming out of the cage with an unstoppable momentum!

The two joined forces to attack, and within a minute, they swept a large area.

All young and Dangerous boys are dumbfounded!

monster? ? ? ?

They were shocked by Luo Tianhong and A Ji's terrifying skills.

Compared to the identities of the two, this is nothing at all.

They are Hong Xing!

Mr. Xu's people! !

Luo Tianhong's fame rose, and it soon spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

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