""!what happened? "Guilao Lin said in 'angry'.

"The reason is that Hong Xing is too strong. Now all the associations in Xiangjiang are under the matchmaking of Hong Men.

"Therefore, I can only cease fighting with Big D and A Le!" Zhan Mi said helplessly.

"Fuck! Then what about our business?"

"Several hundred million a year, you don't want it?" Ghost Lin said angrily.

Zhan Mi looked confused, he came out to hang out only for money!

Now a business of several hundred million is placed in front of him, let him give up?

Like he used to, working as a groom on Bolan Street and buying CDs, he won't earn hundreds of millions in his life!

A few minutes later, Zhan Mi's face gradually calmed down, and he said to Gui Lao Lin:

"Brother Lin, I've figured it out! I'll be in the office before Leader He comes!"

"Just." Jamie continued.

Ready to unite against Hong Xing?"

"Brother Lin, my current strength is stronger than A Le, but weaker than Big D."

"So, I want to quickly expand my strength, but I need money..." Zhan Mi said to Gui Lao Lin.

"Tell me, how much does it cost?" Guilao Lin asked directly.

"Brother Lin, I want to know how much you can give me?" Zhan Mi asked.

"I have a balance of 500 million Hong Kong papers from last time, plus what you got from your business these few times, I will lend you another 1000 million Hong Kong papers, for a total of 3000 million Hong Kong papers.

"If you become the seat of Lian Sheng, you will get back your money immediately."

"If you don't succeed, then we'll die together! Zhan Mi, do you have confidence?" Ghost Lin Ji said.

"Don't worry, Brother Lin, I have confidence!" Zhan Mi said firmly as he looked at Ghost Lin.

Ghost Lin nodded. In fact, he had something on his mind right now, so he immediately told Brother Yi about the secret alliance between Hongmen and the other 7 clubs in Xiangjiang.

He is very clear that if Hongmen intervenes forcefully, I think all the clubs will be integrated to deal with Hongxing.

That will be Hong Xing's biggest crisis!

It is not an exaggeration to call it life and death!


The benefactors behind the three major clubs in Haojiang sat together.

They are Li Yizeng, the head of the Li family, Su Chengkui, the head of the Su family, and Zhang Qilin, the head of the Zhang family.

In He Sheng's gaming kingdom, the three of them are key figures.

Without their support, He Sheng would never be able to get to where he is today.

For a long time, they controlled the society in Haojiang.

"What exactly does Mr. He mean?" Li Yizeng, the sponsor of the Haojiang Number Gang, said

"Hmph, Li Yizeng, do you have shit in your head, you can't understand such a simple thing?"

"Obviously, Mr. He is going to let go and let the young man of today be our boss!"

The person who said this was Su Chengkui, the head of the Su family.

"Old Su, what do you mean by stepping on a horse? I have shit in my head? Believe it or not, I will beat you out of shit?"

Although Li Yizeng was getting older, his temper was still the same.

"Lao Li, Lao Su, when are you riding horses now, are you two still arguing here? Are you still fighting among yourself?" The person who spoke was the financial backer of the Big Circle Gang, and the Zhang family advocated Qilin.Hearing Zhang Qilin's words, Li Yizeng scolded:

I don't want to be noisy when I ride a horse. Su Chengkui, who rides a horse, laughs and provokes me whenever he gets a chance. What do you think I should do? "

Su Chengkui knew that now was not the time to argue with Li Yizeng, so he took the initiative to give in and said:

"Li Yizeng, I guess I said something wrong this time, is it okay?"

After hearing what Su Chengkui and Li Yizeng said, Zhang Qilin said:

"Do you think Hong Xing will really bring people from Xiangjiang to Haojiang to start a war with us?"

Su Chengkui and Li Yizeng fell into deep thought after listening to Zhang Qilin's words, apparently they were also thinking about this issue.

To be honest, they didn't quite believe it in their hearts.

Xu Yi is definitely not the first one in Xiangjiang's clubs to extend their hand to Haojiang.

When the Xiangjiang Number Gang was in its heyday, they were ready to include Haojiang into their sphere of influence.

So all kinds of elite soldiers and generals were dispatched into Haojiang.

But after a year of fighting openly and secretly, the two sides ended in complete failure!

Therefore, the local forces in Haojiang have always been against foreign associations and have full confidence!

Speaking of Xu Yi, Li Yizeng immediately said angrily:

"Xu Yi is so arrogant, as long as he dares to call someone over, I will be the first one to let him go!"

0.7 "Hehe, Li Yizeng, don't be so optimistic.

"Right now, Hong Xing's status in the Xiangjiang Jianghu can be said to be like covering the sky with one hand!!" Su Chengkui said slowly.

After Zhang Qilin listened to Su Chengkui's words, he said:

"A strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. This is Haojiang. We have no reason to be afraid of him!"

"I suggest that the three of us must be united this time, one will prosper and one will suffer, otherwise we will lose everything you have now!"

Su Chengkui suddenly asked, "What exactly is Mr. He thinking?"

Zhang Qilin said: "He already has the heart of Sima Zhao. He obviously wants Xu Yi to take over Hao's club to deal with the invasion of the Golden Shark Group and Hongmen. The power of Jinshahe and Hongmen is so great, he can't take it anymore!"

Li Yizeng interrupted and said: "Old Zhang is right, Hao Jiang is really troubled now, if we deal with Hong Xing with all our strength, what about the Jin Sha and Hong Men's invasion?"

"In my opinion, Mr. He's consideration is justified, to unite with secondary enemies and attack the main enemy. After all, we have a close relationship with the associations in Xiangjiang."

Zhang Qilin looked at Li Yizeng with contempt and said:

"Old Li, you really have no brains! You are taking the initiative to seek refuge with Xu Yi by saying that."

"If you do this, then you are really just a dog in Xu Yi's eyes!"

"I, Zhang Qilin, have the qualifications to stand in front of him, instead of being a humble dog!

Chapter 203 The situation in Haojiang is urgent!

After Li Yizeng and Su Chengkui listened to Zhang Qilin's words, their expressions changed from hesitation to firmness.

The two of them looked at Zhang Qilin and said slowly:

"Zhang Qilin, you are right, we should decide our own destiny!"

After the three associations of Haojiang joined forces to fight against the invasion of the Xiangjiang Number Gang last time, this time they formally joined forces again to fight against Xu Yi and Hong Xing!

It's just that they all seem to have forgotten that the reason why they resisted the Xiangjiang Number Gang last time was because Haojiang King He Sheng stood behind them.

Now Haojiang King He Sheng remains neutral, can they still resist Xu Yi's attack?

When the three major families in Haojiang were conspiring, He Sheng was calling a ghost.

"Director Carlos, I am He Sheng."

He Sheng called Carlos, the director of the operation department of Haojiang Police Teahouse.

"Mr. He, do you have any orders?"

Carlos was extremely polite, almost servile.

Haojiang is different from Xiangjiang. Eagle Kingdom is stronger in Xiangjiang than Portugal in Haojiang. The reason is that the national power and social structure are different.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, no matter what happens in Jianghu, don't interfere! Do you understand?" He Sheng ordered lightly.

"Ah..." Carlos was very embarrassed.

"There is no other option! Do you know!"

After He Sheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Carlos gritted his teeth after listening to the beeping sound on the phone, and quickly made a call:

"Jiang Xin, I'm Carlos."

Jiang Xin is the Chief Inspector of the Haojiang Police Department, and Carlos is nominally the first brother of the Haojiang police.

But more than [-]% of the gangsters in Hao Jiang are Jiang Xin's subordinates.

"Director Carlos, what's the matter?"

"Mr. He ordered that no matter what happens in Jianghu tomorrow, don't worry about it! Do you understand?

When Jiang Xin heard He Sheng's order, he immediately said:

"Director Carlos, I see!!"

Although he didn't understand what He Sheng was going to do, Jiang Xin knew that it would be best if he followed suit!

said Carlos.

Aberdeen new casino.

Xu Yi is deploying.

"Health, send [-] people from Zhantang to Haojiang tomorrow, you don't need to come, Tianhong will take care of it." Xu Yi contacted Tian Yangsheng.

"Brother Yi, do you want to bring a firearm?" After hearing Xu Yi's words, Luo Tianhong asked on the phone.

Unlike Xiangjiang, using a gun in Haojiang is a very common thing.

"No need! Give He Sheng some face!" Xu Yi said lightly.

"Yes, Brother Yi!" Luo Tianhong agreed.

Xu Yi knew that although He Sheng let himself do it, he must have his own bottom line.

It is okay to start a war with the three major associations of Haojiang, but the degree should be properly controlled.

If firearms are used, there will inevitably be too much movement, and the situation may even get out of control. This is what Xu Yi doesn't want to see.

Therefore, Xu Yi concluded that the clubs under the control of the three major Haojiang families would not use guns either.

That night, five hundred members of the war hall came to a small port in Haojiang!

In the port, Wei Jixiang had already brought people to wait.

The next day, Haojiang said that some casinos were open as usual.

And Xu Yi's goal is on these casinos.

In Haojiang, one of the most important criteria is to compare who has more casinos and a larger scale.

Whoever has more casinos and larger scale will have greater power!

In Haojiang, Zhang Qilin has the most venues with fifteen, Su Chengkui and Li Yizeng each have fourteen.

If Xu Yi wants to take care of the three major families in Haojiang, he just smashed these games!

Therefore, Xu Yi directly divided the 500 people in the battle hall into five teams, and went to smash the three big families in Haojiang

Among them, Luo Tianhong led the team to be in charge of big casinos.

For this operation, Xu Yi has only one request, which is to beat the three major families in Haojiang.

Let them know who is their master!

And the three major families have already made preparations.

They issued an order that there would be heavy rewards for those who came to the Hongxing Club to pick a spot, no matter if they were killed or injured!

Of course, all three families strictly prohibited the use of firearms!

At eight o'clock in the morning, Tianyangsheng had already arrived at the second largest casino in Haojiang, Yuegaocheng Casino.

This is the place guarded by the Number Gang, guarded by Zhou Wei himself.

Zhou Wei is good at Muay Thai, and people often compare him with Mo Luobing, the leader of the big circle gang, and think that the two of them are the two most capable fighters in Haojiang.

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