Alicia recited with ups and downs, and after Mei adjusted her glasses and removed too many adjectives and private goods about the doll, what Alicia said was probably how she was born.

She is the original Herrscher, born between heaven and earth, and raised as an orphan since childhood.Perhaps it is precisely because she has been living among human beings that even though she realizes that she is different from human beings, she still insists on her identity as a "human being".

It's not that she has any special purpose in coming to Flame Chasing Moth, it's just because there are many people like her here, and she is not an outlier here.

It is enough not to be heterogeneous, and you can make friends without being heterogeneous.

"I know you don't believe me," Alicia said lazily. She looked around, and no one saw the slight sadness in her eyes. "Actually... I shouldn't make it public at this time. According to my long, long ago Thoughts, I should show up at the end. Hmm... I should have a grand funeral, it must be a time when everyone is desperate, I will become a common enemy, and then use my death to unite everyone The last hope, let everyone unite to fight against the final end...but..."

Alicia smiled in relief, "'s strange that I already had such a premonition, but as time passed, the world was different from what I imagined. I found...even in the last days When the arrival comes, even if the Herrschers show up one after another, not desperate at all."

She is confused.

Alicia, who is the first Herrscher, is confused. She is connected to the imaginary space with countless perceptions. She was born on the earth. In theory, the future given to her by this land will not be wrong.

But no one in this world is in despair, even if Mu mainland sinks, even if Australia is caught in fire, even if people are trapped in major cities.

But the world is still thriving, Eden is still holding her concert, and countless people are still watching it; Hawaii is still open to tourism, and there is an endless stream of people sunbathing on the beach every year.Human beings are always victorious, and the Herrscher can only be captured and become Eve's beloved pet. The Moth of the Fire Chaser is even more powerful and united to death without fear.

Why is the world so happy before the end of the world.

Then she found out.

Alicia actually has a little bit of narcissism. She used to think that she was a goddess descended from the moon and stars, until she met the Son of Man who is favored by all things.

No sacrifice is required.

No one needs to take risks.

Nobody needs to be great.

It turns out that solidarity can also be achieved in another way, and it doesn't require someone to play a charming villain.With pure brilliance and holiness, and a little pampering that is not humane, the Son of Man has achieved everything that the Goddess expected.

"You used to live in a bright paradise, covered with incomparable brilliance, better than the brilliance of the stars. You should form an alliance with me, fight against the enemy, and fight in the glorious cause." Alicia softly chanted The Divine Comedy of Praise, "Human beings need a leader, with absolute will, to lead the human race forward. I thought it would take countless sufferings, and even witness the lonely sacrifice of a hero, but ...I seem to be wrong, I seem to...can rely on a force other than me."

There was an uproar in the conference room. Except for the fusion fighters, most members of the council would not be moved by this feeble excuse, and even thought Alicia was using clumsy means to change the subject.

Shen Liang looked up at her, wanting to laugh.

"Ai Li... am I so tall in your heart?"

But he didn't say it, just rubbed her chin lightly.

Alicia hugged him and said softly, "If I die, you have to work hard."

Shen Liang couldn't help but laugh.

Then he suddenly broke the handcuffs, stood up, faced everyone, and his voice ran through the audience: "Since everyone can't come to a decent conclusion, then I apply to take care of Alicia, and I will prove my love with actions." Whose side is Licia on? Her Herrscher core will be managed by me, and I will be responsible for any results of any of her actions."

"Just kidding! Are you responsible? Are you responsible for the disasters that a Herrscher can bring?" Someone immediately complained, but in the next second he was forced to retreat by Shen Liang's cold eyes.

"You can reject my application, but I will forcefully pass it with the authority of the deputy commander. If the parliament blocks my actions by force, I will step down as the deputy commander and refuse to cooperate with any future action orders of the flame moths." The boy's The tone was extremely cold, "Now you can weigh it, Alicia's betrayal of mankind or my refusal to contribute to mankind, which is more serious."

Alicia looked at his back, her beautiful eyes were bright.

Volume 402 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter [-] Leave Note

At the end of October, in order to make up for the update, it was a bit exhausting to update [-] words a day for several days...

So I want to take a break at the beginning of the month while there is still a leave request, please take a leave, sorry.

By the way, thinking about the follow-up plot, the flame-chasing moth plot has come to an end so far, and to be honest it has been a little longer than I thought.

Going to pick it up fast, but my style has always been flirting at least half of the day, so it might take a while.

Volume 403 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 60 Chapter [-] Is it a bit...

In the afternoon, an indoor shopping center in the CBD area of ​​a human city near Flaming Moth.

Shen Liang opened the door of the dressing room, walked out with a small face, and then stood up straight in front of the two women with surprised eyes.

"Great! Hehehe, as expected, my little wolf dog looks good in everything! Dolls, I have already said that Eden and the others have good aesthetics, but that kind of style will also make them tired. You should be as much as me. Experience the beautiful sentiments of human beings~" Alicia clapped her hands.

"That's fine." Shen Liang turned around under her command.

"Try this one? Yes, yes, the shoulders should be exposed... What, boys can't show their shoulders? How can there be such a conservative opinion, don't you also show your shoulders when you wear a vest and bathrobe? Try it Try it quickly."

"And this! This one is very cute with an exposed waist...Children's clothing? It doesn't matter if it's children's clothing, as long as it's pretty."

"Okay, let's change our hairstyle and match a few more sets. It was a high ponytail just now. Let's try to put it down this time... Not too much, not too much. It's normal for a girl to buy more than a hundred pieces of clothes a year... Cute The same goes for the boys! Don’t try? Alicia will be angry if you don’t try, and you’ll become a Herrscher tonight! Just tonight!”

Because she was going to go out, Aponia, who had changed into a simple and conservative dress, walked over with a shopping cart, which was full of more than a dozen shopping bags stacked on top of each other, all matching clothes.With the aesthetics of the members of the fire moth, when buying clothes, they never buy complete sets. They are all matched by themselves, and they need to be carefully selected for their own dolls.

Although she was criticized by the Fire Chasing Council, Alicia's optimism will not be affected by these things in the slightest. It would be better to say that she is more happy to be temporarily suspended.All day long, Alicia smiled complacently. Anyway, Shen Liang happened to belong to her today.

"Wear this and this, good doll, my good doll, show me these cool strappy hot pants. Well, in exchange, I'll buy the black yarn embroidery of the same style as May Show you the cheongsam pajamas?" Alicia pushed the helpless Shen Liang into the dressing room, then turned her head to look at Aponia, and said with a smile, "Aponia, it's rare to come out to play once, don't look like this Seriously."

"Baby... Eve's words today are a little too impatient, and she still doesn't think enough." Aponia closed her eyes slightly. In order not to attract attention from the outside world, she never completely closed her eyes, but opened them halfway. Showing that she can still see the road—although her tall and plump figure is enough to attract attention, "In order to explain to you, he did not hesitate to threaten the parliament with himself. This will give people evidence that he is not She is completely human, and now she stands up to fight for the Herrscher, and it feels more 'alien'."

"The minds of people who are not of my race must be different. It is one of the favorite words of Asians, but there is no way, after all, this sentence is always correct most of the time." Alicia said with a smile, "After all, the doll is too young. Well, it's full of calculations, um...he was born only a dozen years ago, so it's normal for him to be young and vigorous."

"14 years, one month and seven days." Aponia said lightly.

Alicia looked at her, her eyes gradually softened, "You... Well, although his body and mind have basically matured, he is still a young child after all. But he is willing to do this, I am so happy Ah... the feeling of being protected by a man is like being trapped in a honey jar."

"Ai Li, you were supposed to protect her."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L L I I only feel sorry for the doll, after you have the doll, you will be eccentric!" Alicia smiled, "But, now that you're here, don't you choose a few clothes for the doll? After all, it's been so many years."

This sentence is a bit abrupt and inexplicable.

Aponia stared at the clothes in the shopping cart, a little dazed. After a long time, she shook her head, and then nodded again as if to affirm what she meant.

"Yeah, after all these years, he's outside, and I'm in the deepest place, and it's rare to meet once a year." Aponia said in a low voice, "Forget it, I don't understand the preferences of people in this era at all. , I don't know his figure at all, he... doesn't need me, and he won't like me."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"I tried it, a long time ago... I knitted a white knitted scarf and asked Gracie to deliver it when she went out, but the next day, Gracie came back with the scarf."

"Dolls don't like it?"

"It's too young, I don't know his growth rate, I thought Alicia said he was growing fast, so I knit him according to the size of a ten-year-old child, but I didn't expect him to have a 15-year-old figure at that time , the presents...haven’t been sent out either.” Aponia smiled silently, “It grows so fast, doll, it’s so tall in the blink of an eye, I don’t need any of the clothes I prepared, every time I make them After looking at his photo, and... But it's okay, at least Ellie, you took good care of me."

She praised softly: "Much better than me..."

Alicia looked at her, and for some reason felt that her eyes were not full of joy, but more of loneliness.

She suddenly remembered the teasing jokes she had made when chatting with other people before. Patuo said whether it was a bit too much for the dolls to take turns on duty every week. Wei Wei smiled and said that everyone shared bullying dolls in this way hundreds of years ago. The nun prayed and repented of her crimes, and then Pato jumped out and said no, no, no, how can I pray to the nun, pray to other nuns, maybe she will forgive your sins and even envy you, but it is too late for us, but the closest nun is Sister Aponia, pray to her?If she knows the relationship between the doll and us, there is a high probability that she will open her eyes in a rage and kill us all!

But in fact it was just a joke, and Alponia never had any objection because of their waywardness.It would be better to say that she is still vaguely happy, the kind of relief and happiness that reveals "the baby is so powerful, she has grown up, you should get along well, don't fight, don't break up"... This kind of mentality makes Ellie When Shia and the others looked at Alponia, they had an indescribably weird state of mind. Even though they were all colleagues, they felt... being overwhelmed for no reason.

But Aponia is indeed the person farthest away from Eve, both of whom are nine Primarchs, but because of her special ability, she proclaims herself in the deepest place.Alicia sometimes had a hard time imagining how Alponia would endure the deepest thoughts of being a woman in that cold and lonely place... So Blanca and Gracio simply settled in the deep place and accompanied them as ordinary people Looking at Aponia, and it can be seen from Aponia's care for Gracie that she likes children.

But the time she met with Eve was not even as long as Grey's.

"It's okay, now that you're out, you can..." Alicia thought for a while, "Communicate with the doll more."

But what can be communicated?Alicia didn't know that Aponia's character was the difficult type among all people... She is a fusion fighter who has the most terrifying spiritual ability, and she is an extremely devout nun, so She follows her moral code in many ways, acting pathetic and dangerous.No one wants to meet Alponia, maybe she will give you a hint because of some inexplicable dislike.

Although Alponia hardly interferes with other people's will, danger is danger after all, and even a child she loves like Shen Liang will inevitably alienate her.Alicia knew that this was a very sad thing. As the son of a majestic man, one of the people Shen Liang feared was Aponia, which was suppressed from her genes.

The three thousand precepts engraved in her mind were imposed by her own hands.When Shen Liang was curled up in the amniotic fluid and hadn't opened his eyes yet, he was shackled like this, which had deeply cut off the relationship between the two of them.

"No more." At last Aponia ended the topic lightly.

At this time, Shen Liang had already changed into the last dress and put it on. Alicia immediately stepped forward to tidy up her sleeves, looked at the exquisitely dressed little boy, then nodded in satisfaction, and kissed He tore the label off his forehead.

"Just wear this and go."

It is not uncommon for the Fire Chasing Council to release Alicia. For example, the old rule is to place heart explosives on Alicia and give the detonator to Shen Liang.Alicia not only needs to follow Shen Liang, but also needs to be accompanied by Alponia who can control Shen Liang at the same time.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that if something happens to Alicia, at least she can be sure to kill her.

But the Fire Chasing Council... In the final analysis, the current high-level executives of the Fire Chasing Moth are essentially people from the group that Shen Liang is familiar with... Even the so-called second-handers are largely meaningless.For example, Mebius himself was the one who performed the operation on Alicia, and Aponia and Alicia who controlled Shenliang were also good friends.

In a sense, these people's supervision of Alicia is open to question.

But in fact, there is no other way. The former council has long since stepped down. In the current council, Alicia herself is a social butterfly. Even if Qian Jie is asked to control the detonator, it may not be better than Shen Liang... In fact, she made a certain degree of criticism. It was already the final appeal of the council. When Shen Liang stood up to speak, the topic of Alicia was no longer worth discussing. Everyone knew that it would be nothing in the end.

The three sat down at the cold drink shop on the second floor of the shopping center.

"After all, the entire Flaming Moth didn't regard me as a serious Herrscher." Alicia ordered a cup of milk tea, added a menu of ingredients, and then handed the list to the waiter, lying on the table with a smile Looking up at Shen Liang, "To be honest, I didn't expect this ending at all, and she actually believed me completely, even the bad woman Mebius, who was so angry when she saw me, secretly didn't operate on me. I asked her to at least put on a show, and she actually threw me on the operating table and went to bed~”

"Part of everyone trusts me." Shen Liang ordered a glass of orange juice from the waiter, "As long as I... and Alponia are by your side, you won't be able to make any waves."

"Use this kind of words to the villain, say to me, I will be sad."

"Anyway, you're not a villain." Shen Liang shrugged, "It's like they can't trust me. If you really become a Herrscher, Alicia, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with you in time... and maybe I don't care that much Can't figure it out."


"Even if you don't need me, I don't believe that you will become the Herrscher who betrays mankind."

"is it?"

"After all, if we go that way, Alicia, I will have to spend a long time and overcome many difficulties before I can be with you." Shen Liang said, "You won't make things difficult for me, will you? ? From childhood to adulthood, you have always been my favorite sister, we will be together forever without any disturbances, and those bloody plots are unnecessary."

Too calm, so calm that Alicia, who can speak well, is dumb.

She pondered for a moment and wasn't sure if Shen Liang's words were love words, if they were love words, they would be too simple, there was no movement on her face, and she couldn't hear the slightest sense of romance.But if this is not a love story...

Alicia's heart is so sweet that she seems to want to squeeze out honey, yes, I am the doll's favorite big sister.The road to winning this little wolf dog was smooth and uneventful. How could there be a mess of betrayal, grievances, righteousness, race, and so on after the real push all the way?

A woman who chases fire moths always pushes the boys she likes all the way to old age!

Two women sat on one side across a small table. They were very interesting, and the booth they chose was a double seat.Shen Liang took a look, thought for a while, and sat down beside Alicia.

Alicia raised her head and glanced at Alponia opposite, the nun's face remained calm.

She suddenly pursed her lips, and snorted with disgust on her face: "How can you sit on a lovely girl in this big crowd? Sit on you Alponia... sit on Ms. Alponia, I haven't fallen in love yet Pure girl, if a reporter captures it here, it will be over."

Shen Liang was pushed and staggered, and fell on Aponia in shock.

——Why is this!When did I say I was going to sit on you?

——And what is a pure girl who has not been in love, can we still talk about this?Afraid of reporters?Even if there are reporters here, there are not one or two shots of you hugging me these years. The fans on your account are all guessing when you will get engaged to me.

——And Aponia is obviously more pure than you!Is it really okay if you can't be sat down and throw me to Alponia!

I complained three times in my heart, but the boy was still firmly caught by the nun.

"I'm sorry, Mama Aponia, I..." Shen Liang just wanted to break free when he heard the nun's gentle voice and her arms around his waist.

"It's okay, the seat is very small, just sit here, just let me hug you well." Aponia's voice has always been a little ethereal, gentle and divine, undeniable, Shen Liang also subconsciously tensed up, refused The words reached my lips and I couldn't speak them again.

Alicia still looked helpless.

When Shen Liang was very young, she called Aponia the strange "Mother Aponia", but now that she has grown up, this strange title has not changed.

Shen Liang's habit has not changed since he was a child. He does not use suffixes for those who are close to him, but only for those who are unfamiliar.For example, when he was a child, he and Qianjie Kevin slept in the same bed, and they had no concept of elders. "Qianjie" and "Kevin" would just open their mouths. Brother" "Brother Kevin".

The exception is Mebius, Shen Liang learned what is mean-spirited from her, he and Gracie brothers and sisters have always called Mebius "auntie", so that Mebius is so irritable every time .

"Too light," said Alponia suddenly.

What is too light?

"You are probably only [-] kilograms heavier than Grexie. You are too light. As a boy, you shouldn't be so weak." Aponia folded her legs to make the boy sit more comfortably, and said in a low voice, "Ge Leixiu is only ten years old this year."

Shen Liangxin said yes, but I'm only a dozen centimeters taller than Grey's, and I've weighed [-] kilograms. Isn't that enough to show that I'm muscular? Do you want to compare my strength with my wrist?

But he didn't realize that he complained about it because he felt a little upset.

Remembering Gracie's weight so clearly, shouldn't there be a lot of hugs in that deep prison?Do you hold Gracie and watch her draw when you have nothing to do? These years... you are more like a mother than her mother, right?

PS: Is it a little bit to be jealous anytime, anywhere and for any reason... It really is a question of education.

Volume 404 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 61 Chapter [-] The little wolf dog's tail is up to the sky

It feels amazing.

Although I do not want to contact Aponia from the bottom of my heart, when I actually sit on Aponia's lap, I will find that her body is softer than other people's, and her embrace is warmer.In a trance, it reminds people of a long time ago, as if in a corner deep in the memory, the wind blows the windows and tiles, the bells on the cradle rattle, someone holds the baby in his arms and warms the milk with the wall, the pot Li Baiqi overflowed and blurred his vision, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

Just kidding, there is no such thing as infancy in Shen Liang, he grows extremely fast, he can eat the amount of three adults for each meal, and at the age of three, he has entered the puberty of a normal person at the age of fourteen or five.

Even if he has an infant period, it is only three or four months at most...

Three or four months...

Three or four months is not a lot.

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