It echoes the wailing sound of the dark blue commander who was originally formed by the black needle that was condensed by the "divine metal" and pierced through the chest!

360 My stupid sister!

The situation changed so quickly that it was beyond everyone's expectations.

Chenlong's body was still condensed in the pink light, Haizhu and Youji actually attacked the enemy at the same time!

When the leader of Deep Blue was hit by the "Made of Metal Made by the Gods", he was actually a little lucky in his heart.

In his opinion, the Hai pig is obviously more terrifying than the You chicken.

This is an existence that can be immune to the mysteries of his lifeline. In comparison, although Youji comprehends the laws and profound meanings of a very high level, but the level of comprehension is not deep. Live much smaller.

Even so, the black metal needle that penetrated his chest also caused great damage to his body.

"Fortunately, our Deep Blue Clan majors in spiritual bodies. Even if this physical body is shattered, I'll just replace it with another one."

Commander Deep Blue was so cruel that he used the first blade to cut a hole in his chest, and removed all the tissues damaged by the black needle, so as to prevent the injury from expanding again!

Anyway, as long as you can survive until you escape!

The blue light sped up again!

As soon as the Deep Blue leader fled here, the Deep Blue clan below suddenly lost their desire to fight and wanted to follow suit.

But how could Yang Xi's Bi Yuewu avatar allow them to get their wish?

"Leave it all to me!"

The majestic internal force suddenly exploded, and he led Liu Yuan and others to pursue the victory together. The four mighty Deep Blue clan could only flee in embarrassment at this time.

There is no way, although the strength of these people judged cannot be compared with them, but if they are dragged back and finally provoked by the two zodiac signs of the fourth rank, they will have no chance of survival.

"Master Yang Xi, we are here to help you!"

"Good guy, you dare to take action against the Judgment Organization. Did you ask me if Li You of the Bailu League has the Xiuchun Knife? Wu that blue hair, keep it for me!!!"

"Lord Bi Yuewu, don't worry, with us blocking this way, we will not let the thief escape."

The "friendly forces" who were watching the show, now jumped out one by one, as if the deep blue clan were their father-killing enemies.

Seeing all the major forces yelling and chasing down the Deep Blue Clan, everyone was a little speechless in their hearts. These people are too "loyal"!

Chris is the most powerful existence among several dark blue clans.

To be honest, these supernatural beings standing in front of him now can't stop him at all.

The reason why he hasn't run away yet is because he is looking for an opportunity.

The blue-haired handsome man looked at the crowd coldly, and finally found his sister on the other side of the stands.

Seeing Victoria's little face pretending to be calm amidst the turmoil, Chris got up and plunged into the crowd without the slightest hesitation.

"Chris!!! Damn it!!!"

Originally, when the four dark blues got together, they could watch each other and help each other at critical moments, but Chris's departure suddenly broke the situation.

Ouyang Canglu was stabbed by Li You twice in a row, and in a rage, he killed the general recklessly!

Apart from being beaten by Shenhou, when had Ouyang Canglu suffered such a loss?

Li You noticed Ouyang Canglu's unrelenting murderous aura, and didn't intend to fight him head on, so he hid in the crowd like a bachelor.

The purpose of the attack is to save some impression points in front of the adjudication organization, just shout the slogan, if you really want to go up and fight hard, then you are really a fool!

Most of the people present thought this way, so despite the fact that there are many people besieging these dark blue people, it is actually better to let these people who ruled to get started quickly.

Chris turned into a ghost, shuttled through the crowd, and just casually took off the heads of several super power users.

In just a few seconds, he was in front of Victoria.

Victoria only felt that in a blink of an eye, some collateral members of her family fell into a pool of blood.

The strong smell of blood filled her delicate nostrils, and the eyes of the elderly Earl Green suddenly burst into light, and the super blood system ability was activated, turning into a muscular tauren.

He guarded his granddaughter tightly behind him and yelled at Chris.

Chris's handsome face was stained with the blood of his tribe, "Old man, you are not dead yet."

The old Earl Green was a little puzzled. He actually saw some outlines of his grandson from this dark blue family.

"Are you Chris?"

Before the old earl could finish speaking, Victoria screamed and threw herself into Chris's arms.

As the elder brother she is most familiar with, even if Chris has changed his body, she can still recognize him.

"Brother, you are finally back!!! Woohoo, I miss you so much!! I'm so tired!!!"

Looking at his sister who was crying into tears in his arms, Chris pinched her chin expressionlessly with his blood-stained fingers.

Suddenly, he grinned, "Hey, did you recognize the wrong person?"


Victoria blinked her eyes, brother, what does this mean?

Suddenly, severe pain came from her abdomen, and she looked down, only to find that the man she thought was her brother had stabbed his right hand into her stomach.


Victoria's little hands tightly clenched the corner of Chris's clothes, her face full of disbelief.

Chris slowly broke off her fingers one by one, and finally attached them to her ear and whispered: "My little Victoria, remember, the only thing you can trust in this world is yourself !"

He grabbed Victoria by the neck and threw her aside.

Subsequently, the old Earl Green, who was of tauren blood, was ruthlessly decapitated.

His strong body half-kneeled in front of Chris, white steam gradually emerged from his body, and finally turned back into an old, crooked, headless body.

In Victoria, he could only let this familiar figure gradually disappear from sight.

The riots below did not affect the situation above the sky, and even the tragic situation on the Green family's side was only noticed by some nearby forces.

The Light Erosion Saint held his stomach. Although on the surface, there was no scar on his abdomen, he knew that part of the internal organs in his body had been "swallowed" by Hai Zhu's moves.

"Cough cough!!"

A mouthful of blood flowed out from the mouth of the Light Erosion Saint, carrying some fragments of internal organs.

Surprisingly, there was a hint of gold in the blood of the Light Erosion Saint.

On the side, Haizhu's avatar, who had used his ultimate move against the Light Erosion Saint, was also panting heavily.

Although the pre-judgment was used, the process of opening the vortex of the virtual world in the body of the fourth-order strongman produced a collision of laws and profound meanings, and the burden on his body was stronger than the mental resistance when he was experimenting on the North Sea wave clam. Thousands of times!

The pink radiance receded, and Chenlong's body had already manifested.

The Light Erosion Saint closed his eyes sadly, with crystal clear tears streaming down his face.

"Is it still a step too late after all!"

Compared with the physical pain, the inner unwillingness made him more uncomfortable.

The severely injured light-eclipsed saint suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Yang Xi and the others like a desperate hungry wolf.

"Death to me! Indigenous people!!!"

The esoteric fluctuations on the Saint of Light Erosion continued to rise, and under his control, the light element formed a huge light curtain like a skirt, covering the entire 05 defense line.

This fourth-tier powerhouse from the Alfonso family, with a bright light on his chest, slowly ascended like a divine mansion.

When his eyes opened again, they were already stained with an emotionless golden color.

"Destroy, everything in front of me"

361 Chenlong Resurrection

"No, you have to stop him!!!"

Ouyang Guanhe turned pale with fright. If the Light Erosion Saints were allowed to use it, I am afraid that only a few of their fourth-tier powerhouses would survive the entire 05 defense line.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, he fully launched his own speed mystery, the wind element was coerced by the power of the rules, and a huge phantom of the wind god appeared behind him.

This is Ouyang Guanhe's strongest move

"The wind god sighs!!!"

The huge phantom glanced at all beings with pity, and sighed leisurely.

The dense wind elements seemed to be condensed into substance. Under the control of the secret of speed, a large amount of free dark energy was transformed into blue energy in batches. The breath that Fengshen exhaled seemed to be swaying upwards slowly, but in fact it was in an instant. across a long distance.

Ouyang Guanhe, shrouded in this blue gale, collided violently with the "Light Goddess Skirt" of the Light Erosion Saint.

With a bang, everyone heard a strange loud noise.

As if far away in the sky, yet close to the ear, some weak people lost consciousness directly after being shaken.

For a moment, the entire sky became a sea of ​​wind elements and light elements, and other energies were mercilessly repelled.

White and cyan are entangled and fighting, if a third-order supernatural being is thrown in, it may end up being torn into pieces in an instant.

But these two fourth-tier powerhouses fought back and forth, regardless of the outcome.

The machines of the major live broadcast platforms tried their best to capture the battle situation in the sky, but because the scene was too grand, they could only broadcast a part of the picture.

It is this small part of the battle scenes, the intensity of which has surpassed what most people have seen in their lifetime.

The existence of the fourth level, for ordinary people, is already the existence of almost gods.

Although they have only just embarked on the road to comprehend the profound meaning of the law, this step is like a cloud and mud!

"Oh my god, Lord Fengshen is so powerful? Why was the audience talking about him just now?"

"Um, maybe his big move needs to accumulate energy."

"Are you accumulating energy for the whole audience? It should be because this light-type powerhouse wants to use a move with a particularly large damage range, so Master Fengshen charged forward at all costs!"

Yang Xi looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely in the sky, feeling a little distressed.

Chenlong is only halfway through his resurrection, and it seems that no one continues to pay attention.

Fortunately, the battle above was quickly decided, and the strength of the Light Erosion Saint and Ouyang Guanhe was actually evenly matched.

However, in terms of the use of the law and the meaning of the law, the light eclipse saint who is backed by the Alfonso family is more dominant. The "Light Goddess's Skirt" move has a lower density than Ouyang Guanhe's move in terms of the arrangement of elements. , but in the end, relying on that endless tenacity, he forcibly wiped away the blue wind.

However, Ouyang Guanhe's goal has also been achieved. The plan of the Light Erosion Saint to destroy the entire 05 defense line was aborted because of his obstruction.

The remaining hem of the skirt should not be able to break through the barrier of the Absolute Immortal Sword.

With golden blood continuously flowing from the seven orifices of the Light Erosion Saint, his condition is getting worse and worse, and even he is a bit reluctant to maintain the flight, so he simply withdrew his moves.

"Catch it with all your might, Light Erosion Saint."

Yang Xi stood with Ouyang Guanhe, Haizhu's clone, with many wounds on his body, and issued an ultimatum to this strong man from another world.

"You will accept the trial of the human court. As a civilized society, we will give you the treatment you deserve as a prisoner."

Ouyang Guanhe casually applied the laws of the inland. After all, these people from other worlds were talking about indigenous humans, and he didn't want to give evidence in this regard.

Although the light eclipse saint killed the strong human being and caused the fall of the 22nd line of defense, the value of him meant that Ouyang Guanhe would not kill him.

As a Tier [-] powerhouse, there is too much information that can be obtained from him.

Although I don't want to admit it, Azure Star has only developed a supernatural civilization for a hundred years. Compared with these aliens, there is really a big gap.

Perhaps the value obtained from this light eclipse saint can enrich the background of the Ouyang family and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and maybe take the opportunity to surpass the Jagged Army and the Heroes Association.

But Ouyang Guanhe glanced at Tongtian, he had to deal with this guy first.

At this moment, he was extremely fortunate that Tong Tian was the stunned young man sent by the Heroes Association. If it was the guy who exploded, he would have a headache.

"Hahaha!! How ridiculous, you natives, actually want to capture me?"

The light-eclipsed saint was spitting blood outside while laughing.

Yang Xi was really afraid that he would hang up after vomiting, and it happened that the one who stole the limelight was gone, so Yang Xi continued the resurrection ceremony.

Chenlong's body had already manifested, Yang Xi took out the prepared black robe and put it on him, and at the same time, while attaching the metal mask, he solidified a spiritual imprint between his brows.

Everyone was attracted by Yang Xi's actions, even the light-eclipsed saint looked at the boy who had just been "resurrected" in a daze.

Can the Philosopher's Stone really bring people back to life?

Tong Tian got up from the stands, he was also very nervous, and he attached great importance to this answer.

After all, didn't the light-eclipsed saint descend from the alien plane to the blue star plane to compete for the Philosopher's Stone in an attempt to revive his daughter.

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