Peiran's shock wave bombarded Zhao Jinyin unreasonably!

Blast her whole body away!

I saw a white light, with the tail of a comet dotted with water behind it, silently penetrating the battlefield.

Some unlucky fighters, no matter whether they are from the Ossaid or the Azure Star human race, as long as they are affected, they basically have no ability to resist and are "erased".

Where the white light passes, a cylindrical channel is left.

Seen from the inside, the surface of this channel is composed of smooth tissue sections of soldiers.

You can see the still beating heart, yellow and white fat, and fine bone sections.

The soldiers looked at each other in astonishment, and then they were struck by severe pain. They could no longer maintain the flight, and fell to the ground like dumplings, smashing holes one after another.

In the fight between the fourth-tier powerhouses, they accidentally injured three third-tier fighters from the Ossaid side and Liu Yuan and Blanche from the Azure Star tribe.

Three third-order Ossaids, without the lower body, left arm and ears respectively.

For the Azure Star Human Race, Liu Yuan only has one head left, while Blanche and I lost the part below the knee.

Before Blanche landed, Yang Xi caught her.

The pain of losing a pair of calves made this strong female warrior turn pale.

She held Yang Xi's arm tightly to prevent herself from screaming.

"Blanche, it's okay, I still have a healing fruit here!"

Yang Xi crushed the apple that was shining with holy light, and attached it to Blanche's wound with the light energy of revived mysteries.

The numb feeling replaced the severe pain, and Blanche's breathing became steady.

But after all, it wasn't Yang Feifei who did it himself. Since it didn't have the effect of healing fruit, it would take at least half an hour for Blanche to grow her legs.

However, Tier [-] has come out, and the battle between Tier [-] can basically be declared over.

"Caiwei, Blanche is in your hands!"

Yang Xi rushed to the place where Liu Yuan landed, where white gas was rising.

"Give me a hand, Young Master Liu, what the hell is going on? Why is my head gone?"

With only one head left, Liu Yuan complained to Yang Xi that at this moment, under the powerful self-healing ability of werewolf blood, he had grown arms and chest cavity.

Yang Xi reached out to fish Liu Yuan out of the pit, "The local fourth rank attacked Mr. Zhao Jinyin. We have to retreat. When the fourth rank fights, any random move can kill us!"

"Damn, don't they know that my godfather is a chicken? No face at all!"

Liu Yuan said unhappily.

"Don't be poor, hurry up!"

Yang Xi picked up half of his body to leave a message, stomped heavily on the ground, and moved towards his teammates.

At this moment, Zhao Jinyin finally deflected the enemy's attack.

But her pair of wings were also damaged to a certain extent, and golden blood was leaving from the wound.

"A cowardly person who only knows how to sneak attack?"

The disheartened Zhao Jinyin glared at the arbitrator not far away who was covered with a white cloth.

The latter smiled and said, "Hehe, I'm just going to strike first. If we switch positions, I bet you will be more aggressive than me."

What Zhao Jinyin comprehended was the Profound Truth of Wave Particles. Although it is the Profound Truth of the law of light elements, the strength of this Profound Truth of Wave Particles is offense, and it is not good at healing, so the wings on her wings recovered very slowly.

After suffering such a big loss, Zhao Jinyin absolutely couldn't bear the bad breath.

"You must be one of the fourth ranks of Ossaid participating in this exhibition. Report your name, and I, Zhao Jinyin's subordinates, will not kill the unknown!"

In fact, according to the information provided by the adjudication organization, Zhao Jinyin had already deduced the identity of the person who came, and it was the fourth-order powerhouse "Arbiter" from the mercenary union. The turbulent water element when the bubble exploded just now was definitely not fake.

The purpose of her asking this question was naturally to delay the time. In a few minutes, Youji and others on the command ship would be able to come to support them.

At that time, they will be four against one, and there is a great possibility to keep this guy.

She came out not far away to be this "bait" before, but she just didn't want to take the risk of getting hurt.

But now that she has been recruited, she naturally cannot let go of this opportunity.

"Hehe, are you delaying time?" The arbitrator mercilessly exposed Zhao Jinyin's purpose.

He smiled and said, "Could it be, do you think I came here alone?"

445 Give You Three Days

The arbiter's words set alarm bells ringing in Zhao Jinyin's heart.

For a moment, she felt that in the void around her, there seemed to be several other fourth-order Ossaids lurking.

"Don't act rashly, we will be there soon."

Ouyang Guanhe's voice came from the communicator, which made her tense body relax a little, but she still didn't dare to take it lightly.

If she really fell into the encirclement of four Ossaid fourth-order powerhouses at this moment, she would most likely die within a few breaths!

The arbitrator keenly grasped the moment when Zhao Jinyin's heart was relaxed, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of bubbles suddenly appeared, enveloping some of the Ozed fighters.

The third- and second-level supernatural beings who were still alive in the advance team were naturally included, and even some important personnel from the Red Frost Island Branch of the Mercenary Union were also included.

As for the people from the Alien Beast Alliance and the Hundred Cities Federation, the arbitrator didn't bother to waste his energy on rescuing them.

"This is……"

Watching these exquisite and transparent bubbles rise into the sky in an instant, many Ossaid prisoners cried out: "My lord, save me too, as long as you rescue me, I will serve the mercenary union for the rest of my life!"

"My father is the deacon of the Hundred Cities Federation, Lord Arbiter, please help me!"

But how could these words be taken to heart by the arbitrator?

He came here today, originally to rescue those low-level mercenary union employees.

He didn't care about the life and death of these low-level employees. The reason why he did this was purely for show.

Before the war came, the mercenary union did not give up any employees. This reputation spread, and it would be more convenient for them to recruit people to cut leeks on the new Frye continent.

Everyone will know that the Mercenary Union is an organization full of humanity.

For the sake of some low-level and insignificant members, even at the expense of two strong people who are at the limit of the third level, and even the existence of the fourth level, they are willing to take risks for the "family".

——However, those two third-order extreme battle deaths were indeed unexpected by the arbitrator.

It's not that he didn't want to rescue Zhao Jinyin, but just now he didn't locate Zhao Jinyin's position well, and if he made a rash move, he might get himself involved.

Zhao Jinyin snorted coldly, "Want to leave?"

Then, around her hands, condensed light particles,

The arbitrator sneered, and suddenly said sharply: "Everyone, don't make a move yet!"

Zhao Jinyin was taken aback, and stood up out of the ground unexpectedly, making high-speed evasive movements, for fear of being caught fire.

But soon, she noticed the smile on the corner of the arbitrator's mouth.

She was played!

"Then, this island will be handed over to you three for the time being."

The arbitrator made a "three" gesture to Zhao Jinyin, smiled triumphantly, and flew to the side with dozens of bubbles carrying members of the mercenary union.

The members of the mercenary union had just evacuated, and three fourth-tier powerhouses also rushed to Chishuang Island.

"Want to chase?"

Tong stepped on a fairy sword, and his clothes fluttered.

Ouyang Guanhe shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, I'm afraid someone else is ambush."

Hearing the word "ambush", Zhao Jinyin blushed.

If she hadn't been tricked today, nothing would have left the arbiter behind!

"This guy, Red Frost Island, gave us three for the time being. Are you announcing that after three, it's time for the Ossaids to attack?"

Zhao Jinyin passed on the words of the arbitrator to the three of them.

Ouyang Guanhe said: "It may also be the enemy's smoke bomb. In short, we still have our hearts first."

Youji parted ways: "Brother Ouyang is right, don't be disturbed by the enemy's words, we have made so much preparation in the early stage, and completed the deployment of the staff department step by step."

The four fourth-tier powerhouses looked at each other, nodded and said: "Extremely!"

"Let's go and see the guy's injury."

You Jifen was about to fly to the sandwich seaweed team, but was stopped by Zhao Jinyin from behind.

"That... I missed the two members of the ruling just now, and I want to apologize to you."

Perhaps it was because of the tit-for-tat confrontation before, but now that she apologized, there was an indelible embarrassment on Zhao Jinyin's face.

Youji smiled and said: "It's okay, they don't have any big problems anyway."

Zhao Jinyin stopped talking, and finally nodded and left.

Simultaneously seeing Zhao Jinyin's behavior, Yang Xi didn't find it funny. Aunt Zhao might have taken a fancy to the healing fruit in his hand, and wanted to ask for it, but finally gave up.

This healing fruit was Yang Feifei's handiwork when he was practicing the recovery esoteric art. It was used to restore the supernatural beings below the fourth level.

Therefore, even if Zhao Jinyin took the healing fruit from Yang Xi, the impact on her injuries would be minimal.

After all, to a certain extent, fourth-tier powerhouses are no longer creatures of the same level as other supernatural beings.


"Godfather, your son has embarrassed you!"

Liu Yuan looked at Youji Fen with a dejected expression, which made Yang Xi himself amused.

Youji parted ways: "It's not a shame to be accidentally injured by a fourth-order powerhouse. Work hard, I know your talent."

Yang Xi's acting skills are really getting stronger and stronger, and even Ji Yourong and the three daughters beside him can feel the cockiness emanating from this cockroach.

This made the three women sigh, Kui Mulang is so lucky, to be able to become the adopted son of Youji Rao, this is a blessing that no amount of money can ask for.

Liu Yuan's eyes were reddened by the actor-level acting skills, and he made up his mind that he must never let his godfather down again. Even if he lost his life, he must establish more honors for the Youji family in the adjudication organization. meritorious service!

Not far away, Molong looked at his younger brother crying with complicated eyes while hugging his dick thigh.

I don't know if I'm worried about my brother's injury, or because he is so shameless, "accepting a thief as a father" is ashamed.

"Okay, the five of you have performed well today, and strive to make persistent efforts to gain the reputation of the organization."

After explaining a few words, Youji went to join the other three fourth-tier powerhouses. They still had a lot to discuss.

Groups of engineers on and off the warship, using technology and alchemy technology, tried to build a strong enough fortification in a short period of time.

Legion battles are no different than others. With good hardware support, many unnecessary casualties can be reduced.


It was night, and Yang Xi appeared in Ye Fan's room.

Wan Jiu was bandaging Ye Fan's wound.

Seeing Yang Xi appearing from the vortex of the imaginary world, the two quickly got up and saluted.

"Master Youji!"

"Well, you are hurt, so you don't need to be polite."

After exchanging pleasantries, Yang Xi sighed: "Get up, the organization is sorry for you, if you can use the organization's healing fruit, this injury is nothing to worry about."

There has always been a shortage of medical superpowers on the front line, and priority will be given to those in need.

For Ye Fan's injury, he didn't go to the medical department for treatment.

"How could it be? To be able to serve the leader, no matter how hard and tiring it is, it's worth it!"

Seeing Yang Xi, Ye Fan always had a look of admiration on his face.

446 Too handsome is also a trouble

Yang Xi smiled gratifiedly.

Ye Fan and Liu Yuan are two kinds of people. The latter doesn't need to think about such things, but Ye Fan must think so from the bottom of his heart.

It's not that Liu Yuan is a hypocrite, for some reason, Yang Xi always feels that he can't see through this kid.

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