As one of the best players among the old students, the audience has actually prepared for the undefeated Olympic Super League. They did not expect that the Olympic Super League would pay a blood not long after the opening.

"Hehe, so you've been bragging about your gluttonous bloodlines for a long time, but you can match A with others, and you can't beat A? It's really funny..."

"Children in front, don't you know the story of Ao Chao eating strange beasts? I heard that he has a talent skill that needs to be activated by devouring the enemy's organization. Do you want Ao Chao to eat the meat of his juniors (sorry face)?"

"But in this way, wouldn't Ao Chao only be able to use his full strength when fighting alien beasts, and would he be in the same predicament as he is today when facing an opponent who is also a human being at the power conference?"

"Who knows, anyway, Ao Chao is still young, maybe after he develops his ability to a higher level, he will be able to get rid of this difficult activation condition!"

"Besides, the fundamental purpose of the hero's appearance is to resist the invasion of alien beasts. Many abilities of people with abilities really cannot be used in the ability conference, and the Aochao is not the only one."

Because the students have not yet become heroes, although the audience has a good impression of them and will give some gifts to support them, the degree of madness is different from that of some professional hero fans who have developed into a fan circle culture. They are still relatively rational and will not appear. The phenomenon of mindless spraying.

Facing some passers-by audience who don't know the truth, those who know the inside story will patiently explain, instead of "You dare to spray my idol? Get ready for xxx!" This kind of brainless and hostile answer.

The commentator Nabi said regretfully: "It's a pity, if Ao Chao didn't underestimate the enemy at the beginning, even if he didn't use his talent skills, he should be able to defeat Ye Fan."

Seeing that Ye Fan won, Rita was rather happy. She liked this young man from the very beginning, "After all, this is a selection contest, and it's not a life-and-death fight. Ye Fan's medal is also recognized by the Olympic Super League!"

The battle between Ao Chao and Ye Fan ended, and the staff non-stop replaced the content of the main interface of the live broadcast room with "Li Zitian vs Russell".

However, this scene, which was originally thought to be as exciting as the battle between Ao Chao and Ye Fan, ended in a short time.

Russell, who summoned his own Horcrux "Red Dragon Battlesuit", couldn't even get close to Li Zitian's body, so she shot three times in an understatement, wounding the calf, elbow socket and right eye corner that were not covered by the suit. down position.

Li Zitian let go of the fingers holding the silver coin and the bowstring, and said calmly: "If you don't know how to advance or retreat, your next shot will be your eyes."

Although the girl quickly retracted the Horcrux into her body, Russell, who had three burning wounds on his body, had no doubt that what he said was true.

This woman could really shoot arrows of light into his eye sockets!

After a while of silence, Russell chose to leave.

Li Zitian was not someone he could match at the moment, and he even felt some aura from her that only those strong people in the company had.

This woman is dangerous!

After Russell left, no one dared to come to Li Zitian's place to try again.

She who was meditating suddenly opened her eyes and turned her head to the direction where Ye Fan and Ao Chao were.


"Ye Fan, you are not really a body enhancement system, are you? Where is the enhancement?"

Wan Jiu looked curiously at Ye Fan who was a little wet.

"I'm not an enhancement power, first... I've said it many times."

Ye Fan, who had won the medal, was planning to collect a few more, and was absent-mindedly dealing with the chattering Marukyu.

And after Ao Chao gave out the medal, he no longer cared about the candidates around him, and focused on dealing with the roast rabbit.

Just when Ao Chao took a bite of the roasted rabbit, a black hole appeared above the creek!

With the black cavity being torn apart, a strange roar resounded through the southwest corner of the back mountain forest!

What appeared was a wild boar-shaped beast with purple spikes all over its body!

In the live broadcast room, the two new commentators were a little panicked, "The B-level alien beast stings the wild boar! In the second trial of the Hero Department of Yanjing University, an alien beast came tearing up the black cavity!"

"Although there were some strange beasts here in the past, they will soon be solved by heroes or mentors of the hero department!"

"Today's time is too coincidental. The old students are okay, and many candidates are also wandering around in the sub-forest!"

"Perhaps we should temporarily end the trials and let the mentors of the hero department enter the field to deal with the strange beasts before continuing?"

"It seems that this is the only way to go, but will the sudden suspension of the selection competition affect the results of the candidates who are competing?"

"That's right, let's wait patiently for Yanjing University's solution. As you can see, three mentors have already rushed to the place where the strange beast appeared."

Among the three instructors who rushed to the location of the strange beast, one was Luo Chen.

At this moment, his walkie-talkie is receiving instructions from the head of the department: "Don't be in a hurry to make a move. The location where this B-level beast appears is exactly where Ao Chao is. He already has experience in dealing with C-level beasts. Let's try it out today." What is his limit."

"Be careful to protect the safety of other students!"

"The selection test continues!"

At the same time, Ao Chao devoured the roast chicken, stood with Ye Fan, looked at the huge monster that fell to the ground and said, "Wow, how long does it take to roast such a big one?"

191 Taotie's Innate Skill

Yang Xi originally planned to go home first, but because he happened to pass by Yanjing, he decided to go to see Ye Fan's trials first, and upgrade his ability by the way.

After the inland matter is settled, he has to set off to the four sea areas, and it will be troublesome to come back to upgrade Ye Fan's abilities when he is late.

Yang Feifei, who was tired from crying just now, was lying in Yang Xi's arms to sleep, her little nose was red and twitched from time to time. Fortunately, Yang Feifei, who has the ability of Snow Girl, is not very good at catching a cold, otherwise Yang Xi would definitely use the fire element ability to warm up her sister .

Anyway, warming up by the fire is something Xuenv likes.

It was dawn now, and in order to avoid being discovered, Yang Xi had to increase the height of his flight, and even made a disguised cloud with the ability of the water element system.

At the same time, he had to keep an eye out for some birds and aircraft, not because he was afraid of being hit. In front of the airship made of S-class metal controls, these things in front of him were like paper.

Thanks to Yang Xi's strong mental strength, he can spot these potential "victims" from a long distance away and avoid them from afar.

"It's Yanjing City, Ye Fan's location..."

There are many ways for Yang Xi to find Ye Fan, such as sensing the power beads in his body and the curse seal of the puppet.

Soon he flew over the forest in the back mountain of Yanjing University, and his mental power quietly probed down.

"Hey, why is there still a strange beast in the selection field? Is Yenching University so awesome? They actually give the students a live strange beast for the exam? It's really a bit of a face!"

There are many strong people in Yenching University, Yang Xi did not descend, and now his sister is still sleeping, so he can use his mental strength to watch from high altitude.


Facing the menacing B-level beast stinging wild boar, except for Ao Chao and Ye Fan whose faces remained unchanged, the others were obviously shocked.

Marukyu is still relatively well, but he is a little nervous, so he hides behind Ye Fan involuntarily,

The performance of the boy with sunglasses and the girl with bubblegum was a little bit worse. Although they had seen many live broadcasts or videos of heroes and alien beasts fighting, it was the first time that they were so close to the alien beast!

The faces of the two turned pale, and after looking at each other, they dragged the golden bell cover and hid behind the bushes a little farther away.

Damn it, why did a strange beast appear in the test!

The boy in sunglasses suspected that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

Ao Chao threw away the skeleton in his hand, wiped his mouth and said, "Student, why don't you go back like them? And your little girlfriend too."

Ye Fan said: "I've seen scarier things than this, and Maruki is not my girlfriend."

Marukyu on the side also popped up and said: "Senior, don't mess with mandarin ducks, I... I like handsome ones!"

Ao Chao was happy, pointed at himself and said, "Then do you think I am handsome, senior?"

Marukyu: "..."

Seeing that the two of them didn't want to retreat, Ao Chao stopped trying to persuade him, and he recognized Ye Fan's strength, and he could help at critical moments.

To be honest, facing the menacing B-level beasts, he really didn't know what to do if he wanted to fight alone.

Although I have become much stronger than when I was fighting with C-level beasts, B-level and C-level are not the same concept after all.

To deal with a B-level beast, at least three B-level supernatural beings must take action.

Luo Chen and the other two teachers quietly landed on the canopy of the tree. Luo Chen asked the head of the department through the intercom: "There are two candidates beside Ao Chao, do you want to take them away?"

"That kid is called Ye Fan, right? No need, it just so happens that Ao Chao will struggle to deal with B-level beasts by himself, so let him assist by the side. As for that girl's ability is [realization], people are more If you are clever, you may be better at protecting yourself than the other two, so don't worry about it for now."

Luo Chen told the other two teachers about the department head's instructions, and the three of them spread out and controlled the battlefield like horns, ensuring that the students could be rescued in time before any accidents occurred.

Any student here, including the boy in sunglasses who ran away, the girl with bubblegum, and the bald man with the golden bell cover, can be regarded as the favorite of heaven on the scale of the whole district.

Among other things, the culture test alone has wiped out a large number of students of the right age.

This is also an unavoidable solution. Although Yenching University is very powerful, it cannot hold trials for more than 5000 people. The risks in this are really uncontrollable.

A relatively fair culture test can wipe out most of the students.

Although there may be powerful teenagers who have been left out, what Yenching University lacks most is talented teenagers, and the results of cultural courses can also reflect the students' self-discipline and thinking ability to a certain extent. Essential qualities of a hero.

Stinger Boar didn't realize that he was surrounded by three powerful hero instructors. After finding the three of Ao Chao, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he rushed towards the three with a hoof.

"Good job!" Ao Chao roared, no longer retaining his strength, the gluttonous phantom behind him became more solid, and met the poisonous wild boar without any fear!

In the live broadcast screen, the height difference between Ao Chao and Stinger Boar is very different, which makes people can't help but sweat for Ao Chao.

The barrage began to spray Yenching University's Department of Heroes.

"I don't know what Yenching University thinks, but let a student who hasn't graduated to fight against a strange beast. He is not a professional hero. How dangerous it is!"

"Ahem, when Ao Chao was in the first grade, he had actually obtained a temporary license. As long as he got the instructor's consent, he could fight the beast head-on."

"The other two candidates stayed there no matter what, are they scared stupid?"

Spraying and spraying, the audience was more concerned about the safety of Ye Fan and Wanjiu. After all, Ao Chao still had experience in fighting strange beasts, but Ye Fan and Wanjiu were pure idiots in their eyes.

Even seeing the medals representing the winners of the selection hanging on their chests can't dispel the audience's worries.

Because everyone knows how much courage it takes to face a strange beast!

It's not bad for the first female to show half of her strength in front of the strange beast!

Ao Chao fiercely resisted the two curved upward fangs of the stinging wild boar, and suddenly formed a situation of rivalry.

Seeing that he couldn't push the human in front of him away, the stinging boar aimed at Ao Chao and shot it out in anger!

Although this stinging wild boar has a huge system, the stinger on its body is only three inches long, but the stinging surface is smooth and purple, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a very powerful poison.

Facing the poisonous sting shot at close range, it was difficult for Ao Chao to avoid it, because he was holding the two fangs of the stinging wild boar tightly with both hands. Once he let go, the angle changed, and he was likely to be stabbed Boar overturned.

This would put him at a disadvantage.

He just "lost" to Ye Fan, but he didn't want to lose to the strange beast again.

Pooh!Although he turned his head to avoid the deadly stinger, Ao Chao's shoulder was still hit.

The strange thing is that this time it didn't hurt at all.

Ao Chao's secret path is not good, the more powerful the poison, the harder it is to detect when it is in the human body.

Immediately, he didn't hold back any more moves, and controlled the Taotie phantom to bite hard on the poisonous wild boar, not sparing even its poisonous thorns!

Taotie Xuying gulped down the bloody alien meat with its skin, but fortunately it wasn't Ao Chao who stuttered by himself, otherwise he might spit it out.

After "digesting" the meat of the alien animal, Ao Chao's complexion was a little gloomy due to the poisoning, and he gradually recovered, and the effect of the toxin faded away!

This is the innate skill "target resistance" that Ao Chao did not use against Ye Fan. After the Taotie phantom "digests" the enemy's organization, he can temporarily gain resistance to the opponent's ability and gain a bonus in strength !

Although it is not 100% immune, because of the small difference in strength, Ao Chao is no longer afraid of the poison of the stinging wild boar.

"Hey, be my prey obediently!"

Ao Chao lowered his waist and exerted his strength, even lifted up the strange beast, and threw it heavily towards the tall and straight tree trunk next to him!

193 Grade B?I'm not anymore

Ye Fan naturally wouldn't let Ao Chao fight alone for so long, just when he was about to make a move, Marukyu who was beside him suddenly stopped him.

I saw the dull-haired girl handing over a black tights as if offering a treasure, "You put this on, I just made it!"

"The attack of the stinging wild boar will inevitably be poisonous. Wearing this tights, although it cannot guarantee complete isolation from poison, at least it is much better than your bare hands!"

As he said that, Marukyu's face turned slightly red: "I specially made this according to your size. The material is tough, and it won't affect your movements."

...It just looks a little strange, anyway, Marukyu herself doesn't know how to wear it, which will expose her flat chested truth.

Ye Fan never cared about such things as appearance, and what Marukyu said made sense, with this tights, his safety factor would be greatly improved.

"Thank you!"

Ye Fan took over the tights and didn't shy away from it, and changed his clothes on the spot.

Marukus on the side glanced over from the corner of the eye, hehe, it really is very interesting.

In order not to let the tights affect his movements, Ye Fan took off his coat, leaving only some close-fitting clothes, which exposed his countless sculpture-like perfect figures that he had trained day and night.

He usually likes to wear looser clothes, and these explosive muscles are well hidden.

Hero Live.

The female commentator Rita took the lead in committing a nympho.

"Wow, Ye Fan's muscles are different from those big guys piled up together. This graceful muscle curve, this attractive hip-to-waist ratio, this sculpted mermaid line and abdominal muscles..."

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