"The three of us have already sat down to talk, and we must come to a conclusion today."

"Just ask now, and I'll wait for your answer."

Seeing Xu Yi's tough attitude, Chuan Bao and Che Lushi were a little surprised and upset.

But there is nothing to do, the current strength of Hong Xing is no longer the strength of Hong Xing in the past... Jiang Hu has always spoken with strength!

Then, both Zhan Bao and Che Lushi stood up.

One person went to a corner and called the boss behind the scenes for instructions.

Han Bin, who had been silent by the side, looked at Xu Yi at this moment, guessing Xu Yi's intentions.

He was still joking with Xu Yi before, but now he realized something.

Xu Yi has always been a very pragmatic person, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be overheated because of a woman. What he is doing now is very likely to be related to the "Dongxing's best choice" mentioned earlier. Thinking of this, Han Bin was secretly startled!

Dividing up the "water house" has not been done yet, is Brother Yi already planning for the future?


Is it too far-sighted? .

Chapter 148 Mixed clubs also have a bottom line!

After 2 minutes, Chuan Bao put away the big brother and came back, nodded and said:

"Okay! It's very good that Deng Bo said, I can give you this face, and we will not go to Huang Daxian District with Lian Sheng!"

"That's fine, thank Deng Bo for me when you go back." Xu Yi smiled.

Chuan Bao suddenly gave a wry smile, looked at Xu Yi gossip and asked:

"Mr. Xu, your status is so prominent when you are young, and you are so rich and handsome. Do you want any woman? Why do you just fall in love with..."

Xu Yi smiled without saying a word.

At this time, Che Lushi also made a phone call, walked over slowly and said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, the leader of our number gang has agreed to give you this face, and the hall of Huang Daxian's water room will not go."

Xu Yi nodded, then stood up, and said lightly:

"It's settled, Hong Xing will strictly abide by the rules of watching the fire from the other side, and will not do anything."

"The rest of the water house will be divided between the two of you, and the Wong Tai Sin area will belong to Dongxing.

Chuanbo and Che Lushi also extended their hands at the same time.

Xu Yi smiled slightly, and shook hands with them respectively. The three companies cooperated to decide the fate of the water house! After returning to the banquet and drinking for a while, both Xu Yi and Han Bin took the car back to Wanchai with a stomach full of wine and passed the subsea tunnel. Han Bin sighed :

"On the rivers and lakes, there will be another bloody storm..."

"Abin, do you watch too many martial arts movies? Why are there so many bloody storms?" Xu Yi smiled and asked Han Bin, who was lying Ge You, to sit up when he heard this, and asked in surprise:

"Shuifang is much stronger than Lianhe Gang, right? I don't believe they will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered?"

Xu Yi leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, breathed alcohol and said:

10 "fight, definitely will fight, but I don't think it will be a big fight."

"So sure?" Han Bin asked.

"It's very simple, everyone needs to eat." Xu Yi smiled.

No matter what Han Bin thought this time, he didn't want to know...

Xu Yi waited for a while to see that Han Bin did not speak, and said:

"Abin, not everyone is as loyal as you. The rest of the people in the water room will not fight desperately for the survival of the society."

"It may be possible for a few people to talk about loyalty, but it is not so easy for a few people."

"Master Guo from the number gang, and Deng Bo from Liansheng, these two are old foxes, they have plenty of ways to deal with the water room."

"When the time comes, those people left in the water room will see the two strongest clubs on the road fighting together, will they still care about fighting to the death?

"Mixed clubs also have a bottom line, and the bottom line is to survive!"

"So, when the time comes, their first priority is to run for their lives, and the second is to find another way out and change doors."

Han Bin heard a chill in his heart, and sighed:

"Damn it, the building is about to fall, falling apart, falling apart."

"One of the reasons for this is that the water house is unconventional, what kind of 'double faucets' have been created?"

"Now that Hei Mei and Ba Lao are dead, and they can't choose the leader for a while, they will have no leader." Xu Yi said.

Han Bin thought for a few seconds, then turned to look at Xu Yi, hesitant to speak.

At last he couldn't bear to ask:

"Brother Yi, Ah Zha, Tony, and Ah Hu, and the three of them, Shuifang Neijiang, I think it was arranged by you?"

Xu Yi laughed loudly when he heard this: "Haha! You have such a big brain! Do you think I am a half-immortal?"

Han Bin also laughed.

After laughing, he sighed: "No one would have imagined that a club with a history of several decades would suddenly collapse because of three Yue Nanzis."

"Wrong!" Xu Yi denied it.

"It's not Yue Nanzai who wiped out the water house, but the general trend."

"The associations in Xiangjiang are already undergoing a brutal reshuffle, and the old order is being changed."

"At this time, all associations need to be extremely careful."

"Because no matter which club it is, it has the same possibility of being destroyed as the water house."

"In the end, only the few associations that survived can survive." He said

When Han Bin heard this, his heart was greatly moved, and he asked softly:


What do you think? "Xu Yi asked with a smile.

Two days later, a "whale devouring" scene was staged on Xiangjiang Road.What Whale Tun was talking about was Liansheng and Number Gang.

These two old-fashioned associations crushed the water house at the same time with their strong strength!

Buying and smashing the field are two-pronged!

Under the unprecedented pressure, the leaderless water room collapsed very quickly!All the talkers in the water room run away and go to the bottom.

The horse boys also changed their doors and found another way.

As for "cannibalizing", it refers to Dongxing Lin Peiru!

Wuyan Mountain!

This mountain is the highest place in Kowloon.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can overlook the entire Kowloon Peninsula, the spring waves on the north bank of the Xiangjiang River, and the scenery around Tongfan.

When Xu Yi climbed up, Lin Peiru was already sitting handsomely on a big rock, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"Sister Lin, you really know where to choose." Xu Yi laughed.

"Xu Yi, I think you are quite strong, what's wrong with you? Don't you have physical strength?" Lin Peiru teased.

Xu Yi smiled slightly, and then took out a cigar.

Lin Peiru jumped off a "big roc spreading its wings" on the boulder, and snatched Xu Yi's cigar and lighter.

Then he stuffed the cigar into Xu Yi's mouth and lit it for him.

Xu Yi took a breath and asked with a smile:

"Sister Lin, you are not the kind of woman who can light cigars for men, are you?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on who it is, for example you, I want to thank you." Lin Peiru smiled.

"What are you thanking?" Xu Yi asked with a smile.

Lin Peiru put the lighter into Xu Yi's trouser pocket, smiled and said:

"Guo Zhihong called Uncle Ben and said that after the unanimous agreement of the three of you, the Huang Daxian area will be assigned to Dongxing."

Xu Yi was not surprised at all, he just smiled and said, "He's lying, that's not what I said."

Lin Peiru frowned, and said with a sneer, "I knew that old fox was playing tricks!"

"What do you know?" Xu Yi asked casually.

"You should have brought up this matter, right?" Lin Peiru said.

"But when the surname Guo said this, even Dongxing thought it was to compensate for the losses he caused to us before."

"So I made a special show of favor and gave us a piece of land."

Xu Yi chuckled lightly and said:

"What I said clearly at the time was that the transfer of Shuifang's territory in Wong Tai Sin District to Dongxing's 'Rouge Tiger' did not mean giving up to Dongxing."

"Guo Zhihong's words were vague, he deliberately didn't elaborate, he was playing tricks!" Lin Peiru said coldly.

"That's actually not important." Xu Yi shook his head and said.

"The important thing is that you know the truth, Sister Lin."

"Xu Yi, do you think so highly of me?" Lin Peiru asked.

"That is." Xu Yi nodded and said:

"You're a smart guy, and I love working with smart people."

"Aren't you afraid that I, a woman, can't do enough and fail?" Lin Peiru asked.

"You have proved your strength if you can make the Changle gang go crazy." Xu Yi said calmly.

"Do it well, let the rest of Dongxing start to think about how to stand in line."

"But you must be careful of Lei Yaoyang. I heard that he has recently introduced a batch of new D products. He is not an easy opponent."

Lin Peiru smiled slightly, and said to Xu Yi: "Your information is accurate! Thank you for your concern, and please rest assured, I will."

Xu Yi turned to look at her, and said with a smile, "Well, it's good to have confidence, but you still have to be careful."

Lin Peiru suddenly reached out and grabbed a hair on Xu Yi's shoulder, and asked meaningfully:

"Xu Yi, do you know that there are rumors outside that I am having an affair with you?"

"Small point, there are too many women who have been having an affair with me, and you, Yan Zhihu, are not bad, as long as you don't mind, then it's ok." Xu Yiyun said lightly.

Lin Peiru smiled disdainfully:

"What do I mind? Just because I don't fall in love, and I often bring my sisters by my side, and I also have contacts with Thirteen Sisters, some people say I'm a 'lesbian' Xu Yi smiled and didn't say anything.

Lin Peiru tentatively asked: "Your Madam didn't have any quarrel with you, did you?"

"She never cared about my business," Xu Yi said.

"Then you are still so clean?" Lin Peiru asked again.

Xu Yi turned to look at her, and asked with a smile:

"How do you know that I keep myself clean? Haven't you heard of my name, Xu Yi's 'Huang Gambling Shuangjue'?"

"Could it be that I raise ten or eight women outside and want the whole world to publicize it?

Lin Peiru smiled slightly and said:

'Grinding soybean milk'

"I'm not curious about your private life, I just want to remind you that you are the boss of a club, even if you put on a show, you have to pretend."

"Otherwise, the whole world will know what you care about most, and then it will become your weakness, or even your deathbed."

Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Right now, there are rumors in the entire Xiangjiang Tao that the two of us are having an affair. The next time someone else 620 wants to deal with me, they may make a fuss about you."

"That's what I said, you must be very careful, especially pay attention to the people inside your East Star."

Lin Peiru smiled brighter, and asked, "In case, I mean in case I am in danger, will you come to rescue me?"

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