"Could it be, haven't you played enough?"

463 Wave Particle Double Annihilation

Chris's face turned green when he heard the arbiter's words.

You really don't feel hurt when you stand and talk.

The guy who can escape from the deep blue consciousness, among other things, in terms of mental power, he will definitely beat him.

As a member of the deep blue family, his highest attainment is mental strength. Fighting against this kind of opponent, isn't he looking for abuse?

"Master Arbiter, I'm afraid I'm not the opponent of Youji, and the cooperation with you ends here." He said to Yang Xi again: "Youji, it's a good thing for you human race that I withdraw from the battle now, I think you should I won't refuse."

Hearing what Chris said, Yang Xi didn't say anything, but Ouyang Guanhe's face showed emotion.

Being able to let a Tier [-] leave voluntarily is undoubtedly good news for the entire counterattack.

But Yang Xi is still cleaning up the damage accumulated in the mental space, and from the outside world, he doesn't seem to want to agree.

Chris didn't have much friendship with the Ossaid people, so since there was no profit for him, he would naturally choose to withdraw and leave.

For him, these fourth-tier powerhouses can be devoured by him only if they are of the same deep blue family.

As for transforming the other fourth ranks into the Deep Blue Clan, it is not something that he can do now.

But those two boys just now were more valuable to him.

Whether it is Ye Fan or Liu Yuan, their talents are very good, and they have a certain possibility of becoming a fourth-order powerhouse.

As long as they are transformed into the dark blue family at the third level, then when they just break through the fourth level, it will be when he, Chris, harvests the fruits.

Hearing what Chris said, the arbiter was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to show the fox tail now. I thought you, a dark blue bug, could pretend to be with me for a longer time!"

"Hahaha, arbiter, I told you a long time ago, for the dark blue bug, it will be a matter of time to break one's promise, you just don't listen, now you will reap the consequences!"

While suppressing Ouyang Guanhe, Venerable Lei Ming taunted the arbitrator with a smile.

From the very beginning, he opposed letting the fourth rank of the deep blue clan participate in the colonial war of the Ossaid people.

Although their Ossian civilized society is a very inclusive world, they still have to have prejudices against notorious races like the deep blue race.

The arbiter didn't care about the words of Venerable Lei Ming. He used Chris as a real tool, but he didn't expect that this guy would retreat so quickly.

Could it be that there is some information he missed here?

"Damn Ossaid man, you dare to distract yourself while fighting with my old lady, do you think I'm just for nothing!"

Zhao Jinyin, who was ignored, was furious and shot angrily, a pair of feathered wings and a pair of light wings burst into dazzling white light.

What emerged on the surface of the wings were light elements in the form of particles.

What appears on the surface of the light-wing is the wave-shaped light element.

The humanity on her face gradually diminished, revealing the majesty of divinity.

I only heard this angelic Goddess of War solemnly say: "Light is a wave, but also a particle!

Today, you will accept the baptism of light! "

Under the control of Zhao Jinyin, the dazzling light was even more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

The faces of the alien beasts and human warriors on the sea surface were all robbed of color by the light and turned into black and white silhouettes.

In front of this level of big moves, the arbitrator used the Linglong Profound Technique to hide the bubbles in the air, which were illuminated to reveal every detail.

"Go, wave-particle dual annihilation!"

Zhao Jinyin clasped her hands forward with a snap, and a light containing terrifying power leaked from between her fingers. The "particle state" and "wave state" that originally existed at the same time were actually separated by this move!

At this moment, half of the light waves and light particles rushed towards the arbitrator as if destroying the world.

Along the way, the array of exquisite bubbles that once trapped Zhao Jinyin shattered. Hundreds of exquisite bubbles were either blasted to the sea surface by light particles, or cut in half by light waves.

Those exquisite bubbles that were blasted to the sea surface were no more than the size of a ping pong ball, but when they touched the surface of the S-rank alien beast, they exploded, and the high-density water elements burst out instantly, dismembering the alien beast into fine pieces of meat.

Blood rained on the face of the human warrior who was fighting against aliens, and he was deeply aware of the natural barrier between himself and the fourth order in his bewilderment.

The power they leaked casually is an unsolvable fatal move for a second-level superhuman like them!

This is also the reason why Zhao Jinyin was unwilling to use this move just now. Although the "wave-particle double destruction" is very lethal, it is also difficult to control and it is easy to cause accidental injury.

She has already controlled the general direction to the direction of Ossaid, but some unlucky human warriors were still affected.

"However, it seems to work well."

Zhao Jinyin looked forward slightly out of breath. At the end of the passage she blasted out, there was only half of the arbiter left, and he was still alive.

"The vitality of your Ossaid people is really tenacious!"

The corner of Zhao Jinyin's mouth curled up. As the winner, she is qualified to say that.

Looking at both sides, the other Tier [-] battlefields are still in a state of anxiety, and only she took the lead in solving her opponent.

Unexpectedly, the arbitrator with only half of his body actually laughed, "Indigenous people are indigenous people.

In vain, I still think that you who can develop this kind of moves are considered to be quite smart.

But unexpectedly, you can't even see this? "

A brand new arbitrator appeared from the void, he sat comfortably in the exquisite bubble, not even hurting the hem of his clothes.

At the same time, the "Arbiter" who was blown off half of his body evaporated into water vapor in a short period of time, and disappeared without a trace when blown by the sea breeze.

"No matter how powerful your moves are, you have to hit the target first."

Zhao Jinyin's face was full of astonishment. She had used her mental power to test many times just now, and the one she attacked would obviously be the arbiter herself!

"In that case, I'll give you another blow!"

Light particles converged again on Zhao Jinyin's body.

The arbiter laughed and said, "How can you be sure that the me who is talking now really exists here?

Water can refract light.

It's ridiculous to say that you are obviously a strong person in the light element system, but you were deceived by the light. "

Hearing the opponent's words, Zhao Jinyin's face became more and more embarrassing.

"I don't believe in this evil!"

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(from the new novel group 712205071)

The light particles gathered behind Zhao Jinyin again.

Here, Aunt Zhao is making a big move.

The atmosphere of Yang Xi, Chris, and Qian Youque was a bit strange.

Chris wanted to run away directly, but Yang Xi didn't answer his words, which made him a little embarrassed.

Not to mention the lack of money, since the beginning of cheating Yang Xi, he stood in the air like a wooden stake, and he didn't know what he was waiting for.

Just when Chris was about to lose patience, Yang Xi finally got rid of the influence of the dark blue consciousness erosion on his body, and then said: "Chris, we are also acquaintances.

You were so warm to me just now, if I don't repay you, wouldn't it be rude of me.

Besides, Kui Mulang under my seat was beaten like this by you, we have to settle this account, right? "

464 The fourth-order god-made metal

Although Yang Xi's words were not loud, they were full of pressure.

Chris frowned. He really didn't expect that Youji, who has always been known for his wisdom and calmness, would make such an impulsive choice.

"You want to settle accounts with me? Is your personal honor and disgrace comparable to the safety of the entire Azure Star race?

For you, there is a full difference of two fourth-tier combat power between leaving me and letting me go.

I think you should know what the outcome of this war means, right? "

He didn't believe Chris boldly pointed out the powerful relationship, and he dared to risk his reputation to continue to fight against him.

Letting him go is the choice that takes the overall situation into consideration.

Ouyang Guanhe glanced at Yang Xi, and he also hoped that Youji would consider the whole counter-offensive situation.

For a while, the focus was on Yang Xi, and everyone seemed to want to see what choice this figure in the adjudication organization would make.

Afterwards, Yang Xi smiled.

He laughed wantonly, as if the invisible pressure was not in his eyes.

After all, few people in this world know that the entire adjudication organization is a "toy" created by him.

Others need to consider the situation, righteousness and so on, but Yang Xi only needs to follow his heart.

Chris wanted to kill him, and beat Liu Yuan and Ye Fan so badly, if he wanted to slip away without paying a little price today, then he would be in the supernatural world for nothing.

Yang Xi's bottom line is not to hurt the people he values.

"I think you're mistaken. You don't need to waste much time to deal with a guy like you. 'The gap between two fourth-orders', thank you for being able to say it!"

When Chris heard this, his face changed. He didn't want to fight Youji, partly because he was afraid of his ability to escape from the erosion of Deep Blue's consciousness, and also felt that fighting Youji would not do much good.

But Chris couldn't stand the slap in the face like this now, no matter what he was, he was a fourth-order powerhouse.

Moreover, he has comprehended the profound meaning of devouring, and even holds the "Crystal Diamond" in his hand. In terms of background, he has never been afraid of anyone!

Chris said: "So, are you determined to fight with me?"

Yang Xi sneered and said: "Since you decided to betray the human race, we are doomed to be in an endless situation. In order for Azure Star to restore its former glory, a guy like you who betrayed the mother clan will be liquidated first!"

Are you the only one who will coerce righteousness?

I'm sorry, this is all left over from your brother Yang's play.

After the talk, Yang Xi didn't bother to talk to Chris anymore.

Although he only has 1% comprehension level of his strong magnetic secrets, he has 4% of his control secrets to make up for it. It is definitely an easy thing to beat this guy.

During this period of time, although he was busy with various things, he never slacked off in comprehending his own mysteries.

Compared with other Tier [-] powerhouses, Yang Xi has a huge advantage—he possesses many kinds of mysteries, and the level of comprehension varies.

The most important thing is that the highest-ranking "Controlling Profound Truth" is also the Profound Truth that he has pushed to the highest level of comprehension.

Although other strong people can also communicate with each other, they cannot achieve true heart-to-heart communication after all.

Moreover, the rules are different, and the levels of profound truths are also different. Even if the strong point out the weak, and the master teaches the disciples, they can only talk about some general experience.

The master wants to teach the apprentice, unless the two comprehend the laws are completely consistent, then he can prescribe the right medicine.

Otherwise, even if the fourth-order extreme powerhouse who comprehends 0.5% of the law and is only a step away from the fifth-order heaven, if he wants to give advice on a different law system, and only comprehends [-]% of the fourth-order newcomers, he can only "scratch it". "One time.

But Yang Xi is different. While he has 4% of the secrets to control, he also has a good grasp of the 1% of the strong magnetic secrets. With reference to each other, it is quite effective in creating moves with the strong magnetic secrets.

Moreover, when the ability of metal control is at the third level, it has a very powerful skill-"God-made metal". The strong magnetic mystery that Yang Xi comprehended came from it.

When fighting against the light eclipse saint back then, the third-order god-made metal exploded with impressive power after completing the mastery of the mystery, and almost defeated the deep blue leader with one move.

Therefore, when creating the moves of the strong magnetic secret, Yang Xi did not make too many changes in the principle of the divine creation of metal, but used the strong magnetic secret to make the distance between the gold elements even smaller.

The extremely dense gold element represents the ultimate hardness and sharpness. In terms of killing ability, it can be compared with Tongtian's killing secret.

Yang Xi held his palm empty, and a black metal the size of a pigeon egg appeared in his palm, suspended in the air at a distance of about half an inch.

As soon as this trick appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Ouyang Guanhe, who had fought side by side with Yang Xiyu in the battle of the Light Erosion Saint, was even more surprised in his heart——Youji's moves seemed to have become much stronger again!

Or, he was still releasing water before?

He looked at Yang Xi helplessly, feeling a little bit bitter in his heart, if the truth was the latter one, this chicken would make him miserable.

However, he didn't dare to complain about Youji, after all, there was something to ask of him now.

Different from Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin, Ouyang Guanhe struggled alone to support the big business of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and the bitterness in it was indescribable to outsiders.

Now that there are so many strong people in the adjudication organization, and they have gained a lot of benefits from the Southern Continent, and they have turned against them, only Tongtian, an "old man" from the old era, would make such an irrational move.

"This move has seriously injured your leader. Now let me see how much your strength has improved."

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