After thinking for a while, Xu Yi said: "Jianjun, you are very familiar with Yangsheng in the jungles of South Asia, and now Jinshanjiao is fighting chaos. Go and see if it is possible to rent a piece of land as a training ground."

Hearing what Xu Yi said, Wang Jianjun laughed and said, "Brother Yi, I came here today with the same idea."

Xu Yi nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Is everything ready on the boat tomorrow?"

"Brother Yi, don't worry, everything is ready!" Wang Jianjun patted the chestnut assure.

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kwok House.

Che Lushi sat beside the hospital bed, staring at Guo Zhihong on the bed.

The leader of the number gang was dying at this time.

Che Lushi said softly:

"Boss, now Dongxing's Pulsatilla is willing to cooperate with me 633. We have discussed a perfect plan, which is to kill Xu Yi."

"It's already been the case, so I'll just say it straight"

"I've already discussed it with a few of my cousins. As soon as Xu Yi dies, I will start a full-scale war against Hong Xing!"

"After getting rid of Xu Yi and defeating Hong Xing, I can become the leader."

Guo Zhihong seemed to have heard it, and tried his best to open his eyelids a little, staring at Che Lushi in a daze.

Che Lushi hurriedly leaned over and asked, "Boss, just say what you want, we are all here."

At this time, Guo Zhihong could no longer make a sound, he just moved his fingers slightly.

Che Lushi followed Guo Zhihong for decades, and after thinking about it, he said:

"Boss, please rest assured, I will do my best, and I won't do it recklessly."

"I have recruited a top international professional killer. This time, Xu Yi will definitely die!"

Guo Zhihong's throat kept moving, breathing hard

Che Lushi thought for a few more seconds before saying:

"Boss, for the sake of safety, I will choose the location of the attack on the high seas."

"At that time, even if the note finds out, there will be nothing we can do about it!"

Hearing what Che Lushi said, Guo Zhihong closed his eyes.

After being silent for about 2 minutes, Guo Zhihong tapped the edge of the bed lightly with his index finger.

Che Lushi grabbed Guo Zhihong's hand and said in an almost pleading tone:

"Boss, please persevere until I succeed no matter what! If you leave like this, our number gang will really have no leader!"

The life and death of Guo Zhihong, the leader of the number gang, affects the nerves of all associations in Xiangjiang.

Guo Zhihong's influence is really too great.

He is not only the leader of Xiangjiang's most powerful number gang.

He was even called the last "arbiter of rivers and lakes" by people on the road.

The reason why the young and Dangerous boys in Xiangjiang went to the Netherlands is because of him.

Thirty years ago, Guo Zhihong committed a crime and ran away to the Dutch country, leading the local Chinese people to break through the world with his own strength.

From then on, those associations in Xiangjiang followed Guo Zhihong's footsteps, and went to the Netherlands to develop if they committed a crime.

Later, Guo Zhihong returned to Xiangjiang and took over as the leader of the Number Gang.

Dongxing Camel is also in this way.

After Guo Zhihong returned to Xiangjiang, he promoted the number gang to Xiangjiang No. [-] club.

Even the "Four Major Detectives" at that time had to put up their hands and bend over to greet Guo Zhihong when they saw Guo Zhihong greeting him.

Now that Guo Zhihong is sick and pregnant, people are waiting for the number to help.

They are waiting for the end of an era.

At this moment, everyone was waiting in the living room, glancing at the bedroom from time to time.

The atmosphere was very depressing, and some restless people kept walking in the living room.

At this time, a glasses doctor in a white coat came out of the bedroom.

The bigwigs of the Number Gang all looked at him.

Che Lushi quickly walked up to the doctor and asked, "How is it?"

The doctor shook his head as he took off his gloves.

Che Lushi's heart sank, and he asked the doctor, "How long can we last?"

The doctor pondered for a while, and said, "It's just about these two days, so get ready."

Che Lushi wanted to ask something else, but the big brother rang.

He took it out and took a look, and then ordered the person in charge of the "Yongzidui" of his confidant to help send the doctor down.

Then came to the courtyard and connected the phone.


"Che Lushi, my people have successfully boarded the ship, how about your people?" Pulsatilla asked over the phone

"Pulsatilla, my people are also ready." Che Lushi replied in a deep voice.

"That's good, let's wait for the good news." Pulsatilla said.

After hanging up the phone, Che Lushi sighed heavily.

A nurse suddenly ran out of the ward and said:

"The patient has something to tell you!

A dozen or so people in the living room all looked sideways!

The next moment, the ward was packed to the brim.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at Master Guo together, waiting for Guo Zhihong's last words.

That is, the last words that are very important to everyone present.

Che Lushi immediately pushed aside the doctor and approached him, and asked anxiously:

"Boss, do you have anything to say?"

Guo Zhihong turned his eyes and looked at him, his lips began to move.

"What?" Che Lushi moved closer.

When the others saw it, they also craned their necks and listened carefully.

"Xu Yi, who..." Guo Zhihong said angrily.

Che Lushi was so anxious that he almost jumped, he said urgently:

"Boss, Xu Yi, what next?"

(baah) "Whoever can handle it, Xu Yi, whoever, just, just..."

Guo Zhihong's eyes widened as he said more, but after three words "Ji" in a row.

He could only make a small "ah" sound in his throat.

It didn't sound like she was talking, it sounded like she was just letting out her last breath.

"Just what! Boss, you have to say it completely!" Che Lushi shouted hastily.

It's a pity that Guo Zhihong can't say it anymore,

He could only look at him with his eyes, and after 2 seconds, his eyes slowly closed...

The doctor walked over to look at the instrument, checked it again, then raised his hand to look at the watch, and said softly to the big guys of the number gang:

"The patient has passed away. The time of death is 23:48."

10 minutes later, in the living room.

Che Lushi looked at the elders of the Number Gang and the four-character pile of speakers, and said in a deep voice:

"Did you hear that? Master Guo left a last word before he died. Whoever can handle Xu Yi will be the leader of the number gang." In fact, everyone heard Guo Zhihong's words.

Although he didn't finish speaking, he could guess it.

Guo Zhihong just wanted to say "whoever can handle Xu Yi will be the leader".

But, who told him not to finish?

"Old Che, we were all there, Master Guo didn't say that." The person involved said on the spot.

This is what Che Lushi is most worried about!

He straightened his face immediately, and roared sharply:

"Yes! Then you step on the horse and talk about it, what does Master Guo mean by that sentence?"

"Old Che, what are you in a hurry for? Do you have ghosts in your heart?"

"Master Guo may also want to say that whoever can handle Xu Yi will take over the four characters 'loyalty, filial piety, courage, and health' that he learned during his lifetime."

Other talkers spoke one after another:

"Maybe what Master Guo wants to say is that whoever can handle Xu Yi will inherit his inheritance."

"Everyone, to be honest, I think Master Guo is talking about 'big dragon head'."

"If our number group loses the leader, it will be completely disbanded and will be beaten by other groups."

"You think too much. It's been like this for decades. I haven't seen anyone who dares to touch our number gang. Who dares to step on the horse?"

Che Lushi's eyes turned red.

He already blamed Guo Zhihong who had just died.

Fuck you paralyzed, why don't you say it earlier?

At the beginning, I said that there would be no more big dragon heads, but I only left this sentence when it was time...

No!It's half a sentence!

You are the one who is on the horse, but you can tell the whole story!

But now that he kicked his legs, Guo Zhihong has no use value.

Now it seems that it is absolutely impossible to get all the elders and the person in charge of Zidui to agree that "whoever can handle Xu will be in charge".

These rushing streets are eager to split up the huge number!

Che Lushi looked at the speaker with the words "loyalty, filial piety, courage, and health" with a serious face, and said in a deep voice:

"Now the four of you express your opinion on the spot! Ah Lei! You express your opinion first!"

The man named "Lei" was not very old, only in his early thirties, gentle and elegant, with the appearance of a frail scholar.

He glanced at Che Lushi, then said calmly:

"Uncle Che, I believe what Master Guo wants to say is, 'Whoever can handle Xu Yi will be the leader.'

Xiaozidui and Jianzidui's sphere of influence is in the star realm, and they need the support of the community most.

So the people who talked about these two words also expressed their agreement one after another.

In the end, only Zhongzidui, the most powerful and richest, was left.

But their territory is all on this island, and they don't need or even object to the society's involvement in their own affairs.

Therefore, Gu Linjian, the speaker of Zhongzidui, said nothing at this moment.

Saturday evening, Saigon pier.

There was a long queue in front of the gangway of Dragon Star.

Excited guests lined up eagerly with tickets in hand, waiting to pass the security check and board the ship.

Tonight, two gambling legends will have a peak duel on Dragon Star!

One is Gao Jin, the "God of Gamblers" who enjoys a high reputation in the world of gambling.

On the one hand is the "gambling king" Majiawen who has risen strongly this year.

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