General Tieta looked at Zhao Jinyin with aggressive eyes, and said to the arbitrator, "Why are you talking so much to this trash? If it wasn't for his stupidity, he wouldn't have fallen to where he is now."

The competition among the four major powers on New Fry Continent has long been intensified.

Especially Fairmond, a genius from the Bernadotte family in the Ossaid plane, after the news spread that he was about to break through the fifth level, other forces were faced with the choice of life and death.

Whether to show goodwill in advance like an arbitrator, or to do everything possible to destroy Fairmond's breakthrough plan is related to the current and future situation of every fourth-tier powerhouse.

Some guys like Venerable Lei Ming are still in the cloud and fog, unable to see the situation clearly, and they only want to conquer the whole territory of the Azure Star Plane as soon as possible, so as to return to the Ossaid Plane through Baiqiang.

At this juncture, Venerable Lei Ming hadn't adjusted his mentality and stood firmly on the opposite side of the Bernadotte Empire. Naturally, Norton would be regarded as an outcast.

"Okay guys, don't waste time, if we don't complete Lord Fairmond's mission, we will be miserable."

General Tieta shook the tendons on his body, and looked at Yang Xi and the other fourth-rank powerhouses of Azure Star with a look of looking at prey.

"Speaking of which, it's also an honor for you natives." An oppressive black energy appeared on his body, which seemed to be a kind of fighting spirit. In the future, when our Bernadotte Empire completely controls this plane, we can keep your family."

The iron tower general's fist is full of black grudges. This is his ability. The earth grudges of the inheritance system, together with the "thick earth secrets" he has comprehended, provide him with a huge amount of power while the defense is abnormal. strength.

He just raised an index finger, and everyone felt a great sense of oppression.

On the side of the Azure Star Human Race, Ouyang Guanhe said solemnly: "This guy is hard to deal with!"

Tong Tian didn't speak, just squinted his eyes and looked at General Iron Tower.

Zhao Jinyin looked at the newly appeared enemy, "Who is the Fairmond they are talking about?"

Hearing Zhao Jinyin's question, everyone turned their attention to Yang Xi's Haizhu avatar.

Others may not know, but maybe this space-type powerhouse who entered the occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent alone will have some news.

Haizhu's avatar said: "In the depths of the southern continent, there is another force called the Bernadotte Empire. Their leader is probably Fairmond, but I didn't expect this guy's strength to be so terrifying."

"In this way, these Ossaid people are probably not putting on airs. They really regard me as the nourishment for this Fairmond to break through to the fifth level?" Ouyang Guanhe frowned and looked at Yang Xi, " You chicken, your adjudication organization has always been hidden, is there really a way in this world to absorb the energy of others to enhance your own strength?"

Yang Xi, who was being questioned, felt weird. If he hadn't been convinced that his secret hadn't been revealed, he would have guessed whether Ouyang Guanhe was tempting him.

Absorbing the power of others for his own use, he is the one with the most say.

To be honest, if all the strong people of the Azure Star Human Race are willing to sacrifice themselves to make up for him, he can break through to the fifth level in a short time.

Judging from what these Ossaid people said, it seems that in the occupied areas of the Southern Continent, there is no fifth-order powerhouse.

Thinking about it, it should be like this. If there were fifth-order existence among the Ossaid people, the human race would not be able to persist until now.

They have been unable to complete the complete rule of the blue star plane for a long time. In addition to the internal factions and different forces fighting each other, the existence of the fourth-order powerhouses of the blue star human race is also one of the important reasons.

Although they keep saying that the natives are of the fourth rank, these Ossaid forces all know that the Azure Star tribe headed by Blast cannot be eaten by them alone.

Especially the man who has comprehended the "mystery of power"!

Anyone who can comprehend the mysteries of this rank is enough to become a Celestial Seed in the Ossaid plane.

What are Celestial Seeds?

That is, without accident, with the passage of time, you can become a monster and genius of the fifth-order heaven.

People like Fairmond, who need special means to reach the fifth level, are even worse than explosives in terms of talent.

Yang Xidao: "The Ossaid people have many means. When we fought against the Deep Blue Clan, we also knew some information about the Ossaids. For example, the Alfonso family who is good at the laws of the light element system, and the Cecil family who are good at the laws of the forest system. There is the Bernadotte family who are good at the law of the undead.

The controller of the Bernadotte Empire is likely to come from the Bernadotte family of the Ossaid plane.

He should have comprehended the law of the undead system, a certain law and profound meaning that can absorb the soul power of others, so he hit us with his idea.

We can't take it lightly! "

Ouyang Guanhe was very depressed, "Why do these alien races like to think about other people's power? Qian Youque, a dark blue clan, can absorb souls with soul touch, and this never-before-masked Fairmond also wants to take our tonic!"

Yang Xi heard this, and secretly complained in his heart, sorry, it's not just these alien races, our Azure Star race doesn't give way too much in this regard.

But Yang Xi felt that his method should be the most advanced and efficient.

Qian Youque doesn't seem to be able to enhance his comprehension of esoteric truths by absorbing soul touch, and that Fairmond is already a fourth-order limit existence. If he wants to take this step, he has to sacrifice several fourth The life of the first order is also inferior to him in terms of utilization rate.

"In this case, we have to be mentally prepared in the battle later, even if we blew ourselves up, we can't surrender our power to others!" Ouyang Guanhe suggested heavily, "Of course, the burden on us is all I don’t know, if you can run, you still have to run.”

Zhao Jinyin's body suddenly burst into aura, and she, who was originally pale, regained her previous look, and almost returned to her peak combat power in just a few seconds.

But Yang Xi and the others didn't show a hint of joy, because she didn't recover from her injuries, but just like Ouyang Guanhe, she ignited her own origin.

Seeing the regretful expressions on everyone's faces, Zhao Jinyin said nonchalantly: "Don't act like a mother-in-law, as long as Ouyang Guanhe can burn the source, can't I?"

Yang Xi sighed, and took out another ball of life energy, "Save it up, or you two won't make it to the end of the battle!"

Zhao Jinyin took the green energy ball and nodded solemnly.

Ouyang Guanhe said with a straight face: "Well, Brother Youji, can I give some more, I used a lot just now."

Yang Xi knew that the old boy was definitely not telling the truth, so he refused with a smile.

The human race once again burned the source, which naturally attracted the attention of the Ossaid people.

It's just that the three of them have to deal with the lack of money first, and they don't have the energy to take care of Yang Xi and others for the time being.

General Iron Tower asked: "Chris, to what extent can you beat him, can you devour this guy?"

"Half-death is fine!"

The "Swallowing Profound Truth" that Chris comprehended can only devour targets who are also members of the Deep Blue family.

The particularity of Qian Youque's "soul seed mystery" made him more attractive to Chris.

Because Chris can absorb the energy of a soul touch!

There was an ally spell between Chris and the arbitrator, so when the arbitrator came to him for money, the latter turned around and sold him.

Using Qian Youque to assassinate other Tier [-] powerhouses can also better complete the Fairmond plan.

This is how Chris was easily "seconded" by Yang Xi.

Originally, he didn't intend to let Qian Youque completely devour Venerable Lei Ming, but he didn't expect Tongtian to be so fierce that he directly killed the amethyst python, so in order to let Qian Youque reach the upper limit that Chris could swallow, he had to attack Venerable Lei Ming. It's poisonous.

But this guy couldn't return to New Frye Continent alive.

Surrounded by Iron Tower General, Chris, and the arbitrator, Qian Youque faintly showed a trace of fear.

As an individual infected by the deep blue consciousness, he will naturally make up for the loss of human feelings, so he is extremely calm at all times.

Now there is no external soul-seed for him to make a comeback, and it will be useless to stay.

In particular, he could feel Chris's undisguised greed for him, which made him decide to leave.

"Three, that's all for today. If you force me again, I will join forces with the natives of Azure Planet. There is a great possibility that your plan will fail!"

Hearing Qian Youqi's words, Chris sneered and said, "I'm sorry, with the Iron Tower General here, you are all fish on the chopping board!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in attacking Qian Youque, and the blue first blade seemed to split him in half.

As long as he devoured Qian Youqi, he would have enough capital to control his own destiny. As for the ally seal in his mind, he naturally had a solution to it!

The Iron Tower General had already had itchy hands, so he fell behind Chris, and rushed up with a strange scream!

The black dou qi on the fist, as if alive, extended to the outside world in a zigzag manner.

The arbiter still had that calm appearance, looking for opportunities behind, trying to be ruthless.

They all seemed to ignore Yang Xi and the others.

Qian Youque used his soul touch to resist Churen and Dadi's grudge, and kept rushing towards Yang Xi and the others.

He burst into a wave, temporarily repelling the attacks of the three fourth-order Ossaids, and said to Yang Xi with a blank face: "We can cooperate."

Before the others could answer, Ouyang Guanhe punched him with a wave of his fist.

If it were him before he burned his origin, he would still consider Qian Youque's proposal, but now he thinks that he has very little life left, so he will naturally do whatever he wants.

For the chief culprit who caused him to fall into such a situation, he wished to eat his flesh and blood!

Seeing Ouyang Guanhe make a move, Zhao Jinyin's face showed determination, and she also spread her wings and rushed over.

If Qian Youque is doomed to die, she hopes that he can die by her hands!

Chris was overjoyed, "I didn't expect that we would join forces to attack you together. It seems that you have done more hate than me!"

It was fine if he didn't say that, but Zhao Jinyin was immediately angered when he said it.

She resolutely aimed the big move that was originally aimed at Qian Youqi, and aimed at Chris.

"Die! Disgusting traitor!"

The power of this wave-particle double annihilation is even higher than that of the previous one. It can be seen that Zhao Jinyin's strength has become much stronger after burning the source.

Chris was speechless, women are really unreasonable creatures!

He didn't even provoke her after thinking about it!

Fortunately, he is not without helpers. The Arbiter's bubbles containing the exquisite profound meaning appeared on him immediately, and he himself also put on many layers of black shields.

Not only that, but he even urged the Devouring Profound Truth with all his strength, absorbing a part of the attack mixed with light particles and light waves. After one move, his body was only a little hot.

"Hey, this bitch is awesome!"

General Tieta's dark and rough hands grabbed Zhao Jinyin's wings!


A celestial sword came from far away, and accurately intercepted General Iron Tower.

Tong Tian, ​​who stepped on the second fairy sword and was surrounded by the third flying sword, said coldly: "Don't you want your claws?"

General Tieta snorted and withdrew his hand, only to see a wound appear on his finger.

Even the arbiter's eyes could not help but flash a strange color.

"No wonder this Tongtian was able to kill the Purple Crystal Python, he really is a powerful character."

General Tieta felt a piercing pain in the wound, and it seemed that there was a special law and profound meaning wave that was destroying his palm.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

A strong earth fighting spirit appeared on his injured hand, and he forcibly used the thick earth secrets to offset the domineering law fluctuations.

But to General Tieta's surprise, this wave of sub-law fluctuations actually consumed a lot of his energy.

Looking at the fairy-like man in fluttering clothes in the distance, General Iron Tower resolutely gave up confronting him and chose to kill Qian Youque.

This guy named Tongtian is a bit tricky, so we should kill Qian Youqi first, let Chris devour and become stronger, and then work together to solve it.

Maybe his effect on Lord Fairmond alone can be equal to several fourth-tier powerhouses!

If he can exceed the task, he will definitely be appreciated by Lord Fairmond!

After Mr. Fairmond becomes the fifth-order heavenly position and obtains the qualification to return to the family, he, Hanselton, can also become a member of the Bernadotte family!

On the battlefield, except for Yang Xi and his Haizhu clone who did not make a move, everyone else joined the battle group.

For a while, the three forces fought together, creating a mess.

Yang Xi wasn't paddling, he was looking for the real position of the arbitrator!

He suspects that it is still not the body of the arbiter who is fighting side by side with Chris now! i

483 The start of devouring (two in one)

General Iron Tower can stand out from the bloody battle and win the favor of Bernadotte, which naturally has its advantages. gaea

Once he made a decision, he would never be dragging his feet.

"Arbiter, stop him for a while, I will help Brother Chris get rid of this dark blue family first!"

After all, he sprinted on the sea surface like a bull, covering a distance of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, the strong vindictiveness of the earth spewed out of him as if he didn't want money, creating a black tower on the sea surface, imprisoning himself, Chris, and Qian Youcai inside.

This is his move "Iron Tower Prison Cage", which has extremely strong defensive power. If a fourth-order supernatural power user like Venerable Lei Ming wants to break through this defense, he must at least make a dozen shots with all his strength to break through the cage. , to attack the person inside.

It's just that the function of the iron tower cage this time is more to isolate the three of them from Yang Xiji and the others.

In view of Tongtian's strength, just to be on the safe side, General Iron Tower decided to keep the arbitrator outside to prevent Tongtian from breaking through early.

He really thought well, but the arbiter who stayed outside and faced Yang Xi's people alone was almost turning green.

"What the hell, there are so many fourth steps, how can I stand it alone!"

The arbiter grunted, but still didn't run away, and activated the Linglong Profound Technique, and a large number of water polo appeared around the cage of the iron tower.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I need you to wait for a while!"

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