It was just an ordinary mask, and after playing with it, it was thrown on Augusta again.

"Fun and interesting."

Yang Xi gnawed on the apple, "Augusta's operation is a test of the function of the Tiangang mask."

Originally in Yang Xi's setting, the peripheral members who were deprived of the Tiangang mask meant that they were deprived of the authority to enter the cloud top space and their identity as Tiangang.

Of course, the points records of the previous generation of Tiangang positions will be inherited, whether they are rich or have loans and debts.

There is no other way, Yang Xi doesn't want to lose money.

If the credits from the previous Tiangang loan were used to issue tasks, it would be fine if they were not paid, and the task would be cancelled; If so, who will accept the tasks issued by colleagues in the future?

This will cause Yang Xi's loss, how can this be possible?Therefore, the next person has to take the blame for the previous mess.

Moreover, if the predecessor is killed, Yang Xi also plans to recover a wave of supernatural beads in the corpse. Presumably, with the reward of points, the latecomers should not refuse.

But in this way, the situation of the mask holder is even more dangerous. Once robbed, the robber will exchange your body for points, tsk tsk.

Yang Xi really didn't expect a situation like Augusta.

No one would be as stupid as him, who didn't even care about his own body, and entered the cloud top space with his spirit body in front of the enemy.

Although he got off the plane, his account is still logged in, and there is no way for others to become the next generation of Sky Speed ​​Star.

Only when his body dies and his spirit body becomes a wandering soul without support, can the solidified imprint on the mask recover its original function.

At present, it seems that the idiots in the Guanghui group just think that Augustus fell unconscious, and they plan to use him as a hostage to threaten Jiang Ye and the others to show up.

In the White Tiger Palace, only Tianzhu star Xiao Baishi continued to explore the function.

After seeing Augusta online, he warmly greeted him.

The captured Augusta was at a time when he was bewildered. When he saw Xiao Baishi, he seemed to have found a savior, and told him what happened from the beginning to the end.

"This is difficult, you have been captured!"

Xiao Baishi touched his chin, he is not a person who gloats, he sympathizes with him who suffered from Tiansuxing, and begins to think of a way to break the situation for him.

After a long time, he raised his head and said: "Brother Tiansuxing, for the present plan, there is only one way to survive, it depends on whether you dare to gamble!"

Augusta looked at Xiao Baishi eagerly, "Brother Tianzhuxing, tell me what you can do!"

Originally, it was after listening to Xiao Baishi's suggestion that he released the mission, and it was indeed useful. Tianxing came to save the two siblings.

The reason why he was captured was because he was not strong enough, no wonder Sky Star, at least he brought his sister out.

Xiao Baishi said: "I'm just guessing. I don't know if it works in terms of rules. You might as well try to confirm the success of the mission directly and give the points to Sky Star in advance."

"In this way, maybe he can exchange for a C-level ability that restrains the enemy and rescue you."

"However, there is also a possibility that the sky star who received the reward will directly give up the two of you, brother and sister."

"Maybe if you don't give points, he will try to save you, but from the situation you described, I think it would be more difficult for Sky Star to rescue you if he didn't have hidden tricks."

Xiao Baishi analyzed the pros and cons of the matter. After all, he is a novelist. He has watched a lot of fighting videos in order to write a book, and his vision is no worse than that of ordinary masters.

From Augusta's description, Xiao Baishi felt that if Sky Star could obtain the ability to detect the whereabouts of underground enemies, then defeating the Sand Lizard would be a no-brainer.

However, the most important thing here is, can Tianxing be trusted?

After all... they don't even know each other's real appearance.

Just when Augusta was struggling, Jiang Ye also boarded the cloud top space.

He still had the usual cold tone: "Although the mission failed, but your sister, I will help you send Candy Island!"

As soon as he said this, Augusta immediately made up his mind, "Brother Tianxing, I've completed the task for you, you can exchange some points for a new ability, and run away with my sister!"

He knelt down in front of Jiang Ye, "My sister is counting on you!!!"

[The task is completed, and 243 points are awarded. 】

But... to exchange for a C-level power potion, there is still 27 power points short.

Xiao Baishi knew this would happen a long time ago, but fortunately he can also take out a loan.

[Mission: Rescue the captured Skyspeed Star.

Initiator: Tianzhuxing

Designated object: sky star

Remuneration: 27 points. 】

These 27 points can be said to be a timely help.

"Brother Tianzhuxing!!!"

Augusta also found that there was nothing extra on the panel, and couldn't help but be grateful.

Xiao Baishi clicked and waved his hands: "Don't think too little."

After Jiang Ye accepted Xiao Baishi's task without saying a word, and after receiving the reward paid in advance by Xiao Baishi, he began to exchange the supernatural potion.

256 Choosing a Potion

There were three abilities that Jiang Ye considered exchanging before.

They are Horcrux-type [Poison Dagger], [Starry Sky Cloak] and Wind Element-type [Wind Breath].

As the name suggests, the poisonous dagger is a horcrux with a poisonous effect. It can release paralyzing toxins and slowly weaken the enemy. It can just strengthen Jiang Ye's offensive methods.

But the C-level highly poisonous dagger is too weak for the A-level sand lizard, so it can only be given up.

The starry sky cloak is a Horcrux capable of both offense and defense, and also has the ability to fly.

The strength of the blood elves lies in their agility and the talent skill "Arcane Torrent". The latter can silence the enemy for two seconds. It can be called a mage killer, but it is indeed a weak point in defense. This Horcrux can make up for it very well.

But the problem is the same as the poisonous dagger, it only has a C-level ability, and it can't resist the attack of an A-level ability user, so it doesn't help the current situation much.

The third choice is the breath of the wind, which can make people more sensitive to the flow of air and gain a certain degree of acceleration when moving. If you choose the poisonous dagger, Jiang Ye is to enhance the damage ability, and choose the starry sky cloak to enhance the defense ability , then this Breath of the Wind is to strengthen his original advantage "speed".

Compared with the previous two options, Breath of the Wind is more slanted, and if his speed is increased, he can suppress the sand lizard and be invincible.

The most important thing is that Breath of the Wind can also allow Jiang Ye to judge the location of the Sand Lizard by listening to the movement underground. Even if it is only C-level, this ability is enough for now.

Therefore, Jiang Ye's final choice was the C-level elemental supernatural potion [Wind Breath].

After the selection was completed, he rushed to Augusta and said, "You'd better tell me where you are now."

Xiao Baishi pointed out: "Brother Tiansuxing, you can go back to reality and look at the more prominent buildings around you, and then come up and tell us."

Although Augusta was a little afraid that his body might be in tatters, he still left Yunding Palace with his spirit body in a nervous mood.

Following the imprint of the solidified spirit on the mask of Sky Speed ​​Star, he returned to reality. Before the guards could glance left and right, he couldn't find the Big Ben in the distance, and a red-painted church with a triangular roof outside. Then he returned to the White Tiger Dian, informed Jiang Ye of his approximate location.

After Jiang Ye got the information, he immediately left the White Tiger Palace without delay.

Yang Xi, who has been watching dramas, was a little surprised. He thought that there should be no "trust" between these tool people who didn't even know each other's names, except for the naked point trading.

Unexpectedly, the boy Augusta was so simple that he settled the mission reward in advance.

And Xiao Baishi, who has been struggling in society for so many years, can actually sponsor him 27 points.

Not to mention that Jiang Ye, a professional assassin, would choose to take risks in order to save Augusta. He had already gained points, but he still chose to accept Xiao Baishi's mission.

"Suzaku, what do you think this is for?"

It's good to chat with Suzaku, don't ask specific questions, Yang Xi understands the doubts in her heart.

Although she is only a part of Yang Xi's spiritual power, there is an old saying that those who are in charge are confused, but those who are bystanders are clear. As the seventh sense, she will not fall into Yang Xi's thinking pattern, and can solve Yang Xi's confusion from another angle.

"Because of belonging."

"Although we have never advocated the organization of a family, as members of the White Tiger Palace, their subconscious minds will involuntarily feel this sense of belonging, and occasionally behave in ways that violate their original style."

Yang Xi felt that it made sense, and couldn't help but sigh.

No matter how many possibilities he shoots through various conditions at the beginning, reality itself will always surprise or frighten him.

"Hurry up and prepare the supernatural potion for him."

Yang Xi also admired himself a little bit for his habit of keeping supernatural power seeds at hand. Compared with Kamaitachi, who also has the supernatural power of the wind element, Breath of the Wind is much worse in terms of damage, and even the qualification to be upgraded by Yang Xi No, but now it has become the key to rescue Augusta.

Life is full of coincidences and accidents.


In the hiding place of Jiang Ye and Euphemia, a virtual vortex was slowly opening. It was the first time for them to see such a scene, and they were a little nervous.

Soon, Yang Xi threw the supernatural potion prepared by wolfberry and yam to Jiang Ye, and at the same time, Suzaku's clone also appeared, reminding him how to use the supernatural potion.

Looking at the supernatural potion mixed with red and white in his hand, Jiang Ye no longer hesitated, opened it and poured it vigorously.

Yang Xi, on the other hand, smashed the supernatural orb into his body while he was looking up.

Alas, all seemingly lofty operations will surprise people after knowing the truth.

Yang Xi did the math. Currently, the Qian family is transporting three B-level and one C-level animals to the warehouse on the B05 line of defense, which counts as income.

And the expenditure is a B-level ability orb and two C-level ability orbs.

"Small profits, small profits."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xi closed the imaginary vortex, and Suzaku's clone returned.

Feeling the extra power on his body, Jiang Ye couldn't help exclaiming: "The effect of this supernatural potion is so amazing!"

Euphemia waited for a while, and begged, "Can you...can you save my brother?"

The younger brother told her that the person who came to rescue him was just to complete the task he issued, and the two had no friendship.

Therefore, Euphemia is now particularly afraid that Jiang Ye will abandon her younger brother.

Jiang Ye was experiencing the newly acquired ability, and did not hear Euphemia's words.

This caused him to be misunderstood as avoiding the question, the girl's expression darkened, she bit her lip, and the clothes on her body gradually decreased.

Jiang Ye noticed her situation and immediately stopped her behavior.

"what are you doing?"

Euphemia cried pear blossoms and rain. As a mixed race, she has brown, satin-like smooth skin, and a thin figure, which makes people angry and has a strong desire for protection. "I only have this to trade with." , please, save my brother!"

Jiang Ye is a little speechless, he has blood elf blood, he is handsome in a mess, and he has suffered a loss in trading with you.

However, this woman also made such a bad plan to save her brother, so he didn't get angry, "Don't worry, my task is to rescue both of you, and now I have received all the rewards, and I will definitely not give up on your brother." of."

He didn't want to stay in this embarrassing atmosphere any longer, he pushed the door open, and the Blood Elf blood plus Breath of the Wind activated.

His figure looked like a ghost, just a few flashes before disappearing by the side of the road.

257 The press conference officially begins!

The third island chain, the waters near Fanhai Island.

Several large alchemy ships are already in place. Among them, the ships of the Green family of the Percy Chamber of Commerce and the Uruk family of the Love Chamber of Commerce are the largest, because they are close to each other and can transfer large alchemy ships.

Others are some of the relatively large superhuman organizations in the third island chain, such as the "Lava Organization" and the "Chocolate Cone Organization", which have many S-level superhuman organizations.

There are also some large media companies and video websites on the alchemy ship, such as Four Seas Weekly, Liberty Alliance News, and, etc.

Their destinations were all the clan lands of the Qian family, and this time they were invited by Mr. Qian to attend the press conference of the adjudication organization.

On the surface, it was these forces, but there were also spies from other forces, or simply intelligence personnel from the Heroes Association and the Jagged Army.

The strength of the Judgment Organization being 'speculated' is enough for these large organizations to look at them differently.

Several other chambers of commerce on the island chain of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance also sent their representatives.

In the fourth island chain, the Ji family of the Blue and White Chamber of Commerce sent a young leader named Ji Ning, who ranked 20th in the world rankings; The affairs of the Mishima chain, the S-level powerhouse, the sequence backup.

The fifth island chain, the Tantai family of the Fengyuan Chamber of Commerce, the Tantai Yao who came this time is the younger sister of the owner of the Tantai family, with amazing talent, ranking 16th in the world list; the Campbell family came from their family. The son-in-law of Sequence No. 65, Nie Xiaoguan, the cloud-dispelling palm, no, it should be called Guan Campbell now.

Three brothers and sisters came to the Green family, the leader was Chris, the 27th in the world list, Arthur from the passerby, and Victoria, the seventh most beautiful woman in the world.

And the ones from the Uruk family are an S-level high-level director, Jill, and the tenth beauty of the world, Jima.

The Ouyang family didn't send anyone, on the one hand because it was too far away, on the other hand, their status was too detached.

After all, it is the family that actually controls the Liberty Alliance sea area. Although the adjudication organization has exposed a lot of strength, it has only restored the Qian family's momentum to half of what it was before.

You know, even when the two brothers of the Qian family were still there, they had to be respectful to the Ouyang family.

The guiding boat of the Qian family slowly leads the way, but Yang Xi, the initiator of the press conference soon after, is still watching the "Tiangang Live Broadcast" that he created.

The Tiangang Project, which was originally used to relieve the pressure of the ruling, has become Yang Xi's source of happiness in just two days. This kind of days of watching dramas and eating snacks is a long-lost comfort for Yang Xi.

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