Seeing that Ouyang Guanhe's attitude was okay, Yang Xi also smiled and said: "What you said is somewhat reasonable, but I still want to kill him."

Ouyang Guanhe said: "Do you think you are stronger than me?"

Yang Xi glanced at his holographic projection, and said calmly: "It may not work now, but who can say what will happen in the future?"


Ouyang Guanhe liked this Shenhou more and more, but he had already recruited him once before, so naturally he would not make fun of himself again.

Anyway, as long as the ruling is to hang out in the free alliance sea area, it is no different from hanging under his own hands.

"Then you can kill him again in the future, let go now."

Hearing the elder nephew's words, Ouyang Canglu couldn't help showing a tinge of joy. Although she was ashamed today, she didn't reveal her identity anyway.

As long as he can continue to lurk at the top of the human race, until the day when the deep blue clan completely controls the human race, he will make these low-level natives pay the price for what they have done today.

The people here also include Ouyang Guanhe who has always looked down on him!

Unexpectedly, Yang Xi said casually: "Of course I have a reason to kill him."

Without waiting for Ouyang Guanhe to continue speaking, Yang Xi increased the strength in his hands. If the Canglong envoy had no other means, he would have to die.

Seeing Yang Xi's actions, Ouyang Guanhe was a little angry.

He has already given the order, how dare this Shenhou ignore him?

Moreover, he wanted to protect Ouyang Canglu for the sake of the family's face.

This Shenhou is a little out of touch.

Ouyang Canglu's face changed suddenly, he really felt the murderous aura on Yang Xi's body.

If you don't do something, this body will definitely be killed!

He planned to make a final attempt, and said to Ouyang Guanhe in a pleading tone: "Guan He, I am also your second uncle after all, do you really want to die?"

Ouyang Guanhe sighed, and said to Yang Xi: "You stop now, I can let the past go!"

Yang Xi didn't pay attention to Ouyang Guanhe's intentions, and he began to concentrate on guarding against Ouyang Canglu's possible spiritual combat skills.

The attainments of the Deep Blue Clan in spiritual combat skills cannot be underestimated, so Yang Xi naturally wouldn't be careless.

Yang Xi continued to exert force on his hands.

Qian Duoduo's live broadcast room, when Ouyang Guanhe appeared, had already been targeted by several super administrators. Once something inappropriate happened, they would immediately close the live broadcast room. It can be said that they are full of desire for survival up.

After all, Ouyang Guanhe's identity is there.

On the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, many water friends also started to complain.

"Damn, this Shenhou is too ignorant, the boss is already so easy to talk, and he still refuses to let him go?"

"I don't think so. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will punish them. The Azure Dragon Envoy is completely to blame for falling into this situation!"

"Um, the older brother in front actually used such embarrassing words, did he graduate from primary school?"

"Maybe this Shenhou really has some confidence. The depth of the adjudication organization is really unclear. Does anyone have a way to join the adjudication? I will pay 500 blue coins for consulting fees?"

Ouyang Canglu felt that her breathing became more and more difficult. If this continued, even if Yang Xi didn't break her neck, her body would die of suffocation.


I have gone through untold hardships to transform into a deep blue clan, and I have never given up on my body. Is it going to really end from today?

Ouyang Canglu is a very typical example of the clan. Obviously they can already exist without their own bodies, but for various reasons, it is still a difficult road for them to completely abandon their original bodies. threshold!

Ouyang Canglu didn't have any sense of belonging to the Deep Blue Clan at the beginning. There were two reasons why he chose to become the Deep Blue Clan.

One is that his physical body is gradually aging, and after transforming into a dark blue clan, he can obtain a longer life.

The second is that after helping the Deep Blue Clan to control human society, he will be able to regain control of the Ouyang Clan and severely punish those who humiliated his Clan.

But now, all of this is destructive by Shenhou.

"Shenhou! I will never die with you!!"

Accompanied by the rapid screaming sound, a dark blue sword light cut towards Yang Xi from a strange angle.

The iconic combat technique of the Deep Blue Clan - the first blade!

The corner of Yang Xi's mouth curled up, pretending to be careless, and Chu Ren easily pierced his forehead! ! !

In fact, the part of the dark blue primary blade that entered his body was directly offset by his mental power, and did not cause any damage, and the primary blade was not broken either. It can be said that Yang Xi has stepped up to a new level in the use of mental power.

This scene was accurately sent to the screens of the audience in Qianduoduo's live broadcast room in Four Seas.

Regarding this abrupt turning point, just when everyone was about to express their amazement, the super administrators suddenly received a notice from above, and shut down Qian Duoduo's live broadcast room with lightning speed.

"What's going on, is the network broken?"

"Was it the Canglong Envoy's ultimate move just now? Shenhou seems to have fallen for it!"

"Damn it, getting disconnected at such a critical time is really too tantalizing!"

Because of being attacked by the dark blue first blade, Yang Xi, who suffered a "heavy trauma" mentally, had to let go of the hand holding the neck of the Canglong envoy.

At the same time, he also fell down and fell into the sea water.

For a moment, everyone on the Dolphin was stunned. They didn't expect that the Canglong Envoy could turn the tables at such a time.

"The Deep Blue Clan!!!"

Qian Lao, Li You and other people who knew the inside story burst into laughter.

Li You, who is a powerful sequencer, is even more obliged to lift the Horcrux Xiuchun Saber, turn it into a stream of light, and kill the Canglong Envoy!

In the four seas, the powerful sequencers also hate the Deep Blue Clan!

After the initial surprise, Ouyang Guanhe in the holographic projection said regretfully, "So this is why Shenhou insisted on killing you?"


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I don't know whether Ouyang Guanhe's "it's a pity" is regretting that Yang Xi was "severely injured and fell into the sea", or it was simply aimed at Ouyang Canglu's betrayal of human beings and transformation into the deep blue clan.

Ouyang Canglu, who had completely exposed his identity, had a crazy smile on his face. Now that he had been exposed, he would not be able to use this body anymore.

Even Ouyang Canglu's close contacts will be interrogated and suspected by high-level human beings. This can be regarded as the last trouble that Ouyang Canglu's identity has created for human beings.

In fact, his body has already begun to decline. The reason why he has not given up is that apart from his emotional inability to let go, the powerful abilities possessed by his body also account for a large part of the reason.

After all, this is the power he developed through continuous practice all his life, and it takes a lot of determination to say give up!

It's all right now, Yang Xi directly helped him make a choice, which instead made him feel a sense of relief.

"In the future, it will be a new world."

He turned his attention to Li You who had killed him.

"Then the final last sound of this body must be to kill a human sequence expert."

The eyes and hair of the Canglong Envoy gradually turned blue, which made him look a little strange.

At the same time, he didn't turn off the holographic projection, so it was a refreshing thing for this nephew to see him slaughtering a strong human being.

Ever since Ouyang Guanhe started to show his talent, he has gradually lost his control over the family.

This is also something that Ouyang Canglu has been brooding about, even if Ouyang Guanhe has lifted the family to the height of the first family in the Free Alliance Sea Area, Ouyang Canglu is not uncommon.

As far as he is concerned, it is useless for a family that does not belong to his control, no matter how strong it is.

To be honest, if the rhizome of the dark blue plant hadn't penetrated into his spiritual body, he wouldn't have obediently served the dark blue family.

"Ouyang Canglu, I didn't expect you to do such a shameful thing for the family!"

As the current patriarch of the Ouyang family, when he saw a family member transformed into the dark blue clan, his first reaction was shame. This person was the previous patriarch, his second uncle, which made him even more angry.

Ouyang Canglu squinted at Ouyang Guanhe's holographic projection, and said, "The Ouyang family? The Ouyang family under your control, do I still have a place?"

Ouyang Guanhe said with a sneer: "But as far as I know, you have been using your status as a member of the Ouyang family to carry out activities in the past few years. Now that you have used it up, it will be very fast to draw the line."

The Canglong envoy didn't bother with his nephew anymore, the assassin dragon and the giant dragon were all killed by Yang Xi, now he can summon, except for the injured invisible dragon, only the No. [-] dragon split dragon left.

Fortunately, he can still use the combat skills of the Deep Blue Clan.

As a former sequence powerhouse, he also secretly practiced the deep blue clan's combat skills. If he played it seriously, his strength would not be weaker than before.

Li You rushed over in a majestic manner, his saber glow across the sea, and hit Ouyang Canglu hard.

While summoning the new Canglong, Ouyang Canglu condensed the first edge of travel, and fought with Xiuchun Dao.

The scene became extremely intense, but after seeing the people after the battle between Yang Xi and the giant blue dragon just now, they felt that the battle between the two was just like that, boring.

Seeing that Shenhou hadn't surfaced yet, Qian Duoduo was about to stomp his feet anxiously.

"Is Lord Shenhou all right? Hurry up and send someone to take a look!"

If it weren't for Qian Duoduo's low strength, she would have done it by herself.

Ji Yourong and Blanche looked at each other, and they were about to jump off the boat, but they were stopped by their clone Yang Xi.

"Don't worry, Lord Shenhou is fine."

His avatar is still there, which means that there is nothing serious about the main body, and he is probably pretending to be holding back some bad intentions.

The two of them were fighting in full swing on the surface of the sea. After all, the Xiuchun Knife ranked much higher than the Rose Swordsman in the sequence, and the strong sequencer also had a certain degree of understanding of the strange and weird combat skills of the Deep Blue Clan, so the situation seemed to be okay. have equal shares.

This is different from his previous fight with Rose Warrior. The Deep Blue Clan is the mortal enemy of human beings, and everyone under Li You is a dead hand, either you die or I die.

And Ouyang Canglu also planned to give up this sentence of body, and every move and style was a little less worried and a little more crazy than before.

After a while, a lot of injuries were added to the two of them.

Tweet! ! !

There was a sound like birdsong.

From the port, a bow and arrow with golden flames suddenly shot out.

The deputy leader of the White Deer League also made a move. As a shooter-type supernatural being, he has a strong ability to see the details of the battle. He can see that although his elder brother is evenly divided on the surface, he has gradually lost control of the battle situation. .

So he joined the battle without hesitation.

However, considering his lack of melee combat, in order not to hold back Li You, he chose to shoot Leng Zi and shoot arrows to interfere with Ouyang Canglu's attack.

The golden flame arrow roared towards Ouyang Canglu's back. If he dodged the arrow, he would definitely lose the rare opportunity to attack.

Then, relatively, Li You will be given a chance to breathe.

If it were Ouyang Canglu, who was a little rough in combat style before, he would definitely avoid his edge for the time being and wait for the next suitable opportunity to fight again.

But this time, he would rather bear the arrow forcefully than stab the first blade into Li You's body.

The blue primary blade slashed across the inevitable Li You.

After being hit, his right arm lost consciousness instantly!

Although the Canglong messenger paid a greater price, a hole was shot out of his body by the golden flame arrow, but this did not immediately affect his combat effectiveness.

"Haha, obediently bury me with this body!"

"When I kill you, I will slaughter the entire White Deer Island!"

Li You gritted his teeth, and switched the Xiuchun knife to his left hand, barely parrying the attack of the Canglong envoy.

"Don't even think about it, when our three brothers and sisters join forces, it will be the time for you, a human traitor, to die!"

Although he said so, Li You had no idea in his heart.

Although Sun Archer and Night Spider are both S-level masters, they are still far behind the Sequence powerhouses!

Damn it, if Shenhou hadn't been ambushed and joined forces with me, how could the dark blue clan be rampant!

I hope the adjudication organization still has unsold zodiac signs!

Li You had no choice but to pin his hope of defeating Ouyang Canglu on the layout of the adjudication organization.

Didn't it mean that there are twelve zodiac signs?Come here for an emergency now!

I don't know if Li You's prayer had an effect, a black shadow burst out of the sea, and at the speed that the Canglong messenger couldn't react at all, he was blown to the head with a stick!

The sea water continued to flow down the surface of his gilded armor, and this faint pretentiousness was exactly the Shenhou who fell into the sea after "being plotted against"!

Yang Xi didn't respond to Li You's excited eyes, and was about to peel off the power of the Canglong Envoy, when a blue light appeared, trying to escape in a familiar posture.

"Where to go!"

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