"Abin, this guy has some brains, very good, I like this kind of opponent."

"Brother Yi, who are you talking about?" Han Bin scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Five Tigers of the Eastern Stars are running to Leihu, Lei Yiyang." Xu Yi laughed.

"Brother Yi, you were talking about him?" Han Bin was very surprised when he heard Lei Yaoyang.

"Han Bin, ask your brother Dinosaur to come to see me. If Dongxing wants to plant a flag in Tuen Mun, he will definitely be the first to be operated on." Xu Yi instructed.

Hearing what Xu Yi said, Han Bin quickly changed his face, and said hastily:

"Brother Yi, although my younger brother is in Tuen Mun all day long, I know him, and he will never betray Hong Xing."

"I know, I just don't want him to be threatened and have an accident." Xu Yi smiled mysteriously.

In the movie plot, Lei Yiyang revealed the "black material" of the dinosaur from the very beginning, forcing the dinosaur to cooperate with him.

Although Dinosaur has a lot of faults of one kind or another, he is unwavering in the big details and sternly refuses to betray Hong Xing.

This made Lei Yi raise his murderous heart.

Xu Yi looked at Han Bin's face, and considering the actual situation in Tuen Mun, he didn't want to see the dinosaur die.

So Xu Yi met the dinosaur in person, and shook out the "black stuff" in front of him and Han Bin.

He also said that the past can be ignored, but it is absolutely not allowed to do it again.

Dinosaur originally thought that Xu Yi was going to set up a torture hall to punish him, but he didn't expect Xu Yi to be lenient and let him go.

So the dinosaur was very grateful, and swore that he would never do it again.

The knot in my heart that was accepted because of the "Red Stick Appointment Power" completely dissipated.

Tianyi Film Company!

Xu Yi flipped through the film advertising brochures sent by foreign film companies, looking for the next film to be distributed.

Since the box office of the movies released by the agent has exploded one after another, Tianyi Film Company has become a benchmark in the film industry.

Because Xiangjiang's own film market and production are very mature.

So in the past, people in Hong Kong's film industry didn't care about Hollywood.

So there are only a few companies that distribute foreign films locally.

But starting from the second half of last year, the Xiangjiang film industry suddenly saw a problem.

Hollywood movies are on the rise worldwide!

"Earth Strikes Back" 0.7, which was distributed by Tianyi Films, achieved an astonishing box office of 5000 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong!Since the Xiangjiang Film Market has box office statistics, including this one, there are only four films with a box office of more than 5000 million Hong Kong dollars!

The great success of "Earth Strikes Back" has strongly stimulated the bosses of various film companies.

At the beginning of this year, several film companies have added agency distribution departments, hoping to get a share of the business of agency foreign films.

Just as Xu Yi expected before, the competition for the agency business will become more and more fierce...

But Xu Yi is not worried at all, because he knows the names of the movies on the local box office rankings every year, as well as their final box office.

Although it can't spend more than 100 million Hong Kong papers to buy a movie like last year, it can easily have more than ten times the box office.

However, there is still no problem in making money, it's just that the profits are not so huge.

You must find another profitable business to do!

Making money is always the number one priority in Xu Yi's mind!

It's not like in the past that people who hang out in clubs are doing it for the sake of loyalty.

But now, what are you talking about without money?

No money, no people, that's the truth.

If you want to develop and grow, you must have money.

And there must be a way to make money.

Xu Yi has a lot of ideas, but he can't implement anything without a good way.


Inch D!

Xu Yi suddenly had an idea and thought of an industry.

PS, ask for a full order, veterans! .

Chapter 133 Trick You Didn't Say!

Xu Yi had an idea and thought of a profitable industry.


That's right, it's A product.

The profit of this thing is huge!

Especially good quality A goods, no worries about sales at all.

And when this thing is made, it will not be limited to Xiangjiang, but can be exported overseas.


Thinking of this, Xu Yi yelled directly outside the office.

"Brother Yi!"

Han Bin pushed the door open and came in.

"You go to someone and register a clothing trading company."

Xu Yi looked at Han Bin and gave orders.

"Yes, Brother Yi." Han Bin nodded upon hearing this, and then asked:

"Directly, what is the name of this company?"

"It's still called Tianyi!"

Xu Yi's eyes lit up, and he said slowly.

"Yes, Brother Yi."

After Han Bin left, Xu Yi silently began to think.

Boom boom boom!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Xu Yi said without raising his head.

"Boss." Wang Yong, the vice president of the company, came in and called out.

"Sit." Xu Yi raised his head and asked, "Ayong, what do you do?"

"Boss, we failed to win the "Shark Horror" you mentioned two weeks ago."

"Because other people's bids are too high, it's not worth it to fight hard." Wang Yong said.

"Well, which one won it last?" Xu Yi asked casually.

"It's a new company that I've never heard of before. The company's name is Dongyang, and it was finally won for HK$750 million." Wang Yong replied.

Xu Yi didn't think much of it either.

The movie's box office in Xiangjiang is 700 million, and the theaters have to share [-]% of it, and they have to pay [-]% in taxes.

After deducting the cost of publicity and distribution, there is not much money to be made.

"Ayong, what about "Deep Space Amnesia"?" Xu Yi asked again.

"It was also taken away by Dongyang Company, 950 million Hong Kong paper." Wang Yong replied.

Now Xu Yi was a little upset, and after thinking for two seconds, he asked ten questions: "Why is it Dongyang Company again? Do you know the details of that company?

"Boss, I checked. This new company is very strange. As long as our people show up, they will definitely be there."

"They will make whichever film we make, and they won't ask about movies that our company is not interested in." Wang Yong said.

Xu Yi sneered and said, "Is this following the trend? Are you using us as a lighthouse?"

"Yes boss, you are right, I think so too." Wang Yong smiled wryly.

"Okay, I see."

Xu Yi nodded, pushed a brochure over and said:

"Ayong, I will do my best to fight for this "Special Agent" next."

"Good boss." Wang Yong took the brochure and said.

After he went out, Xu Yi took out his big brother and dialed a number:

"Alin, go and check a film company called 'Dong Yang' to find out who the boss is behind the scenes.

Eight hours later, Guilao Lin called back.

The behind-the-scenes boss of Dongyang Company is none other than Dongxing's Benleihu Lei Yiyang!

Lei Yaoyang?This surprised Xu Yi a little.

The guy who sells No. [-] boy actually came here to engage in movie distribution?

But if you think about it carefully, you can tell the past.

In the movie, Lei Yiyang is a self-proclaimed man who likes Ouzhou literature and art, plays the piano well, and especially likes Mozart's music.

But he came to make movies, but it has nothing to do with literature and art, but specifically for himself!

What happened afterwards also proved Xu Yi's judgment.

In the movie "Professional Secret Service", "Dong Yang" competed with "Tian Yi" again.

The two sides kept shouting the price to a sky-high price of 600 million!And finally succeeded in winning!

The translated name of "Professional Secret Service" in the Mainland is "Mission: Impossible".

According to Xu Yi's "Annual Box Office Ranking" in the system, the film will eventually earn a box office of 4000 million Hong Kong dollars.

4000 million Hong Kong papers, of which 600 million Hong Kong papers are divided into theaters.

After paying taxes of 140 million Hong Kong papers and issuing more than 100 million Hong Kong papers, there are still more than 100 million Hong Kong papers left.

After deducting the buyout cost, there will be just over 500 million Hong Kong paper left.

The 500 million Hong Kong papers are a bit small for Xu Yi.

But for a newly established company like "Dongyang", the meaning is quite different.

Lei Yiyang is not only making money for himself, but also disrupting the long-term plan of Xu Yi Film Company.

In the long run, Lei Yaoyang will disrupt the entire distribution agency market of Xiangjiang.

In this way, those foreign film companies will set the base price of a film higher and higher in the future.

Xu Yi will never allow this to happen!

In the next few days, Guilao Lin found more and more information.

Lei Yaoyang spent a lot of money to be able to run several films at the same time.

The offices of his company were rented in Times Square in Causeway Bay, and he directly hired all the members of the "Nuttle Head Film Company".Xu Yi knew in his heart that Lei Yiyang himself did not have such great financial resources, and it was definitely Pulsatilla, the leader of Dongxing, who supported him behind his back.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Yi decided to teach this "Ben Leihu" a good lesson.

Causeway Bay, Xiangjiang Theater.

As soon as Xu Yi appeared, it caused quite a stir.

One is because of his title as the leader of Hong Xing, and the other is because his Tianyi Film Company is the benchmark for representing foreign films.

Seeing Xu Yi appearing in person, the representatives knew that the upcoming movie would be a hit at the box office!

So they called the boss one after another and asked if they would fight to the end!

Xu Yi sat in seat C with an extremely calm expression, waiting for someone's performance.

Sure enough, within half an hour, a tall man in a suit and leather shoes appeared.

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