Yang Xi pursed his lips, and directly upgraded the phantom bag ability to S-level very arrogantly.

[Ability: Imaginary Cube

Introduction: It has a cube virtual world with a side length of 1000 meters, and can store and deliver items through the virtual world.

Skills: Fixed-point delivery, deliver items to a place that I can perceive through the virtual world.

Evaluation: S-level, Wanjie Express needs you]

Yang Xigu showed the imaginary cube, and found that it was a palm-sized cube, which looked like a layer of void space, which was very mysterious.

"This is the storage space of a cube with a side length of 1000 meters? What's the volume formula? Forget it, it's pretty big anyway."

Yang Xi is more concerned about the fixed-point delivery skill below. Sure enough, there is a reason why Qian Duoduo's ability is called a phantom bag instead of a storage bag, and it can achieve fixed-point delivery.

"Does this mean that I can deliver traps, bombs and other means of attack to places where my mental power can perceive?"

Yang Xi used his plasma ability to create a plasma ball, delaying the explosion time to 1 minute, then he closed his eyes, and continued to explore the outside of the Dolphin with mental power.

His mental strength crossed the port and explored all the way to the center of Bailu Island. Finally, he found Li You's residence. At this moment, he was discussing with Yaori Archer how to get on the judgment car and become one of the garrison forces of the B05 defense line. .

Yang Xi smiled and started the fixed-point delivery.

I saw a flash of blue light from the Void Cube, and a basketball-sized cyclone that rotated counterclockwise appeared in the courtyard of Li You's residence, and a counterclockwise cyclone of the same size also appeared on Yang Xi's side.

Yang Xi casually threw the plasma ball into it.

In his perception, almost at the same time as the plasma ball was thrown into the clockwise imaginary cyclone, this plasma ball appeared in another counterclockwise imaginary cyclone.

After such a long distance, the plasma ability has lost control of this plasma ball, and it slowly fell to the ground with a top arc.

Bang! ! !

The violent plasma blasted a scorched black hole in the yard at the moment of the explosion, and at the same time alarmed the chief and deputy leaders of the White Deer League inside.

"Who dares to come to my White Deer League to play wild?"

Li You took out his Xiuchun knife, and rushed into the messy yard angrily, but he didn't find anyone.

"If you hide your head and show your tail, come out if you have the guts!"

Yang Xi originally planned to stop, but since Li You asked so, he sent a bigger plasma ball over by fixed-point delivery!

A plasma ball the size of a basketball appeared in the yard without warning, which shocked Li You into a cold sweat!

Although the power of this plasma ball is good, it is still relatively difficult to hurt him. What really scares him is this elusive operation!

He didn't see the enemy at all!

Is the enemy too strong for him to detect?

Or is the ability of this comer able to be activated from such a long distance?

No matter which of these two points, it put Li You under tremendous pressure, and big beads of sweat appeared on Li You's head.

Ever since the alliance between the Judgment Organization and the Qian Family appeared on Bailu Island, Li You suddenly found that his No. 39 strength seemed a bit insufficient.

The larger plasma ball completely destroyed the yard. Li You continued to be vigilant in the broken walls of the yard, but Yang Xi had already played enough of the game of "arranging plasma bombs at fixed points" and withdrew his mental power .

Just as he was about to upgrade to other psychic abilities, he suddenly slapped himself on the head.

"Being able to perceive it doesn't mean it's just the detection range of mental power!"

Yang Xi's perception of the supernatural orb doesn't care about distance!

"I seem to have discovered some kind of magical combination of abilities!"

After Yang Xi sent Ye Fan a message, he began to perceive the training power beads on his body.

"found it!"

Yang Xi opened his eyes suddenly. Although the perception was a little blurred because it was too far away, he still sensed it after all.

A clockwise imaginary cyclone appeared at hand, Yang Xi didn't rush to throw things into it, but switched to the chicken state, and started a video call with Ye Fan.

Sure enough, a counterclockwise cyclone appeared over there!

And Yang Xi found that the imaginary cyclone on that side and Ye Fan's desired position and pouring angle were exactly the same as those on his side!

Yang Xi mixed a tube of mixed drink, that is, "power potion" and threw it into the air whirlpool.

In the video, what kind of parabola did Yang Xi use to throw it in, and what kind of parabola it threw out over there.

With almost no reaction time, Ye Fan steadily caught the mixed drink.

Good boy, it seems that his skills have improved again during this period of time!

Yang Xi ordered: "Drink it."

Ye Fan carried out Yang Xi's task without hesitation, and gulped down the mixed drink.

Yang Xi randomly found an F-level power bead of the wind element system, adjusted the angle and smashed it into Ye Fan's body accurately.

"How about it, after drinking it, did you feel any new abilities?"

Ye Fan sensed it, nodded and said, "I... seem to have an extra ability of the wind element."

Yang Xi was very happy that this attempt was really successful.

"Well, this is an experiment organized by the organization, you don't have to take it to heart, just continue your cultivation."

"Good leader!"

Although he obtained a new ability inexplicably, since Yang Xi gave the order, Ye Fan restrained himself and walked out of the men's room.

Outside, the hairy, long-legged girl who had waited for a while teased, "It takes you so long to go to the bathroom? You are so young, tsk tsk tsk..."

"You go back first, I have to continue to complete today's exercise plan."

Ye Fan ignored the girl's joke and walked towards the training ground solemnly.

Marukyu's angry and helpless voice came from behind him: "Hey, don't forget to watch a movie together tonight!"

Ye Fan made an OK gesture unemotionally.


After turning off the video, Yang Xi switched to the form of the deity, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Since the long-distance gift of "supernatural potion" can be realized through the induction and fixed-point delivery of the supernatural bead, the Tiangang mask imprinted with solidified spirit can also do the same.

"In this way, the key link of my 36 Tiangang plan, the reward exchange, can get rid of the unqualified express delivery."

For example, the lucky ones who got Yang Xi's first batch of nine Tiangang masks can enter the Azure Dragon Hall in Yunding Space through the spiritual imprint solidified on the masks, and obtain the tasks issued by Yang Xi.

After completing the task, you can go to Qinglong Temple to request settlement of the task and get the corresponding points. After accumulating a certain amount of points, you can exchange them for supernatural potions.

After successfully exchanging the supernatural potion, Yang Xi will be able to deliver the supernatural orb into the peripheral member through the virtual world, perfectly realizing all the key links of the whole plan.

Just in terms of details, Yang Xi still lacks some NPCs who are similar to clerks, and he has to do some things by himself.

But it doesn't matter, this is not the second skill of the spiritual contract, it can accommodate some spirit bodies, it's just to find some spirit bodies for free work.

If this doesn't work, he still has some mental abilities that haven't been upgraded, and if he touches the prize again, he may be able to completely build a fully functional mission platform.

Yang Xi lamented that the trick of fate, "It was obviously for the purpose of kryptonizing a mental blockade type of skill, but in the end I built the 'Qinglong Temple' of the Judgment Mission Platform 1.0. I am a non-chief or an emperor."

236 SS-level super brain (recommendation ticket plus update)

Yang Xi saw that there were more than 2 units of dark energy cubes left, and thought about upgrading to an SS-level ability.

"After all, the enemies we will face in the future will definitely become stronger and stronger. If the Zodiac position continues to use S-level abilities, it will seem a bit useless."

Among the remaining vests, Yang Xi decided to give priority to upgrading the Youji. After all, this is his first vest and the beginning of the Judgment Organization.

"Then the next decision to make is to upgrade the metal control first, or to upgrade the spiritual ability first."

The setting of the unitary rooster is relatively powerful among the many zodiac signs.

Because of the blurred demarcation relationship between spiritual powers, as long as it is a spiritual power, Yang Xi will not collapse the character design through this vest.

So theoretically speaking, the Youji Vest can use more abilities than the Chenlong Vest.

Yang Xi finally chose the spiritual ability. After all, he still didn't get the blocked spiritual skills he originally wanted in the previous lottery. Now he can just use the reason of upgrading the vest to pay for it again.

At present, Yang Xi collects spiritual powers: S-level super brain, S-level spiritual contract, S-level puppet control, F-level spirit-type and blood-type magic fox, and one collected from the minion, which was collected by Yang Xi. A psychic supernatural power seed decomposed to F level.

This spiritual ability from a certain miscellaneous fish is called [Language Induction]. It is an ability to attack the enemy's spirit by constantly speaking. It doesn't mean that the potential is too bad. The key is that Yang Xi doesn't like this kind of unremarkable The ability, it was decomposed to F-level spare before, waiting for someday to give it to a younger brother.

The first three spiritual abilities have all been upgraded to S-level, so let's take a look at the next two F-level ability seeds, which is why Yang Xi has kept all the ability seeds.

Although some abilities seem rubbish, they may come in handy at critical moments.

Krypton gold, no, krypton dark energy begins...

Looking at the two F-level power beads in his hand, Yang Xi chose the F-level [Language Induction] and upgraded it to S-level after ordering troops.

In the process of investing in dark energy, Yang Xi couldn't help thinking, if Izumi knew that the miscellaneous fish who was killed by him and stripped his abilities, his abilities would be upgraded to S-level one day, would he be moved to tears?

Should be?

[Ability: Language Induction

Introduction: Continuously increase the psychological pressure on the target through language to achieve the effect of inducing the enemy.

Skills: Speaks fragrantly, cursing words can be realized into words to attack the enemy, causing greater psychological damage.

Evaluation: S grade, a certain ancient movie needs your role...]

Yang Xi: "..."

Sure enough, my judgment is still very accurate. This spirit-type ability from a certain minion, even if it is upgraded to S-level, is still unbearable.

No one wants this kind of power...

Re-downgrading the language inducement to F-level, resisting the urge to disintegrate all its supernatural seeds, Yang Xi set his sights on the Meihu bloodline.

After the upgrade, the ability of the spirit system plus the blood system is more biased towards the blood system.

After Yang Xi read the introduction, he didn't try it, because he didn't want to dress up as a woman anymore, and turning into a fox girl didn't suit the setting of Youji.

However, this Meihu bloodline is still very strong, and Xinyuehu, who will be given the star seat at that time, will also be good.

"Then, the next step is to choose one of the three S-level spiritual abilities to upgrade to SS level, which is the third level that cannot be downgraded."

"There is no chance of trial and error for SS-level abilities. Once you upgrade, you can't go back on your word. This is the real krypton gold!"

In this way, Yang Xi felt even more exciting, and even went to the bathroom to take a shower for this SS-level krypton gold, to get rid of his non-chieftain aura.

"The spiritual contract has just been upgraded, pass first."

"If you control a puppet, you tend to control people's thinking. It's a puppet's ability. It's less likely to explode the mental skills of the blockade system. Moreover, there is still a doll quota that is useless, and it can last for a while."

"Let's go super brain. Originally, this ability is one of my core abilities. Sooner or later, I will upgrade to the SS level."

With a little anxiety, Yang Xi threw the dark energy cube into Chaonain's supernatural power bead without any money.

Accompanied by the dark energy box approaching the amount of a rose swordsman being absorbed by the super brain power bead, this power bead also turned gray in the end.

[Ability: Ultra Brain

Introduction: Brain development, enhancement of the five senses, solidification of the sixth sense (heart sense) and seventh sense (mana consciousness).

Sixth Sense: The ability to perceive danger becomes acute, and in some cases, you will unconsciously avoid crises.

Seventh Sense Mana Consciousness: A subsidiary consciousness born outside the main consciousness, which has powerful data analysis capabilities and can be realized into reality.

Skill [-]: Mind mastery, read the memory of the target (two levels lower in mental strength) after viewing, and modify it.

Skill 2000: Spiritual Spike, create spiritual spikes anywhere within [-] meters around the body, attack the enemy's soul, causing continuous loss of mental power.

Skill 1000: Spiritual blockade, block the spiritual dimension of [-] meters around the body to prevent the spirit body from escaping or invading.

Skill [-]: Judgment, after knowing the real name of the opponent, judge the criminal facts of the enemy.

Evaluation: SS rank, third rank...]

Yang Xi tried to disassemble it, but the result he obtained was the same as the SS-level gilt armor, which could not be disassembled.

"As expected of a Tier [-] ability, it's so powerful that it has no limit. There are four skills provided alone!"

The most important thing is that he actually produced a mental blockade ability, the bath just now was not in vain.

As for whether this mental blockade can block the "Dark Blue Escape Light", we will know when Yang Xizai falls into a dark blue clan.

If it is really effective, it will undoubtedly be a transcendence of the adjudicative organization over the original organization in the "arms competition".

"I can still understand this sixth sense. What is this seventh sense?"

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