If only relying on He Sheng's order, it would not be considered a real subjugation!

In fact, even if He Sheng didn't do this, Xu Yi would still do it. If you want to get the Haojiang gambling cards, the local clubs in Haojiang will do it first!

Sofitel Haojiang is the most famous restaurant in Haojiang.

Although the usual Sofitel is not overcrowded, the attendance rate is more than nine floors.

As a result, today's Sofitel has only one table of customers.

And at the entrance of the restaurant, there was a sign that said it was closed for business today. It was obvious that the place had already been booked.

Many people who passed by this restaurant were surprised when they saw this sign that was closed today.

This restaurant is not so easy to book out. The last time the governor of Haojiang came here to entertain guests.

The boss directly rejected the offer to reserve the venue, and the governor of Haojiang had no choice but to accept it!

Of course, what they don't know is that the owner of Sofitel is only the owner on the surface, and the real owner of this restaurant is Ho Jiang Wang He Sheng.

Because of this, even if the governor of Haojiang was refused to book the venue, he had no choice but to accept it!

And the reason why He Sheng opened this restaurant is because he likes to eat Cantonese cuisine in this restaurant!

Invited by He Sheng, Beng Yaju, the new boss of Haojiang's three major gangs, Chi Shiwei, the new boss of Shuifang, and Mo Luobing, the new boss of the Big Circle Gang, came to Sofitel early to wait.

Although the three associations are under the jurisdiction of He Sheng, in fact the relationship between the three associations is not good.

Of course, He Sheng did this on purpose.

Only by making them suspicious of each other can He Sheng control it better!

Because of this, Beng Yaju, Jie Shiwei, and Mo Luobing sat in their seats and did not speak to each other.

Those who read newspapers read newspapers, those who smoke smoke, and those who are in a daze are in a daze.

This state of awkward sitting continued until He Sheng's arrival.

When Beng Yaju, Jieshiwei, and Mo Luobing saw He Sheng's figure appearing in Jinghua Pavilion, they stood up and said loudly:

"Mr. He!" The voices were in unison!

Then, they looked at Xu Yi beside He Sheng with puzzled eyes.


There was a conflict at the Mazu Temple last time, and Mr. He reconciled with Hong Xing's leader so quickly? ?

After He Sheng sat down, he said to the standing people, "Sit down!"

Xu Yi didn't need He Sheng's instructions, and he sat down before He Sheng's butt was glued to the seat.

After the three of them sat down, He Sheng said, "Talk about things first, then eat!"

After hearing He Sheng's words, Beng Yaju, Jie Shiwei, and Mo Luobing all cheered up.

He Sheng has a habit, the things he talks about before eating are definitely the most important things, and the things he talks about after eating are all about blowing water.

He Sheng said lightly: "Listen well, what I say next is up to you to choose, and I will never interfere."

"If you don't agree, you can leave without eating!"

"Understood?" He Sheng asked.

"Understood, Mr. He!" Beng Yaju, Jie Shiwei, and Mo Luobing said in unison.

After taking a puff of his cigar, He Sheng said slowly: "In order to deal with the threat of Jinsha and Hongmen, I want your three associations to cooperate with Hongxing.

"Of course, Hong Xing is the main one, that is, you have to listen to Mr. Xu, think about it carefully, and then make your choice!"

As soon as the words fell, He Sheng said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, I will leave this to you!"

Obviously, He Sheng made up his mind to let Xu Yi deal with it directly, but he chose to avoid it! .

Chapter 201 Surrender or die, you choose!

After He Sheng left here, Beng Yaju, Jie Shiwei, and Mo Luobing all heaved a sigh of relief.

They looked at Xu Yi together, they all knew what Xu Yi did in Hao Jiang.

It was precisely because Xu Yi killed Lu Yi, the former boss of the Big Circle Gang, that Mo Luobing, the current boss of the Big Circle Gang, was able to kill the dragon fruit leader.

Beng Yaju killed Chen Zhong? Xin got the position.

And Market Wei was originally the boss of Haojiang-Shuifang.

To them, although Xu Yi was sharp, this was Hao-jiang after all, not Xiangjiang.

From the bottom of their hearts, they all felt that Xu Yi's sharpness was just luck.

At this time, the leader of the water house, Market Wei, asked:

"Mr. Xu, Mr. He told us that we want to cooperate. I don't know how you want to cooperate?"

Xu Yi replied with a smile: "It's very simple, of course you must listen to me, follow my command in everything, and fight against the people of country M and Hongmen together!"

Before Jieshiwei could answer, Beng Yaju, the new leader of Number Gang, said:

"Mr. Xu, what if we don't agree? What will you do?"

Xu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Don't you know what I will do?

"Beng Yaju, Mo Luobing, I killed your boss, you should know, right?"

Beng Yaju, Market Wei, and Mo Luobing all changed their faces when they heard what Xu Yi said.

Afterwards, Beng Yaju whispered to each other with Market Wei and Mo Luobing.

Afterwards, Beng Yaju said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, we want to tell you one thing. This is Haojiang, not Xiangjiang, and we are not Lu Yi and Chen Zhongxin."

"If you want us to surrender to you with just one sentence, isn't it too whimsical?"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Subduing you was originally in my plan, but now it's ahead of time!"

"Submit or die, you choose!"

After Xu Yi finished speaking, he quietly looked at Beng Yaju, Jie Shiwei, and Mo Luobing.

Xu Yi was not surprised by the reaction of the three major clubs in Haojiang.

Of course, I want to take down the entire Haojiang rivers and lakes, as long as I control the Haojiang clubs, I can control the entire Haojiang gambling cards!

Beng Yaju and the others wanted to resist, Xu Yi had already planned to destroy them!

Therefore, Xu Yilan would not be courteous to Beng Yaju, Market Wei, and Mo Luobing, and directly said the domineering words:

"Submit or die, you choose!"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, the faces of Beng Yaju Zeng, Market Wei, and Mo Luobing turned cold instantly.

Mo Luobin mocked:

"It's really arrogant! Mr. He's cooperation with you is definitely an insult to Mr. He's vision!"

In fact, what Beng Yaju had just said to Kai Shiwei and Mo Luobing was:

"Xu Yi is ambitious, I guess Xu Yi has colluded with Mr. He to destroy us!"

"Think about it, Mr. He is now facing pressure from the people of country M. He has to rely on Hong Xing and abandon us."

Everyone on Haojiang Road knows that it is very difficult for a dragon crossing the river to make a name for itself in Haojiang

Because no matter what the relationship between the associations in Haojiang is, as long as they face foreign associations, they will unite and speak out.

After Beng Yaju talked with Market Wei and Mo Luobing, the two of them agreed with Beng Yaju's idea!

They also began to abandon the grievances between each other and unanimously speak out.

At this time, Mo Luobing, the new head of the Daquan Gang, stood up and said to Xu Yi lightly:

"Xu Yi, it's totally fine for you to have a meal with us, if you still want to command us, Xu Yi smiled when he heard what Mo Luobing said.

He looked at Beng Yaju Zeng, Jie Shiwei and Mo Luobing, smiled lightly and said:

"The three of you really didn't disappoint me, you really have a bit of backbone!"

"Hmph, arrogant!" Mo Luobing looked at Xu Yi and said slowly.

Then he said loudly to Beng Yaju Zeng and Street Market:

"I, Mo Luobing, will never eat today's meal!" After Mo Luobing finished speaking, he walked towards the gate of Sofitel!After Xu Yi listened to Mo Luobing's words, he looked calm and did not stop him.But when Mo Luobing walked out of the cubicle they were in, Luo Tianhong died!

who do you think You Are? "

When Mo Luobing saw Luo Tianhong, he shouted:

"court death!"

Both Beng Yaju and Market Wei knew that Mo Luobing was from the special forces and came to Haojiang to seek a living after retiring. After Lu Yi died, he became the leader of the Big Circle Gang from an ordinary member of the Big Circle Gang.

Mo Luobin relied on his skill!

Therefore, he was extremely disdainful of Xu Yi.

In fact, he deliberately provoked Xu Yi to make him attack him.

In this way, he can teach this leader of Hong Xing a good lesson!

After Luo Tianhong shot, he even wanted to kill Luo Tianhong directly to warn Xu Yi.

So when the two fought against each other, he tried his best.

But after only three moves, Mo Luobing felt something was wrong

He felt that he was like a three-year-old child in front of Luo Tianhong, and he was not Luo Tianhong's opponent at all.

In less than 2 minutes, Luo Tianhong grabbed a flaw and directly dug him to the ground!

Beng Yaju and Market Wei mistakenly looked at Mo Luobing who was shaken to the ground by Luo Tianhong, they were dumbfounded!

Until now, Beng Yaju thought that Mo Luobing was acting with Xu Yi.

But the next moment, Luo Tianhong directly took out the Eight-faced Han Sword and stabbed Mo Luobing's thigh with the sword.


Mo Luobing spurted blood, howling in pain!

Then he begged for mercy in a low voice:

"Mr. Xu, I am convinced, I am willing to surrender to you, please let me go!"

Mo Luobing is a man who has seen the world. As a member of the special forces, he has seen real masters.

But he thought that although those masters were powerful, there was a huge gap compared with Xu Yi's bodyguards!

Now he has understood that if he does not surrender, he will really die!

After Beng Yaju once heard Mo Luobing's words, he laughed and said:

"Mo Luobin, I thought you were a tough guy?"

"It turned out to be just an actor, who really knows how to act. Is it a trick to act today?!"

Before Mo Luobing could respond to Beng Yaju's ridicule, he heard Xu Yi say with a smile:

"The gang leaders of the three major clubs in Haojiang really disappoint me. It's been a waste of my time to talk to you for so long! Tianhong!"

As soon as the words fell, Moluo Bingpo felt a sharp pain in his head, and then he lost consciousness...

In the cubicle of the Sofitel restaurant, Beng Yaju and Shishiwei watched Mo Luobing's hamstring broken by Luo Tianhong, they were frightened and froze in place, trembling all over their bodies!

Xu Yi looked at Beng Yaju Zeng and Market Wei who were as frightened as two crane quails, and said coldly: "Trash!"

Then, Xu Yi stopped talking nonsense and took action himself. After a few seconds, there were three more permanently disabled people in the box!

Wei Jixiang walked in from the outside and ordered his subordinates to carry Beng Yaju and the others out.

He Sheng suddenly returned to the box again.

He looked at Xu Yi and said, "Mr. Xu, your tactics are really vicious, now that you're doing this, how can you subdue these three associations?

Xu Yi looked at He Sheng and said with a smile:

"Mr. He, the three of them are just your dogs. If you don't obey the dog, just kill it and replace it with another one."

?0 for flowers 0...

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