"Cough cough!"

Ji Yourong talked about Qian Duoduo, and went to the Alien Beast Corpse Processing Center to play Qiufeng. Although it was only a peripheral business of the chamber of commerce, Qian Duoduo was just idle and fun that time, but it was indeed not suitable for Yang Xi. "Ordinary people" know.

"I don't know the name of this handsome guy yet."

Ji Yourong extended her hand generously to Yang Xi. She admired Yang Xi's willingness to give up the chance of life to women and children just now. If she were herself, she would never be so selfless.

In Ji Yourong's eyes, ordinary reporter Yang Xi is also a gentleman with noble morals.

Even the gentleman's gaze that lingered on her before was understood by Ji Yourong as pure appreciation.

Yang Xi showed a smile, this big beauty is indeed a person who knows the goods, "My name is Yang Xi."

On the other side, Stars and Stripes Cloak, who was being interviewed by reporters with long guns and short guns, saw this scene inadvertently, a trace of imperceptible violence flashed in his eyes, and then he resumed his formulaic professional smirk.


The mechanical war hero is rushing to Xizi City near Lukang with the magic dragon and the glacier brave. There was an invasion of A-level alien beasts there. Because two A-level alien beasts appeared at the same time, the disaster level reached A+ level.

The overall strength of the heroes in Xizi City is not as good as that of Lukang City, so a message for help was sent.

When they arrived, a strange scene appeared on the banks of Xizi Lake in Xizi City. Half of the lake was frozen, and half of the lake was steaming.

Iron Wings, the A-level hero of Xizi City, introduced to them: "The ones invading our city are the A-level alien beasts, the Frost Snail and the Volcanic Turtle. My abilities are restrained by the Volcanic Turtle. Who will go with me to deal with the Frost Snail?"

At the same time, the information of the two beasts was also transmitted to him and their hero communicator through the background data of the hero association.

[Extraordinary Beast: Frost Snail

Introduction: It likes the cold environment and will lower the surrounding temperature to a temperature suitable for itself.

Evaluation: Grade A.

Alien Beast: Volcanic Turtle

Introduction: It has a volcanic-shaped tortoise shell and has a bad temper. The volcano on its back emits toxic smoke.

Evaluation: Grade A. 】

The Glacier Brave, who also has the ice ability, wanted to deal with the frost snail, but was about to speak, but heard that the mechanical war hero asked the magic dragon to team up with the steel wing.

The mechanical warrior turned his head and said to the Glacier Brave: "You and I will deal with this volcanic turtle. If you want to become a strong one, you must challenge more difficult enemies."

The words of the mechanical war hero made the glacier brave man suddenly realize that he was a little puzzled just now, and the doubts in his mind suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the magic dragon being led by the steel wings to fly towards the frost snail, he secretly decided to perform well, strive to overwhelm the magic dragon, and become the leader of the younger generation of Kunlun Brokerage Company.


As soon as the mechanical war hero finished speaking, the Horcrux on his body shone with dazzling light, his whole body was 100% covered by the armor, the engines on his hands and back started, and his whole body was launched like a rocket.

Seeing this, the glacier brave stepped on the lake, and a large number of ice edges appeared, pushing him quickly towards the volcanic turtle.

The commentary in the hero live broadcast room is the two old partners of Maohuang and Director Ge. Maohuang, who has just swiped to the unitary chicken to save Matai Aviation News, hastily started solemnly when the screen cuts over.

"Shui friends, the mechanical war hero and the glacier hero are both outstanding A-level heroes. I believe that with the cooperation of the two of them, we will be able to defeat the A-level monster, the volcanic turtle."

Guidance Ge said: "But in my opinion, the division of labor between the three A-level heroes of the Kunlun Economic Company seems to have made a mistake this time. It is obvious that the magic dragon is more suitable for dealing with the fire-type volcanic turtle. Why did he choose to work with the steel wing? What about fighting the frost snail?"

The barrage mocked Director Ge joyfully:

"The old commentator started talking again. Before Director Ge retired, he should only have a B-level. The retired hero BB professional hero, you can do it!"

"In the past, you were sent to the battlefield as a dog, but now the commentator tells you that you are messing around. Director Ge, I really belong to you!"

"The front row of melon seeds and peanut meat muffins, and the meat muffins from Taotao shop directed by Ge, everyone supports a wave!"

"Hey! Guard the best Director Ge in the world. Our Director Ge hurt his finger on the battlefield and didn't put a bandage on it. Are you keyboard warriors so embarrassed~~~"

The taunts flew up on the bullet screen, but Director Ge didn't care at all. He looked at the glacier brave who kept firing freezing air bombs at the volcanic turtle with a little worry, and always felt that something bad would happen today.

"Hopefully it's just me overthinking."

102 Runaway (add more rewards for Xiansheng Suyi)

The moment the mechanical war hero passed the volcanic turtle, his body froze in the air, and two laser beams shot straight towards the volcanic turtle's eyes.


But the laser hit the transparent and hard eyelids of the volcanic tortoise, which only raised its temperature a little, and did not cause more substantial damage, but instead aroused its ferocity.


The volcanic tortoise raised its head and roared, and the small volcano on its back emitted a burst of black smoke. After it took a breath, it spit out hot flames at the flying mechanical hero.

Two new engine ports were opened at the ribs on the right side of the battle armor, and the blue diamond-shaped shock wave spray made the mechanical warrior easily avoid these flames.

At the same time, several missiles were shot from his shoulder, and fell into the mouth of the beast in a parabola.

Boom, boom, boom!

The missile exploded in the mouth of the alien beast, knocking the volcanic turtle into a dizzy state. The blood dripping from the mouth dripped into the scalding lake water, and there were even traces of flames.

The blood of this volcanic tortoise is like magma!

"It's really rough and thick!" The mechanical warrior used his speed to get rid of the volcanic turtle's pursuit, and hit its chin with a giant hammer condensed from nano-robots, almost overturning the volcanic turtle!

"However, it is still under control."

After roughly understanding the strength of this strange beast, he glanced at the glacier brave who kept attacking the flanks of the volcanic tortoise with freezing air bombs. The engine in the palm of his hand started, skimmed the lake at low altitude, and then lifted up instantly, holding his right hand on his left wrist. , A circle of light about the size of a basketball appeared. After the energy storage was completed, a thick laser was shot into the crater.

There was a loud bang, and magma was ejected from the volcano, which was 50 meters high!

While the mechanical war hero was dodging quickly, he was accidentally pulled by a turtle tail hidden in the water, and plunged straight into the bottom of the lake!

"Oh my God!" The hat emperor couldn't help but lose his voice in the live broadcast room, "The tail of this volcanic turtle is hidden in the lake, so it's so long! The mechanical warrior was caught off guard and was sucked into the lake!"

Director Ge reassured the audience, saying: "Everyone, don't be nervous. Mech War Hero has been a veteran hero for decades. He has even experienced S-level disasters. A mere A-level beast is nothing to worry about!"

But soon Director Ge's words were slapped in the face by the facts, the lake was bubbling and bubbling, but the mechanical warrior didn't come out again.


The glacier hero shouted, and was about to rush to the place where the mechanical war hero fell, but the ferocious face of the volcanic turtle suddenly turned to him!

"Ang Ho!!!!"

When the fierce flames hit, the Glacier Brave could only give up his plan to rush to the rescue of the mechanical hero, and concentrate on defending against the attack of the alien beast.

He stepped on the ice desperately to evade, and when he couldn't dodge, he condensed a thick ice shield to block the flames.

The temperature of this flame is very high, and the ice shield of the glacier hero can only last for a few seconds before it melts.

damn it!

The glacier brave kept kiting the volcanic tortoise. Freezing air bombs were thrown at it for free, but because of its thick and scorching shell, the effect of these freezing air bombs was greatly reduced.

Without the restraint of the mechanical war hero, the glacier brave was defeated steadily!

"Damn it, it's no way to go on like this!"

He glanced at the battle between the Beholder Dragon and Iron Wings against the Frost Snail.

On the battlefield over there, the two A-level heroes teamed up to faintly suppress the alien beast.

The magic dragon transformed in the second stage even opened its mouth wide and bit off a piece of flesh with blue blood from the Frost snail.

Molong noticed that his father had fallen into the lake, and he was already desperately attacking the strange beast at this moment, thinking of coming to support him to check his father's situation.

Once the magic dragon defeats the frost snail and then comes to kill the volcano turtle, the performance of the glacier hero will be completely suppressed!

Then what are you talking about competing with the magic dragon for the company's future first brother.

"damn it!"

The glacier hero suddenly rushed towards the volcanic turtle, and the magma and flames exploded beside him, stirring up thick water vapor.

With this cover, he quickly swallowed the blue pill!

A tearing feeling came from his mind, and the glacier hero roared, and shot a huge freezing air bomb straight at the spraying flames!

The power of this freezing bomb even freezes the flames!


Ice edges continued to grow under the feet of the glacier hero, and he rushed towards the volcanic turtle like stepping on an ice dragon. The freezing air froze the lake, firmly confining the volcanic turtle in place.


A huge freezing air bomb was stuffed into the crater by the glacier brave!


It seems that there is a ring of frozen air spreading from the volcano on the back of the volcano!



The volcanic tortoise screamed, and its entire body was completely frozen.

The glacier brave stepped on the ice edge tens of meters high, gasping for breath, squeezed out two more freezing air bombs with both hands, jumped down from the sky, turned into a blue meteor and hit the frozen volcano On the turtle head!

"Cuckoo la la..."

Amidst the sound of cracking ice, cracks appeared on the body of the Class A volcanic tortoise, and eventually it shattered into pieces and spread out on the frozen lake.


A figure shrouded in battle armor broke through the ice, and the Glacier Hero reflexively threw out a freezing bomb.

The mechanical war hero quickly arranged a shield with nano-robots, only to avoid the fate of being frozen.

"Calm down, it's me!"

The words of the mechanical war hero woke up the glacier brave man, and his back was covered in cold sweat... He actually attacked his own boss just now!


But the mechanical war hero waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I came out too suddenly, it has nothing to do with you."

Seeing that the mechanical war hero didn't blame himself, the glacier hero was relieved.

It's just that he didn't know, with his back facing his mechanical hero, there was a deep sense of disappointment in his eyes.


After arriving in Shazhou City in the same car with the two women, Yang Xi said goodbye to them on the pretext of having an interview mission.

After seeing the taxi carrying Yang Xi going away, Qian Duoduo asked in confusion: "Sister Yourong, why did you add him? This reporter is handsome, but it will be difficult for us to have any contact with him again, right?"

Ji Yourong straightened her hair and said with a smile: "If you add it, you can add it. Anyway, there is no limit to the number of contacts, and I always feel that this reporter is a bit difficult."

Qian Duoduo asked curiously: "What's not simple? Isn't he just a stunned young man!"

Ji Yourong chuckled: "Feel it!"

Yang Xi has just arrived in the suburbs, and plans to use metal abilities to rush to the saint's lair to deal with him overnight. The decoration there is much more luxurious than the hotel, and there is a high probability that there will be some remnants of the saints. He can clean it up in advance some.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't walked a few steps when a tall, blond young man stood in his way.

It was the star-striped cloak with his hands folded on his shoulders and his expressionless face.

He suddenly grinned grinningly, showing his neat white teeth, "Just now...you had a great time chatting with Ms. Yourong!"

103 Under the Skin of a Hero

Looking at the hostile appearance of the star-spangled cloak, Yang Xi was a little puzzled, did this guy come to fight for the wind and be jealous?

For an A-level hero, this is too unreasonable...

"What do you want to do?"

Yang Xi's tone contained just the right amount of tension. Before tearing his face apart completely, he still tried his best to maintain the panic of an ordinary person facing the anger of a supernatural being.

During this period of time, he kept switching between vests, which made Yang Xi's acting skills gradually sublimated. Maybe he will not be involved in the project of adjudicating organizations in the future, and he can go to the sea to make a film to support his family.

The smile on the face of the star-spangled cloak grew wider, "Now you know how to be afraid? What did you do just now!"

He spat on the ground, and his face gradually became grim: "I really don't understand, what does that stinky bitch from the same district think of you! In terms of appearance, figure, and wealth, I can't compare to you in any way."

Yang Xi was speechless... and it was really because of this boring reason.

"Brother, I just chatted with other girls, how can you make up your mind to this extent?"

Although the Stars and Stripes cloak did not do well on the plane, at least it was aimed at saving people.

Besides, he usually doesn't have any negative news except that he has more fans. Yang Xi doesn't intend to do anything to him, let alone do it for such a boring reason.

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