"Master Guo, Heimei really didn't mean to be disrespectful to you, so calm down." The eight brothers also hurriedly smoothed things over.

Guo Zhihong put the pipe on the table, nodded and sighed:

"It's really too much for Hong Xing to swallow all four of you at once. By the way, what's the attitude of He Liansheng?"

"We've already approached Deng Bo, who was with Liansheng, and he said that they don't care about Liansheng." Heimei said.

"What about Dongxing?" Guo Zhihong asked again.

"Dongxing was taught a lesson by your number gang, he is licking his wounds, he can't take care of himself." Heimei sneered.

"But how did I hear that there is a little girl in Dongxing who has a knife in one hand and money in the other hand, and made the Changle Gang crazy?"

"Changle Feihong passed Didongxing directly, and Yudanxiong was forced to jump off a building and died?" Guo Zhihong asked.

"It doesn't matter! Now it's mainly Hong Xing! It's Liang Ziyi!" Heimei said loudly.

"Hit Hong Xing..." Guo Zhihong pondered.

"Okay, then you can call, I can guarantee that our number helper will not care about this matter."

After leaving Guo Zhihong's Taipingshan villa, Hei Mei and Ba Lao got into the same Mercedes.

Their bodyguards were driving two Toyotas, one behind the other for protection.

The convoy returned to Guantang and arrived at an underground garage.

The bodyguards saw that the two club bosses hadn't come out, so they all stayed in the car, rolled up the windows and smoked cigars.

In the Mercedes-Benz, Heimei said harshly:

"Now that all major associations have greeted us, no one should have stabbed our water house in the back."

"H is on the horse! This time we're going to have a big fight!"

"Heimei, you can do the sweeping, but I'll do the killing." Ba Lao said in a deep voice.

"Okay! That's it!"

Heimei responded, turned his head and asked, "Bastard, who are you going to kill?"

"Too many cuts will alert the police to intervene, so we need to pick the key people to do it. One Hongxing leader Xu Yi, and one Hongxing main hall white paper fan Han Bin is enough." Ba Lao replied.

There was a flash of light in the black-browed eyes, and he said with a sinister smile:

"Bastard, if you don't act ruthlessly, you will look like a good old man. If you become ruthless, I will be afraid of stepping on a horse!"

"Xu Yi is the leader, and Han Bin is Hong Xing's think tank. Once they die, it will be easy for Hong Xing's other soldiers and generals!"

Ba Lao nodded slightly, then asked softly:

"By the way, Heimei, before the four-eyed accident, Xu Yi was said to be good at fighting? Even Ahu, who is the best fighter in Yue Nanzi, is not Xu Yi's opponent?"

"It should be, Xu Yi really has two tricks!"

Heimei nodded, then gnashed his teeth and said, "It must be done once! Don't give him a chance to stand up!"

"It doesn't matter if Xu Yi can fight again? It's because everyone has a weakness when riding a horse. His current weakness is his horse, Su Axi."

"It's just that the woman has been hiding in her big villa in Repulse Bay and can't come out. There are 24-hour armed security guards patrolling there, which is very difficult." Ba Lao said.

"Bastard, what are you going to do?" Heimei asked.

"No one in our water room can do this." Ba Lao said.

"So, I plan to find a top killer from outside."

"Okay! Don't be afraid to spend money! Just get it done!"

Heimei clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said:

"I stepped on the horse... I really wanted to kill Xu Yi with my own hands!"

At this time, Ba Lao looked sideways at the two white vans coming in from outside, and reminded Heimei:

"Heimei, the two of us should be more careful recently, Xu Yi is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Heimei nodded and said: "Don't worry, I know it well."

At this time, Ba Lao saw that the two white vans were stuck one after the other, did not turn off the engine, did not open the door, and immediately became suspicious.

"It's not right! Hurry up!!! Drive right away!" He shouted loudly.

The driver heard the words, responded with a sound, and quickly started the car.

"Bastard, what's the matter? What's going on!" Heimei asked loudly.

The eight guys haven't had time to answer, and the driver hasn't had time to step on the gas.....

The van behind suddenly hit it!

At the same time, the van in front also reversed and stuck the Mercedes in the middle!

When the bodyguards saw what happened, they got out of the car one after another!

At this moment, the doors of the two vans opened together, and a dozen young men swarmed down!

o0 asks for flowers 0...

"Mouth! Yue Nanzai?" Heimei exclaimed.

"Quickly, lock the car door!" Ba Lao shouted.

A second later, Yue Nanzai greeted him with a bat, iron rod, and sledgehammer, and smashed the car wildly!

When Hei Mei was yelling, Ba Lao took out his big brother and wanted to call someone.

Only to find that there is no mobile phone signal in the underground garage! .

Fortunately, there are bright minds among the bodyguards.

Seeing that there are so many people in Yue Nanzai, the two leaders of the club are stuck in the car again, and there is no signal in the underground garage,

So I turned around and ran to the elevator!

After rushing into the elevator room, he pressed all three elevators with both hands.

When I was anxiously waiting for the elevator to come down, I suddenly felt someone behind me!

He turned his head abruptly and saw a person standing in the corner of the elevator entrance.

The man in long black clothes and a mask stood there motionless.

Like a ghost!

Only the two eye holes on the mask reflect scorching light!


Just as the bodyguard uttered a word, the masked man shook his right arm!

In an instant, a triangular army thorn gleaming with cold light appeared in his hand.

Half an hour later, Repulse Bay.

Xu Yi, who was watching a movie with Su Ahxi, felt that his brother was shaking.

He took it out calmly, put it on his ear and listened.


"Brother Yi, Hei Mei and Ba Lao were all killed by Yue Nanzai.

"Yue Nanzai's work is elegant and clean, even Yue Nanzai doesn't know who is tipping them off

"Okay, I see." Xu Yi responded.

Then he hung up the phone, put his phone away, and continued watching the movie.

"Yi, Brother Yi, what are you doing now?" Su A asked softly.

" Guilao Lin said in a low voice.

"No, I don't have to do anything today, I just stay with you at home." Xu Yi smiled.

Hearing this, Su Axi bit her lips and smiled, then suddenly picked up the remote control panel and turned off the DVD player and TV.

"What? Don't watch good movies?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"No, the movie isn't good. Let's do something else. I haven't done anything else for three days..." Su Ahxi said to Xu Yi, winking.

Both faucets in the water room died!

As soon as the news came out, it shocked the three places on both sides of the strait, and even the entire Chinese circle!

A month ago, the four spokespeople in Shuifang were killed by Yue Nanzai.

So now it is easy for everyone to associate the attack and death of Hei Mei and Ba Lao with the Yue Nan Gang.

The fact is the same!

Whether it was the rumors from the water house or the conclusions of the police investigation, they all pointed to the fact that Ah Zha, Tony Yue and Nanzai knew the consequences would be serious, so they all went to sea to run away.

Although Shuifang swore revenge, there was loud thunder and little rain.

After finishing the funerals of the two leaders, everything stopped.

He even gritted his teeth and admitted to taking back the territory taken by Hong Xing.

Because they understand that revenge is only a small matter, and the big thing is to stabilize the current situation of the water room.

In the arena where the weak are preyed on by the strong, the weak will not only be beaten, but also eliminated.

In a short period of time, the water room lost two leaders, four speakers, and lost four sites... This is no longer a serious injury, but a matter of life and death! !

, the small society that Ahu led before his death, the Yuenan Gang.

The next day!

Hung Hing has a grand opening in the "Ruby Clubhouse" in Tsim Sha Tsui.

The main hall spent HK$2000 million on decoration, equipment update, personnel training and other aspects.

The purpose is not only to transform and upgrade, but also to lead the trend of Xiangjiang.

At the grand opening ceremony, all forces in Xiangjiang also sent representatives to congratulate and join in.

The congratulatory flower baskets turned the outside of the clubhouse into a flower market.

Today is a big day, Xu Yi showed his magnanimity, and invited old gangsters including Chen Yao to decorate the front.

In the luxury box on the second floor.

Big brother B blushed from drinking, he held Xu Yi's hand and said excitedly to Xu Yi:

"Ah Yi, I'm really good at riding a horse now! Now when I go out, anyone who meets me will respectfully call out Brother B! Who would dare not call out?"

Why?Just because I used to be the leader of Hong Xing!Ha ha ha ha! "seven.

Chapter 147 The right to speak comes from strength, and only strength can speak loudly! ! !

"Brother B, you have always been my boss."

Xu Yi laughed, then pushed his wine glass, persuading him:

"Brother B, you are getting old. Drinking alcohol will hurt your health. You should drink less."

"That can't be done. I'm happy today, and I want to drink enough."

Big Brother B patted Hun, and the foreskin standing behind him shouted:

"Baopi, go, get that, that, what kind of wine is that in [-], and bring me another bottle."

Xu Yi smiled, and suddenly saw Han Bin appearing at the door and winking at him, so he said to Chen Haonan at the next table:

"A'nan, I have something to do, come and accompany Brother B."

Chen Haonan agreed and came over immediately.

Xu Yi got up together, and Hong Xing's talkers immediately followed suit.

"Sit, sit, drink your drinks, and a female singer will sing for everyone later."

"You guys also go to the tables of the elders to toast, the family wants to be harmonious." Xu Yi ordered

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

"Yes, boss!"

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