Oh, by the way, the document officially refers to the outsiders as "Osiders".

Patting his own face, Ao Chao tried to relax himself, "Su'er, what do you think this Osayid looks like?"

Russell wore a triangle scarf with a green background and yellow spots around his neck, which was specially sent by his mother.

As a super power user, Luo Kuang still has this authority.

"Didn't you watch the video of the 05 line of defense battle? Probably grow up like a light-eclipsed saint."

"That's not necessarily the case. Although the human light eclipse saint is a person from another world, he is still a fourth-order powerhouse. I think ordinary Ossaid people must be different from us."

"Whatever he is, no matter how strange he looks, he will die in my hands."

Russell showed the battle suit on his right hand, full of murderous aura.

Obviously, because he was about to go to the front line, even he, who had always been a bit taciturn, talked a little more.

"What are you two doing in a daze? Hurry up and get on the boat!"

Some ferocious female voices sounded, followed by a slap, and the whip hit Ao Chao's broad back muscles.

Ao Chao almost cried out in comfort.

The captain of the Phantom Beast Team, Charlene who has the ability to be a beast trainer, has reached an extremely abnormal level of control over her whip. The strength of her whip is controlled very skillfully, which made Ao Chao feel refreshed after a slight pain. The taste of devouring is simply unstoppable.

Of course, this is also thanks to his gluttonous bloodline. It is really difficult for other supernatural beings to have such a wonderful feeling.

"Hehe, you little guy is really fun!"

Charlene touched Ao Chao's back, showing a salivating expression. To her, who has the ability to be a beast tamer, Ao Chao, who has gluttonous blood, is also an extremely rare beast in a sense.

If it wasn't for the fear of being gossiped by other captains or punished by the association, she would have to train Ao Chao a few times.

Under her training, it is no problem to double Ao Chao's strength, but unfortunately, the association does not allow her to do so.

All she could train was a few captive beasts besides one natal phantom beast.

These strange beasts with abnormal brains are much more difficult to train than the subordinate named Ao Chao in front of them.

"it's a pity"

"What a pity?" Ao Chao was full of doubts, and then begged, "I said, Captain, can you not beat me for nothing?"

Although it is refreshing to be drawn by Charlene, the Austrian Super League always feels awkward.

Fortunately, Russell's EQ is relatively low, so he doesn't care about it. If he were a normal person, he would definitely look at him and Charlene with strange eyes.

Charlene straightened her whip, and said with a smile, "Why, is it uncomfortable? Do my Eudemons like being whipped by me?"

She moved to Ao Chao's side, and Ru Lan's breath hit Ao Chao's face, making the latter feel charming.

"Ordinary people, I don't smoke!"

As she spoke, she patted Ao Chao's face again with her tender little hand, and swayed onto the alchemy boat.

Ao Chao looked at Charlene's background, and his heart felt numb.

"Su'er, am I being molested?"

Russell looked at Ao Chao silently, and stepped onto the boat.

After Yang Xi sent a batch of supplies to Qinghui, he began to sort out some of his gains in Guangming City.

Two inheritance stones, two mother mines, a total of 87 drops of strong blood.

It's a pity that [-] drops of the strong man's blood essence cannot be used because of the destruction of the inheritance stone.

So now Yang Xi has 57 quotas that can imitate the traditional elite training methods of the Ossiders.

"No, the value of the blood essence of the strong does not lie in how many supernatural beings are cultivated."

"After all, there are only 57 drops, so it's not as effective as I can directly decompose 57 supernatural beads."

"Its real effect should be to let the fourth-order human beings conduct research and learn the Ossaid fourth-order method of condensing blood essence faster."

After all, as far as creating low-level power users is concerned, Yang Xi's super power beads "work" much faster.

But his own strength is limited after all, it is better to send out the blood essence of these strong men with the method of coagulating the blood essence, and let those fourth-order strong men create the blood essence of the strong men.

"But the premise is that they have to create their own meditation method, and I haven't got a few blank inheritance stones needed to create the meditation method."

As for the mother mine, Yang Xi already had a plan in mind, and the location of "sowing seeds" was chosen on Banana Island.

Not only is there the industrial layout of Qian's family, but also his imaginary temple, which has an air opening on the mountain of Banana Island.

"It just so happens that Mr. Qian is also on Banana Island, so let's decide."

Yang Xi switched to the chicken vest, passed through the virtual vortex, and came to Banana Island.

If there is no such ability provided by Qian Duoduo, his efficiency in handling affairs will drop several times at least, after all, Four Seas is still quite big.

When Yang Xi handed over the mother mine in his hand to Qian Wuwang, the latter's expression was shocked.

"The alchemy matrix on this thing fits so perfectly!"

This veteran alchemy master, who had a long reputation in Xihai, looked like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

"How about it, can you reverse the alchemy technology above?"

Hearing Yang Xi's question, Qian Bukui had a wry smile on his face.

"Your Excellency, you think too highly of me. Although I have wasted half my life in alchemy, compared with the senior who made this alchemy creation, it is the gap between a primary school student and a doctor."

"Let's not talk about how to coordinate such a large number of alchemy matrices. Just reducing the size of the matrix to this scale, we still have a long way to go for the alchemy of the Azure Star Human Race."

Yang Xi was very troubled to hear that, is the gap so big?

"Is there any other way?"

Qian Bukui thought for a while, and said: "There is no way, we can only announce the news of this thing, call all the alchemy masters from all over the world to study together, maybe we can find another way to copy this alchemy creation."

"However, I don't know if your organization has any confidentiality regulations."

Yang Xi almost laughed when he heard that the money was not lost.

"Our ruling has never been a short-sighted organization. Just according to what Qian Lao said, call the alchemy masters from all over the world!"

"It's not just the grandmaster, anyone with lofty ideals who is interested in reversing the alchemy creation of the Ossaid people can come to participate!"

With that said, Yang Xi took out another inheritance stone amidst Qian Bukui's expression as if he had seen a ghost.

He said with a smile: "By the way, let's reverse the technology of this inheritance stone!"

419 Give Us the Sea of ​​Chaos

Qian Bukui carefully put the mother mine aside, and picked up the inheritance stone in Yang Xi's hand.

"Miaozai Miaozai, what is this inheritance stone?"

Yang Xi said indifferently: "It was obtained by Haizhu from the fall of the Southern Continent, and it is an alchemy creation that can carry meditation thoughts!"


The money is not lost and almost lost, "Ming... Meditating?"

Yang Xi nodded.

"Just like the mother mine that can make magic crystals, the inheritance stone is also one of the alchemy achievements of the Ossian civilization. The gap between our Azure Star people and them can be said to be here."

"Are we even going to announce this?"

Even if the money is not lost, I feel distressed. With these two things, if the Qian family and the ruling are given enough time to develop, they will definitely dominate the world.

"The announcement belongs to the announcement, but the three major forces can't let the prostitutes go for nothing."

Yang Xi already had a plan in mind.


"This is new information sent by the adjudication organization, and it also comes with an invitation letter."

The adjutant rushed into the wartime command room where Ouyang Guanhe and Tongtian were located.

Ouyang Guanhe asked curiously: "This is about to start a war, what new ideas do you have for the ruling?"

Tong Tian sneered: "I'm afraid something has happened."

"Brother Tongtian, don't be crowed. Without the support of the adjudication organization, our winning rate will drop by at least [-]%!"

Feeling a little guilty about being told by Tongtian, Ouyang Guanhe nervously opened up the information.

After seeing it, the whole person climaxed!

"Cowhide!!! This guy Haizhu...he is born to be a spy!!!"

If it weren't for someone else, Ouyang Guanhe would have jumped up and down a few times.

The meditation method that the high-level people of the Azure Star Human Race have been looking for has been found so easily?

And what the fuck is it that Ren Haizhu collected intelligence for this counteroffensive, and got it by himself.

Haizhu, Haizhu, are you taking the family business of the Osside people here?

"The adjudication organization is for our Azure Star race, and it has narrowed the development gap with the Ossaid people for at least a hundred years!"

In fact, Ouyang Guanhe said less. According to the current development speed of Azure Star, if you want to have mature and stable alchemy creations such as inheritance stones and parent ores, you can't make it for hundreds of years.

If the luck is even worse, it is possible to spend thousands of years. Of course, the premise is that the Azure Star Human Race can survive until then.

After reading the information, Tongtian was also surprised by Haizhu's handwriting, but he still insisted: "Don't be too happy, this thing hasn't reached your hands yet, in case someone judges the organization, it's just to show off where?"

Ouyang Guanhe shook the invitation letter in his hand towards Tongtian, "Brother Tongtian, don't underestimate the power of judgment."

As he spoke, he opened the invitation letter, and it turned out that the adjudication organization and the Qian family were there, inviting representatives from the Hero Association, Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and Iron Blood Army to go to Banana Island to discuss the "Meditation Method Sharing Agreement."

"What should I say? Just looking at Brother Youji's behavior, I know that the adjudication organization's vision is farther than ours!"

Tongtian stopped talking now, he really didn't expect that the adjudication organization would really be willing to spend such money!


At the same time, the headquarters of the Heroes Association and the Iron Blood Army also received invitation letters from Yang Xi.

The reaction of the two major forces was also very fast. Three days later, representatives from all parties appeared on Banana Island.

No one would have thought that a mere banana island could gather these big shots.

In the luxurious meeting room provided by the Qian family, Yang Xi, Ouyang Guanhe, Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin sat in four directions of the meeting table.

On the table was Qingcha made by Mr. Qian himself.

Yang Xi went straight to the point and said: "For the future of the Azure Star Human Race, our adjudication organization chooses to disclose these technologies, but we have one condition."

Tong Tian and Zhao Jinyin raised their brows, and the adjudication organization really made their request.

It seems that they will have to bleed a lot if they want to share the technology related to the inheritance stone and the mother mine.

On the other hand, Ouyang Guanhe had a relaxed face, and said carefreely: "We are all part of the Azure Star Human Race, so why are you talking about seeing outsiders? What does Brother Youji want, just say it."

Yang Xi smiled faintly, don't look at Ouyang Guanhe's expression of being considerate and considerate, if his interests are really touched, he will definitely turn his face and deny anyone.

How can it be a simple role to be the person in charge of one of the three major forces.

"Our request is very simple. Now that the management of Chaos Sea is chaotic, the adjudication organization wants to settle in Chaos Sea, so that you can relieve the pressure of those in charge, so that you can focus more on the management of your respective sea areas."

Yang Xi's words undoubtedly stirred up a storm in the hearts of the three of them.

They really didn't expect that the adjudication organization's appetite would be so big that they wanted a sea area right away?

Although the Chaos Sea is desolate and has a small population, it is still one of the four seas, and its value is immeasurable.

But the terms of exchange proposed by the adjudication organization are also very attractive. The production method of the meditation method, the inheritance stone, the mother mine, the blood essence of the strong, all these and all novel terms arouse their curiosity all the time. curiosity.

Hearing Yang Xi's request, Ouyang Guanhe suddenly wanted to laugh out loud.

Without him, the Alliance of Chambers of Commerce has the least interests in the Sea of ​​Chaos. It is just picking up scraps between the Heroes' Association and the Iron Blood Army. These small islands and supernatural organizations decide to take it.

"Ahem, brother Youji's words really touched my heart. In this way, I can hand over the fifteen islands under the name of our chamber of commerce alliance to the ruling within half a month."

After hearing this, Tong Tian and Zhao Jinyin were speechless.

The population of the islands of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is not large, and even the number of organizations with supernatural powers is two or three big cats and kittens. Naturally, standing and talking will not hurt your back.

As for the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, which is more trade-oriented, a stable chaotic sea can open up a larger shopping mall, which is far more comfortable than controlling the island to mine resources by themselves.

If it hadn't been for Tongtian staying with Ouyang Guanhe these days, I really have to wonder if the adjudication organization has joined forces with him to make trouble.

Zhao Jinyin stood up and said, "This matter involves too much. I have to communicate with the military department."

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