The iron tower general who looked like a boy showed a sinister smile, "It's ridiculous that you two are in my thick soil force field but you don't realize it!

Here, I can hit you with just a random swing of my fist! "

As he spoke, he licked his upper lip with his tongue, "Next, let me see if you, a savage female aboriginal, have a good figure! x

Hey, this general has read countless women, and I will definitely give you a pertinent evaluation! "

Zhao Jinyin was a little flustered. When Ouyang Guanhe was "cloaked" just now, she hadn't thought of this.

She scolded angrily: "General Iron Tower, don't you even want the dignity of being a fourth-order powerhouse?"

General Tieta said: "I want to be decent, why do I feel good? I heard that your light system supernatural powers have very good skin. This general has never seen the fourth level of the light system!"


Yang Xi and Qian Youque were furious at the same time.

Qian Youque naturally embraced him for the sake of the innocence of his first love, while Yang Xi was angry because his sister Yang Feifei was also a fourth-order light system!

This guy dared to say hello to his sister!

Yang Xi absolutely can't bear it!

Let the female warrior of the fourth rank be exploded, such a shameful thing can't be allowed to happen!

Haizhu's avatar tried to use the imaginary vortex to pick up Zhao Jinyin, but was shocked to find that he could only drive the imaginary vortex outside the iron tower general's thick earth force field! x

The level of comprehension of the mysteries is a little bit worse!

"Damn it, fly out!"

Ouyang Guanhe rushed to Zhao Jinyin's side, trying to block her fist with his body.

Zhao Jinyin's expression changed for a while, her wings fluttered, but she was unwilling to leave.

"Brother Ouyang, although I am a woman, I am a warrior first, and I represent the Iron Blood Army! Our Iron Blood Army will never choose to run away from the enemy!

How can I be worthy of those soldiers who died in battle if I’m afraid of getting my clothes blown away now?”

Seeing Zhao Jinyin's firm eyes, Ouyang Guanhe was a little shocked.

They were all just reinforcements at first, but now Zhao Jinyin, a violent woman, has already burned her original source.

He suddenly began to doubt whether this counterattack was necessary.

Whether, all of this today is just because of his great success!

"Brother Ouyang, you don't need to blame yourself. Everyone is fighting for the continuation of the human race! We have been beaten for decades, and we really need a hearty victory."

The iron tower general in the distance swung his fist again, and the fist print that could explode clothes was about to arrive.

Zhao Jinyin smiled sadly, her skin cracked like a piece of porcelain, and the cracks were filled with extremely bright white light.

She pushed Ouyang Guanhe away and rushed towards the enemy.

The voice of the female commander rang in the ears of every human warrior, "I, Zhao Jinyin, even if I blew myself up, I won't take half a step back!"

"The human race will win!!!"

Everyone raised their heads at the same time, looking at the beautiful figure flying with wings, infinite shock arose in their hearts.

488 The Rabbit Pulls the Sky (Two in One)


The movement of the fourth-order self-destruction is not insignificant. ashu

The entire cloud seems to be reflected blue by the blue flame.

Numerous low-level fighters and alien beasts were stunned by the law fluctuations generated by the explosion, and many resolute fighters took the opportunity to kill their opponents.

According to Yang Xi's observation, the invisible thick soil force field has been eliminated by the explosion.

What puzzled him was that it didn't look like the energy wave produced by the self-explosion of a strong light element.

Ouyang Guanhe's figure appeared beside Yang Xi, who was the closest person to the scene where Zhao Jinyin blew himself up.

"I saw that silly boy Qian Youque flew in. Now, two fourth-order powerhouses should have died on our side!"

Ouyang Guanhe's tone was very serious.

From the current point of view, the Iron Tower General's strength is very strong, not to mention his strange methods, and his understanding of the profound meaning of the law is far above them.

And the loss of two battle strengths of the Azure Star Human Race is undoubtedly a matter of worse.

The soldiers of the Jagged Army who supported the Liberty Alliance's sea battlefield collectively burst into tears, especially the handsome man of elf blood, who was crying unnaturally.

Although he is much younger than Zhao Jinyin, but like Chen Tianyang, he is Zhao Jinyin's fanboy.

It can be said that Zhao Jinyin is his dream lover.

Now, the object of his admiration and admiration chose to blew himself up for the dignity of the human race. He deeply understood what it means to be heartbroken like a knife!

Under extreme grief, this strong man of elven blood actually had the stance of breaking through on the spot.

Light blue water mist suddenly appeared on his body. As a water elf, his affinity for water elements after transformation was very high, and now it has reached a very terrifying level!

"Damn Osaid people, dare to force my goddess to blew herself up. I swear, in this life, I will kill all of you Ossaids!"

After the water elf descendant said this, the water element around him instantly enveloped him completely, turning him into a five-meter-tall water element elf.

This huge elf only has resolute and simple facial features and huge strong arms. His legs have disappeared, and he looks like a huge ghost.

It's just that this ghost has a body composed of water elements.

The one who fought against the warrior of water elf blood was a one-horned Ossaid supernatural being. When he found out that his opponent had turned into such a huge monster, he was stunned.

"What kind of monster is this!"

He is also a well-informed warrior, but it is indeed the first time he has seen this kind of big elf.


The water elemental spirit roared, and grabbed the Ossaid one-horned warrior in his hands. After just a few seconds, he was frozen into an ice sculpture, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Immediately, the water elemental wizard threw the one-horned warrior out as a weapon, and it exploded in the ranks of Ossaid warriors, causing many foreign colonists to suffer from frostbite. Under the slow movement, the red-eyed human warrior was killed, Back and forth!

I don't know of any warrior who turns grief and anger into motivation like this. Because of the self-destruction of the fourth level, many human warriors exploded.

High above the sky, Yang Xi faintly noticed something was wrong.

"How do I feel, Zhao Jinyin is not dead!"

He suddenly stared at the blue energy mass that was beginning to shrink.

The power of the explosion is already weakening!

"How could it be possible that she blew herself up and survived?"

Ouyang Guanhe had some doubts.

Yang Xi explained: "Do you think that the element flow produced by the explosion of a strong light system will be blue?"

"Isn't this light colorful?"

Yang Xi shook his head, looking regretfully at the blue energy group that was nearing the end, "We don't need to guess, the person who blew himself up is short of money!"

Ouyang Guanhe looked along Yang Xi's fingers, and saw that in the center of the explosion, Zhao Jinyin, whose skin had been torn apart, was safe and sound under the protection of the soul touch, while outside the soul touch, her whole body, including her hair, was completely shattered. There is a lack of money that is gray and white.

At this moment, he is like burnt incense ashes.

Qian Youque put his hand on Soul Touch, and said with a smile, "Jinyin, live a good life and getting to know you is the happiest thing in my life!

I'm sorry, I couldn't stick with you until the end x

And now, I have to go one step further.”

After speaking, he could no longer maintain his existence and was blown away by the high-altitude wind. x

Only the warm handprints left on Soul Touch.

Zhao Jinyin was completely stunned, her tears had dried up and her throat was hoarse.

She seems to have forgotten her identity as a Tier [-] powerhouse.

At this moment, she is just a girl who has lost her beloved, on the verge of despair, trying to retain the last trace of warmth.

Thousands of words, finally turned into a muttering: "Fool, I don't want your sorry, I want you to accompany me

Ah Que, just wait, after I kill this guy, I will go find you right away! "

The cracks on Zhao Jinyin's body disappeared, and she looked coldly at the young Iron Tower General not far away, her face full of suppressed murderous intent.

This winter-like murderous intent is not only felt by Iron Tower General.

Tongtian beat Chris away with a backhand, frowned and looked this way, his lips moved, but in the end he still didn't speak, and continued to suppress Chris.

And Chris laughed wildly: "Tongtian, although you can temporarily suppress me, you won't be able to solve me for a while. During this process, all the fourth-order natives of you will die!

After they die in battle, it's time for us to besiege you and kill you! "


Tongtian snorted coldly, and a fairy sword blared.

"It seems that you want to die early, then this seat will fulfill you!"

Chris narrowed his eyes slightly, his purpose of angering Tongtian was naturally to draw hatred.

Just now inside the cage of the iron tower, the general of the iron tower has communicated with him about tactics, and his task is to hold Tongtian back!

Don't look at him being taught badly by Tongtian now, but he was only slightly injured, and he can still resist the beating for a while.

Moreover, he suddenly devoured a lot of power, and he still can't use it proficiently. The fight with Tongtian happened to be a familiar process.

Zhao Jinyin fought against General Tieta regardless of everything. Her light wings and feather wings, every time she swung her sword, would create a large storm of light elements.

Ordinary third-tier powerhouses may be killed on the spot if they are rubbed, but the iron tower general can resist with his body, at most, his skin is a little red after being scalded.

This level of pain is not unbearable for him.

On the other hand, Zhao Jinyin would spit out a big mouthful of blood when he was punched by the iron tower general.

But she burned her origin, and her desire to fight was unprecedentedly strong, as if she didn't care about the degree of injury to her body.

Ouyang Guanhe knew that going on like this was not the way to go. Zhao Jinyin would burn her source like this, and she would die in a short time. He glanced at Yang Xi and said, "You chicken, if I die in battle, please help me take care of Xuan Son."

Yang Xi was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that with the strength of the Ouyang family in the free alliance sea area, it is not difficult to know where Ouyang Xuan is staying.

Besides, he didn't intend to hide Ouyang Xuan's whereabouts.

With his current strength, there is no need to cover up many things.

"I can't guarantee this, your own son, take care of yourself."

Yang Xi smiled and rushed up side by side with him, "Besides, Ouyang Xuan doesn't look like a person who needs to be taken care of!"

Ouyang Guanhe's heart warmed up, he only Youji was trying to persuade him not to mess around, but unfortunately he has already burned Yuanyuan, and it seems that he can't see the day when his son will start a family and start a business.

Thinking of his son who is usually dull, and only occasionally shows disdain when he opens his eyes, Ouyang Guanhe, who feels that his life is approaching, can't help but smile, "That's right, my son, Ouyang Guanhe, why does he need other people's care? He should protect the whole world." The human race is!!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, activated the speed secret, instantly increased his speed, and rushed towards the iron tower general.

Yang Xi was about to catch up, but through the shared vision, he discovered the death of Venerable Lei Ming.

He shook his head with some sighs, reached into the vortex of the imaginary world condensed by Hai Zhu's clone, and unknowingly stripped Venerable Lei Ming's fourth-order power pearl.

Obtained the Thundering Profound Truth with a comprehension level of 3.

Counting the harvest from the amethyst python just now, he is already very rich in the law fragments in his hand.

"Seeing that General Tie's strength is far superior to that of Amethyst Python, I'm afraid he has comprehended 5, or even 6, the profound meaning of the law.

And I have the deepest comprehension of the secret meaning of control, which has only reached 4.

Although in terms of rank, mastering the secrets will definitely beat the deep-soiled secrets, but it is still better to upgrade. "

Yang Xi took a look at the situation of Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin besieging General Iron Tower. Without the help of the thick soil force field, General Iron Tower was still much stronger than the two, but he couldn't kill him in a short time. the two of them.

During this period of time, it was enough for Yang Xi to upgrade his secret art of control.

He made a decisive decision and decided to enter the imaginary temple to upgrade the secret of the law.

When it was eroded by the deep blue consciousness before, there was no way but to use law fragments outside.

Although the probability of being discovered is very low, it is better to be safe as Yang Xi first.

Simply because all parties have already risen to death, only the old guy, the arbiter, discovered Yang Xi's disappearance.

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