"OK, Mr. Lei, please come with me." Wang Jianjun said.

2 minutes later, in the box.

"Yaoyangzi, do you still have knots in your heart? Tell me about it." Xu Yi asked with a smile.

"I like to speak straight. If you have any scruples and dissatisfaction, just say it."

After deciding to change the court, Lei Yaoyang spoke much better.

He smiled and said, "Brother Yi, to be honest, you have brains and means."

"But what really impresses me is your tolerance."

"I was against you before, Ke Yi, you can still accommodate me, this is much harder than playing tricks

Xu Yi smiled lightly and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

"It's still the same sentence, a scholar dies for his confidant." Lei Yaoyang said seriously.

"Brother Yi, you think highly of me, Lei Yaoyang, and I will reciprocate."

"What kind of retribution?" Xu Yi asked.

Lei Yaoyang looked directly at him, and after a while he spoke slowly:

"Someone wants to kill you, and Aru." Xu Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Xu Yi immediately asked: "I know there are people who want to kill me. Who else is there?"

"There's me too, but I won't do it now." Lei Yaoyang replied.

Xu Yi frowned and asked:

"Then, who wants to kill Aru?"

"It's Gu Huo Lun, he was Uncle Ben's white paper fan when he was the leader." Lei Yaoyang said.

"Where is Aru now?" Xu Yi asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know about this." Lei Yaoyang shook his head.

"Pulsatilla told me that Gu Huo Lun should kill Aru, then drive Situ out of power, and then support me in power."

Xu Yi was silent, stood up quickly, and said to Wang Jianjun: "Jianjun, you and Abin are in charge of the ship's affairs and help the killer get those numbers.

Without waiting for Wang Jianjun's answer, he said to Luo Tianhong, "Tianhong, follow me."

Then he said to Lei Yaoyang: "Do you know where Gu Huo Lun lives?"

Lei Yaoyang knew from Xu Yi's face that the matter was serious, he immediately nodded and said, "I know, I'll take you there!"

On the way, Xu Yi pondered over and over again.

Combining the information provided by Guilao Lin a few days ago and the latest news he got from calling Guilao Lin just now, Xu Yi knew that Lin Peiru must have been kidnapped by Gu Huo Lun for seven days.

Chapter 172 Layout Number Gang!

In the wilderness of Yuen Long, in an old house.

Gu Huo Lun and Pulsatilla were standing outside the door, Gu Huo Lun was mixing a glass of cocktail.

Lin Peiru, who was overwhelmed by Gu Huo Lun, was lying on the simple big C in the house.

"Ah Lun, please work harder later, I will support you to become the leader of the East Star after the matter is settled!"

Gu Huo Lun looked at Pulsatilla with admiration on his face:

"Boss, this new medicine is very powerful, colorless and odorless!"

Pulsatilla said: "I want her to be ruined, and then play with her to death slowly."

"Aaron, she will wake up soon, I can't do it now, I'll take advantage of you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Peiru, who was tightly bound all over, slowly woke up.

After seeing Pulsatilla and Gu Huo Lun, her eyes were full of anger.

A few hours ago, when she was about to go to Hong Kong Dragon Star to gamble on the boat, Gu Huo Lun found her in Lin Peiru's bar and talked about the internal affairs of Dongxing.

In Dongxing, Gu Huo Lun used to be the think tank of the camel, so Lin Peiru let down his vigilance.

While chatting, Gu Huo Lun put medicine in her drink...

When I woke up, the situation had become like this.

Lin Peiru could imagine what they would do to themselves.

Seeing that Lin Peiru was awake, Pulsatilla walked up to Lin Peiru and said with a smile, "Lin Peiru, I have wronged you."

"Weng Ben, what do you want to do?"

"Don't you know? I'm enjoying the pleasure of revenge! Hahaha!" Pulsatilla laughed loudly as he lit the cigar "Six Three Three" in his hand.

Then he said with a sinister smile: "Lin Peiru, if you want to blame, I can only blame you for betraying Dongxing!"

When Lin Peiru heard Pulsatilla's words, her eyes widened with anger, and she began to struggle violently!

"Your physical fitness is good. It seems that you need to add medicine. What about the medicine? I want to add medicine!"

Pulsatilla roared, and Gu Huo Lun quickly sprinkled a pack of red wine into the red wine and brought it out.

"Pulsatilla, you just killed me!" Lin Peiru's eyes were tearing apart.

At this time, under the leadership of Lei Yaoyang, Xu Yi had already found him, and a black Mercedes roared by.


The two Dongxing boys who were letting the wind outside stretched their hands into their arms nervously.

Before they could yell, a dagger had pierced his heart.

Seeing Ma Zai standing still, another Ma Zai walked over suspiciously holding a gun

"Awei, are you okay..."

Just as he said these words, a cold light rushed over and hit his throat, flashing in the night.

Ma Zai, who couldn't make a sound, saw a figure rushing towards him in one step, and quickly pulled out the dagger from his neck.


Dong Xingzai, whose throat was ruptured and blood was flowing, fell directly to the ground.

When the man fell down, Luo Tianhong had already stuffed the dagger back into his waist, and the three of them walked towards the old house.

Boom---boom boom-

Xu Yi knocked on the door.

"Fei, what are you doing?"

There was a very uncomfortable voice from inside the door, and then the door opened.

Seeing a figure in front of him, the other party suddenly felt that something was wrong, and wanted to push the door back.

However, Xu Yi had already stepped on the door, and the other party immediately withdrew his hand from the doorknob. He was about to draw his gun, but Luo Tianhong had already shot!


With a muffled grunt, Dong Xingzai's throat was pierced at the door on the spot.

Someone died, and Dong Xingzai in the old house suddenly became confused: "There is a situation!!"

Xu Yi kicked the door open and hid his body towards the door.

bang bang bang-


A few Dong Xingzai fired their guns and rushed out of the door.

Xu Yi stood by the door, and several Dong Xingzi who ran out were cut down to the ground before they had time to react.

Pulsatilla, who was opening Lin Peiru's mouth and pouring medicine into it, was shocked, and the medicine spilled all over the floor: "Who is outside?"

A younger brother rushed in: "Uncle Ben, it's Liang Ziyi and Brother Yaoyang who are outside!"

"They? How did they find them?"

Pulsatilla opened the suit on his body, and there was a miniature assault Q inside, only to hear him sneer:

"Okay! It's just in time! Kill him now!"

Then Pulsatilla drew another gun and threw it to Gu Huo Lun:

"Let's go, let's go together!"

At this time, Xu Yi had already cleaned up the first room thoroughly.

It turned out that when Pulsatilla opened the door, he saw Xu Yi cut off one of his men's arms.

Xu Yi solved the person blocking his footsteps, and there was only the last room left.

Xu Yi then kicked open the door.

Unsurprisingly, a swarm of bullets unleashed.

The moment the door was opened, Xu Yi had already seen clearly the figure inside, it was the pulsatilla, Weng Ben!

"Xu Yi, you are really sharp!" Pulsatilla's tone was a little more admirable, and then he shouted ferociously:

"But don't be complacent, look who is in my hand?"

Pulsatilla put the hot muzzle on Lin Peiru's forehead.

Lin Peiru was not afraid at all, and said loudly:

"Pulsatilla, shoot! Ah Yi will avenge me, you won't be able to escape!"

"As expected of Lin San's granddaughter, she is really tough!"

"It's just that you've already taken the medicine, let Liang Ziyi see your handsome appearance later, hahahahaha..." Pulsatilla laughed wildly.

Before the words were finished, Pulsatilla could only feel a cold wind blowing by...

Luo Tianhong, who suddenly appeared behind him, made a sudden move!

Pulsatilla was hit hard on the neck, and he passed out immediately.

When the whole body of Pulsatilla fell to the ground, Gu Huo Lun dropped the gun in his hand on the spot, and quickly knelt down on the ground!

"Brother Yi, don't kill me! Don't kill me! Brother Yi, don't kill me!"

Xu Yi put the knife on Gu Huo Lun's neck, and shouted sharply:

"Gu Huo Lun, what did you feed her?"

"Yes..." Gu Huo Lun said a D product name.

"Mother!" Xu Yi killed Gu Huo Lun with one stab.

What Gu Huo Lun was talking about was the latest Cui Qing drug produced in the Netherlands.

This thing is many times stronger than ordinary Cui Qingyao.

At this time, Lin Peiru had already started to feel drowsy, and the effect of the medicine was onset.

Time was running out, Xu Yi let go of the rope on her body,

Then he ordered Luo Tianhong and Gu Huo Lun to tie up the Pulsatilla, then pick up Lin Peiru and leave.

Lei Yaoyang looked confused: "Brother Yi? This is you?"

"You drive Pulsatilla and the others back, hand him over to Situ, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow!

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yi ran towards the pond with Lin Peiru on his shoulders.

The things that Lin Peiru was poured into could strongly damage the brain nerves of a person.

Absolutely not... the Cui Qing medicine that can detoxify through communication.

The best way to save Lin Peiru is low temperature.

The temperature in the pond is low enough.

Lin Peiru, who was on Xu Yi's shoulder, had already clung to Xu Yi like an octopus.

With disheveled hair and blurred eyes, looking at Xu Yi is full of hope.

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