Seeing the lower body recovering from the severe pain, Lord Taro's feverish brain began to wake up, and he immediately regretted it!

Damn it, he really overestimated his capabilities, and dared to join this group of idiots in attacking the fourth-order Light Erosion Saint!

Soon, the ball of light defeated Thunderbird, Impulse Blue Whale, and Tyrannosaurus Rex one after another, leaving only Yang Xi in the form of the Cangmu Yanlong to face the terrifying ball of light.

"Good guy, what kind of move is this ball of light? Why is it so powerful?"

Yang Xi was very slippery. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned around and ran, trying to use his speed to shake off the ball of light.

But those few people just now have their own attainments in speed, but none of them can get rid of this seemingly slow ball of light.

So when Yang Xi accelerated, the ball of light seemed to be slow, but in fact it was firmly biting Yang Xi's buttocks of the Cang-eyed Flame Dragon.

Soon, Yang Xi felt a sharp pain in his tail, and when he looked back, half of his poor tail had disappeared!

"damn it!"

Yang Xi speeded up and rushed to the vicinity of the Philosopher's Stone, and at this moment, his tail had almost disappeared.

The Philosopher's Stone let out a faint sigh, the group of third-order extremes spawned by itself are useless after all!

"It only contains a trace of purification mystery, and it swept away these little guys in an instant."

"It seems that only when the real fourth-order appears, can we fight against the light-eclipsed saint, trigger a collision between the mysteries, and make the seal loose."

Yang Xi was planning to use the space anchor to escape, but the White Snake Sword Master rushed over!

"I don't believe in this evil!"

The White Snake Sword in his hand no longer exists. At this moment, his whole body is covered with white scales, which is extremely ugly, and his entire upper body seems to have turned into a white snake.


The White Snake Sword Master spat out the snake letter, and punched the ball of light.

That kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling that can only appear occasionally on the White Snake Sword Master has come!

This time, the fist of the White Snake Sword Master was finally not purified in the first place, but firmly resisted the ball of light!

"Hey!" The light eclipse saint was a little surprised, "interesting and interesting."

But soon, this mysterious and mysterious feeling disappeared, and the fist of the White Snake Sword Master was purified again amidst his screams!

"This guy is going to break through?"

The Philosopher's Stone was overwhelmed with surprises. He originally planned to expend his original power to eliminate this light ball containing the profound meaning of purification!

But seeing the signs of the explosion of the White Snake Sword Master, he immediately provided a large amount of collected abilities to the White Snake Sword Master.

Almost in an instant, the purified fist of the White Snake Sword Master returned to its original state!

"Good come!"

The White Snake Sword Master had a ferocious face, he had become numb to the pain, and that mysterious and mysterious feeling came again.

A small white snake shot out from him and coiled around the ball of light.

The ball of light and the white snake began to entangle, and it was difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

Yang Xi next to him had recovered his human form. He watched the White Snake fight with the ball of light up close, and that mysterious feeling washed over his brain.

The White Snake Sword Master was about to break through, and his body was full of some kind of unstable fluctuations, which somehow inspired Yang Xi's perception of his own "Tao".

"I seem to have faintly touched the profound meaning of the law contained in the stripping ability!"

Yang Xi stared blankly as the ball of light became smaller after purifying the white snake, and the two strands were slightly offset!

"Then what is my way?"

"break down?"


"Or energy?"

324 Purifying the Mysteries, the White Snake Breaks Through!

The White Snake Sword Master suddenly stood still, and an obscure and mysterious fluctuation came from the depths of the sky.

Yang Xi felt that there seemed to be a pair of emotionless eyes that projected their sight here through countless planes!

A large amount of energy poured into the body of the White Snake Sword Master like a whale, causing him to change from a half-snake, half-human state back to its original state.

A White Snake Sword appeared out of thin air and duplicated into three in the air.

The left and right ones suddenly became smaller and curled, becoming a pair of earrings hanging on the white snake's ears.

In the sky, the phantom of an eight-headed giant snake appeared!

The Philosopher's Stone was overjoyed, "I didn't expect this guy to be able to stir up the secrets of the law when he broke through from the third level to the fourth level!"

"Just work harder! As long as I work harder, I can break through this seal!!!"

In the sky, the light-eclipsed saint's face changed, "This guy is about to break through!"

If it was the past, he might have patiently waited for his breakthrough, and then competed with it.

For Tier [-] powerhouses, fighting against opponents of the same level is full of risks, but it is also an opportunity to learn more mysterious laws and understand by analogy.

The mystery comprehended by the White Snake Sword Master is not a powerful high-level mystery in the perception of the Light Erosion Saint.

Moreover, even if one is able to figure out the mysteries of ranks, there will naturally be differences in strength depending on the degree of comprehension.

The ability users below the fourth level only know how to use the skills that come with the ability ignorantly.

But the fourth-tier powerhouse must be able to flexibly use the profound meanings he has comprehended to create the most suitable moves for him.

Even if the White Snake Sword Master breaks through to the fourth level, it is quite difficult to create a move that perfectly fits his own secrets in a short period of time.

At most, it is based on the original skills and improved to a certain extent.

In this case, the light eclipse saint has a great chance of winning.

But now, his goal is to seize the Philosopher's Stone and resurrect his daughter.

In order to avoid more accidents, he did not hesitate to give up his self-esteem as a strong man and chose to make an early move, killing the White Snake Sword Master in the promotion process.

"Sorry for the latecomers, if you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck!"

The Light Erosion Saint looked at the White Snake Sword Master with pity on his face. To him, killing an Ossaid who was about to become a fourth-level person by this method was also a matter of condemnation in his heart.

After all, the inheritance ability of the Alfonso family is light magic, and they are famous "righteous partners" in the plane of Ossaid.

The reason why the light eclipse saint would take action to kill the original city lord of Guangming City is also because this guy likes to eat indigenous humans.

Eating intelligent species violates the basic laws of the Ossian plane, so the Light Erosion Saint killed that scum without hesitation.

As for the large number of magic crystal reserves that were taken away later in the city-state law of the New Fry Continent, those were originally the property of the city owner.

Five light spears appeared around the Light Erosion Saint, turning clockwise.

"Damn it, try harder!" The Philosopher's Stone wanted to cry, but the vision caused by the promotion of the White Snake Sword Master just now was about to shake the seal left by Daemon, but it was still a little bit worse after all!

"Hey, what does this guy want to do? Do things so carelessly? Jie Jie Jie, I will not let you succeed!"

The Philosopher's Stone sensed the intention of the Light Erosion Saint, and quickly set up a pink barrier around the White Snake Sword Master.

This barrier is different from the mask that was easily penetrated by the light-eclipsed saints before. The Philosopher's Stone is capitalized and mixed with some original sources.

"Little White Snake, I made a breakthrough for you, but I paid a lot of money!"

Since the secrets of the law stirred up by the White Snake Sword Master when he broke through cannot make the Philosopher's Stone escape from the seal, it pinned its hope on him being able to do this when he fights the Light Erosion Saint after he becomes the fourth rank.

Of course, the Philosopher's Stone also knows that there is a high probability that the White Snake Sword Master will not be able to defeat the Light Erosion Saint, but what does it matter?

He just wants the battle to be intense enough!

The rising pink barrier has five layers, and the light arrows containing the purification meaning of the light-eroding saint will be consumed a lot every time they break through a layer.

puff puff

After breaking through the fourth floor, the light arrow was also consumed in sevens and eighties.

Judging from the current state of the light arrows, this last barrier is enough to block them.

But the Light Erosion Saint chuckled and glanced at the Philosopher's Stone, "The stone is Shi Tianzhen."

There was a flash of white light in his green pupils, and the five arrows of light, which seemed to be in their dying years, instantly returned to their peak state, and mercilessly smashed the barrier arranged by the Philosopher's Stone.

Among the fragments of the barrier flying like falling flowers, five light arrows shot at the white snake sword master's eyebrows and limbs, and the powerful momentum nailed him to the ground, as if he was an animal used to sacrifice to the gods.

The lines of light originate from the intersection of the light arrow and the skin, slowly eroding the body of the White Snake Sword Master like a stream.

If his body hadn't stepped into the fourth-order level, this erosion process would be completed within 001 seconds, almost in the blink of a finger, the White Snake Sword Master would be decomposed into true light particles.

But now, the White Snake Sword Master who is on the way to promotion is very tenacious. Even though under the erosion of this domineering energy, his seven orifices all shoot out dazzling white light. Heart.

At this moment, both body and soul trembled under the move of the Light Erosion Saint, but the eyes of the sword master of the White Snake seemed to pass through dimensions and distances, and looked at the lofty, indifferent and ruthless "Tao".

In an instant, the hesitation and doubts lingering in the heart of the White Snake Sword Master melted away like ice and snow.

"So it is, so it is!"

The heavy shackles were shattered with a punch, the ancient stone gate slowly opened, and a brand new road that could only be seen for one or two meters appeared in front of the White Snake Sword Master.

Looking back at the winding path behind him, the White Snake Sword Master wept and resolutely embarked on a new journey.

boom! ! ! !

Returning to reality, the White Snake Sword Master suddenly broke free from the shackles of the light arrow, the fluctuation of the law and the secrets returned to calm, and the flesh corroded by the purification secrets gradually recovered to its original appearance. This is due to the joint efforts of the White Snake Sword Master and the Philosopher's Stone.

The White Snake Sword Master has also changed from a somewhat evil and enchanting strongman to a swordsman in white.

The bright makeup on his face disappeared, revealing a simple but attractive face, and the temperament of the whole person can even be described as tranquil.

But if you pay close attention to the eyes of the White Snake Sword Master, you may be able to discover the danger and insidiousness hidden under the black pupils.

After breaking through to the fourth level, the White Snake Sword Master became restrained, but also more dangerous.

The light eclipse saint sighed slightly, it was a bit late to make a move, and this guy was promoted successfully!

The White Snake Sword Master looked at the Light Erosion Saint and said, "Perhaps, without the pressure and humiliation you gave me, I would not be able to break through to the fourth level at all."

He grinned, "How can I repay you?"

325 Fengshen and Deep Blue Commander

Facing the provocation from the White Snake Sword Master, the Light Erosion Saint didn't take it seriously.

He was just a little regretful, because of his own hesitation, the other party succeeded in advancing.

He smiled, "What do you think, how should you repay me?"

The White Snake Sword Master waved his hand and said, "How about giving me double the pain you brought me?"

As he said that, he looked around, including Lord Yamni, these powerhouses of the third-order limit were looking at him with envy and hatred.

"But before that, I have something to deal with."

The earrings of the White Snake Sword Master trembled slightly, and he put his hand on the White Snake Sword.

"not good!"

In the distance, the face of the taro lord changed drastically, and the hairs all over his body exploded!

This old white snake wants to attack him!

But by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

One of the earrings of the White Snake Sword Master suddenly came alive, and instantly bit the Lord Yamni's face, emitting high-temperature flames, burning him to slag.

Under the control of the yam lord, the swarming yams also collapsed instantly, turning into stars and disappearing.

At the same time, another earring of the White Snake Sword Master's other earring turned into a small snake, breathing out coldness, and freezing the three huge alien beasts into ice sculptures.


The White Snake Sword Master spat out the snake letter and stared at the Light Erosion Saint, "I will not be merciful to people like you! A lion must use all his strength to fight a rabbit!"

So far, Yang Xi is the only third-tier powerhouse in the pink mask.

"My dear nephew, watch carefully. When I defeat the Light Erosion Saint, you will also have a share in this Philosopher's Stone."

Having become a Tier [-] powerhouse, the White Snake Sword Master no longer needs to pretend, and confessed his intentions for it in front of the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone wasn't angry either, anyway, in its eyes, the White Snake Sword Master was just a chess piece for him to get out of trouble, and it didn't matter what he thought.

Besides, even if the White Snake Sword Master didn't say anything, it still knew what he was thinking.

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