"Boy, it's none of your business here, the door is over there."

Four eyes waited for the three people to look at him, but they didn't even pay attention to Xu Yi, and they were stunned for a while.

Xu Yi didn't get angry, just looked at Tony's face and said with a smile:

"Tony, let me change your name, how about your name Chang Wei from now on?"

The corner of Tony's mouth twitched, an unpredictable smile hung on his face.

Ah Hu on the side didn't seem to regard Hong Xing's leader as an onion, he said coldly:

"Boy, don't babble here, if you are told to go out, go out, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

Xu Yi put away his smile and asked seriously:

"Ahu, how do you want to be rude?"

Ah Hu's expression changed!Then move the figure!

Tony immediately raised his hand to block him, stared at Xu Yi and asked:

"Mr. Xu, what are you doing here?"

"My purpose of coming here is very simple. I want to set up a private club, so I want to come and see it." Xu Yi said.

Xu Yi really didn't make it up, but a temporary idea.

"Then can I invite you to come another day, or come back after 10 o'clock?" Tony asked with a smile.

"Okay, I'm the most easy-going person." Xu Yi smiled.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yi nodded to Siyan and the others, then turned and left.

Just as Xu Yi turned around, Ah Hu made a beheading motion towards his back.

At the same time, he showed an extremely disdainful expression.

Four-eyed, bald-headed, and big shrimp saw that even Xu Yi didn't dare to provoke Yue Nanzai, and they felt mixed joy and sorrow. What's more, even if Xu Yi knew the truth, he would probably only suffer from being dumb.

The matter can only be counted on Lianhe, who has been destroyed.

What worries me is that Yue Nanzai is so difficult to deal with, I'm afraid things about Ah Shan can't be dealt with.

Just when they were about to sit down, Xu Yi suddenly turned back.

Ah Hu who had turned around was very upset, he suppressed his anger and looked at him.

"By the way, there's something I'm not happy about." Xu Yi said.

As soon as Siyan and others heard this, their hearts began to beat drums.

This is knowing who the pheasant was ambushed by?

And plan to pick it out?

"What the hell?" Tony asked in a low voice.

"We are a country of etiquette, I have to teach you Yuenan monkeys what is polite."

Xu Yi looked at Ahu and said seriously.

Tony frowned slightly.

He could tell that Xu Yi was going to make trouble.

Although the relationship with Shuifang is now tense, it may be troublesome to provoke Hong Xing again, but...it doesn't matter.

After thinking it over clearly, he stepped back and sneered, "Then let your horse come here."

Seeing Tony's attitude, Ah Hu knew that he wanted to give Hongxing's leader a little color.

So he smiled disdainfully, raised his head and said:

"I heard that you are very good at playing with two knives. Shall I find you two? Don't say that we Yuenan people bully you."

"I still use a knife to deal with you waste material?" Xu Yi laughed.

Ah Hu's face changed, Jie Jiu said: "Then you..."


A crisp sound spread throughout the hall.

Ahu was beaten by Xu Yi and jumped three steps diagonally, almost losing his center of gravity.

Five blood marks suddenly appeared on his face!

Tony's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at Xu Yi's body.

He could see the movement, but Xu Yi's speed was so fast that he couldn't see it clearly.

"Do I fuck you!"

Ah Hu yelled, kicked his feet and rushed over.

Instead of retreating, Xu Yi advanced, kicked his hind legs, and slammed his front knee!


There was only a muffled sound, but Xu Yi arrived first!

One knee knocked Ahu's whole body into a bounce!

Then, the whole hall was silent!

Thick killing intent welled up in Tony's eyes, and bloodshot eyes quickly filled his eyes.

Four Eyes and the other three were even more stunned, they didn't expect Hong Xing Longtou to have such sharp skills.

Ah Hu threw himself on the ground not only unable to move, and it took seven or eight seconds before he even let out a muffled moan.

Xu Yi walked over directly.

Grabbing Ahu with one hand, he lifted up Ahu who weighed at least 150 kilograms.

He stepped on the table again, grabbed Ah Hu's neck, and wiped his leather shoes with the other's face...

Four Eyes and the others were completely dumbfounded.

Tony's fists were clenched white, his muscular body trembling slightly from anger and excitement...

Xu Yi didn't let go of his hand until he wiped off the gray mark on the leather shoe.

Ahu fell on the carpet, his face was red and his neck was thick, and the blood vessels on his neck and forehead were bulging, but he was still unable to move.

"Tony, do you want to compete with me too?" Xu Yi turned to Tony and asked.

Tony was silent, staring at Xu Yi with blood-red eyes.

"Visual observation shows that you are a little stronger than this guy on the ground." Xu Yi sneered.

I don't know if Xu Yi is talking about skill or brain.

After that, Xu Yi ignored the gazes.

He took out his cupa cigar, lit it, took a puff, pointed at Tony with the hand holding the cigar, and said, "Don't mess with me, save your life for your 80-year-old mother's birthday." It's not easy to come here after a lot of hard work, don't let her white-haired person send a black-haired person.

Hearing this, Tony's eyes changed!

He was a little uncertain whether Xu Yi's words were persuasion, threat, or both.

At this time, Ah Hu on the ground raised his head with a murderous expression on his face!

Tony looked past Xu Yi and shook his head slightly at him.

Xu Yi slowly sprayed out a stick of cigar, smiled and said to Siyan and the others:

"You go ahead, I won't bother you. If this clubhouse is going to be transferred, please notify me as soon as possible."

After speaking, Xu Yi left calmly.

Looking at him with four eyes, I really don't know whether he knows or doesn't know.

If Xu Yi had known about it, he probably wouldn't have appeared here, but had directly arranged for Ma Zai to attack.

If he didn't know, why did he just appear at this time by such a coincidence?

Just thinking about it, Xu Yi stopped and turned around again...

"You know you may not know, how happy I am to see you, hahahaha."

After saying this, Xu Yi really left, leaving behind a long series of hearty laughter.

Tony went over to help Ah Hu up, and Ah Hu gritted his teeth and asked, "Tony, why did you stop me?!" "Can't you feel it? The two of us together are no match for him." Tony said coldly.

After leaving the clubhouse, Xu Yi made a phone call to Guilao Lin.

Let Gui Laolin put other things aside during this time.

Concentrate on the three brothers Ajah, Tony, and Ahu, as well as their undercover undercover Watson

The reason why Xu Yi did this is very simple, Ah Zha and the others are now at odds with Shuifangnei.

Hong Xing was always "sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight".

This time, Xu Yi also wanted to sit on the "mountain".

He thought about it, as long as he didn't interfere.

The three Yuenan brothers will definitely make the water room go crazy like in the movie.

Three days later, Xin Jie, Tong Fan.

Xiangjiang people call the prosperous area of ​​the main island and Kowloon "the city".

The metropolitan areas of Xinjie and Dayushan are called "towns".

Tongfan is a new town.

In addition to large areas of public housing, there are also some industrial areas.

It's just that the industrial area here is a bit old-fashioned, and it is no longer the prosperity of the early years.

As soon as Xu Yi stopped the big Benz, two dashing young women with short hair came up to him.

"Brother Yi."

"Brother Yi."

Xu Yi saw that the two of them were not very old, and they were pretty good looking, so he joked:

"You guys are nice here, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and even the girls are very delicate.

The two women looked at each other and didn't answer Xu Yi's words.

Xu Yi was bored, so he could only ask:

"Where is Miss Lin?"

The two women didn't speak, they just turned around and led the way.

Xu Yi followed them and observed their figures, and found that they had been exercising for a long time.

Based on this alone, he is better than those boys under Thirteenth Sister.

The three of them walked through a large area of ​​public housing and came to Tongfan's famous "New City Plaza".

Xu Yi took a few glances and found that although it was far worse than Times Square in Causeway Bay.

But from Xinjie's side, it's not bad.

It is not easy for Lin Peiru, a woman, to be able to make a living here.

About four to five minutes later, Xu Yi was taken to a relatively remote community.

I met Lin Peiru in a boxing gym.

The last time I saw Rouge Tiger was at Jiang Tiansheng's memorial service.

At that time, Lin Peiru was dressed in black, her figure was dashing yet graceful, her face was cold and glamorous, but at this moment she was wearing a vest and shorts, her hands were wrapped in bandages, and she was punching sandbags. Yi was already familiar with the fighting skills of various genres and stood aside watching for a few minutes, Xu Yi found that this woman was really not an airs.

What surprised Xu Yi even more was that Lin Peiru was still very strong.

After waiting for a few more minutes, a woman felt that it was not appropriate, so she stepped forward and shouted:

"Sister, Mr. Xu is here!"

Hearing this, Lin Peiru quickly stopped, supported 620's swaying sandbag, and then turned her head to look.

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