"Huh? Smuggling at sea?" Zhan Mi confirmed.

"Yes, we sell smuggled color TVs here, do you know how much they sell in the north?" Guilao Lin asked Jimmy and shook his head.

"[-] Hong Kong paper is the lowest price, and some ruthless ones can sell it for [-] Hong Kong paper!" Ghost Lin said.

"We sell [-] Hong Kong dollars for a car here, do you know how much it sells in the north?" Ghost Lin then asked.

"You can earn [-] Hong Kong papers as soon as you change hands, and I have connections there. As long as the goods land on the shore, someone will take the money to receive the goods." Ghost Lin glanced at Zhan Mi and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm only with you Let me tell you, I earned this amount last year." Ghost Lin compared a Barna.

"5000 million Hong Kong paper?" Jimmy said, staring at Guilao Lin with wide eyes.

"Well, a total of 5000 million Hong Kong paper!" Ghost Lin laughed.

Zhan Mi thought to himself: How long will it take me to sell the disk to earn 5000 million! "

"Mother! Comparing people to others, it makes people mad!""

Originally, he thought that selling pirated CDs had a bright future.

Now after hearing Guilao Lin's words, I suddenly feel that selling pirated discs is really a trivial matter, and it's boring!

Ghost Lin struck while the iron was hot, glanced at Zhan Mi and sighed deliberately:

"Zhanmi, it would be great if you could choose to sit with Liansheng this year. He Liansheng has several ports and controlled several deep-water piers. "

"If we engage in smuggling by freighters at sea, we can make at least HK$[-] million a year, then we will be truly rich!"

Zhan Mi has been completely shocked, earning [-] million Hong Kong dollars a year!

One billion Hong Kong paper in the 90s, the purchasing power...

Zhan Mi thought that he wanted to earn [-] million yuan. If he sold pirated CDs until he died, he would not be able to expose it!

Ghost Lin smiled, then patted Jimmy on the shoulder and said:

"Zhan Mi, live with the situation, as long as you make money steadily, there will always be a chance to make a fortune"

It seems that Guilao Lin is comforting Zhan Mi, but in fact he is deliberately trying to provoke Zhan Mi.

To Zhan Mi, being down-to-earth means selling pirated CDs.

But Jimmy no longer wants to do this kind of business, and now he urgently needs to engage in smuggling to make a lot of money!

When the seed of ambition of sitting in the hall with Liansheng has been planted in Jimmy's heart, it is only a matter of time before it breaks through the ground!

Yuenan, Zengcheng Port!

This is now the largest port in Yuenan.

90.00% of the goods shipped from the Indochina Peninsula to Thailand and South Asia depart from here.

Xu Yi brought Wang Jianjun and Tian Yangsheng here

He did not take Luo Tianhong with him when he went to Jinshanjiao this time.

Instead, let him go to Haojiang to help Fengzai and Wei Jixiang take care of the security of the casino.

After all, although the situation in Haojiang seems to have calmed down, it is still undercurrents.

The biggest reason why Xu Yizhi (Wang Li's) went to Jinshanjiao was to find a place where he could train firearms.

It is impossible to train firearms on a large scale in Xiangjiang.

As soon as Xu Yi got off the boat, he saw a lean young man holding a sign looking around.

At this time, Tian Yangsheng quickly walked to the man's side.

The man reacted and asked, "Hello, are you Mr. Tian and Mr. Xu?"

"Yes, I'm Xu Yi." Xu Yi came over and replied.

"Mr. Xu, hello, my name is Wen Li, and I'm here to pick you up." Ruan Xiaosan said with a smile.

"Well, I want to know, when will we leave?" Xu Yi asked.

"If Mr. Xu is short on time, we can leave now!

Wen Li said, "Okay, then let's set off now!"

Xu Yi didn't have time to waste money.

Wen Li brought the three of them to a house, and then said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, please wait a moment, I'll call someone."

After speaking, Wen Li walked into the house.

A few minutes later, two people came out of the house, one of them had a mustache, and Wen Li followed them. He pointed to Xu Yi and said a few words to the mustache.

Then, the character mustache walked to Xu Yi's side and said politely:

"Mr. Xu, you've worked hard all the way, we can start now."

The next moment, he took out three hoods from his pocket.

Obviously their heads.

What are you? "Wang Jianjun frowned, stepped forward and asked.

Chapter 195 Arriving at Jinshanjiao for the first time!

Xu Yi raised his right hand slightly, signaling Wang Jianjun not to act rashly.

He said with a smile: "Build the army, go to the country and do as the Romans do!"

Yesterday, Tian Yangsheng's friends had already greeted Tian Yangsheng, and Tian Yangsheng reported Xu Yi.

So Xu Yi also had some mental preparations.

The leader said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, we have nothing to do. This is a war zone. In order to prevent accidents, I hope you can understand."

Xu Yi nodded and said, "No problem, let's go!"

After Xu Yiren was put on a thong, he got in the car and bumped for several hours, and finally took a helicopter.

I don't know how long it took, the helicopter finally landed.

After getting off the plane, a voice came from Xu Yi's ear: "Tian Yangsheng, my good brother, we meet again!"

Xu Yi knew he had arrived when he heard this.

It was Kunsha's eldest son Nuoka's personal bodyguard Kaka who spoke.

After Xu Yi and the others were taken off their masks, they saw Tian Yangsheng and that person with a smile and said:

"My good brother Kaka, it's not easy to see you once!"

The one named Kaka said with a smile: "Good brother, let's go, I will take you to see Mr. Nuoka first, and then let Mr. Noka take you to meet our leader."

After Tian Yangsheng's introduction, Kaka said politely to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, I have admired you for a long time, Mr. Nuoka admires you very much, and often tells us how amazing you are.

Xu Yi smiled, then glanced at the sky, and estimated the time it took him to arrive here from Champa Port.

It took at least eight hours.

Afterwards, Kaka took Xu Yi to a jeep.

After walking for another hour, the car just stopped and everyone got out of the car, when the ground suddenly rumbled and trembled.

Tian Yangsheng's eyes lit up, "Brother Yi, maybe Nuoka is here."

As soon as the words fell, two teams of heavily armed soldiers were immediately seen rushing in.

These soldiers are all tanned, and the military uniforms they wear and the weapons in their hands are also uneven. There are AK, M41... all kinds of firearms.

Miscellaneous, the variety is really quite complete.

More than 30 soldiers wearing jungle camouflage uniforms arrived and immediately surrounded the entire small village under martial law.

Wang Jianjun frowned slightly, and immediately loaded the gun in his hand.

Tian Yangsheng stopped him immediately, and said softly: "Brother Jun, don't be nervous, they are not guarding us."

Sure enough, a hearty laugh sounded: "Mr. Tian, ​​long time no see!"

A burly man in a blue shirt with rimless glasses strode over.

Tian Yangsheng greeted him: "Mr. Nuoka, hello.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Xu, my boss." Tian Yangsheng quickly led that Noka to Xu Yi.


The strong man was obviously taken aback, and looked at Tian Yangsheng blankly.

He kept looking at Wang Jianjun, thinking that Wang Jianjun was the leader of Hong Xing.

Tian Yangsheng smiled and said, "Mr. Nuoka, this is the only person in the world who I am willing to submit to."

What Tian Yangsheng said, Noka was shocked. Tian Yangsheng's reputation as a killer resounded throughout Jinshanjiao.

But can the young man in front of him make him surrender?

However, Nuoka, who has experienced various scenes, hastily and enthusiastically extended his hand to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, I have admired you for a long time, and I often hear friends from Xiangjiang talking about you!" Xu Yi also put on a smiling face and shook hands with Nuoka:

"Mr. Noka, right? Your Mandarin is very good."

"Haha, I'm so proud of you. I've been learning Mandarin since I was a child. Speaking of which, our family can be considered half-Chinese."

Xu Yi took a box of cupa cigars from Wang Jianjun and handed it to Nuoka:

"I heard from Yang Sheng that you prefer cigars. I came in a hurry and only brought this box."

Nuoka's black eyes suddenly lit up, without the slightest hint of politeness.

He opened it, took out one, put it in front of his nose, took a deep sniff, and said with a full face of enjoyment:

"Okay! Mr. Xu is really amazing, you can get such top-quality cigars."

I sat in the car for another hour while everyone was chatting.

Before dark, the convoy brought Xu Yi and his party to a village in a dense forest.

The village looks big enough to house 2 people!

It is said to be a village, but it is actually filled with a large number of patrolling soldiers with guns.

There are even heavy machine guns hidden on the simple fence outside the village, and there are even tanks and heavy armored vehicles in the village!

On the way into the village (baah) village, twelve protective checkpoints were set up, which shows the importance of this place.

After asking, I realized that this is one of the three old lairs of Kunsha

In the past few days, he is negotiating with various forces in Jinshanjiao, and this is the venue for the negotiations.

Xu Yi and the others were arranged in a row of pure wooden bungalows due north.

In the room, Xu Yi, who had already chatted very well, asked Nuoka: "Mr. Nuoka, do you know what your father thinks?"

Noka replied: "My father has actually agreed to your request, because he sees your future in Xiangjiang!"

"90.00% of our goods in Jinshanjiao have to be transferred from your Xiangjiang to Ome. Without the consent of the local associations in Xiangjiang, we will be in a difficult position."

"I think this is the most important reason why my father agreed to your request!"

"Mr. Nuoka, from what you said, it seems that your father has investigated me?" Xu Yi said with a smile.

"Hahaha, yes, in fact, my father has been sending people to investigate you. After getting your accurate information, my father decided to cooperate with you."

"He told me that he thinks you can unify Xiangjiang's rivers and lakes in a year at most!" Nuoka laughed.

Xu Yi smiled, noncommittal.

Afterwards, Noka said: "We will talk about these things tomorrow. Let me receive you well today."

"Let me explain first, I don't drink alcohol these days!" Xu Yi laughed.

"Haha, you don't need to drink, but we can play. Woman."

"Recently, I have gotten a lot of women from Yuenan. Their bodies and skins are all of the best quality. I specially reserved a few for you!" Nuoka laughed.

Xu Yi frowned slightly and then smiled: "Nuoka, thank you, but I can't enjoy it today"

Noka asked in a daze, "You don't drink alcohol, and women don't play?"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "I'm a martial arts practitioner. I've reached a critical moment in my practice these days. I can't touch alcohol or sex!"

"Well, it's still early, do you want me to take you to the village ahead, where I live?"

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