Xu Yi glanced at Chou Xiaochi's boys, and then slowly walked towards Chou Xiaochi himself.

Qiu Xiaochi's eyeballs popped up, and his right hand moved very slightly.

"Qiu Xiaochi, do you think you can hide from my eyes because you have an ivory gun on your body that has escaped the hotel's metal detector?" Xu Yi said to Qiu Xiaochi with a playful smile.

"I can give you a chance to see whether you draw the gun faster or I am faster!"

Wang Jianjun on the side wanted to do something after hearing Xu Yi's words, but think about it, why should he use an ax in front of Brother Yi~ the front door?You just have to be on the lookout.

At this time, after hearing Xu Yi's words that he had a gun, Qiu Xiaochi couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes anymore!

He is the devil? ! ! !

This thought instantly appeared in Qiu Xiaochi's mind.


Can he really predict the future?

Are his eyes sharper than the security checks of the top hotels in Haojiang? ? ?

and also!

How did he know that he had an ivory gun on him? ? ?

"Chou Xiaochi, do you want to do it? If you don't do it, I will do it!" Xu Yi looked at Qiu Xiaochi and said loudly.

As soon as the words were spoken, Xu Yi kicked his feet!

The tall and straight body is like a fired shell, it will arrive in the blink of an eye!

Just heard a muffled sound of "boom"...

Chou Xiaochi was bumped by Xu Yi's shoulder, and immediately flew backwards, hitting the wall hard!

Some members of the Donghu gang raised their feet and wanted to take a step.

But when he saw the flood of people blocking the door, he was so frightened that he slowly retracted his feet.

As soon as Qiu Xiaochi landed, Wang Jianjun flew towards him.

Sure enough, a delicate ivory gun was found from the other party.

When the Hong Xing brothers saw it, they thought that Brother Yi was really good at predicting things.

The next moment, Wang Jianjun pointed the ivory gun at Chou Xiaochi, who was knocked dizzy.

"Don't, don't shoot yet!" A voice yelled.

Everyone looked around, and saw that the one shouting was Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers!

Gao Jin's eyes that were reddened by anger almost spit fire, he stared at Qiu Xiaochi's back

He quickly walked towards Xu Yi and said respectfully:

"Mr. Xu! I..."

"I know." Xu Yi smiled.

"No, no, no, it's impossible for you to know, what I'm talking about is..." Gao Jin wanted to explain.

"Mr. Gao Jin, I really know." Xu Yi nodded vigorously.

"No, no, why..." Gao Jin wanted to continue explaining.

Xu Yi pushed Gao Jin away, walked up to Qiu Xiaochi and squatted down.

Slapping him twice, Qiu Xiaochi woke up with a swollen face

"Call and release Mr. Gao Jin's wife immediately." Xu Yi said.


Gao Jin stood on the spot in a daze.

Xu Yi...how did he know that my wife was kidnapped by Qiu Xiaochi?

Is everything under his control?

Start from the beginning?

"Hehehehe..." Qiu Xiaochi let out another series of weird laughter.

"I'm going to die anyway today, why don't you pull a back?"

"Oh no, it's two, there is still one person in the girl's belly! Why didn't I pull two..."

clap clap!

Xu Yi slapped him twice with his forehand and backhand, causing Qiu Xiaochi's nosebleed to soar!

"Chou Xiaochi, you will definitely recruit, and I can tell you the reason."

Xu Yi looked up at Wang Jianjun who was standing guard, and said with a smile:

"He has been on the battlefield, interrogated Yuenan monkey captives, and knows all kinds of interrogation methods. Does your subordinate Tu Jun have no injuries on the surface?"

"But why did you confess? Why are you afraid of being like that? Do you want to try today?"

One day later, Xiangjiang International Airport.

In the lobby of the airport, Haitang pulled Haiyuan, looked at Xu Yi in front of him and said gratefully:

"Mr. Xu, I really don't know how to thank you."

"Let me just say a word, I will try my best to fulfill any request you have from today! In order to repay your great kindness!"

"Okay, just owe it for now." Xu Yi said with a smile.

"After you return to Bay Island, there is still a lot of things to clean up."

"Big brother, you are really handsome." Hai Yuan interrupted suddenly.

"Little ghost, you're not bad either." Xu Yi patted his head and smiled.

"Big brother, I want to be a club boss like you! Just wait and see in a few years!" Hai Yuan said seriously.

Hearing this, Xu Yi was depressed for a while, shook his head and said:

"Little devil, listen to your sister, study hard and make progress every day, and become a teacher or lawyer when you grow up."

Haiyuan curled his lips quickly, with a look of disapproval.

"Okay, it's almost time, you guys go get on the plane." Xu Yi said.

Haitang took a deep look at him, then took Haiyuan back a step.

Then pressing the younger brother's head, the two bowed deeply to Xu Yi respectfully together.

Xu Yi was not polite to her, nodded and said:

"Received, see you in the rivers and lakes by fate."

Haitang took Haiyuan out a long way, and looked back at Xu Yi.

But at this time Xu Yi had already turned to Gao Jin.

After all, Qiu Xiaochi failed to withstand Wang Jianjun's "torture".

He ordered Gao Jin's wife to be released from Ma Tsai in Ouzhou.

"Mr. Xu, thank you. My wife is already at the police station in Amsterdam. She called me to report that I am safe."

"This time... if it wasn't for you this time, I would have lived a miserable life." Gao Jin said to Xu Yi respectfully and gratefully.

"Gao Jin, I'll wait for you to come back from Ouzhou." Xu Yi said and stretched out his hand.

"A gentleman promises, the country will not change!" Gao Jin held his hand with both hands and said in a deep voice.

Xu Yi nodded and waved his hand, signaling Gao Jin to leave.

Watching Gao Jin walk away, Wang Jianjun on the side asked Xu Yi:

"Brother Yi, why do you believe so much that Gao Jin will come back from Ouzhou? Didn't he want to stay away from the world of gambling and live in seclusion?" Haha!

Xu Yi chuckled twice, then looked at Gao Jin's back and said:

"Everyone in this world wants to go ashore after fishing enough, but how many people can succeed?

"Gao Jin hid in Ouzhou, wasn't he found by Qiu Xiaochi?"

"Now he still has to take care of a huge foundation. There will definitely be other people and other associations who will try their best to find him. What do you think he will do then?"

"Hide your name and hide in Feizhou?" Wang Jianjun asked.

"No, it's useless to hide on the moon, he must find someone who can cover him."

Xu Yi said indifferently: "Don't look at him as a great man, known as the God of Gamblers, but in fact, those who do Qianshu must rely on the power of the society."

"Otherwise, don't talk about guns, if an iron rod passes by, ten high-level ones won't be enough to cut it."

Wang Jianjun thought for a while, then sighed softly: "Brother Yi, your brain is really easy to use, better than the regiment political commissar I used to be in the army!"

"Haha! I don't know how to do ideological work!" Xu Yi laughed.

"By the way, Jianjun, have you watched the movie version of "Swordsman"?"

"I agree with a passage in Ren Woxing in the movie. Where there are people, there will be grievances."

"Where there are grievances, there are rivers and lakes. People are rivers and lakes. How can you retreat if you advance?"

"You remember a sentence, people are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves!"

After speaking, Xu Yi turned and walked outside.

On the street outside the airport, a brand new black Mercedes was parked there.

The door was open, and two men in black suits and sunglasses stood guard beside the car.

Xu Yi and Wang Jianjun got into the car directly, and then drove towards Wan Chai opposite Victoria Harbour.

"Jianjun, what did you gain from this trip to Haojiang?" Xu Yi asked Wang Jianjun in the car.

"Brother Yi, I think, in a place like Haojiang, money is really not money." Wang Jianjun said

"Let me ask you, do you want to make money? Do you want to make a lot of money?" Xu Yi asked again.

"Brother Yi, people like me can't earn the kind of money you mentioned." Wang Jianjun shook his head.

o0 asks for flowers 0....

Wang Jianjun remained silent for a while, and only uttered one word: "OK!"

The casino operation right of Shizi International Hotel was taken by Hong Xing.

The news spread internally, which inspired Hong Xing's brothers and cousins.

It also made the former hall masters of the five halls who were forced to retire by Xu Yi feel ashamed and heartbroken!

The veterans know what a casino in a six-star hotel in Haojiang means.

In Haojiang, only those big associations with a very deep background can handle the casinos in star-rated hotels.

And Xu Yi did it as soon as he became the leader of Hong Xing!

This greatly enhanced his prestige as the leading brother in the society!

Those old gangsters, at this moment, I'm afraid they can only count on Chen Yao...

Hong Xing main hall!

For the first time in Hongxing's history, no veterans participated.

All those over the age of 50 went home to hold their grandchildren...

Xu Yi sat on the leading chair symbolizing Hong Xing's highest power, and glanced over.

I never saw that group of old-fashioned veterans again.

Some are just pictures because of excitement!excited!tense and contorted face...

"What's your expression? Take it easy!"

"We're in a meeting now! We're not planning to start a movie!" Xu Yi said.

Hearing what Xu Yi said, the people who talked about it loosened their tension and laughed together.

"By the way, let me tell you something, maybe you have heard about it in advance." Xu Yi said loudly.

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