After listening to Xu Yi's answer, Perry said to Liang Wei:

"Miss Liang, can you please avoid it for a while, I have something very important to say to Mr. Xu." After hearing what Perry said, Liang Wei looked at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi nodded to Liang Wei, motioning for her to leave the office first.

Chapter 268 Xu Yi, the straight man of steel!

After Liang Wei left, Perry said, "Mr. Xu, I can actually guess what you did!"

"Mr. Guo's case was personally supervised by the governor, so I don't care whether Ye Guohuan is alive or dead, I want an answer. I hope you can tell me

"Please rest assured that I will not hold you accountable, if any."

When Perry said this, he looked at Xu Yi and said slowly:

"Mr. Xu, your association has undergone a rapid transformation this year, which is what we are happy to see, so we have never made things difficult for you!"

"I think you should be very clear about this, right? So I hope you will tell me frankly!"

After listening to Perry's words, Xu Yi lit a cigar, his ears twitched slightly, and then calmed down.

In the next second, Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Director Perry, many times you think that speculation is the truth, but it is actually an illusion."

"You underestimated Ye Guohuan and Zhang Shihao. They are not ordinary bandits. They will be defeated by me. Let me rescue Mr. Guo."

"However, their vigilance is also beyond ordinary people, and their ability to escape is definitely beyond that of many police officers."

"The only answer, and the real answer, is that they all ran away, and my horse boy is not a policeman, so I didn't chase him hard."

"My goal is to rescue Mr. Guo, not to catch criminals. Is my explanation reasonable?" 10

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Perry smiled slightly and said:

"It's really reasonable and almost invulnerable."

"It's just that I really don't believe that there will be no fight between you, and that their horses will not be injured. It is impossible for them to run away. This is common sense!" Xu Yi said without looking back: "Director Perry, I said No, my subordinates are not the police, and have no responsibility to arrest criminals."

"As long as Mr. Guo is safe, even if they are injured, my men will not catch them. This is the only answer!"

As soon as the words fell, Perry fell silent.

Although he felt that Xu Yi's explanation was still a bit forced, but the authenticity could not be ruled out.

After all, Xu Yi's subordinates are not policemen.

"Mr. Xu, I understand what you mean. I will report to Governor William."

"By the way, Mr. William may want to see you, no matter how busy you are, you have to arrange a time!" Perry said, looking at Xu Yi.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first!" Xu Yi looked at Perry and said goodbye.

"Okay, please go slowly!" Perry said with a smile.

Less than a minute after Xu Yi left, a tall and burly ghost came out of a room next to Perry's office.

Perry looked at him and smiled, "Green, what do you think of this young Duo who is known as the underground boss of Xiangjiang?"

"There is no doubt, he is a genius!" The ghost named Green said slowly.

"Of course he's a genius, a genius who's starting to give us headaches!" Perry said.

"Perry, I read all his information, this genius who is giving you headaches is very useful!" Green said slowly while looking at Perry.

Hearing this, Perry was surprised and said:

"Green, do you want to develop this Xu Yi into..."

Green nodded and said: "Yes, he is the best candidate, no one in Xiangjiang is more suitable than him!"

"As long as he has the desires of ordinary people, he will never refuse our solicitation!"

After Green finished speaking, Perry fell into a brief thought.

After dozens of seconds, Perry said:

"Green, I'm right to tell you, maybe we can really try."

"Regardless of success or failure, Xu Yi will never tell the story!"

Green nodded and said, "You and I will visit Mr. William now and discuss a plan together."

Perry's attitude towards Green was very polite.

The reason is simple. This Green is the head of the East Asia intelligence section of MI[-].

SI[-] is directly responsible to the Prime Minister of Eagle Country!

Even the governor of Hong Kong has no power to govern the intelligence personnel in Xiangjiang!

the other side!

Xu Yi walked out of the police building and got into the car directly. Liang Wei drove and Xu Yi sat in the passenger seat.

After driving for a few minutes, Liang Wei asked, "Brother Yi, how did the conversation go?"

Xu Yi said: "I almost fell for it! I heard the heartbeat and breathing of a third person in Perry's office."

Originally, Xu Yi wanted to hint to Perry about Ye Guohuan's ending, but after confirming that there was a third person, Xu Yi immediately changed his mind and left quickly.

Perry and Green can't count, Xu Yi has the hearing of a dolphin, which is beyond the hearing of ordinary people!

No matter who the third person is, Xu Yi knows that this person is not kind! !

"Is there anyone else in Perry's office?"

Liang Wei said with some concern: "Brother Yi, if they really follow you, what will you do?"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Liang Wei, you don't have to worry, I don't think they will be in a hurry to deal with me yet."

After thinking about the conversation with Perry just now, he continued:

"Instead, they want me to be of use to them!"

Liang Wei asked curiously: "Brother Yi, I'm very curious about your choice! Can you tell me about it?"

Xu Yi smiled, and said slowly: "Liang Wei, do you think I can be someone else's chamber pot?"

Liang Wei immediately shook her head and said with a smile: Absolutely not, I have never seen a straight man who is more steely than you!

Hearing this, Xu Yi blurted out the words hurriedly: "You haven't experienced it before, so how do you know that it's worth it...,

I thought that Bingshan Beauty would turn his back on her face, but unexpectedly she blushed and said;


the other side.

Xiangjiang Governor's Mansion.

Perry and Green came to the Hong Kong Service Governor's Mansion to discuss with the Hong Kong Governor William.

"Do you think Xu Yi can be used by us?" William looked at Perry and Green and said directly.

Perry said with a smile: "The Xiangjiang people, as long as we give them a little benefit for a hundred years, which one of them will not obey?"

"Xu Yi will never be an exception. Is it impossible for him to refuse benefits?"

William nodded, and then asked Green, "Mr. Green, what do you think?"

Green said directly: "I think Xu Yi is a very unusual person. According to our investigation, he has neither good nor bad feelings for Yingguo."

"I suggest you contact him and test him!"

Hearing this, William thought for a while and said to Perry:

"Perry, you are going to inform Xu Yi officially that I will hold a banquet here tomorrow night, so please be sure to come!"

"Yes, Mr. Governor!"


Afterwards, Perry answered a phone call, and the police department was in a hurry, so he left first.

After Perry left, Green said with a smile: "Mr. William, I think Perry doesn't pay much attention to Xu Yi. You'd better talk to Perry. I'm afraid your problem will be caused by his attitude!"

William shook his head and said with a smile, "Green, your intelligence department does things differently from our administrative agency, and you will do whatever it takes to succeed."

"We can't, we have to pay attention to the method, after all, the ass decides the head!"

"Xu Yi is very strong, but it's not worth our fawning on him!"

After hearing what William said, Green stood up and said:

"I solemnly remind you that this Xu Yi is definitely not as simple as you imagined."

"According to our investigation, his tentacles have penetrated into many fields and places. He has people in Jinshanjiao, and he is also planning for South Asia and Bay Island. He even sent people to Moscow.

"Although we don't know his purpose in these places, his ambition is enough for us to pay attention!"

"In Xiangjiang, he has almost successfully transformed himself into a successful businessman, and his association can't see that he is doing illegal and criminal business."

"The dozen or so outlets under his name are like branch offices. Even the protection fee is collected in the name of a legal security company."

"In a word, legally, we can't find any evidence or inclination to commit a crime. This is the scariest thing!"

After listening to Green's words, William smiled and said, "Green, ambitious people are easier to take advantage of, aren't they?" "Mr. William, be careful not to screw up!" Green left the port after finishing speaking Government House.

Chapter 269 William's Conspiracy!

Not long after Xu Yi returned to the Hongxing headquarters building, he received a call from Police Commissioner Perry.

The content of the call was that Governor William invited Xu Yi to a banquet.

Xu Yi agreed, and he was also very curious about this most ^ official of the Eagle Kingdom stationed in Xiangjiang!

At six o'clock in the evening the next day, Xu Yi and Su Axi's car drove slowly into the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

After the two of them got out of the car, Ah San, who looked like a butler, came up to greet him, and said respectfully:

"Mr. Xu, Mrs. Xu, please follow me. Mr. William and Mrs. William have been waiting for a long time!"

After passing through the hall, Xu Yi saw William in the banquet hall.

William is 48 years old and has worked in Xiangjiang for seven years.

After seeing Xu Yi coming, he said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I have admired you for a long time, and today I saw that it is really extraordinary!"

"Mr. Governor, you are being polite!" Xu Yi said modestly.

William smiled and said, "Please take a seat! Let you taste authentic English dishes today."

After Xu Yi heard William's words, he wondered what delicious Eagle dishes could be.

It is nothing in front of the eight major cuisines of Middle Earth!

After the two parties finished their dinner, William said to Su Ah Xi:

"Miss Su, please chat with my wife, I want to chat with Mr. Xu, don't you mind?"

Su A smiled and said, "I don't mind, Governor William please!"

Governor William smiled and said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, let's go to the small living room to talk!"

Then, Xu Yi and William walked into the study one after the other.

In the small living room, William looked at Xu Yi and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu, you are a top smart person, guess what I want you to do?"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Governor William, if you guessed correctly, you want to be friends with me, right?!"

Hearing this, William's face changed slightly, and then he said:

"That's right, I'm inviting you to a banquet today, just to be friends with you!"

"You are a native of Xiangjiang, I hope you will do something for Xiangjiang."

"Mr. William, I don't know what you are referring to?" Xu Yi looked at William and asked.

"This is something that benefits all citizens'" William said mysteriously.

"I am going to decentralize the governor's power so that the people of Xiangjiang can enjoy power better."

Xu Yi's heart trembled. Of course he knew that this was a trick of the Eagles, but he still said calmly:

"Governor William, what does this have to do with me? I'm a businessman, nothing else!"

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