The representative of the Uruk family is a young man who is somewhat similar to Jill. He is probably his elder brother, and he should also be on the world list, but his ranking is probably not too high.

The Green family was in a more miserable situation. The younger generation of strong men was almost wiped out. Only Victoria supported an old man who was half buried in the ground, and tremblingly walked onto the pier.

Judging by the look of this little girl, it is estimated that these days have been very difficult.

But Yang Xi didn't have any intention of helping. The Green family fell to this point. Although it was said that he personally killed those clansmen, Chris was the one to blame.

The representatives sent by the Campbell family and the Wang family were actually two young and beautiful women.

Yang Xi was a little puzzled, and carefully searched the teams of the eight major chambers of commerce, and found that almost every family delegation had a young, beautiful, or sweet girl!

"Is there something tricky about this?" Yang Xi suddenly became vigilant.

The group of girls looked at him boldly or shyly, Yang Xi secretly thought it was bad, those old things in power of the Eight Great Families, do they want to use beauty tricks?

"Yang Xi, I lost to you last time, let's try again this time."

Different from those coquettish sluts who kept flirting with Yang Xi, Tantaiyao with short hair and elegant style challenged Yang Xi as soon as they met, as if she was very unwilling to lose to Yang Xi last time.

Ji Ning hugged his shoulders and looked at Tantai Yao with a sneer on his face: "Don't overestimate yourself, the only one who can defeat Yang Xi is me, Ji Ning!"

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Both of you, I'm a bit busy today, how about this, we have a lot of experts in the adjudication organization, you can just pick one."

As he spoke, Yang Xi pointed to Liu Yuan and the others lined up behind him, especially Liu Yuan who was wearing the Kuimu wolf mask. The moment Yang Xi's finger slipped, he straightened his back.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the zodiac position, the constellation position and even the position of the heavenly gang of the adjudicative organization have all gained a great reputation in the world.

As the only astrological position other than Yang Xi, Bi Yuewu, Liu Yuan, Kui Mulang, has indeed attracted everyone's attention.

Through the training of the superhero career in Lukang City, Liu Yuan has long been used to the feeling of being watched. Instead of being nervous and frightened, he took a step forward proudly, stretched out his hand towards Ji Ning and said, "Can you do it?" I, Kui Mulang, can't wait to fight against a leader like Your Excellency!"

As soon as Liu Yuan said this, he actually temporarily took the limelight away from Yang Xi's Bi Yuewu avatar.

Those Yingying and Yanyan's eyes lit up when they heard Liu Yuan's angry voice.

On the alchemy boat, the eldest ladies of these families all knew that the goal of their marriage was the spokesperson of the Judgment Organization in the world, Bi Yuewu Yangxi.

The extra Kuimu wolf this time can be regarded as greatly relieving the pressure of competition, and it has doubled in one fell swoop.

I just don't know if this Lord Kui Mulang is as handsome as Lord Yang Xi.

If there are half of them, the ladies who are responsible for the family marriage mission will be satisfied.

Looking at the whole world, there are really not many people who are as handsome as His Excellency Bi Yue Wu Yangxi.

The hateful thing is that there are only top ten beauties in this world, and there is no ranking of top ten handsome men, otherwise Yang Xi would be in the top three.

For Liu Yuan's appearance, everyone reacted differently because of their respective situations.

Only the passing magic dragon suddenly turned his head. He stared at Liu Yuan's Kui wood wolf mask, and felt that this guy's voice was very familiar.

It's a pity that Liu Yuan was so full of thoughts on how to act aggressively that he didn't notice the elder brother in the crowd.

Otherwise, there might be a scene where brothers recognize each other.

But soon, Molong shook his head with a wry smile, Ah Yuan is now a hero in the interior, how could he appear in a dangerous place like the Four Seas?

The magic dragon looked inland with some melancholy, wondering how Ah Yuan and the prodigal swordsman were doing in Lukang City?

The spongy muscular man was keenly aware of Molong's emotional changes. Suddenly, he didn't even bother to look at the handsome guys nearby, and asked with concern: "Brother Molong, what's wrong with you? Are you seasick?

Dodging the big hands of the spongy muscular man, Molong's handsome face twitched, "It's okay, it's just a little boring."

The spongy muscular man didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "It's fine, Brother Molong, if you need help with anything, you must come to me!"

The dragon continues to be poisoned

On the other hand, Explosive Girl stabbed the magic dragon, and pouted in the direction of Blanche, "You beat him up badly, why don't you go up and apologize?"

The magic dragon glanced at the radiant Blanche, and turned his head: "No."

Blanche made a cut, and put her hands behind her head. The flat and indescribable thing finally had some curvature, "I'm doing it for your own good. When you were in Lukang City, you often made troubles with chickens. Right? If you don't please Blanche and ease the relationship with the adjudication organization, you won't be afraid of being caught by the chicken?"

Mo Li curled his lips, he is really not afraid of this, anyway, now that he is also a member of the Tiangang organization, it is impossible for Youji to take action against "our own people", right?

But immediately, he felt very frustrated again, he didn't want to take him, and now the magic dragon has to rely on this identity to ensure his safety.

Damn you chicken!

If you had shown your current strength back then, would I have embarked on the road of no return by treating you as an imaginary enemy?

In addition to the magic dragon, as a new member of the Tianlong Rangers, Li Zitian, who replaced the Ice Witch, also focused on Yang Xi and Liu Yuan.

It's rare for her not to put her energy into practicing meditation, "This Bi Yuewu and Kui Mulang are the official adjudication organization stars? I don't know how strong they are."

Unknowingly, after hearing too much about the name of the adjudicative organization in the world, Li Zitian also began to face up to her status as a star in this transaction, and would involuntarily think about whether her own strength was worthy of Zhang Yuelu's status.

Soon, the day will come when the Inquisition will revive the Dragon.

Yang Xi also planned to take the opportunity to announce the Disha plan, which can be regarded as a hot spot for the Easter Dragon drama.

At the same time, there is also a supernatural potion as a reward, presumably it will allow the bumpkins from all the major forces in the world to see the wealth and power of the Judgment Organization.

"If this light-eclipsed saint really dares to mess with the situation, the prizes of this resurrection ceremony will be more law fragments."

Yang Xi smirked and said, "In this way, the verdict's background is estimated to be raised to a higher level in the eyes of the three major forces!"

350 Disha mask, lucky draw

The light-eclipsed saint was flying in the sky, dragging a long stream of light.

Beibei, who had transformed from a mermaid state, was wrapped in a cocoon of light and followed him at high speed.

"Fly a little further this way."

I heard that this handsome guy with super good skin wants to participate in the Judgment Organization Easter Dragon ceremony. Beibei was a little confused at the beginning, and now it’s only a few days away from the start. The distance from the 05 defense line of Daer Island is not by mouth Talk about it!

But I didn't expect this handsome guy's ability to be so convenient, it's probably faster than the fastest alchemy boat that Beibei has ever seen.

Beibei reckoned that her savior might be a super power user, or even a legendary sequence powerhouse!

"This way?"

The Light Erosion Saint glanced curiously at the electronic map on Beibei's communicator, and followed Beibei's instructions to speed up again.

If it weren't for the need for this native human to guide the way, the Light Erosion Saint would not have taken her with him.

This fourth-order light from the Alfonso family of the Ossaid plane frowned.

He also took a great risk to sneak into the back of the human beings this time, so he had to make a quick decision.

Once surrounded by strong human beings, even if they are as strong as him, they are very likely to fall.

From the new novel group 712205071


The group is updated daily to release novels

(from the new novel group 712205071)

"This action cannot be forced, it can only be outsmarted!"

The Light Erosion Saint strengthened the light cocoon that wrapped Beibei, and increased his speed again. Almost in an instant, the two of them turned into blinding white light, piercing through the entire cloud layer.

The entire sky is like a sliced ​​cream cake, which is constantly separated with the movement of the clouds.

The guests have already set off from the courtyard where they stayed to the meeting place arranged in the military training square.

Just at this moment, a slightly old alchemy ship arrived late, ticking the pier of the 05 line of defense.

In charge of receiving the guests, there was only a thin and tall member of the Qian family left. He was happily finishing work, so he could just catch up with his master Yang Xi's heroic appearance at the venue.

Most members of the Qian family believed that Yang Xi was a collateral descendant excavated from the inland by the old patriarch Qian Bukui. As for the identity of the adjudication organization's star position, it was secondary.

"Which faction do you belong to? I don't know if it's about to start? Hurry up and give me the invitation letter! Really, because I'm a big family? I'm also making an appearance at the finale!"

The thin and tall man reluctantly went up to greet them, and scolded this group of guys who don't know how to be punctual in their hearts!

With a click, the side of the alchemy boat was connected to the pier. The first to get off were three young men. Without exception, they all had a pair of azure blue eyes. At the same time, their nose bridges were straight and their eye sockets were deep, and their auras were unusual.

The members of the Qian family tensed up, secretly saying something bad, and somewhat regretting the "high-spirited" tone just now.

This group of people don't look like they are easy to mess with!

Fortunately, not far behind him, there is also a pair of 05 defense line supernatural soldiers stationed. The captain, who is the leader, is a super supernatural person. Before meeting him a few times, he had some friendship.

There is a super strong person, even if the opponent is dissatisfied, they dare not act wildly, right?

The tallest young man in the middle smiled, and said to the one on the left: "Bruno, this guy just wants to try your skills."

Ouyang Canglu on the other side said: "Bruno, be careful, if this guy yells, we can only fight our way into the venue!"

Bruno said respectfully: "I will be careful, Senior Chris, Senior Ouyang!"

As a rookie, he has been cautious along the way. After all, the other four present could have been easily crushed to death in the past.

Even now, he is no match for any of them.

But he is also a Tier [-] master after all, and he doesn't have much pressure to face a mere Tier [-] human.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "What did you ask us for? An invitation letter?"

The Qian family members sensed danger, and this guy's tone was clearly looking for fault!

The so-called good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. He was about to call the supernatural soldiers behind to come up to support the field, but suddenly he met Brook's eyes.

The faint blue glow seemed to have fatal magic power, as if it wanted to suck away the souls of the Qian family members.

After just a few seconds, the roots on Bruno's spiritual body pierced into the spiritual body of the Qian family through his eyes, like several blue threads, connecting the two of them together in a tortuous way. .

The members of the Qian family trembled slightly, and soon his spirit body was successfully colonized.

Because they were facing away from the supernatural soldier team, and the process of soul cultivation was still very short, they didn't find anything unusual about the Qian family members.

Bruno pretended to hand over the invitation letter, but muttered in his mouth: "Take us into the venue."

The soul-colonized members of the Qian family had long lost control of their bodies, obediently followed Bruno's instructions, and led the deep blue leader and four dark blue members to the venue.

Even when passing by the squad of supernatural soldiers, the Qian family members were still under Bruno's control, and greeted them friendly.

Chris admires Bruno's spiritual micromanagement very much. It's no loss that he is a little guy who can counterattack Ross, and has some training value.

The struggle in the eyes of the soul-colonized Qian family members became less and less apparent, and finally completely sank into the methods of the deep blue family. His final consciousness was full of regret and guilt.

He regretted why he gave these people the opportunity to enter the dock, and at the same time felt extremely guilty for the loss he would bring to the family and Lord Yang Xi.

When the leader of Deep Blue mixed with Bruno and his party into the venue, Bi Yuewu's avatar on the stage was enthusiastically making the opening remarks.

Different from the last press conference on Fanhai Island, in view of the status of the adjudication organization, every word of Bi Yuewu's avatar will affect the mood of many forces, organizations and families below. I recorded my words so that I could take them back and savor the message that the adjudication organization sent to the outside world through this press conference.

This is a new organization comparable to the three major forces!Just lick it!

"Before Chenlong's press conference, our organization brought many rich prizes to everyone present"

Hearing the words of Bi Yuewu's avatar, Ouyang Guanhe, who was sitting with Yang Xi in the Youji vest, asked with great interest: "Your Excellency, do you know what gift your organization has prepared for us? His handwriting is probably extremely precious, right?"

Ouyang Guanhe's words are true. Although the power potion has now opened up 36 exchange quotas in the world, because of the control of Yang Xi and Suzaku, it is still an extremely cherished existence.

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Lord Fengshen, just wait and see."

In the audience, Bi Yuewu's avatar also whetted his appetite, and finally announced the answer: "In view of the popularity of the Tiangang Project in the world, we ruled that we will launch the Disha Project with 72 places!"

"Today, we will give out five earthshade masks. In order to take care of more friends, as long as the champion wins the first-level, first-level, four-sea list level and sequence level, one mask can be obtained. As for the extra one, there is no need For any battle, just draw a lottery!"

"Next, let's invite the number one heir of the Qian family, Ms. Qian Duoduo, to come forward and reveal the number of the lucky one for us!"

351 Tiangang position debut!

Qian Duoduo presided over the lottery draw ceremony, which was also Qian Lao's request.

The original lottery winner was actually this old man who had been helping the Judgment Organization a lot.

However, Mr. Qian insisted on giving this precious opportunity to his granddaughter. His intentions were well-intentioned, and he could tell at a glance.

The Qian family, which is recovering rapidly, now needs a new head full of enthusiasm. Qian Duoduo has gradually transitioned from a detached personality to a mature and stable one. Although the process is simple, the facts have proved that pressure and responsibility are Able to grow rapidly in a short period of time.

For this important occasion of showing her face, she deliberately defeated her.

I saw Qian Duoduo with short ear-length hair, wearing a snow velvet skirt, a gold necklace inlaid with a diamond the size of a pigeon egg, and a charming collarbone and sexy right-angled shoulders. People who know her sincerely sigh, Qian This chick has really grown up.

Now, although she can't be said to fully support the aura of Princess Qian, she can still be regarded as a qualified heir of the family.

Even Qian Duoduo, who has a bit of a strong personality, is better than Victoria, who is a little concerned about the eyebrows in the audience.

Dozens of media cameras and flashlights kept hitting Qian Duoduo. She was already a super undead supernatural being and had to use the "fossilization" skill to fix her eyelids, otherwise she would be photographed closing her eyes. It's a shame!

"Hi everyone, I'm Qian Duoduo!" Qian Duoduo mechanically repeated the actions that the family etiquette teacher had instructed her to do before she came on stage, and greeted the audience and the audience before the live broadcast with her little hand. .

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