Yang Xi stayed in place calmly and did not move.

Because from beginning to end, Rose Swordsman was not aiming at him!

A red sword glow rose from the sky!

Due to the long distance it covered, from a very far distance, this sword glow seemed to be a red line connecting the clouds and the sea.

"What is the meaning of Rose Swordsman's move?"

"Could it be some big move to attract the power of heaven and earth?"

"Above the clouds, is there something hidden behind him?"

The people watching the battle talked a lot.

Those who hoped that Rose Swordsman could regain the majesty of the sequence expressed hope, while those who were on the side of the ruling and the Qian family felt uneasy.

Only the envoy of the Canglong who was hiding on the clouds wanted to scold her mother angrily!

What the hell, isn't the Rose Swordsman going to hang out in the Free Alliance Sea?

How dare you betray him at this time!

However, no matter how much he cursed, it was too late!

The sword light hit the cloud layer, as if instantly dyed the pure white cloud red.

In fact, the strong sword energy stirred up the water vapor in the clouds.

There was a bang, like a thunderstorm!

The clouds parted, revealing Ouyang Canglu who had transformed into a black dragon inside!

Swordsman Qiangwei said out of breath, "If you want me to work hard for you and reap benefits behind your back, how can there be such a good deal!"

The exposed Ouyang Canglu simply fell to the surface of the sea and changed back to human form.

He slightly cupped his hands at Yang Xi, and said with a smile: "Brother Shenhou laughed, I happened to pass by, and saw that this guy was actually bullying the weak, and he was a rookie with great potential on our global list, so I wanted to subdue him. But he was one step ahead of him.”

Yang Xi didn't speak, this Ouyang Canglu is lying!

Li You's expression on the side changed for a while. He was pestered by a little blue dragon just now, so he naturally knew that this Ouyang Canglu was talking nonsense.

But if he came out to expose him, wouldn't he offend this strong Ouyang family?

In the free alliance sea area, the Ouyang family is stronger than the Qian family in its heyday, and it is a well-deserved number one family.

Although Ouyang Canglu is not in power in the family, but...

Li You finally chose to remain silent.

Ouyang Canglu didn't wait for Yang Xi to reply. In his opinion, although this Shenhou was not weak, he was not afraid either.

What he wants to do most now is to deal with the rose swordsman.

How dare you betray me!

"Canglong No. [-], assassinate the dragon!"

The summoning circle appeared, and as soon as a black dragon covered in black scales emerged, it disappeared from everyone's sight except Yang Xi.

In Yang Xi's eyes, this blue dragon, which looked like a shuttle, was attacking the terrified Rose Swordsman.

As soon as Yang Xi moved, he was also in front of Swordsman Rose, before the assassin dragon bit off his neck, and grabbed the beast by seven inches.

He said indifferently: "My prey, when is it your turn to get involved?"

The Canglong envoy was a little surprised. Shenhou's speed was even faster than before, and he could keep up with his speed of assassinating the dragon!

Could it be that he still retained his strength just now?

Although there was something bad in his heart, he still said firmly: "What does Brother Shenhou mean? I obviously just want to help the Qian family and get rid of the scum in this sequence."

When he activated his ability, he twisted like a black flood dragon, and disappeared into Yang Xi's hands as little stars.

Yang Xi looked at the hands that became empty, and then looked up at the Assassin Dragon who reappeared behind the Canglong Envoy.

He smiled and said, "Interesting."

227 I hope you can fight some

Rose Swordsman, who had walked through the gate of hell, pointed at the Canglong Envoy in shock and said, "You are so old that you really killed me!"

"Are you not afraid that I will reveal all your affairs?"

The Canglong Envoy didn't take the threat of Rose Swordsman to heart at all, he sneered and said, "Do you really dare?"

His question made Rose Swordsman fall silent.

Although he vaguely guessed the identities of the other people on Moonlight Island that day, as the envoy of the Canglong said, he didn't dare to reveal them all at all.

Offending one Canglong envoy, maybe he can go to live in other sea areas, but if he offends all the other people, then the world is so big that there will be no place for him to live.

"Damn it, I admit it! This is the end of today's matter, and I will help you force the judge to come out, let's go first!"

Swordsman Rose has no interest in continuing to be caught between Yang Xi and Ouyang Canglu.

He aroused his sword energy and rose from the sea.

Although the rose sword energy cannot support him to fly long distances, as long as he can escape from the battlefield here, with his strength, he will naturally not die at sea.

Just find a small island to hide for a few days, and when the limelight passes, go to the Uruk family and kill that bitch Jima, and then he plans to go to Chaos Sea.

The chaotic sea area is chaotic, but the overall strength is relatively low. There are not many strong people like Ouyang Canglu and Shenhou. With the strength of Rose Swordsman, it is still possible to occupy a small island and dominate.

It's just that it's not necessarily necessary to be as comfortable as living in the free alliance sea area.

"Want to slip?"

This rose swordsman had been making trouble for a long time, but Yang Xi didn't intend to just let him go.

But before he left, Swordsman Rose, who had flown not far away, suddenly let out a shrill scream.

His throat seemed to be torn open by something.

This opening is very small, only about two fingers wide, and it is covered with fine tooth marks.

Rose Swordsman hugged his neck helplessly, trying to tear off the thing that bit him.

But the action didn't work at all.

Under the pouring of his blood, this invisible little thing finally revealed a little outline - probably a small black dragon with the length of an adult's arm!

"Ahem... die to me!!!"

The rose swordsman crazily attacked the invisible little blue dragon with rose sword energy, but it was not affected much.

With the bite of the invisible little blue dragon, the breath of the rose swordsman became weaker and weaker.

Because his neck was bitten, his voice became extremely hoarse: "Damn it! Look at me beheading you!"

Under the fear of death, Rose Swordsman swung his sword and slashed at the little blue dragon that was biting him.

However, at the moment when the rapier was attached to his body, this little blue dragon disappeared just like the previous assassination dragon!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Rose Swordsman, the No. 72 powerhouse in sequence, cut off his own neck as if he swung his sword to kill himself!

This scene was broadcast to all over the world in real time by Qian Duoduo's live broadcast room.

Although many people were very disappointed with Rose Swordsman because of being beaten up by Yang Xi before.

But no matter what, he is also a genuine sequence powerhouse!

He died so abruptly that the bullet screen went blank for a while.

A few seconds later, a flood of comments completely flooded the entire live broadcast room.

"My God, I actually witnessed the death of a sequence expert!"

"The Rose Swordsman is too miserable, to be decapitated by his own sword owl!"

"What was that just now? Is it the summoned beast of the Azure Dragon Envoy?"

"I've seen the battle video of the Canglong Envoy. This is his third summoned beast, the invisible dragon!"

"My God, isn't this Canglong envoy afraid of going to court? He killed a sequence expert!"

Once Rose Swordsman died, without the support of his sword energy, his body immediately fell from the sky.

Yang Xi frowned, and caught his body and head before they entered the water.

The remaining consciousness of Rose Swordsman made his lips move a few times, but no sound came out.

It is extremely embarrassing for a sequence expert to die so dramatically.

Yang Xi didn't understand Rose Swordsman's last lips, so naturally he couldn't receive the guy's last message.

With some complicated emotions, Yang Xi stripped out the power of Rose Swordsman.

It is also an S-rank ability bead.

Yang Xi decomposed it, and obtained about [-] units of dark energy cubes.

"Sure enough, the gap between the same level of S level is much larger than that of abilities below S level."

When Yang Xi decomposed [Skull Summoning], he got about [-] dark energy units, which was about [-] less than the Rose Swordsman's [Rose Sword Qi] ability.

This is probably why Fan Pei, an S-level necromancer, can only be a pirate between the first island chain and Free Customs, while the Rose Swordsman, who is also an S-level, can become Sequence No. 72.

Of course, the difference in the quality of abilities is one aspect, as is the actual combat skills of the ability users.

Not to mention luck in life and death fights.

In order to completely cover up the operation of stripping the ability, Yang Xi specially sent the body of Rose Swordsman to the Dolphin before returning to the sea.

The Canglong envoy smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be very particular."

Yang Xidao: "After all, he is a strong sequencer. No matter what mistakes he made, he still has to be given a decent funeral."

The Canglong envoy shook his head and said, "The sea is the destination of people from all over the world."

Yang Xi ignored his arguing and changed the subject, "I remember that there should be rules in the world. Even if there is a grievance between you sequence experts, you have to go to the arena of life and death, right?"

Every sequence powerhouse is an important combat force for human beings, and the three major forces specially added this rule in order to avoid internal friction.

The Canglong messenger smiled and said, "Which of your eyes saw that I killed Rose Swordsman? I attacked him with the invisible dragon, just to teach him a lesson. Who would have thought that he would choose to commit suicide?"

Well, an old fried dough stick is an old fried dough stick, and he really considered everything in everything he did.

At this moment, Yang Xi suddenly noticed the white wrench on his finger!

"This guy...can't!"

This is the powerhouse of Sequence No. 25, could it be that he is also of the Deep Blue family?

After getting rid of the Rose Swordsman who might reveal information, the Azure Dragon Envoy has no interest in staying.

Today's purpose has been achieved, it's time to leave.

If it weren't for the ignorance of Rose Swordsman, he didn't plan to show up.

Knowing the other party's intention to leave, how could Yang Xi let him go?

Regardless of whether he is from the Deep Blue clan or not, this guy is the one behind the scenes instigating Rose Swordsman to target the verdict.

Yang Xi moved his wrist and said, "You killed my prey, do you think I will let you go?"

Ouyang Canglu was already ready to turn into a black dragon, he sneered and said, "Don't you dare to do anything to me?"

Yang Xi chuckled: "I hope you are more resistant than Rose Swordsman."

The Canglong envoy felt that Shenhou was a little conceited. Although he was fast and powerful, his blue dragons were not vegetarians!

You, a reckless man in armor, how can you fight a dragon with me?


228 The Blue Dragon Covering the Sky and the Sun

Facing Yang Xi's arrogant words, Ouyang Canglu laughed angrily, "Perhaps Rose Swordsman gave you an illusion. I hope you can continue to be so arrogant when you are trampled under my feet."


After knowing that Ouyang Canglu has a black dragon summoning beast with the ability to be invisible, Yang Xi's mental power has never relaxed in detecting the area around his body.

Sure enough, the two of them were still talking, and the old guy, Canglong Envoy, secretly released this little guy again.

Moreover, there was no summoning circle around him.

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