On the one hand, it is to give members of other forces a chance to exercise. Humans' fighting skills are not perfect, and every opportunity to fight against the Ossaid is very rare.

On the other hand, he also had to guard against the Tier [-] powerhouses lurking in the dark.

Although Duran's avatar lurking in the new alliance of Ossaid did not find any traces of the fourth-order leaving, Yang Xi knew with his toes that the Ossaid's fourth-order strong would definitely not let these guys go.

After all, it is too easy for the powerhouses of Tier [-] to arrive early.

Perhaps they are now watching the army of the Azure Star Human Race in the dark, trying to find out the weak spots of the fourth-tier powerhouses in the army and launch a sneak attack. In this way, the odds of winning for the Ossiders will definitely increase greatly.

Don't look at Yang Xi's avatar with the official position of the commander-in-chief of the new coalition forces, but for the existence of the fourth rank, he has no power and "courage" to intervene in the management.

The information he can obtain is only what those Tier [-] powerhouses want him to know.

However, just these things that can be leaked have already helped the Freedom Army too much.

Seeing that no one from the Azure Star Human Race dared to go up, Yang Xi was about to signal Liu Yuan to go up first.

After all, he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, how could he be able to entangle this red devil for a while.

But before he could make a sound, the crowing of the roc suddenly resounded throughout Chishuang Island.

The shrill cry tormented everyone's eardrums, and then a group of green objects wrapped their whole body, approaching the red devil at a super fast speed, and pierced his body dozens of times in just a few seconds.

After the green figure settled down, everyone could see clearly that it was Zuo Shen who had just been punched flying.

It's just that his situation at the moment is clearly out of control, his eyes are red, as if he wants to choose someone to kill.

Even now, he drank the flesh of the Red Devil in his beak.

Looking at the sky again, the mighty red devil looked at his body like a lump of smashed plasticine unexpectedly.

The Green Flame Ruler laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Grantham, you were beaten like this by a native. If I were you, I'd just beat you to death!"

Other Ossaid powerhouses didn't dare to be as presumptuous as the Green Flame Dominator, but there was no panic in their eyes.

The Red Devil looked at Zuo Shen, "I never thought you could have such a level of power, and you have the right to be eaten by me."

A group of Azure Star human warriors were still thankful for Zuo Shen's surprise attack just now. When they heard the words of the red devil, their expressions froze again.

What kind of monster is this guy?

With an injury of this level, they would have died long ago, so why would this Ossider still be able to talk as if nothing had happened.

Even Zuo Shen, who was running wild, was stunned for a moment. He, who was in a frenzy, obviously couldn't understand the current situation.

According to his understanding, the body that he pierced through at high speed is basically dead.


Terrifying energy fluctuations came from the Red Devil, and his dilapidated body began to proliferate visibly.

Where it was pierced, new flesh and blood emerged, and after just a dozen seconds, he became that burly red muscular man again.

"Then, this time I will kill you completely."

The red devil made a squatting and sprinting posture, narrowed his eyes slightly, and disappeared in place in an instant!

Zuo Shen, who went berserk, had a very keen intuition, and disappeared in place almost at the same time.

For a moment, the red light and the emerald green light were entangled, hitting from the sky to the ground, from the woods to the reinforced concrete, where everything turned into powder, how intense it was!

438 Ye Fan Takes Action!

"Unfortunately, Zuo Shen's strength is still a bit weaker."

Yang Xi whispered.

Just as the three women beside him looked surprised, the seemingly evenly matched battle came to an abrupt end.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

The Red Devil was panting heavily, his body was still recovering slowly, it was obvious that Zuo Shen had caused a huge amount of damage to him in the battle just now.

But he stretched his left arm forward, tightly clutching the left deep bird's head.

At this moment, this rebellious elite soldier of the Freedom Army was covered in scars all over his body. He couldn't even maintain his bloodline transformation, and even the bird head turned into an ordinary-looking young man.

However, he didn't pass out, staring at the only eye that was still intact - the other eye was already swollen from the beating, and could only open a gap.

"I have to admit that you are a qualified fighter." After this fierce battle, the Red Devil's tone was obviously respectful, "But the gap in our strength cannot be made up by your will alone!"

The red devil turned Zuo Shen to himself, with a treacherous smile on his face, "Since you lost, then I will not be polite!"

As he spoke, he couldn't hold back his saliva, and opened his mouth.

Originally, the Red Devil's head was still in a human-like state, but at this moment, his mouth was opened to the limit in an instant. It was half a meter long and wide, and it was full of white teeth.

Yang Xi noticed a familiar breath moving behind him.

"Well, is it Zhao Jinyin who came?"

But unexpectedly, the Azure Star Human Race took the lead in rescuing Zuo Shen, and it was true that they had a very bad deal with Xing Fei just now!

"You fucking thing, I'm afraid your parents ate the hot red dragon fruit that just pulled out! If you dare to eat our Azure Star Human Race, you are not afraid of breaking your teeth!"

Xing Fei transformed instantly, and the electromagnetic levitating cannon behind her aimed at the Red Demon and Zuo Shen without hesitation.

This big girl actually ejaculated with Zuo Shen!

The corner of Yang Xi's mouth twitched, stunned by her coquettish manipulation.

The scorching shells hit accurately, directly piercing through the body of the red devil.

Although it touched the left side deeply, it did save him from the hands of the Ossaid.

Otherwise, this fierce man who likes to eat the meat of exotic animals may have to fulfill the karma mentioned by Buddhism and die under the mouth of the enemy.

Xing Fei controlled the floating cannon to catch Zuo Shen accurately, brought him back to the human queue, and handed him back to the members of the Spike Team.

Looking at the tattered Zuo Shen, the members of the Spike Team couldn't bear it for a while.

On weekdays, they had seen a lot of their captain galloping on the battlefield, looking invincible, and trembling under his ferocious temper. It was really the first time they had seen him so bruised and dying.

Xing Fei was about to return to the battlefield, but she heard Zuo Shen intermittently behind her: "Energy...maybe an elemental attack will work."

The strong, hot-tempered female soldier paused for a moment, and said cursingly: "You want to talk too much? My mother will find out the clues!"

The electromagnetic levitation cannon appeared at her feet. At the same time, the half-half reflector and the falling pressure strong electric sword were equipped at the same time. Thinking of Zuo Shen's words, Xing Fei hesitated for a while, but still exhausted her energy and summoned an elemental shoulder cannon.

"Grandma is here!"

Xing Fei, who was fully armed, rushed forward brazenly.

The red devil's body had just returned to its original shape, he grinned and disappeared in place again.

Different from Zuo Shen's head-to-head tactics, Xing Fei was directly fixed in mid-air, and the opened half-half mirror could always appear at just the right time to block the attack of the red devil for her and feed back part of the momentum.

Yang Xi was one of the few people on the scene whose dynamic vision could keep up with the movement of the Red Devil. He could clearly see the reflected force of the Red Devil's body after each impact, washing away the tissues of his body like waves. .

Xing Fei also seized a few opportunities and called for a few floating cannons and elemental shoulder cannons to go up.

It easily pierced the Red Demon's body, but he was able to recover quickly.

Gradually, fine sweat appeared on Xing Feijiao's forehead, and her physical strength was a little exhausted.

The Red Devil obviously discovered this, and changed his attacking thinking, starting to focus on consuming her.

Yang Xi shook his head, this is the gap between ordinary third-order and third-order extreme powerhouses.

On the basis of mana recovery alone, the Red Devil can get rid of Xing Fei by a large street. After all, the former has experienced wheel wars.

"Damn it, absolutely can't go on like this!"

Xing Fei is a grumpy woman, she is not willing to follow in Zuo Shen's footsteps, she does not want to be caught and eaten by this red plasticine monster!

As a result, this tough big girl took back the floating cannon and the falling pressure electric sword like a boat, and used all the remaining physical strength to supply the elemental shoulder cannon.

The pistol-sized shoulder cannon swelled more than three times, and pills of different colors and elements were continuously sprayed out from the thick barrel like beans.

It bombarded the Red Devil like a cannonball.

The burly and strong Red Devil did not expect that the native female warrior could burst out with such an attack in an instant, and was surrounded by elemental bullets for a while!

The colorful brilliance seems to stab everyone's eyes!

After the aftermath of the elemental bomb explosion dissipated, everyone found that the red devil in the air had been beaten to the point where only a palm-sized tissue was left, and only a bulging eyeball was still connected to this tissue.

I thought I was dead and couldn't die anymore!

Seeing the results of her victory, Xing Fei smiled on her baby face and fainted immediately.

Her team members quickly flew up to catch their captain.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the voice of the red devil actually sounded again!

"Hey, I almost died, I was really careless!"

Only a few seconds later, a mouth grew out of the wreckage of the tissue!


A group of warriors gasped and lit up, this Ossaid strong man, could it be that he is immortal!

"Give me death!"

The squinting-eyed magic beans that had been inactive all this time were planted in the open palms, and the magic beans that had been sown a long time ago germinated instantly, and a monster that looked like a swarm of insects screamed and rushed towards the still recovering body of the red devil.

Two third-tier fighters have been lost, now is not the time for the Azure Star Human Race to pay attention to morality!


The Green Flame Ruler let out a cold snort, and drew out a green fire net to block the Red Demon, blocking the way of the swarm monsters.

Just when the Red Devil felt that he could sit back and relax, Ye Fan among the crowd broke out.

He broke through the sound barrier in an instant, scattered the flame network, and hit the red devil's body that had recovered one-tenth of it with a hateful blow.

With a snap, the eyeballs shattered.

Even the organizations below were directly reduced to powder by the terrifying power!

If you don't make a move, you will use it, and if you make a move, you will be thunderous!

Ye Fan stood in mid-air with his stomach alone, looking majestic, like a god of war!

439 Kuimu Wolf is here!

Ye Fan's sudden attack shocked the Azure Star Human Race.

It can be said that apart from Yang Xi and Wan Jiu, no one knows that he is a third-tier powerhouse.

"This kid, when did he become so strong!"

Ao Chao couldn't believe it. He knew that Ye Fan was abnormal, but he didn't expect him to be so abnormal.

Recall that during the entrance examination, if he fought Ye Fan hard, he might be able to win him.

But now, I'm afraid Ye Fan can easily abuse him with one hand.

Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin were also very surprised. They were also notified that there was actually a Tier [-] powerhouse hidden in the Rangers of the Heroes Association!

And, so young!

"Brother Tongtian, the background of your Hero Association... Tsk tsk!"

Ouyang Guanhe had a look of envy and hatred, why didn't their chamber of commerce alliance have such a promising boy!

Zhao Jinyin looked at Tongtian suspiciously. There is such a young third rank in the Heroes Association, and he has never received any rumors from the intelligence department before!

But Tong Tian's disciple, they know, has already broken through to the third-order level. The reason why the ranking on the sequence list has not changed is because of the Hero Association's consideration of confidentiality.

After being sized up by the eyes of the two of them, Tongtian still maintained an indifferent expression, but he was also a little surprised in his heart.

"Could it be that the guy who exploded has been in contact with Ye Fan secretly?"

Otherwise, he couldn't figure out that Ye Fan could improve by leaps and bounds in such a short period of time.

The situation on the command ship was fairly peaceful, and everyone just sighed in private.

But the soldiers of the Azure Star Terran on the battlefield of Scarlet Frost Island broke out in violent cheers after a brief moment of astonishment!

"Good job!"

"Hahaha, the Heroes Association is worthy of being the leader of our three major forces, and they arranged a backup without making a sound!"

"Now that red monster is finally dead, or else my mentality will collapse!"

The magic bean sower was even more relieved, he took Ye Fan as a backhand planted by the association as a matter of course.

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