What the two of them didn't know was that at this moment their conversation was all recorded by a tiny bug on the air conditioner...

Two hours later, Hongxing headquarters!

Han Bin and Ghost Lin reported to Xu Yi about the association.

Recently, the incidents in the Hongxing branch have caused a lot of trouble in the city.

Xu Yi, however, was as calm as ever, as if the establishment of the Hongxing branch had nothing to do with him.

After Ghost Lin reported the information on Jiang Tiansheng, he heard Xu Yi say to Han Bin:

"Abin, you send someone to tell Fatty Li and the others"

"If you want to spend your old age in peace, be honest with me. They know the good and the bad, and they should know how to choose

After Han Bin heard it, he nodded immediately, and Xu Yi laughed again:

"What do the people in the club think about the Hongxing branch?"

Han Bin said: "Many talkers in the association are very angry and want to bring people to suppress Jiang Tianyang's limelight.

"But brother Yi, you told me that no one will let them move."

"Jiang Tianyang has been secretly trying to bribe our people, and wants to instigate some people to go over there." Seven.

Chapter 177 The fierce conflict between Hongxing headquarters and branch! !

Xu Yi shook his head with a smile, and said calmly:

"If someone wants to defect to Jiang Tianyang, you should boldly let him go."

"Han Bin, I'll give you a mission to reduce Hongxing's 3 people to 1 within one month."

"Within half a year, 1 people will be reduced to 2000."

In the rivers and lakes of Xiangjiang in the past, people believed in the truth that many people are power.

When there is a conflict, you will post the horse, and the horse is actually more than that.

Whenever someone took refuge, he was accepted as a horse boy, and Hong Xing's number unexpectedly expanded to an unprecedented 3 people.

Many low-level horsemen are doing bad things under the banner of Hong Xing.

When it is really difficult, if 1 people can come, [-] will burn the incense.

In the past, Hong Xing, whether it was Jiang Zhen or Jiang Tiansheng, mostly acquiesced to this.

What they want is an aura of "strong soldiers and strong horses", so that other associations will not dare to mess with them.

Now there is only more than a year before the comeback, Xu Yi pushed the whole Hongxing to slowly get on the right track.

Let go of those old businesses as soon as they can, and throw them away as soon as they can.

Han Bin also had the idea of ​​selecting low-level personnel. Not only are those people not good, but they also make trouble everywhere under the banner of Hongxing.

But Han Bin didn't expect Xu Yi to be so ruthless, he directly reduced the 2000 to [-], and the next step is to reduce it to [-]!

But Han Bin "[-]" knew that by doing this, Xu Yi was streamlining his troops and streamlining his administration, and weeding out those black sheep.

Now Hong Xing has fourteen halls, and once the matter of Hong Xing's split hall comes out, the probability of conflict between the two parties is [-]%.

If Brother Yi makes such a large-scale layoff, it will easily lead to the rapid expansion of Jiang Tianyang's strength.

"Brother Yi, I think we still need to think about it? Or take a smaller step, and slow down the layoffs..."

Han Bin has always been obedient to Xu Yi, but at this time he still couldn't help asking the doubts in his heart.

Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Abin, the times are different, we must remember that we will return soon, and the old ways will not work!

"To be honest, I think 1 people is too much"

"Because what we need more in the future are all kinds of professional talents, not those young and Dangerous boys who will kill people as soon as their brains are hot."

"Those who collect protection fees have to change their methods and form a security company. Each hall is a branch. At least it must be legally tenable."

"Also, everyone who speaks in the hall must learn how to do business. If you can't learn it, you can directly find professional business talents from outside."

What Xu Yi meant was to completely transform Hong Xing into a company model.

However, Hong Xing is a traditional society after all, with a big family and a big business, it is indeed not easy to change, and it will easily cause the pain of reform.

Because of this, Xu Yi accepted a little, and for the first time in the election, 1 people were left.

Han Bin nodded and said:

"Brother Yi, I'm worried about Jiang Tianyang."

"If they accept all the people, they will be strong and strong."

"There are also the Tiger Faction from the Number Gang, Jiang Shujing who has just risen, the Chaozhou Gang, Lian Sheng, and Xinji. They are all waiting for our headquarters and branches to fight." profit"

"If these associations attack us at the same time, I'm afraid we won't be able to handle it."

Xu Yi smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, those associations dare not act rashly, this trick of mine is actually the bait I cast!"

"If Jiang Tianyang dares to eat those people we don't need, the Hongxing branch will definitely not last a hundred days, Abin, just wait and see!"

In the past few days, Jiang Tianyang sent people everywhere to dig up the walls of Hongxing's headquarters.

He sent Chen Yao and the fat guy Li to communicate with Tuen Mun Dinosaur, and successfully dug out the simple-minded Sheng Fan.

After receiving the information from Guilao Lin, Xu Yi immediately sent Tian Yangsheng to bring people there.

The two parties confronted each other, and there were two choices before the dinosaur, Hong Xing's branch hall, or Hong Xing's main department?

Not to mention that Han Bin is the elder brother of the dinosaur, the dividends of the Haojiang casino alone are already twice what Jiang Tian raised for the dinosaur.

This simple multiple-choice question is placed in front of the dinosaur, and the answer will soon be available.

This time, Chen Yao and the fat man Li could not escape bad luck.

"These two are two or five youngsters, beat me to death! The dinosaur said coldly.

Hearing this, Chen Yao struggled to get up, wanting to stand up and fight back.

Tian Yangsheng directly stabbed Chen Yao in the stomach...


A mouthful of blood gushed out, and Chen Yao fell heavily to the ground.

Fat guy Li was also in a bad mood, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The knife and stick fell like raindrops...

In less than 5 minutes, the fat man Li lay down on the ground, motionless.

"Ah ah ah ah ah.."

Chen Yao couldn't help but let out a desperate roar when he saw the fat man Li dying tragically in front of him.

He turned around, and the dinosaur directly hit Chen Yao's forehead with a stick.


Chen Yao's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground on his back.

At this moment, he could no longer lift his eyelids.

Under the attack of severe pain, he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

"Has my life path come to an end?

The memory fragments in Chen Yao's mind kept flashing back.

Recalling the fight when he first debuted, he was favored by Jiang Tiansheng.

Of course, there is also the pain of being defeated by Xu Yi many times, and the sadness and helplessness of losing Hong Xing's white paper fan.

He exhausted his last strength, Chen Yao turned his head away...

His last sight fell on the fat man Li.


The dinosaur swung another stick, completely taking away Chen Yao's consciousness.

Blood flowed out continuously, soon covering half of Chen Yao's face.

His eyes were not completely closed.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being ignorant of current affairs and following the wrong person."

After confirming that Chen Yao was dead, the dinosaur wiped the sweat from his head and let out a long sigh of relief.

He casually threw away the iron rod in his hand, and after returning to the room, he called Xu Yi's phone number.

If Chen Yao and the fat guy Li Lao honestly stayed at home, Xu Yi would let them go and give them the money from the society to support them.

But they chose to join the Hongxing branch at this time, so Xu Yi couldn't sit idly by.

Even if the dinosaurs don't do anything tonight, Tianyangsheng won't let Chen Yao and Fatty Li leave alive.

Immortal Ke waited all night outside Tangkou Tuodi in Tuen Mun, but he didn't see Chen Yao and the fat guy Li. He must have something wrong.

He sent his younger brother to Hongxing Tuen Mun Hall to inquire, but no one told them the real news.

Chen Yao and fat man Li seemed to have evaporated from the world.

On Jiang Tianyang's side, in order to welcome the addition of Hongxing's headquarters, he set up fifty tables of wine in the Fugui Hotel.

While drinking, someone suddenly came to deliver something.

One of Jiang Tianyang's subordinates walked up to Jiang Tianyang holding two boxes with an extremely ugly face.

At this time Jiang Tianyang was drinking, his face was flushed. After seeing the face of this subordinate, he couldn't help asking:

"Today is the day for the welcome banquet, why do you look so bad?""

The boy said helplessly: "Mr. Jiang, someone sent two things. 0"

Jiang Tianyang glanced at the two boxes and asked curiously:

"What is it? Who sent the vote?!"

"No, Mr. Jiang, these two boxes are...the ashes of Chen Yao and Fatty Li.

"Someone just delivered it."

"They also asked me to bring you a sentence: If you want to blame, you can only blame them for following the wrong person again.


As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy banquet fell silent in an instant.

Most of the people were startled and lost interest in an instant.

Chen Yao and Fatty Li are Hong Xing's bosses, and everyone present knows their names.

Unexpectedly, the two retired people had turned into two urns.

It was even sent to the banquet!

That sentence with the wrong person made them even more frightened.

Among this group of people, most of them are willing to stay in Hong Xingzheng's department.

Because Hong Xingzheng makes so much money, he can live a prosperous life without being the third child.

On Jiang Tianyang's side, he had to sell D products crazily in order to get the money.

Which side is better off, the superior and the inferior will be judged.

It's a pity that Hong Xing's main department is going crazy.

After the reform, they frantically drove people away.

Those who were driven away chose to join Jiang Tianyang in desperation.

Today's incident is not only a warning to Jiang Tianyang, but also a warning to everyone present.

Jiang Tianyang didn't even keep big guys like Chen Yao and Fatty Li, let alone the others, Jiang Tianyang's face was ashen, and he just wanted to kick these two boxes away.

Today's wine, unexpectedly because of this sudden incident, can't drink anymore.

The mood of everyone present became dull.

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