After all, they spent much more time in Tier [-] than the powerhouses of the Azure Star Human Race.

In addition, the strong people of the human race mostly rely on talent, and at the fourth level, although they are not as convenient as receiving meditation guidance at the lower level, the long history of the entire Ossian civilization can still save them a few steps. detour.

Moreover, in the Ossaid plane, above the fourth level, there are still more advanced powerhouses.

Although the advice from the fifth-order heavenly position will only appear in small circles, some leftovers will always flow out.

Even these leftovers are enough for most Tier [-] powerhouses to regard as treasures.

In the plane of Ossaid, there is also a gap between the fourth level and the fourth level.

If the ordinary Tier [-] powerhouses were sandstones, then the so-called "Heavenly Seeds" were quartz or even diamonds that were refined from sandstones.

It is not uncommon for a powerful Celestial Seed to be invincible at the same level, and even to fight more with less.

In the eyes of the Ossaid, the fourth rank of the Azure Star Human Race is not the fourth rank in the true sense.

They don't understand too much common sense, it's just a fluke to comprehend the law.

The fourth level from Ye Luzi may have some tricks, but it is not worth mentioning at all that they rely on the entire civilization background.

Unless, there are really super monstrous geniuses, such as the legendary son of the plane who gathers the luck of the plane, they can make them pay attention.

But the most suspected existence of the son of the plane in this indigenous plane is the bald man named Blast, who did not appear in the list of this war.

With the gust of sea breeze, Yang Xi's eyes became brighter, he knew... the enemy has come!

450 Yang Xi's Purpose

There was a figure beside Yang Xi.

It turned out to be Tongtian who was stepping on a flying sword.

The night seems to be unable to hide his astonishing appearance. Looking at this handsome young man, no one can believe that Tong Tian is over a hundred years old.

Like Blast, he is the first batch of first-generation supernatural beings.

Most of the powerhouses who were in the same era as them fell, and the two of them continued to protect the Azure Star people through the Heroes Association, the oldest organization of supernatural beings.

Although he doesn't like Tongtian's character, Yang Xi won't deny his achievements.

It can be said that without Tongtian's Zhuxian formation, the current population of the human race would have to drop by another [-]%.

This arrogant and conceited strong man was once admired and expected by hundreds of millions of people in the old days.

I look forward to him being able to drive away the alien beasts and re-establish human civilization.

"You don't seem nervous at all."

Tong Tian, ​​a dull gourd, actually spoke first.

He stared at Yang Xi, "This is not an easy task. Even though I have experienced so many battles, I still feel trembling and nervous before the war comes."

The Zhuxian sword was on his fingertips, "Look, my sword is the same."

Yang Xi looked intently, and sure enough, he saw this magnificent fairy sword trembling slightly.

However, this kind of vibration is not so much that Zhu Xianjian is nervous, it is better to say that it is excited and eager for the blood brought by the killing.

Yang Xi didn't know why he wasn't nervous.

In the first few battles when he first entered the world of supernatural powers, he could clearly feel the cause of this emotion, but as time went by, he could no longer be nervous about the battle.

This reason should not be solely due to the loss of "humanity". After all, Tongtian has been in the fourth level for a longer time than Yang Xi. No matter how you calculate it, Tongtian should have lost more humanity than him.

Unless, he has a way to ensure that he will not be corroded by divinity.

The relationship between Yang Xi and Tongtian was not that harmonious, so he didn't ask.

"Maybe it's because you haven't experienced as many wars as I have."

Yang Xi looked at Tong Tian pretendingly, he really couldn't find any other reason, he couldn't tell him, I even know where the enemy army is now.

This kind of information that is too detailed will make Ouyang Guanhe and others suspicious, so Yang Xi didn't do anything unnecessary.

Tong Tian's eyes froze, and his heart was extremely horrified.

He never thought that a strong man at the Youji level would be so boring as to tease him.

So he simply chose to believe what Yang Xi said.

There are more wars than he has experienced. Doesn't it mean that the era of the rise of the chicken is longer than him?

The origin of this ruling organization seems to be even more unpredictable.

However, he also saw that Yang Xi was not very interested in talking, and it was probably because of what he did in the B05 defense line.

But Tongtian didn't regret it, he was different from Blasting, he couldn't be so completely selfless.

There are always a few people in his heart who are above racial justice.

With a hot face and a cold butt, Tong Tian left with a cold snort.

Tongtian flew away, but Ouyang Guanhe came.

In fact, when Yang Xi was chatting with Tongtian just now, he had already appeared nearby, but he didn't come out to bother him seeing that the two enemies had a rare conversation.

"Brother Youji, I have to thank you for your help this time."

Ouyang Guanhe was as polite as ever.

But Yang Xi, who gradually saw the true face of this old fox, dared not take him lightly.

This guy is a strong man of the same generation as Zhao Jinyin. Unlike the latter who relied on the iron-blooded army to grow rapidly and progress smoothly all the way, this guy Ouyang Guanhe got a copy of the beginning of hell.

Before he rose, although the Chamber of Commerce Alliance became one of the three major forces, its status was not as high as the other two parties, and it was more like an organization that existed for buffering.

Coupled with the strife within the Ouyang family, this Lord Fengshen also succeeded in rising by relying on thrilling game contests.

The world said that he ruled the entire chamber of commerce alliance after he became a fourth-tier powerhouse, but judging from the information collected by the adjudication organization, when Ouyang Guanhe was still a third-tier power, he had already used political means to secretly control The entire chamber of commerce alliance.

As for becoming Tier [-], it was the icing on the cake after he became famous.

However, the preciousness of Tier [-] powerhouses naturally has its reasons.

If it hadn't been for a Tier [-] name and comprehension of the powerful law of speed, the situation of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance would have been even more difficult.

Yang Xi smiled and said: "It's okay, fighting for the human race is just a matter of duty."

"Haha, brother Youji, I appreciate your awareness. If Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin can understand the priorities like you, brother Youji, then our human race will have a better chance of winning again."

Ouyang Guanhe smiled so happily.

Yang Xi was also speechless in his heart, Ouyang Xuan is such a real young man, why is his father so slippery.

But these don't matter, at least the relationship between the adjudication organization and Ouyang Guanhe is considered a honeymoon period, so just be careful.

Besides, Yang Xi's ruling relies on Yunding Space, which is fundamentally different from the development model of the three major forces.

As long as he doesn't die, even if the Judgment Organization suffers a catastrophe, he can re-establish a new Judgment in a short period of time.

After all, with the combination of several superpowers, even if the members of the organization die in battle, as long as the spirit body is not destroyed, Yang Xi has the ability to help them resurrect.

At most, this resurrection gift package is cheating a bit, and there are some minor flaws that haven't been investigated clearly.

Ahem, other people's spirit bodies can't be uploaded 100% to the cloud top space like Xuanwu's. After this rebirth, there may be some problems, but it is much better than directly dead ball.

And Suzaku is also always paying attention to the "Tianguixing" who has used the rebirth gift package. He is alive and kicking now, and he can't live comfortably in his childhood.

Maybe it's because of a new life, he also bottomed out and rebounded. The recent momentum is very good, and his strength is steadily improving.

Of course, Yang Xi also felt that it might be because this guy owed a huge amount of debt to the organization, broke his cans, and became extreme in his actions.

In this world, extremes can sometimes make life enter the fast lane.

Ouyang Guanhe tested Yang Xi a few more times, trying to find out from him the truth of the verdict for this counterattack.

How could Yang Xi reveal all the plans in his heart, he couldn't tell him that what you Ouyang Guanhe wants in this counterattack is fame, righteousness, and such an aura of chasing after victory.

But what he was eyeing was indeed those fourth-order Ossaids who "delivered goods to their door". These are all living fourth-order supernatural beads!

451 Mobilization Before War

Lu Ming and Wu Mei returned to the team dormitory, and their hanging hearts finally fell to the ground.

This time, he ventured to steal the body of the alien beast, and it was finally safe and sound.

After all, the body of the strange beast is so big, it is too conspicuous if you want to steal it.

Fortunately, there was a service provided by the Judgment Organization, and the two of them, like mice in a rice vat, happily exchanged some of the corpses of the beasts for points at the Judgment.

Not only emptied Wu Mei's loan, but also made a lot of money.

Moreover, the two of them are not greedy people. They exchanged an A-level healing fruit for Wu Mei, got a few C-level healing fruits, and then chose to stop.

"Fortunately, the two of us are not greedy. My friend said that within a few minutes after we left, the officer in charge came to inspect and frightened him half to death!"

Lying on the bed in the dormitory, although he didn't sleep all night, the highly excited Lu Ming didn't feel sleepy at all.

Wu Mei was also very fortunate: "I originally planned to take this opportunity to collect enough points to exchange for S-level supernatural potions. If you hadn't persuaded me to stop, maybe this time it would really be over."

In that warehouse, there were not many S-level beasts. According to Wu Mei, he had to destroy at least half of the corpses of S-level beasts.

So Lu Ming rationally dissuaded him.

It's so obvious.

"Old Wu, the so-called overkill is not enough. I am already very satisfied to be able to get a healing fruit. If we have this thing, we will still die in battle. We can only say that it is our fate."

"It is true. Compared with other comrades in arms, we are already too lucky."

Lu Ming said again: "According to what I said before, there is an extra C-level healing fruit, and I have to send it to that brother."

Wu Mei nodded: "It should be so. Without the help of that brother, the two of us would not be able to do what we did tonight."

"It's still a while before dawn, hurry up and squint for a while, maybe there will be a war when you wake up."

The two fell asleep quickly, and the sound of even breathing came.

But after a while, a figure climbed up, quietly pushed the door out, and disappeared into the night.


The waves are getting rougher.

On the warship of the Ossaids, the final war mobilization is going on.

The army of the Alien Beast Alliance had been waiting here for a long time, and the slender amethyst python cut through the sky and landed in front of the alien beast army.

Ten third-tier strange beasts of different shapes, when they saw their boss, they prostrated themselves on the surface of the sea submissively, without any trace of the previous ferocity.

Although, compared to their huge bodies, the amethyst pythons are almost like ants, but they don't dare to have the slightest arrogance.

The horror of a fourth-tier beast is beyond the imagination of a third-tier beast.

And inside the alien beasts, their way of getting along is much more brutal and primitive than that of the Ossiders.

If a Tier [-] Ossaid wants to kill a Tier [-] powerhouse under him, he has to find a reason to come out and achieve the effect of being famous.

But Amethyst Python doesn't need any reason to kill them.

In addition, the third- and fourth-tier powerhouses slowly ascended into the air.

Below them is the Ossaid elite force with a number of [-].

Perhaps in terms of the number of soldiers at the grassroots level, the Azure Star people are several times more than the Ossaids, but in terms of high-level combat effectiveness, the second- and third-tier categories, the Liberty Alliance is obviously at a disadvantage.

What's more, except for a small number of geniuses, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, ordinary Azure Star human warriors are basically no match for the Ossaids.

If there is no way, it is the gap in the cultural heritage.

If the Liberty Alliance wants to win, it can only rely on crowd tactics, or it can gain an advantage in the four-level battle.

After all, for Tier [-] powerhouses, the number of supernatural beings below Tier [-] doesn't mean much.

Dulan's avatar, as the commander-in-chief of the new coalition, is giving a speech. Naturally, there will be a special person responsible for compiling this manuscript, and he only needs to read it once.

"... In this war, we not only need to win, but also win beautifully. We need to display the style of our Hundred Cities Federation, and let the stupid and backward natives know that stubborn resistance will not last long..."

"...Finally, may the glory of Ossaid spread across every plane!"

"This battle must be won!!!"

After all, Duran's avatar bears the status of the patriarch of the Keith family, and there are several fourth-tier powerhouses behind him. For things, we still have to bite the bullet and do it.

After all, the commander was offended, and if they were put on small shoes, they would also have a headache,

So after Duran's avatar finished his speech, cheers resounded like a tsunami resounded through several warships, and even the army of alien beasts that were overwhelmingly black on the sea howled a few times with dignity.

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