222 You chicken is not authentic!

Rose Swordsman seemed to be unscrupulously unleashing his coercion of a strong man, pretending to be a series strong man, but his heart was actually panicked at this moment.

Originally, he wasn't very afraid of the Judgment Organization, because he had the "Super Potion" technology of Lao Shizi, and then he produced a few suspected S-level masters.

Although he is also an S-level power user, as the number 72 of the sequence, he is simply not comparable to ordinary S-level powerhouses.

Which strong man who can squeeze into the sequence is not killed in the bloody storm?

But... Ouyang Canglu, the number 25 envoy of the Canglong, and the powerhouses behind him who didn't show up, are so afraid of this pretentious adjudication organization.

This led to a sharp increase in the threat level of the Judgment Organization in Rose Swordsman's heart.

He regretted his previous impulsiveness, why did he go to Moonlight Island?

Honestly, wouldn't it be nice to play with Gemma on Love Island?

Wear a cuckold and wear a cuckold, it's better than losing your life!

In fact, he also knew that his only value in Ouyang Canglu's eyes was that he had a justifiable reason to take action against the adjudication organization.

These people currently do not plan to collide head-on with the Judgment Organization.

But Swordsman Rose has been scrambling all over the world for so many years, so he naturally doesn't want to sit still and be used as a spear by others.

On the way here, he tried to find opportunities to slip away many times, but unfortunately, in front of the Azure Dragon Envoy, his every move and every move had nothing to hide, so he had to bite the bullet.

Now Rose Swordsman is caught in a dilemma. He neither wants to offend the Judgment Organization severely, nor dare to ignore the Canglong Envoy hiding in the sky.

"For today's plan, we can only take one step at a time, but we must pay attention to our sense of propriety, so as not to kill anyone, but to kill him. It's the chicken that cuckolds me first."

Rose Swordsman landed on the deck of the Dolphin, only tens of meters away from everyone.

With star eyebrows and sharp eyes, his eyes are extremely indifferent. He is wearing a silver-white dress, holding a long and narrow sword behind his back. He obviously didn't move at all. The sound of a needle falling.

Qian Lao's face was serious. For the current Qian family, any sequence powerhouse is a threat.

What is the festival between this rose swordsman and the unitary rooster?

Veteran General Qian turned his questioning gaze to Yang Xi. In his opinion, Yang Xi was a member of the chicken and should know a little bit about the inside story.

But at this moment, Yang Xi's heart is also confused. If this rose swordsman didn't jump out by himself, he wouldn't know this guy at all.

"This is Rose Swordsman of Sequence No.72, little brother Yang Xi, do you know what kind of feud he has with Your Excellency Youji?"

Faced with Mr. Qian's question in a low voice, Yang Xi could only shake his head and said, "I haven't been with Lord Youji for a long time, and he only gave me a few pointers on supernatural powers. I don't care about other things. learn."

Qian Lao thought the same thing, Yang Xi was a subordinate of Youji in the inland area, so it was understandable not to know his grievances and grievances in the four seas.

Maybe this rose swordsman is probably the beam formed by Youji before entering the inland area. It seems that his previous guess is correct, and the Four Seas region is the birthplace of the Judgment Organization.

It's just that Swordsman Rose is too careless. Although all the major forces in the world know about the relationship between their Qian family and the Judgment Organization, no one will directly point it out like him.

However, Mr. Qian firmly believed that the adjudication organization must have dispatched experts to follow the Dolphin, so even though the person who came to find trouble was a sequence expert, although he was nervous, he would not panic, and even had a little bit of expectation.

Perhaps, today we can see the follow-up arranged by the ruling organization.

Thinking about it this way, Qian Bukui felt that he had to thank this "Lengtouqing" Rose Swordsman. If he hadn't come out to be the first bird, the adjudication organization might still be hesitant to send out stronger members.

Today, you may be able to see the true strength of the zodiac position of the ruling organization!

However, from Young Friends Yang Xi and the others, I learned that there is still a Constellation rank that has not emerged in the Judgment Organization.

Is it possible that a master of the stars came out?

Qian Lao took a step forward and said, "Your Excellency Qiangwei Swordsman, this old man and Youji are old acquaintances. I don't know why you are looking for him today?"

Swordsman Qiangwei had no expression on his face, but he relaxed in his heart. He really dozed off and fell on the pillow. Zhengchou didn't know how to tell all the grievances that he had decided to "seek justice" today because he "couldn't bear it anymore".

Swordsman Qiangwei controlled the expression on his face, with a trace of depression in his anger, he narrated the speech he had prepared dozens of times on the road: "...I didn't intend to be an enemy of the Judgment Organization, but my fiancée was touched by You Chicken, Come here today to seek justice!"

As Swordsman Rose spoke, the desolate smell on his body became more and more profound, and the corners of his eyes were moistened imperceptibly.

Whether it was the passengers of the Dolphin or the members of the Bailumeng who saw them off at the port, they all understood the whole story - it turned out that it was the Youji of the Judgment Organization who gave the Rose Swordsman a cuckold, and that person came to seek revenge. Also within reason.

Passengers on the Dolphin have all stayed in the inland areas, so they naturally know the name of Judgment Chicken. I didn't expect this big guy to be so flirtatious, and he even had a flirt with the tenth beauty in the four sea areas. It sounds like the latest matter.

The most important thing is that he dared to cuckold a sequence expert, so he must have been approached by someone now.

Hearing the words of Swordsman Rose, Mr. Qian thought to himself, could it be that the zodiac strongman sent by the ruling to follow the Dolphin is a chicken?

If it is a chicken, with the mobility of his metal superpower, maybe he can really go to the third island chain to have a good time with his old friend during "off work time".

Only Yang Xi was dumbfounded. If the Youji hadn't been his vest, he would have been convinced by Swordsman Qiangwei's "tearful" accusation.

Damn, what's going on with this Uruk family, how can you talk nonsense about things that don't show up, people are innocent!

There must be a problem here, either that Gema of the Uruk family is talking nonsense, or this Rose Swordsman is making up things.

What is their purpose?

Yang Xi felt that behind these many temptations, it seemed that a black hand hidden behind the scenes could be connected in series.

This rose swordsman is very likely to be the scapegoat introduced.

Let's wait and see.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Rose Swordsman heaved a sigh of relief, the practice on the road was not in vain, as long as he positioned himself as a victim, then there was a reason for his actions, which is better than finding fault at home.

When this you chicken comes out, I will make a few gestures with him, and then throw a few harsh words to settle the matter.

Not only has he fulfilled the requirements of the Canglong Envoy, but he will not lose his prestige as a powerful sequencer!

This chicken is a metal supernatural power, right?

Hmph, before I came here, I even pulled out the gold teeth that were inlaid a while ago, and I don't have any metal products on my body. I don't think this chicken can do anything to me?

As long as he is cautious enough, he can definitely survive this catastrophe.

Being able to survive and become a strong Sequence in the fiercely competitive world is one aspect of strength, and this ability to judge the situation is also necessary.

But after waiting for a long time, the chicken still didn't come out.

Rose Swordsman secretly speculated, "Could it be that this adjudication organization is really a paper tiger, scared by my name as a strong sequencer?"

He was too happy to make a move, because he decided not to accept the move, and the envoys of the blue dragon behind him would have nothing to do with him!

Mr. Qian was also a little worried. If Youji didn't come out, young people like Yang Xi and the others would bear the brunt of it!

But at this moment, Li You, the leader of the White Deer League, the embroidered spring knife of sequence No. Now, if you want to bully the small with the big, ask the Xiuchun knife in my hand first!"

Just now Li You heard clearly from below, isn't this an opportunity to come to your door to build relationships with the adjudication organization!

This kind of embarrassing matter, people's ruling is definitely not willing to take action, so let me, a future ally, do my best!

223 Attack That Qian Family Collateral Branch!

The appearance of Li You made Swordsman Rose's face change. He didn't know the strength of the judge, but he knew how strong the Xiuchun Knife of Sequence No. 39 was!

"This is between me and Youji..."

Before Swordsman Qiangwei finished speaking, Li You manifested his Horcrux "Xiuchun Knife" and slashed at it.

This is a knife with flying fish patterns on the blade, it looks like a samurai sword, but also like a plum blossom knife, exquisite and sharp at the same time.


Swordsman Qiangwei blocked it with his sword reflexively, but was defeated by Li You's attack, which was faster than a single blow. Finally, he stepped on the guardrail of the Dolphin and turned over to get rid of Li You's entanglement.

Li You didn't pause for the slightest. With a turn of the blade, another dazzling number of knives forced Swordsman Rose to the surface of the sea.

This is because he considered fighting on the ship. If he accidentally destroys something and causes dissatisfaction with the adjudication organization, his efforts will be wasted!

After all, Swordsman Rose is also a strong sequencer. Facing Li You's attack, although he responded hastily, he was not powerless to resist.

The Xiuchun knife slashed on his upright sword body, and a few sparks were wiped out. With inertia, the sparks collapsed onto the pale cheeks of Swordsman Rose.

He closed and opened his eyes, and when he opened them, his blue pupils turned into rose colors!

The slender sword body is full of pink light, and the rose sword energy gathers in the air!

"Secret Technique Rose Waterfall!"

With the appearance of the first palm-sized sword qi rose, countless sword qi roses fell on Li You like a waterfall, submerging him in it!

"This is the famous stunt of the rose swordsman. He once turned an S-level beast into a meat paste. Each of these sword-qi roses is extremely sharp. A-level defense-enhancing system abilities can't be defeated by this trick. Can't resist for a second!"

Among the passengers watching the battle, a man who had watched Rose Swordsman's past battle videos on the Internet exclaimed.

"Since this move is so powerful, why doesn't the leader of the White Deer League dodge or dodge, and forcefully take the damage?"

"You don't understand this. The Xiuchun Knife hacked Qiangwei Swordsman eighteen times just now, each of which was continuous. The timing of Qiangwei Swordsman's finding was very good. Blocking that incomparably dangerous knife with Qiangwei Waterfall's opening move, it was only in exchange for an advantage on the scene!"

"Sequence powerhouses are sequence powerhouses after all. None of them are easy to mess with. Although Xiuchundao ranks 30 places higher than Rose Swordsman, a slight negligence will ruin a good situation."

The discussions among the bystanders were in full swing, but the Sun shooter at the port who accompanied Li You to see him off watched the battle calmly, without any plans to make a move, obviously full of confidence in Li You's strength.

Sure enough, a bit of sword light exploded in the sword qi rose, and Li You, who was covered with the sword light all over his body, raised the horcrux embroidered spring knife, carrying unparalleled sword energy, and slashed towards the rose swordsman again.

He stayed in Jianqi Rose for a full five seconds, and his body was somewhat injured.

Swordsman Rose flipped his wrist, facing the mountain-like slash at an oblique angle, the sword light and sword energy intertwined, and the two opposing forces made him almost lose his grip on his saber.

Fortunately, the angle he cut just now did not parry the knife from the front, leaving room for him to relax. He turned his body and tilted the sword, and the peerless knife tilted towards the sea under the traction.

Bang bang bang! ! !

This knife blew up several huge water curtains on the sea surface, and the tallest one surpassed the hull of the Dolphin.

But Swordsman Rose, who forcibly pulled the knife away, also received a certain degree of backlash. His throat was sweet, and blood was stuffy in his throat, but he endured it.

The sea is still churning, with bubbles and unlucky fish carcasses emerging.

Swordsman Qiangwei said: "Xiu Chundao, do you really want to get involved in this muddy water?"

After the fight just now, even though there are still some tricks that have not been used, he knows that he is indeed no match for this guy in terms of hard power.

Xiuchun Dao's sword light is stronger and more domineering than his sword energy.

It's just... Rose Swordsman glanced at the sky, so the old fellow Canglong Envoy should be watching.

Poor Xiu Chundao, he jumped out to find trouble without knowing his life. Don't you know how deep the water is in today's situation?

He, Rose Swordsman, couldn't run even if he wanted to, but this guy actually jumped in by himself.

What are you drawing?

On the side, Xiu Chundao was very proud. Although his moves had become old just now, he could barely dodge Rose Swordsman's unique move.

It's just that if he defeated the opponent lightly, it wouldn't be as effective as being slightly injured now.

Now, the adjudication organization's favorability towards our Bailu League has already exploded.

But at this moment, Li You regretted it a little bit.

The so-called caring leads to chaos. He still really wants to win favor in front of the adjudication organization. If he had been able to act later and let Yang Xi suffer a bit, it would not only relieve himself, but also make the adjudication organization more appreciative.

But since the matter has developed to this stage, it can only be accepted as soon as it is good.

He said unceremoniously to Swordsman Qiangwei: "With our Bailumeng here today, you don't even think about attacking the Qian family. Please go back!"

Li You talked about the Qian family, but anyone who knew the inside story knew who he was targeting today.

After all, Rose Swordsman is also a strong sequencer, so if he really wants to kill the opponent, he will have to pay a lot of price.

Now that the favorability has been raised, it is naturally better to let the other party go obediently.

After hearing this, Swordsman Rose felt that this seemed a good opportunity to leave, so he went down the slope and said, "If that's the case, then I..."

It's a pity that his words were second-guessed.

Ouyang Canglu's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Don't worry about Xiuchun Knife, just attack that branch of the Qian family and force the chicken out, otherwise you will know what the consequences will be!"

Depend on!

Rose Swordsman is suffering and cannot tell. As soon as today's incident is over, he will immediately leave the Liberty Alliance sea area, and it is better to go to the front line to participate in the battle than here!

What kind of world is this, he is a dignified sequence powerhouse who can only be reduced to a tool for these big bosses.

Really bad luck.

Although he didn't know what method the Azure Dragon Messenger used to make the voice appear in his mind, the Rose Swordsman who heard the coldness in his words dared not neglect.

It suddenly exploded and rushed towards the crowd watching the battle on the deck.

His target is obviously Yang Xi.

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