"Uncle, go to Mao'er Alley first."

"Come here later."

Chen Xueru nodded, with a happy expression on her face.

Then, she got busy.


After He Daqing finished practicing his voice, he sang the song "Three Songs of Plum Blossoms" with Chen Xueru.

Then, I rode a tricycle to the courtyard.

At the same time, communicate with the system to draw prizes.

The system prompts, "Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won one hundred 14-inch black and white TV sets

"Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won one hundred radios!"


He Daqing was overjoyed.

This is sleepy sent a pillow.

Meaning, no need to go to the department store.

The radio and TV are both working.

How many big girls and little daughter-in-laws are there? !

To know.

That is, three years ago, in 712, Jinmen [-] Factory developed the first black and white TV

This thing is too rare.

Money can't necessarily buy it.

He Daqing looked at the system space.

Just right.

It is the batch of domestic black and white TVs.

Send it to Chen Xueru's house tomorrow and it will be over.

Of course, there aren't many shows these days, and He Daqing doesn't like to watch them either.

Look at novels and comic strips, at least you can think about it.

Back to the courtyard.

He Daqing suddenly found out.

The lights were still on in the house.

A Flying Pigeon full chain box is parked at the door.

So who is it?

He Daqing opened the door and took a look.

People are suddenly stupid.

It turned out to be Ding Qiunan, who was still sitting in the living room waiting for him.

Seeing Chef He, Ding Qiunan raised his eyebrows and said, "Be honest, where are you fooling around again?"

"Day by day, no one can be seen."

"You say it yourself."

"Calculate with your fingers."

"How long have you not seen me?"

"You don't need to pay attention to the girlfriend who co-authors the real card, right?"

He Daqing was quite embarrassed, and said, "You are a woman, you don't understand."

"I'm going to a friend's place."

"Two paintings were accepted."

"If you want to see it, I'll show it to you."

Ding Qiunan snorted and said, "I don't believe it!"

"What kind of urine are you, can I not know?"

"I know how to hang around the little girl all day long."

"It's simply contemporary Chen Shimei."

"Stop making excuses."

"Just tell me, which beautiful girl are you with?"

He Daqing said with a clear heart.

can i be honest

That is definitely not possible.

Otherwise, if Ding Qiunan is offended, he will find a chance to click and do it.

Wouldn't that be a gutter capsize.

He Daqing walked over and hugged her in his arms.

Said, "Xiao Nan, what's the matter with you."

"The paranoia is too serious."

"I'm not too busy."

"There are a lot of things in the factory."

"After work, someone is looking for a drink, and someone is calling to collect old things."

"The Poor Marquis asked me to go to his house in the evening, and I haven't time to go yet."


"I'll get you two packs of spicy sticks first."

"Calm down."

"I'll take those two paintings again, so that you can also open your eyes."

After finishing speaking, He Daqing really took out two packs of spicy strips.

Ding Qiunan was silent for a while.

Open the spicy strips and eat them on the spot.

She consoled herself.

Which cat doesn't steal.

It is certain that cook He is outside, spending time and drinking.

I don't have time to stare at it all day.

What else can be done.

Pretending not to see? !

After a while, He Daqing really took out the two paintings.

Ding Qiunan glanced twice.

She has little taste in this area, and she can't see the good or the bad.

All I know is that a painting is some years old and was painted by the ancients.

The other one is the work of a modern master.

Yawning, Ding Qiunan said, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

"Tonight, I'll sleep with Jingru."

"You go to the rainwater house."

Chapter 428 Depends on Your Performance!

Looking at Ding Qiunan.

He Daqing was happy.

He knew it.

Leng Meiren, this is Cha Gang.

Unfortunately, He Daqing went out to have fun.

Ding Qiunan was probably very angry.

In addition, this guy likes to inquire about news with Qin Jingru.

Little Huniu has no scheming, if she is tricked a bit, she will confess completely.

For example, you have to ask Qin Jingru, "Which young lady did Uncle He go out with?"

Qin Jingru definitely replied, "No...

You went on to say, "Don't lie to me, I guess he was with two young ladies."

Qin Jingru would be amused and said, "Where, it's obviously one."

Well, it's that simple.

However, when He Daqing went out today, he sent Su Meng's uncle Liu Jinming out without giving Qin Jingru any instructions.

Qin Jingru didn't know where he went.

Did we go to Zhima Hutong, or somewhere else?

Therefore, Ding Qiunan can only guess.

He Daqing stretched out his hand, squeezed Ding Qiunan's face, and smiled badly.

Said, "What's wrong?"

"It's not like you."

"You still know, stay at your boyfriend's house."

"Okay, you and Jingru will fall asleep first."

"I lay down in the house with rainwater."

"I left the door open for you."

puff!Ding Qiunan almost vomited blood.

This old bastard, what is he thinking every day.

There is no serious time.

Who asked you to hold the door? !

Are people so unrestrained? !

Ding Qiunan always kept the word reserved, and even if he established a relationship with He Daqing, he still kept a distance.

Ding Qiunan snorted and said, "Let go of your hands!"

"I'm just too sleepy."

"Too lazy to go back."

"Anyway, Mom and Dad know that I'm here for you."

"Warning you, be honest."

"Don't make up your mind."

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