Yang Xi copied a Horcrux-type supernatural bead [Starry Sky Cloak], which was upgraded to B-level.

[Ability: Starry Sky Cloak

Introduction: Automatic guardian, C-level elemental immunity, strong toughness, the stars on the surface can cause an explosion after absorbing enough energy.

Evaluation: Grade B]

The reason why I chose this ability instead of other enhancement-type or element-type abilities is because the starry sky cloak is more intuitive to display, and it can well show the effect of the ability potion produced by Judgment, which takes effect immediately after taking it.

At the same time, those who are interested can also find a little bit of the relationship between the starry sky cloak and the star-striped cloak of A hero who died mysteriously.

But the deepest purpose, Yang Xi is also preparing for the concept of "supernatural factor" thrown out later.

In the future, there will be two kinds of supernatural potions that tool people can exchange. One is a relatively special "upgradable supernatural potion", which can only be exchanged after being organized to extract power factors at a specific location.

This so-called process of extracting supernatural power factors is naturally Yang Xi's prostitution of their supernatural powers by stripping and decomposing them.

The current thinking is about once a month, and then at the place where the Four Elephants Hall announces the time, members who need "upgradable power potion" will arrive at the agreed place at a fixed time and wait for the organization to extract the power factor.

This process of extracting supernatural factors does not rule out that it will be targeted by interested people, so Yang Xi needs to polish the key points.

Of course, the best thing is that Yang Xi can directly deliver himself to the target person through the Void Cube, but the Void Cube can only deliver objects at fixed points at present, and life cannot be delivered.

It can only be used in such a troublesome way for the time being.

The other is the ability potion that can be exchanged directly without registering the ability factor.

The explanation that Yang Xi wanted the major forces in the world to speculate was that the upgradeable power potion was a bit more expensive than the ordinary power potion, because the former consumed more "power factor" to transform.

The purpose of doing this is to release some smoke bombs to confuse the public, to divert the people's guess about the supernatural potion in a more biased way, and to ignore the possibility of "stripping".

In short, if this Tiangang project is done well, more and more tool people will work for Yang Xi. Whether it is to upgrade the younger brothers or upgrade Yang Xi himself, it will become easier.

Yang Xi can also be regarded as a wage earner working for himself, slowly transforming into a capitalist.

Making money, no, making dark energy, is the most comfortable way to make money lying down.

Moreover, while others are working for Yang Xi, they have to be grateful to Yang Xi for giving them the opportunity to become stronger.

The stronger they become, the faster they will acquire resources.

The core members who are supported will also be stronger in four signs, zodiac signs and astrology positions, and the cost of their rebellion will be greater.

Slowly, the adjudication organization will enter a virtuous circle, and it will become a huge force just around the corner.

God is pitiful, Yang Xi is also thinking about making the human race stronger as a whole.

With the adjudication organization in his hands, at least he won't do anything harmful.

Moreover, Judgment and the Qian family will go to assist the B05 defense line soon, and these tool people can also form an elite team at that time, greatly relieving the pressure on the defense line.

Maybe in the future Yang Xi will be able to take 36 Tiangangs and 72 Dishas to counterattack the eighth and ninth island chains in the Freedom Alliance sea area, and even take back the southern continent that was killed by aliens, and liberate the enslaved compatriots on it.

This is what a big organization should do!

Yang Xi mixed strawberry juice, orange juice, and tomato juice, and used supernatural powers to remove the impurities in it. A tube of mysterious-looking supernatural potion was successfully made.

At the same time, he also made his own promotion rewards. Unlike ordinary potions, his "upgrade potion" has a monotonous taste.

This is just to reflect the purity of the upgrade potion, and it's definitely not the reason why Yang Xi doesn't want to drink mixed fruit juice.

After finishing all this, Yang Xi can finally rest for a while.

While lying on the bed, Yang Xi inspired the matrix gem that Master Daemon left in the space between his brows. The perception from the gem showed that the location of the Philosopher's Stone was still in the west.

"This is all in the third island chain, don't tell me that the Philosopher's Stone is in the occupied island chain!"

Yang Xi muttered and watched the video for a while, then fell asleep in a daze.


The little blue dragon with the least energy came to the sky above the third island chain Candy Island after flying most of the night.

Candy Island is an ordinary island on the third island chain, famous for its candy-like hill.

In fact, the main industry on this island is farming. The largest supply of mutton and wool in the third and fourth island chains is on this island.

At this time, it was already late at night, and a shepherd boy was dozing off beside the sheepfold, his little face was still stained with tears.

"Sister... I will definitely become a strong man and rescue you from the devil's den."

Just a few days ago, the boy's older sister was sold to a pornographic establishment by his alcoholic and gambling father, and the boy also lost his chance to study and was sent to a ranch as a shepherd.

While the young man was talking in his sleep, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out in the sky, and then a mask engraved with the word "Speed" clanged and landed beside him, awakening the half-sleeping young man.

The young man picked up the mask in some confusion, and the next moment, he activated the spiritual imprint on the Tiansu mask.

March wrap-up and condolences in memory

Before I knew it, the book had reached 50 words.

The place where Yang Xi took his adventures has also changed from an inland area to a four-sea area.

The adjudication organization will also enter the road of rapid development through the new "Tiangang Project".

In the following stories, the Judgment Organization will gradually become the intermediate force of the human coalition against alien beasts.

Yang Xi will also rely on the [transformation] ability to infiltrate the army of alien beasts and colonize the mainland to cause trouble. At that time, I will try my best to outline the current situation of the southern continent under the collision of two civilizations, an alien world and Azure Star.

Hope to meet my psychological expectations.

The aliens have colonized the Southern Continent for more than two generations. What is the state of the human beings in the Southern Continent? All these require me to think a lot.

Naturally, it is also inseparable from the suggestions of fellow book friends.

A lot of my inspiration comes from your comments.

Again, allow me to say thank you.

Thank you for liking my stories!

Thank you all for being a part of the fantasy story of Judgment!

...Maybe, in a very distant place, the story is indeed happening.

Thank you again for your support of rewards, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!


Recently, due to the epidemic, everyone's life has changed to varying degrees.

I used to study at a university in Hubei. When the epidemic broke out, I was really worried about their health when I saw the status posted by my old classmates in the circle of friends.

Seeing that some students were lucky enough to return home to self-isolate before the closure of the city...

I saw some students who voluntarily stayed in Wuhan and did not bring the risk of infection to their families...

The university group, which had been silent after graduation, also became active during that special period. Everyone greeted each other, as if returning to the university days.

Then, the epidemic spread across the country.

Some were anxious because of the warnings from my doctor and friends, and some were worried because my cousin rushed to the front line in Wuhan. In the book friend group, there are also family and friends of book friends who are deeply involved in the front line of Wuhan's anti-epidemic.

It is precisely because of these retrogrades who are not afraid of sacrifice and selfless dedication that the domestic situation has stabilized.

But... After all, someone left the world in this war without gunpowder.

They left us precious spiritual wealth.

At last,

rest in peace!Martyrs live forever!


On April 2020, 4

244 Incompetent?We have points loan

"How is this going!"

The boy instinctively wanted to throw away the mask, but it was too late, and the solidified spiritual imprint brought his spiritual body directly to the cloud top space.

The young man's spiritual body appeared on the square, and the first thing that caught his eyes was the solemn and solemn White Tiger Palace, and above that was the Palace of the Twelve Zodiac Signs bathed in the holy light and the main palace of Yunding on the top of the mountain.

"Where is this place? Am I dead?"

Thinking of this, the boy couldn't help but staggered a step.

I haven't become a strong person yet, my sister is still waiting for me to rescue her in the devil's lair!

At this time, Suzaku, the subsidiary consciousness that was always online, woke up Yang Xi who was sleeping soundly in reality.

Yang Xi rubbed his sleepy eyes and landed in the cloud top space.

He first appeared in the Yourooster Palace, then switched to Bi Yuewu's state, and transferred to his own star seat in the White Tiger Palace.

“Still a bit sleepy”

In fact, with Yang Xi's current mental strength, he won't feel sleepy even if he doesn't sleep for a week. He is doing this now because the salty fish attribute in his body has exploded.

Men always have a few days of special lethargy every month.

Yang Xi walked up to the little shepherd.

The kid was about fifteen or sixteen years old. He was a white child with curly chestnut hair and tears on his face.

Hmm... tear stains?

Suzaku really doesn't save energy at all, does this kind of small character need special effects?

Doesn't it mean that the subordinate consciousness is consistent with my thinking?

This consumes all of my Yang Xi's mental strength.

"Hey, kid, since you've become a speed star, if you cry like this again, you might die."

Yang Xi said a little fiercely.

He felt that this kind of tone was the most effective in dealing with this slightly cowardly boy.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Xi opened his mouth, the boy stopped crying immediately.

However, this reason may be a little different from what Yang Xi thought.

When the shepherd boy saw Yang Xi wearing a mask and a white robe, he was a little surprised and said: "Brother, did you just die too?"

Yang Xi: "..."

Could it be that this young man is another brain hole emperor after Liu Yuan?

"It's not dead, the children are full of nonsense."

After all, he was the first tool man to take the bait, Yang Xi decided to give him a little patience, and slowly recounted the adventure that happened to him in words that the boy could understand.

The little shepherd in a tattered leather jacket sniffed his nose and said, "You...you mean I'm not dead? And I became a member of an organization of supernatural beings?"

Yang Xi nodded helplessly, why do these brats like to confirm repeatedly?

He looked at the clothes on the shepherd boy, and felt that they were really an eyesore, so he changed his clothes into a neat black robe with a wave of his hand.

"What's your name?"

"I... my name is Augusta."

Yang Xi flicked the boy's forehead, "Put on your speed star mask, remember, don't answer this question when others ask you in the future, fortunately you met me, if other Tiangang people know about you I'm afraid you won't live for a few more days."

The shepherd boy nodded suspiciously, "Thank you, brother."

Then he put on the mask of Speedstar somewhat unskillfully.

After wearing this silver mask, the youthful demeanor of the young man receded slightly, and with the relatively fast development of the white youth, he looked more like an adult.

Yang Xi muttered softly: "The first tool man looks a little silly, should I reward him?"

Arriving in the White Tiger Palace, Yang Xi briefly introduced various functions to Augusta.

After not going online for a while, Suzaku provided a new function "mission release" on the task panel.

That is to say, peripheral members can use their own points to release tasks and delegate them to other members. Of course, Yang Xi will still take [-]% of the points as service fees.

This function enriches the service items of the Temple of Four Elephants, and also increases the interaction among peripheral members.

Yang Xi didn't expect to be able to play like this before!

Suzaku, the subsidiary consciousness, is really her own caring little padded jacket!

After leading the silly Augusta around the White Tiger Palace, Yang Xi found that the boy seemed to have become even more depressed.

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