"Speaking of which, the adjudication organization has made a lot of contributions to our Lukang City. It is said that one of their zodiac signs has sacrificed to protect Lukang City!"

"It's a pity that the adjudicative organization didn't sign a contract with the economic company, otherwise we would be able to support a wave of gifts."

"Hehe, do you think the contract is so good? Except for a small number of gangster-level heroes who have come out, most of them signed the contract!"

"As far as I know, the water in this contract is deep! It's a hero, but it's actually a wage earner from an economic company."

"That's right, I heard that even the title of hero belongs to the economic company! You see, Director Ge has never used his title of hero after he retired!"

"What is Director Ge's hero title called?"

"I don't know, it's too old, who remembers it!"

"I know that Director Ge is a supernatural being of the Horcrux system. His title of hero seems to be Peerless Gunner, which is quite domineering!"

"It turns out Director Ge is still a shooter, this is the first time I know!"

"The Peerless Gunner retired and started a live broadcast. People always have to have a meal!"

The barrage was led in a crooked direction, and it was a sigh of relief to see Director Dige.

"Peerless Gunner", what a nostalgic heroic title!

"Ahem, everyone should focus on the battle. Did you see that this time, the leader of the Yenching University team, Mr. Luo Chen, made a move!"

From the pocket of his elegant suit, Luochen took out a Kulo card, on which was a goddess with a green leaf.

"Tree sign!"

: Some readers reported that the chapters are expensive. Let me explain. The starting point is charged according to the number of words. It costs [-] cents per thousand words. I used to combine two chapters with one chapter, so it costs [-] cents. Now I split it and post it separately, which is naturally "cheap" "Are.These words are not money.

285 Master Youji is Here! ! !

The card in Luochen's hand lit up white, and a gentle girl with a green leaf appeared.watermark ad test watermark ad test

As soon as she lifted her slender arm, the surrounding street trees suddenly ran wild, turning into strong magic plants, tightly binding the limbs of the night magic fox!

Rough bark covered the black satin-like hair, and for a while, the night magic fox couldn't even move for a moment!

But it is a super monster after all, after adapting to this kind of pulling force, when it gritted its teeth, it actually had the posture of uprooting a street tree that was several times thicker!

Seeing this, Ao Chao and Russell are willing to give it this chance?

The phantom of Taotie appeared on Ao Chao's back, and the coercion of the ancient beast suffocated the aura of the Night Demon Fox.

"Wow, look at Master Ao Chao, I will eat you!"

Ao Chao rushed forward with all his teeth and claws, and bit the night magic fox with one bite!

Taotie phantom also bit on it at the same time, a piece of the night magic fox's tissue was swallowed by Ao Chao.

His face turned blue and then pale, and he didn't know if it was because the smell of the night magic fox was too hard to describe.

But regardless of whether it tastes good or not, the skill "target resistance" of the gluttonous bloodline has finally taken effect, and a layer of jade color appears on the surface of Ao Chao's horny bones, which is very extraordinary.

Russell, who was wearing the red dragon battle suit, was not to be outdone, and poured the red energy bullets on the body of the night magic fox without saying a word. Cause substantial damage!

"The Sword of Absolute Wind!"

As if in a flash, the prodigal swordsman suddenly appeared behind the head of the night demon fox, and stabbed 36 swords at the back of the strange beast's head!

The attack of the three of them made the Night Magic Fox roar loudly, and the tyrannical eyes were stained with blood red!

Everything around seemed to have come to a standstill, falling into a long night again!

This is the innate skill of the Night Demon Fox "Dark Night Explosion"!

Everything around lost its color, and the body of the black magic fox turned into a silhouette like a black hole, swallowing all the light!


A tinnitus-like sound resounded in everyone's skulls, and the tyrannical pressure spread to the surroundings centered on the night magic fox.

Russell, Ao Chao, Prodigal Swordsman and Luo Chen were sent flying out at the same time, followed in the footsteps of Hot and Sour Powder Superman, and were buried in the ruins of the building!

At this moment, Li Zitian is the only one standing between Ye Fan and the others and the super beast!

She pulled the bowstring, and an arrow made of flames turned her face red!

Although all her teammates were defeated, there was no trace of panic in her calm eyes!

"Come on! Iceberg Arrow God!"

"Goddess Li Zitian rises up! Another arrow to the beast!"

"Hello for you!!!"

In the hero live broadcast room, the barrage that had been temporarily silent because the four super-powers were sent flying was revived again with Li Zitian's unwavering performance!

Only Director Ge secretly felt bad, "I'm afraid this night demon fox is not a weakling among the super beasts!"

"Oleg, go and rescue everyone!" Ye Fan jumped forward after giving instructions, "Sister, let me help you!"

He turned into a black phantom, moving like a rabbit, as fast as lightning!

"I'm coming too!"

Marukyu stammered, and through the smart terminal on his right eye, thousands of drones appeared!

Dark drones appeared out of thin air, constantly using the standard weapons and ammunition to suppress the night magic fox!

Liu Yuan let out a loud roar, and in his werewolf state, he ran away completely, rushing towards the Night Demon Fox without hesitation!

They wanted to give Li Zitian the chance to shoot that magic arrow!

Even if it is death, he will not let the night magic fox get close to Li Zitian!

Pong! ! !

The two boys collided into the Night Demon Fox like cannonballs!

Ye Fan's strength is obviously much stronger, he shared most of the power of the Black Night Demon Fox!

And Liu Yuan's body was filled with white air. It was obvious that his body was continuously disintegrated by the power of the night magic fox, and then recovered under the influence of his own power!

It can be said that the pain Liu Yuan is suffering at this moment is several times that of Ye Fan!

Although his perception of pain was weakened under the violent run, it was enough to make Yang Xi, who was observing secretly, look at him with admiration.

This boy Liu Yuan is really ruthless!

From the time when he only had super werewolf blood and dared to fight Talang Longma to his death, Yang Xi knew that deep down in his heart, he was not as playful and funny as he appeared on the surface!

Liu Yuan has his own ideals!

In fact, in many cases, his desire to become a hero is stronger than that of ordinary people!

This may be to gain the approval of his father and brother.

Or simply his obsession all along!

In Azure Star, which teenager didn't imagine that he could become a hero when he was a child?

Liu Yuan is more stubborn than ordinary people, so when he finds out that he has no awakened ability, he will give up on himself and get lost in the beauty of the bar.

But after Yeon Hee gave him hope of being a hero, he did better than anyone!


Ye Fan and Liu Yuan roared at the same time, and the pervasive black mist corroded their bodies!

Finally, a stunning red bloomed on Li Zitian's fingertips!

A magic arrow that looked like a red lotus from hell passed between the two of them, bringing scorching heat and purifying the black mist at the same time!

chirp chirp chirp! !

The night demon fox screamed in horror, it instinctively wanted to avoid the sharpness of the magic arrow, but was held back by two humans!

In the end, a ball of flame exploded on the face of the night magic fox!

On the screens of countless people's mobile phones, the projection screens of the buildings at the three-way intersection, and the live broadcast broadcasted on the curtains of the restaurant, a fierce fire ignited on the head of this super beast that ravaged Lukang City!

"Good job!" Director Ge waved his hand fiercely, "With the desperate cooperation of everyone, Li Zitian from the hero department of Yenching University hit the Black Night Magic Fox hard with a super-level magic arrow. !"

"This arrow is an arrow that can change the situation of the battle!"

"It's an arrow that is the final word!"

On the function bar of the live broadcast room, the ranking of gifts belonging to the Yenching University team was constantly being swiped up. For a while, no matter how popular a hero was, it was hard to come by!

No way, who is Li Zitian, the two arrows before and after are really amazing!

But when everyone was reveling, the black night demon fox who was knocked down on the ground twitched, turned over and bit the nearest Liu Yuan!

The scorched face of the strange beast was like a nightmare, and the stench from that bloody mouth was disgusting!

"don't want!!!"

The face of the prodigal swordsman who was supported by Oleg changed drastically. If Liu Yuan died, how should he explain to the dragon?

Everyone's hearts were stirred at the same time, is the super hero Masked Werewolf really going to die heroically?

"This time the ball is really dead!!!"

Liu Yuan smiled wryly in his heart, in order to restrain the Night Demon Fox, he exhausted all his strength!

Before he died, countless pictures flashed through his mind!

The mother with a blurred face, the arrogant brother, the old man who fucks with the heroine, and the stalwart figure of his godfather.

"Godfather, I'm sorry, before I died, I couldn't make our father and son recognize each other!"

This may be the most regrettable thing in Liu Yuan's heart!


A masked figure shrouded in a black robe suddenly appeared, a piece of dark metal, as if wearing tofu, easily pierced through the eyebrows of the Night Demon Fox.

The yellow and white objects burst out from the back of the strange beast's head, and then fell like rain, spreading all over the ground.

"You Chicken!!! Master You Chicken is here!!!"

286 Ah Yuan, do you dare to go all over the world?

The body of the night magic fox slowly fell to the ground. This time, it was really dead!

Yang Xi's god-made metal damage is so terrifying that it instantly killed a super beast!

In the hero live broadcast room, the two commentators looked at each other.watermark ad test watermark ad test

Unexpectedly, what they fabricated before actually came true!

Youji, who hadn't appeared for a while, showed his face again under the lens of the hero live broadcast.

And it's still a cool and handsome way to use the spike-level alien beast!

The hat emperor's tone was very exaggerated: "My God, I don't even know how to describe the strength of the big brother Youji!"

"He overturned our perception of him time and time again."

"When we thought that the strength of the big brother Youji was at the super level, today, he used the record of killing super beasts in seconds to tell us that ordinary super beasts are vulnerable to him!"

"This simply subverts our common sense. I don't know who is stronger or weaker than Hero 1 Blast!"

Because there are no super beasts or super heroes in the inland area, in the cognition of the hat emperor, the super is the existence of the sky, but there are strengths and weaknesses between the super and the super!

The super alien beast was punished, Lugang City got rid of the crisis, Director Ge also recovered his former calmness, he said with a smile: "No matter how strong Lord Youji is, we just need to know that the adjudication organization is on the side of human beings." That's it!"

The barrage also exploded again, and the white screen made many viewers who wanted to take a few more glances chose to simplify the barrage.

"Master Youji, it's really been a while! Do you think he went to retreat, otherwise, how could his strength have skyrocketed so much?"

"Hehe, are you kidding me in front of you? Do you know what it means to be low-key? Maybe the big brother Youji hasn't shown his true strength now!"

"All right, all right, You Chicken is the most powerful. If he is so powerful, why is Hero 1 blasting and not him?"

"That is, if you want to be really invincible, why hide your head and show your tail, and watch the hero live broadcast here? Can't you go to the Hero Association to make a name for yourself?"

"You don't understand, big brother Youji, that's a system that doesn't suit professional heroes. Do real heroes need a certificate?"

The barrage is always like this, and it starts to quarrel when it blows.

However, the hat king looked at the platform gifts that were rising slowly, his face was full of joy, where can he go to have a good time at night!

Liu Yuan was stunned, he rubbed his dog's eyes, no, wolf's eyes, only then was he sure that the figure standing in front of him was really his godfather, not his hallucination.

For a moment, Liu Yuan was filled with mixed feelings, the fear of death and the joy of the rest of his life rushed to his heart, making his nose sore.

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