The motorcycle boys looked at Jiu Wenlong in astonishment, seeing that his punch was not too much, not too little.

Just smashed his boss's glasses into pieces!

"That's right, there's something about this Jiuwenlong!" Xu Yi said enthusiastically.

"I smashed the lens with one punch, but Huang Hua didn't move. This must be controlled properly!"

Han Bin looked disgusted, thinking what is this?

Brother Yi, you're the only one who can play well.

As soon as I thought of this, a large group of people rushed over!

"I'm Jiulong Changhao, who dares to touch me, Brother Long!"

Almost at the same time, another large group of people rushed over from the right!

"I'm Jiulong Sanying, who dares to touch me, Brother Long!"

As soon as the two gangs gathered, they crowded the aisles connecting more than a dozen shops on the left and right sides of the Kowloon Ice Room!It's been a long time, I met Xu Yi last time at the Kowloon Ice Room.

He and the tall Mitaka in a suit stood on either side of Jiuwenlong, glaring at the bikers.At this time, the door of the Jiulong ice room opened, and the black and fat Akang also dragged a baseball bat and led the ice room guy out.Then, an amazing scene appeared.

Chang Shao and Mitaka's subordinates each held an iron rod, beating on the iron railing rhythmically!

The sound of metal crashing resounded through the entire street!It's as if gold and iron horses are coming!

The motorcycle boys were frightened and stunned...

That Huang Hua glasses had lenses on one side and no lenses on the other, and seeing the situation was not good, he hurriedly said:

Msorry, you bosses!I really mean nothing else!I brought the little brother who caused trouble to apologize to you! "After finishing speaking, he pushed his hands out, and bowed to the two Xiao Feizi who had caused trouble before.

After bowing, he smiled apologetically: "Excuse me, excuse me, let's go first."

After looking at it for a long time, he roared angrily: ""!Who told you to go! "

In the next second, Jiu Wenlong burst out suddenly and shouted loudly:

"Go, let them go!"

The knocking sound quickly faded away until it disappeared completely...

The younger brothers all looked at the legendary Yau Tsim Wang Mengren in surprise.

Chang Hua and Mitaka also showed helpless expressions.

Across the street, Xu Yi who saw this place sighed softly, looked away and said

Han Bin quickly took out the phone.

Less than half a minute!

A large crowd of people suddenly poured out at the three street corners near the Kowloon Ice Room!

Abin, call someone.

The dense footsteps sounded like "general orders", coming with a bang!seven.

Chapter 122 If you don't break his leg, I will break yours!

The three crowds converged in the same direction, blocking the motorcycle boys who were about to leave with the momentum of a tiger descending the mountain!

This sudden scene not only frightened the bikers.

Even Chang Hua, Mitaka, and their subordinates were shocked!

Looking at the dark crowd of heads in front of him, Chang Hua thought to himself, who are we messing with again?

But the strange thing is that those people didn't do anything, didn't speak, just looked at the bikers coldly.

As a result, five or six hundred people were jammed together, but the scene was surprisingly silent!

The silence is terrifying!

At this moment, Mitaka suddenly recognized one of them.

That long-haired, brown-colored glasses, stubble-faced man is Hong Xing Kwun Tong's talker!

"Brother Dafei? Boss, what do you mean by this?" Mitaka asked in surprise.

Da Fei said: "I'm the younger brother, the real boss is behind."

Hearing this, Chang Hua took a deep breath!

Da Fei has already become Hong Xing's talker, besides the person he met that day, who else would dare to say that he is his boss?

Is it...

As soon as I thought of this, I saw a road branching out in the middle of the crowd.

Chang Hua took a closer look and found that it wasn't the person he thought was coming, but Han Bin from Hong Xing Kui Qing Hall.

It is said that now it seems to be the white paper fan of the Hongxing main hall and the number of the main hall.


Hundreds of people shouted in unison!

A motorcycle boy fell off the motorcycle in fright!

The younger brothers of Changhua and Mitaka saw it, and thought that this is the pomp that the gangsters should have.

Hong Xing is Hong Xing...

Han Bin didn't say "[-]" otherwise, he just stared at Jiuwenlong and said:

"Jiu Wenlong, come here, my boss wants to see you."

One sentence made Lianhebang's scalps go numb!

Oh my God!

He has become so majestic, and the boss?

Isn't that... Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing? !

A big man like Xu Yi also came to the scene in person?

With a serious expression on his face, Jiu Wenlong asked, "Where is it?"

Han Bin turned to one side and pointed across the street.

Hundreds of people turned their heads at the same time, only to see a car parked there.

The rear door was open, and there seemed to be a person sitting inside.

But only the silhouette can be vaguely seen!

But just such a silhouette also made the boys of the Lianhe Gang deeply moved.

A big owl is a big owl, so he doesn't show up easily!

Compared with the prestige of the front and back hugging, this horse riding is truly forceful!

Jiu Wenlong dragged a sore leg over the iron railing and walked towards the car.

Han Bin waited for him to pass by and said:

"Chang Consumption, San Ying, our eldest brother Yi has always cared about Jiu Zhi Long."

"One is for the fate of eating in his ice room that day, and the other is for your loyalty."

"Brother Yi said that in this day and age, everyone only has money in their eyes, and there are not many people who can still read the word 'love'. He cherishes it very much!"

Chang Hua's nose felt sore when he heard it, so he quickly took out the sunglasses and put them on.

After taking a deep breath, he bowed his hands and said:

"Bing brother, thank you brother Yi for me! With you Hong Xing covering me, my brother Long is fine!"

Mitaka also gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you! Thank you!"

"By the way, what's the matter with your Union and Gang? How did I hear that Huo Huan's younger brother came to collect protection money from Jiu Wenlong?" Da Fei asked suddenly.

"Da Fei, that's someone else's business, we Hong Xing don't care about it."

Han Bin waved his hand and continued:

"Chang Chao, San Ying, our brothers from Hong Xing will surround you. If you are on horseback, hurry up if you want to work. Chang Mao and Shan Ying were anxious, annoyed and ashamed by Da Fei's one-word question.

At this time, I ordered decisively!

When it's late, the messenger will come on horseback. "

On the street, in the car.

Jiu Wenlong declined the cigarette offered by Xu Yi, and asked:

"Brother Yi, we are neither relatives nor relatives, nor are we brothers of the same family. Why do you help me like this?"

"One is because of feelings, and the other is because you are useful to me." Xu Yi smiled.

Jiu Wenlong can understand what "you are useful to me" means.

But feelings?

Without waiting for him to ask, Xu Yi said calmly:

"I want you to do one thing. Tell Chang Hua and Mitaka the truth about how you were caught by the local police in Taiguo and thrown into prison."

Jiu Wenlong was taken aback when he heard the words, his expression changed, and he blurted out and asked:

"You want Donglian Hebang? No! How do you know that back then..."

Xu Yi didn't answer, but continued:

"Also, tell them again that Grandpa Wei of Guanyong was killed because of threatening Hong Xing."

"Tang Twelve from Temple Street was also killed because he wanted to join Hong Xing."

"Even the pheasant, who is my subordinate, is very likely to be seriously injured by Hua Fu from the Lianhe Gang."

"Brother Yi, I don't ask Jianghu anymore..." Jiu Wenlong said softly.

"I know, you want to be an ordinary person and raise your son well." Xu Yi smiled lightly.

"I understand and respect your idea. To tell you the truth, I have no intention of asking you to join Hong Xing."

"From today onwards, you can run this ice room safely and securely. No one will collect protection money from you, and no one will dare to trouble you Jiu Wenlong." Jiu Wenlong remained silent.

"Jiuzhilong, I know that you used to be majestic, even now you are still majestic."

"But you have to think about it, how many enemies did you have before? Even your former boss and brother wanted to kill you." Xu Yi said.

"I know you are a sensible person. Get out of the car after you think it through carefully."

There was a long silence in the car, while the outside was "extremely lively".

After a long time, Jiu Wenlong hissed and asked:

"That long consumption and Mitaka..."

"I, Xu Yi, appreciate loving and righteous people." Xu Yi said.

"Okay, then I know what's in my mind, thank you, Brother Yi."

Jiuwenlong said gratefully.

"Don't call me Brother Yi, when you were talking about things in Yau Tsim Mong "I was still in elementary school.

Jiu Wenlong smiled wryly, pushed the door and got out of the car.

Outside the car, Hong Xing's team had dispersed.

Chang Hua and Mitaka's younger brother also withdrew.

Even the bikers were gone.

There are many motorcycle shells and colorful helmets scattered on the ground...

Looking at Changmao and Sanying who were waiting at the door of the ice room, Jiu Wenlong couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Xu Yi laughed.

I want to quit the arena, but you have to continue.

So let me do one last thing for you guys.

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