"I'm not just joking around. You tell other old guys to shut up! Otherwise, one day you'll be dead on the street like Deng Bo!" After hearing what Big D said, Chuan Burst said with a look of astonishment:

"No way, Big D? Could it be that Dumbledore is really you..."

In fact, including the explosion, everyone in the winning streak suspected that it was Big D who killed Dumbledore.

Because Big D has a motive for committing the crime.

In the past four years, Deng Bo has firmly opposed the sitting of the big D in the two elections with consecutive victories.

So Big D has always held a grudge against Dumbledore!

As long as Deng Bo is alive, it will be useless for his big D to sit in the hall!

He Liansheng and the others were just afraid of Big D's despotic power and had no evidence, so they didn't dare to speak!

""!Let go of your horse-riding bullshit, make a mess, I didn't kill Deng Bo! "Big D hastily denied it.

Dumbledore's prestige in the association is extremely high. Although Big D is too arrogant, he dare not take the blame for this!

"Oh, I hope it's not you! Big D, I'm going first, you should think about how to go in the future!" As soon as the words fell, Chuan Bao got up and left Big D's villa.

"Let's go, I don't want supper!"

Big D sat where he was, and didn't move at all, not even moving his ass!

He didn't expect big D to give it to him for a series of explosions. What he regrets most now is that he received big D's 20 benefit fee.

Don't tell me you're making a show of yourself, and you'll be humiliated by the big D!

After walking out of Big D's villa, a young man with an indifferent expression passed by him!Chuanbao didn't pay attention to the young man, and then walked forward.

At this moment, Chuan Bao felt a knife arrive behind him.

Then a male voice came from his ear:

"Old guy, if you want to live, just listen to me!"

"Young boy, don't be impulsive! I will definitely listen to you!"

Chuan Bao hurriedly said, this young man's voice is very scary, like a cold knife!

"Go back, I don't care what method you use, call the door open!" the man said coldly.

"All right, all right, I'll go back!"

Chuanbao didn't dare to say a word, turned around and went back to the door of Big D's villa.

"Uncle Chuanbao, did you drop something? Is your son next to you?"

Big D's horse boy naturally knows Chuanbo, and laughs and blows water with Chuanbo.

Elderly, forgetful, forgetful.

"No, I didn't lose anything, he is my horse boy, not my son, he just got a very important news, I want to tell Big D!

The series of explosions made a calm statement.

"Huh? What's the big news?" the pony boy asked.

Chuan Bao turned his head and glanced at A Ji, who said coldly:

"Just got the news that Ah Le died."

?0 for flowers 0....

"What? What did you say? A Le died?" The horse boy was taken aback.

Then, he let the two of them enter the villa, and the boy said to Big D:

"Brother D, Uncle Chuanbo is back, and he brought a big news!"

Big D, who was hugging his horse and preparing to... turned around and said to Chuan Bao:

"What's the big news about you riding a horse? Bigger than my horse? Make a big deal out of it, say it!"

Chuan Bao wiped off his sweat, forced himself to be calm and said to Big D:

"Big D, Ah Le is dead!"


Hearing this, Big D was so shocked that he pushed the woman away and said loudly:

"What did you say? Ah Le is really dead? It's a joke, don't you make me happy?"

Chuanbo glanced at A Ji, and said, "It's me, the bastard, who just told me!"

Big D looked at A Ji, and said: "Boy, where did you hear the news? If the news is false, I will tell you to eat a spoon!

A Ji walked towards Big D with a blank expression on his face.

As A Ji got closer and closer to Big D, Big D quickly felt something was wrong, and immediately shouted:

"Stop for me, what are you doing so close to me, I-you are paralyzed, stop for me!

A Ji stared at Big D, and now he and Big D saw only three meters of continuation.

And these three meters only take half a second for A Ji!

A Ji's figure moved!

After Big D saw A Ji rushing towards him.

Responding immediately, he ran towards his pony.

But just as he took a step, he felt his hands grabbing his hair.

Then a sharp knife pierced through his back.

Just one second!

Big D was stabbed three times, big D lost too much blood and died!

Those big D boys also reacted at this time.

One by one they drew their guns.

I saw that A Ji flicked the short knife in his hand, and directly inserted it into the heart of the horse boy who was closest to him.

Just as the pony was wailing, A Ji rushed out of the window as fast as lightning.

At this time, an off-road vehicle rushed in from the gate of the big D villa.

A Ji accelerated and ran for less than nine meters, and he jumped into the off-road vehicle.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The boys of Big D shot wildly at the off-road vehicle.

But it has no effect, the off-road vehicle has already gone far away!

Big D's horses turned their heads collectively, and looked at Chuanbo together!

"No, no...it's none of my business!" Chuanbao shouted!seven.

Chapter 212

next day!

The news that Big D and A Le were assassinated by a killer shocked the entire He Liansheng.

"Brother Zhanmi, congratulations!" Someone congratulated Zhanmi early in the morning.

In fact, Zhan Mi had already correctly guessed the news last night.

Because A Ji was at night, he called him and told him to pay the balance!

Originally, Zhan Mi was a little dubious, but it was done so quickly?

Could it be that he lied to himself?

It didn't take a day for Big D and A Le to die like this?

Crisis broke out!

However, he had to believe it.

Because last night, no matter whether it was Big D's team or A Le's team, they all suddenly died down.

The men on either side of them did not clash with his men.

Therefore, Zhan Mi settled the final payment as soon as he heard the letter of approval today.

I was afraid that I would offend a killer of this level.

A few minutes later, Zhan Mi received a "[-]" call from Guan Zisen.

Guan Zisen said on the phone to ask Zhan Mi to go to the Liansheng main hall immediately.

After hanging up Guan Zisen's phone call, Zhan Mi couldn't hide his excitement anymore.

Now you can finally flex your muscles and do big business!

With Liansheng sitting in the office for two years, even if he only works for one term, he is already satisfied with earning more than one billion Hong Kong papers.

Zhan Mi came to Heliansheng main hall with joy and excitement.

At this time, almost all the veterans of Liansheng came.

To Zhan Mi's surprise, his face was covered in bruises.

His entire facial features seemed to have been displaced.

Zhan Mi walked over and asked concerned: "Uncle Chuanbao, who slapped you in the face?"

Chuanbo managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "Zhan Mi, it's not because I was beaten by someone, but because I fell myself. I'm an old man, and my legs and feet are inconvenient..."

"Wow, bursting, you fell so badly!"

Guan Zisen made fun of him from the side: "It's so hot, you fool can see that you were beaten! Which woman is it? Do you think you are not strong enough in bed? Haha" Last night, after A Ji escaped, Big D Although the bodyguards did not dare to kill Chuanbo.

But it also played the string explosion well enough.

And Chuanbo came here today, nothing more than to reap some benefits and show his face in front of Zhan Mi!

Because everyone knows that Jimmy will make money!

And what these old guys lack is money!

Zhan Mi hated these old gangsters very much in his heart, and thought to himself that after two years of fishing by himself, he would never play with these old gangsters again.

Half of these old gangsters have stepped into the urn, and they want to come out to sell their old faces!

At this moment, Chuiji said to Jamie:

"Zhan Mi, originally the three of you were tied, but now that Ale and Big D are both dead, you are the only candidate."

"So, from now on, you are our new partner with Liansheng!"

Hearing what Chuiji said, Jimmy smiled and said:

"Thank you Uncle Blowing Chicken! Thank you all the elders for supporting me, Zhan Mi!"

"I promise, everyone will get richer and richer after the winning streak is in my hands"

"Brothers live happier and happier, and the elders can enjoy their old age with peace of mind!"

"Clap clap clap!"

As soon as Zhan Mi's words fell, there was a warm applause at the scene!

Then, the previous Zuoguan Chuanji handed over the faucet stick that he kept as a keepsake to Jimmy!

After Zhan Mi took the faucet stick, Chui Ji said to Zhan Mi:

"Zhan Mi, the dragon head stick is the token of us and Liansheng's leader, and it is a symbol of the power of sitting in the hall!"

"During the two years when you were sitting in the library, you must take good care of it! Do you understand?

Zhan Mi nodded after listening to the words of the chicken, and then said:

"Uncle Blowing Chicken, don't worry, I will definitely keep it well!"

At noon, Zhan Mi left the main hall after drinking a few cups with the veterans.

But at this time, Zhan Mi dialed the phone number of the previous killer, only to find that the phone had been turned off.

Zhan Mi didn't dare to refuse, so he quickly contacted Guilao Lin, handed over the 100 million Hong Kong paper to Guilao Lin, and entrusted Guilao Lin to hand it over to the killer.

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